Show The Bribing of the Senator By JOSEPH NE DIXON Burton shifted about in his chair' as men ever are when embarrassed another shows his soul “There Isn’t much of anything that can stand out against modern methods in medicine is there?” h6 asked Fenton paused before he answered "Modern methods of medicine are all right Dr Johnson and the rest of them say I' owe the child’s life to saline solutions and that sort of thing I’m disposed to Maybe they’re right think though that the human system is less of a known quantity than the average practitioner thinks it is and that medicine is pretty far from an exact science yet There was a time when it seemed as if a few bites of a ripe apple had pulled her through the crisis but of course the doctors hoot the notion and I’m far from willing to make an assertion that the faculty would find so Incredible” The barber motioned him to a seat When his face was covered with lather and only one side had been cleaned smooth the electric bells from the senate set up a furious ringing Senator Burton still waiting for his shave uttered an impatient exclamation d batch “Quorum wanted and a d of bills that nobody cares anything about” he said disgustedly “A lot of little claims— and by the way did you ever see that old fellow named Higgins that eats apples?” The barber nearly tumbled over backward as Fenton Jumped out of the chair and wiping the lather off of the unshaven side of his face dashed out without a word of explanation Burton looked after him wonderingly and as he took the vacated chair he remarked: “The senator seemed to think there was a hurry” In the senate there was something of a struggle over the batch of little claims but they finally slid through by one vote The same evening Senator Fenton driving with his little girl found it convenient to take a road that led out across the long bridge into an adIn the joining county of Virginia dusk they made out the little house by the large apple tree that nearly fenced-ifilled the tiny yard 1909 by J B Llpplncott Co) (Copyright Old Mrs Higgins put the dish of first gleam of Interest in his manner fried apples in the center of the table When Senator Fenton reached home She drew up a chair for Hiram and another for herself She wiped her a trained nurse in white apron and mouth with her apron concealing as cap met him at the door of the child's best she could the Removal of her room “Be careful not to excite her" she false plate Calling her husband from the woodshed she waited with her warned “Try not to let her see that eyes fixed anxiously on the plate- of you are worried” When he The man crept into the room The apples until he appeared was seated at the head of the table child lay under the covers that were she motioned him to say grace scarcely lifted by her tiny emaciated "Praise God from whom all bless- figure ings flow” said the old man solemnThe nurse came in with a glass The filled fldth milk feeding-culy "praise him for these bounties child seeing It broke Into feeble crypraise him for our good appetites pralBe him for our good digestion ing and oh Lord make us use our “Just a little” coaxed the nurse strength for thy glorification and If it The father added an appeal be thy will put it into the hearts of “0 daddy I can’t I can’t!” she the legislators of our country to allow sobbed “Make her take It away” our claim for Christ’s sake Amen” The senator and' the nurse ex“Amen” echoed the woman changed discouraged glances and he She passed the dish of apples to followed her to the door bim and he helped himself to about “Has she taken nothing a shovelful One or two long strings "Absolutely nothing” replied the fell on the clean tloth and he scraped woman “We dare not excite her by them up with his knife and conveyed forcing her to take it The hypoderthem to his mouth Mrs Higgins filled mics exhaust her almost as much as ber plate and leaning well over the they strengthen her Unless she can table ate Industriously take food normally — into her stomach “I’ve been going over the ground — unless we can stimulate the appeagain" he remarked after a pause tite —I ”am afraid— that is the doctor "and I’m pretty sure ef we get the says He did not wait to hear the end of claim it’ll mean not only the money He had heard it before but a good stretch of land down as far the sentence A little saliva trickled from between as the creek” When he appeared a few minutes her relaxed lips He reached into his and his later with slick wet hair in shiny pocket for a handkerchief black clothes his boots hand touched the apple that the old he had reeking with the castor oil used to man had given him When his wife wiped her lips he showed it to her make them waterproof “Look honey!” he exclaimed with viewed the caricature of her husband and gave a sigh of