Show BURDENS LIFTED NEWS SUMMARY BILL’S AFFLICTION From Bent Back Three trainmen were killed when an engine running light crashed into a freight train at Mars Pa The senate Judiciary committee has decided to report favorably the nomination of A W Cooly as federal In New Mexico Six young men were seriously Injured one probably fatally during an automobile hill climbing contest at Bridgeport Conn By thepremature explosion of a cannon at Wapakoneta O on Memorial day Henry Mahan aged 70 years a former soldier was killed A tornado In the San Jose mining district In Mexico did consldeirabla Practically all the native damage shacks In the district were wreckel Two men lost their lives by the premature explos on of a charge ot dynamite in the Coallnga Cal oil fields The bodies were frightfully mangled Luke O’Donnell and his wife were drowned and two others narrowly escaped the same fate in a row boat collision at Washington park Chicago The premier of the province of Quebec declares that the policy of Canada will be to prevent the exportation of pulp wood from the crown lands to the United States Charles Barr who claims to be a bricklayer has been arrested at los Angeles on suspicion of having strangled to death Laura Register 2G yeafs old In Providence R I on the night of May 10 Bert Simpson an Englishman well kuown throughout the southwest was shot and killed by S S Carpenter at a ranch near cam l'exas Carpenter is one of the most prominent ranchmen in west Texas Wholesale harness and saddle dealers of the middle west at a convention at Des Moines Iowa adopted resolutions demanding free hides Present high prices of leather the resolutions declared are due to the tariff One was drowned and hve others narrowly escaped drowning in the Powhen a tomac river at Washington large gasoline launch carrying three fire married caught couples young from the explosion of the oil tank Teal a wealthy Mrs Catherine apartment house owner was murdered in her uome in St Louis preHer face was sumably by robbers hacked almost beyond recognition She and her skull was fractured also was shot of Moblte Sheriff Frank