ecstatic admiration! a brave assumption of cheer “did you “I jest feel sure you’ll succeed” was ever see such a big apple?” She opened her eyes and looked at the feminine tribute paid his beauty Then she took out of her apron two it weariiy so “See it is red—just as red as the When Hiram and Clarissy heard the from she had gathered large apples — I the tree that took up more than half stripes of a flag and see whenbal- glorious news they fell into each oth throw it up it looks like a toy er’s arms and wept together of their front yard loon” “We’ll have chickens and a cow” “I thought as likely you might get Her followed It weakly as it sobbed the woman and the old man hungry before you came back and so coursedglanOe towards the ceiling The man trumpeted in a vain effort to suppress I picked the two finest ones” rejoicing at this sign of interest did his emotion Fenton’s eyes too were The man took them and stuffed as many strange things with it as his swimming but when the couple turned them in his pocket admitted It passed be- towards him calling down all the ben“That’s jest like you Clarissy alius imagination hind his back and came out of unexefactions of heaven upon him for his thlnkin’ of me an’ my comfort Well pected pockets or from under the bed- goodness he waved them aside 'so long” covers once even it came from be“There’s no credit coming to me” T neath her pillow and she gave a little he laughed “ “My vote was hught end Senator Fenton was pacing the of the capltol in an agony of gasp of pleasure as its cool cheek paid for in advance” At touched hers last she motioned suspense He had his hands buried him and he bent his ear towards her Costa What deep in his pockets and his face “Does it taste good daddy?” she It will astonish most people to learn drawn into a network of anxious lines asked that each flash and dip of the 16 oars He passed members of the house and He took a knife from the table and In the Oxford and Cambridge senate alike without a sign of recoga cash expenditure of peeled the apple With the blade he represents nition up a spoonful of the pulp about "2s The boat costs exactly £65 "Fenton looks dead beat don’t he?” scraped She opened her mouth and he put it and the set of oars not less than £15 remarked one representative to an- on her But the £70 which the racer with oars tongue other as they passed him in the roa small item “This is our secret birdie” he said costs is The autunda and turned to look after him “If nurse knew I am afraid she would tumn trialonly eights entail an expenditure "Poor devil he takes it hard” A little more? well of £120 The expenses of the coach discharge us bareheaded the A boy approached — some the board and lodging of the crew well Not too much senator He glanced around as if he more after awhile Well honey just a tiny hire of steam launch watermen’s fees would have been glad to give some bit and morning I’ll come half the cost of Jhe umpire’s launch one else the opportunity of interrupt- as soon as it Is light — sooner then — and the dinner after the race make the ing the man’s absorbing revery and you shall have some more" bill of each ’varsity about £ COO which “A — ah— a man to s6e you senator That night while the nurse was divided by the 20 minutes of the conhimself” I calls he think Higgins the child startled her by asking test average 10s per second — London dozing him a few for The senator looked at something to eat Mail seconds before he gathered the meaning of his words then he turned and On the Briny Senator Fenton was in the barber slowly retraced his steps toward the shop waiting his turn to be shaved Farmer Trellis — Tur’ble crime in senate when a southern colleague took the New York Man found dead an’ no “I’ll see him in the marble room” seat beside him one knows who killed him he said wearily Mrs Trellis — Goodness Joel where “By Jove Fenton" he said “I can’t Mr Higgins perspiring freely pre- tell I am that the little was the police? you how sented his claim When he had fin- one has pulledglad Farmer Trellis — Paper says the pothrough They tell me ished his story he waited for a re- she looks as fine Whether they’re as a fiddle” lice are all at sea sponse He waited patiently easing The senator’s voice had a way of helping the navy out or gone on a pichimself first on one squeaking boot getting tangled when the child was nic it don’t state P’lice never ought He wondered and then the other mentioned He took his friend’s hand to go to sea all to once that way— vaguely if the senator was deaf or in both of his and wrung it painfully Puck if these were the ways of greatness “Yes yes” he answered when he After a time the senator looked in his had swallowed In Spots the “she’s all direction and seemed surprised to see right — good as newtangles Cautious Investor— How is the mori It was a hard He drew down his brows in an him though and God knows how gage market now? effort to remember the man’s busi- Istruggle ahead Dealer— Well ever endured it” Then he looked at the bulging ness pockets of the figure in front of him “You have your papers with you?” ON WILLIE A BIT HARD he asked tentatively Mr Higgins followed the glance and his hand sought his pocket “No sir” he said drawing out an apple in each hand “Senator HarIt was him who mon has my papers told me to see you If you would be so good sir as to speak to him about it I think as how you would see I had told you only the truth” The senator nodded and looked towards the door and the old man understood the invitation Ho would have gone quickly but he was hampered by the social requirement of making His lips hung on his dry a farewell teeth His boots were squeaking an anthem of uneasiness The apples were still in his hand and he pushed one out towards the senator as his voice returned to him "They’ve taken the prize at every county fair for ten years” he stammered "Would you take one — maybe you’d like it— or if you have a child color of — children like the ’em — ” The Marathon Runner (gasping) — What — did — do— that 20 miles — in? The senator extended his hand and de blamed clock’s The Timer— You’ll hafter run ’em over Willie relieved the old man of the apple "It is a fine one" he said with the stopped j NORTHWEST NOTES Lant year’s census of Goldfield NeThis year vada showed 970 children the number is 1041 If the plans of the Northern Paclflo railway are carried out many miles of road will be constructed in Montana this year Park was National Yellowstone Attempts of Street Car Company to thrown open to visitors June 3 for the Run Cars With Men n Benson of 1909 when the train service over the Park branch was placed in Results in Fierce Battle effect Owing to the recent heavy rains and warm weather the Elk river which Over One Hundred Men Injured Durt runs through Crow’s Nest valley British Columbia is in flood and train Ing Conflict the service in that section is demoralized In a Number of Cases Desertson Harry Bussey the ing Their Cars of Ed Bussey of Kendall Mont was killed by lightning while plowing in a field on his fathers farm He had Philadelphia— The attempt of the three horses and one of these was Philadelphia Rapid Transit company to kl’led run its cars with men reA new ore tariff on the Great sulted Wednesday night In a number Northern has been put into effect of serious riots It was the' first ef- giving the rates from every mining fort to operate the lines at night and camp on the line to the four smeltafter several futile efforts to get the ing points — Butte Anaconda Helena cars through the mobs they were sent and Great Falls back to the barns At least one hunIn a letter to her mother at Oregon dred men were more or less seriously City Ore Miss Mary Adele Casa injured In the rioting makes the announcement that Bhe is In the Kensington district where engaged to be married to young Claus many mills are located feeling ran Spreckels of San Francisco son of the high Mobs of men women and chil- millionaire sugar magnate dren pulled the motormen and conJames J Hill has been summoned to ductors from their cars and beat them appear before the Spokane county In many instances cars grand Jury in the case of M J Gordon severely were set on fire The police were pow- former counsel of the Great Northern erless to control the strike sympaagainst whom seven indictments for thizers When they charged a mob embezzlement have been brought it separated only to form again in George Budnash a young man emthe vicinity of another car Several ployed in the Cottonwood Coal compolicemen were injured pany’s mine at Stockett Mont was In West Philadelphia dynamite cap9 killed and John Zasilko was badly hurt were placed on the tracks and crowds as the result of falling rock while enstoned the workmen when gaged in fixing a portion of the tunnel they attempted to bring out cars forcCounsel for Paddy Rogers now servIn Ing a term at Deer Lodge Mont for ing them to return to the barn the downtown section' conductors and robbery and twice acquitted of murmotormen were pulled from their cars der charges in Montana have given and their clothes torn off by mobs of notice of a fresh appeal to the supreme In some cases court Rogers’ first appeal having been strike sympathizers the terrified men had to be taken to denied A new indictment private houses and guarded by police charge of perto sawe them from harm jury against J H Schiveley state insurance commissioner of Washington ThAimported crews proved a to the company many of was returned by the grand jury last them dffSfrting their cars at the first week It takes the place of an earlier and leaving them indictment which was found to be design of Rouble standings In the street at the mercy of fective the E A Haven an aged mining man of LANDSLIDE IN IDAHO Rhyolite committed Buictde by swallowing cyanide of potassium He was Ropsevelt Flooded as Result' of Slide despondent and not a cent was found ill his pocket He wrote a pathetic Three Milfcs in Length I (Boise Idaho — A special to the poem Just before he committed' the act rash Statesman from Roosevelt Thunder It is rumored that the burning or Mcranjtain May 31 via Smiths Ferry Colonel Davis’ mill at Dayton Nev June 24 says: immediately the burning of following “A landslide three miles in length the court house at that place Is likely-tand 200 'feet wide that piled up along result in the removal of the county ocof 100 a to feet Mulejreek depth seat of Lyon county from Dayton to curred here today The creek was force! out of Its bed the back waters Yerlngton Miss Fern Gramling daughter of a flooding Roosevelt until1 as this word Butte and Helena has mining man is sent most of the buildings in the been awarded the diamond medal and town are floating world's scholarship at the Chicago “The placer property of Caswell & The class consisted Curran is destroyed the giant ma- Musical college of vocalists from all parts of the No chinery and plre being turied ' States United inlives were lost and no one was Mrs George Shea of Duluth Minn jured so far as known has reported to the police of Seattle “Everything is in a chaotic condition” that she was robbed of $20000 on the opening day of the exposition She CASE POSTPONED had brought a small fortune in bills to the exposition city with the IntentProminent Men to Testify in Celeion of Investing in real estate brated Panama Les Majeste Trial The jury in the case of William Indianapolis — Judge Anderson on Hanley on trial at Portland Ore Wednesday continued till October 11 charged with unlawfully fencing govrethe hearing of the case growing out ernment land in Haney county of the publication of the Panama graft turned a verdict of guilty Counsel Tor in Thin was done on the gov- Hanley were given thirty days charges ernment’s contention that such delay which to file a motion for new trial was necessary In ordev that the witA dispatch from Dawson Yukon terrnesses might heard itory says that Edward Hambridga been Prominent financiers politic’ans and JVilliam Harvey have and government officials must testify drowned in the Yukon river from a in the criminal libel case of the gov- small boat which capsized in Five ernment against Delavan Smith and Finger rapids were traveliThe men Charles R Williams owners of the ng from Prince Rupert to Dawson Indianapolis News Johh Hall former United States district attorney has been sentenced by Strikers Overpower Deputies a Portland judge to pay a fine of $1000 Sisson Cal — The and and serve sixty days’ Imprisonment in lighting plant at McCloud were cap- the county jail for conspiracy to detured by the striking shingle mill em- fraud the government in connection ployes on Wednesday and the town with the Butte Creek Lumber company was in darkness Wednesday night cases Between 300 and 400 armed strikers A T Hollister a brakeman had his marched on the plant in a body late neck broken while coupling cars at in the day drove off the twenty-fivand lived until Mont Drummond deputy sheriffs on guard and took pos- taken to Missoula where he died session compelling the men at work Hollister was caught hospital to quit The deputies deemed it useless to attempt resistance and left tween two cars in such a manner that when ordered to do so Not a shot his neck was fractured near the base was fired Troops have been ordered of the brain Edmund A Smith president of a to the scene of the trouble machine company and Incannery Woman Was Probably Murdered ventor of “the iron chink” a machine Los Angeles — As a mult of the ex- that revolutionized the salmon candied at Seattle bine huming of the body of Mrs Eugene ning busine's Bennett It is learned that strychnine 2 from burns received as the result of was found to have been the cause of the explosion of the gasoline tank of death This announcement has been his automobile Chamont a San FranMrs Ann made by the district attorney’s office Harper E Bennett a real estate man cisco woman who received a decorathusband of the woman is being held ion from the French government for Bennett heroic services in Pekin during the for preliminary examination had brought suit for $50000 damages Boxer rebellion was last week married Mrs Chaagainst a local grocery firm alleging to her former chauffeur that his wife had been killed by mont was divorced from her husband poisoning due to eating canned three months ago chile con came bevT! 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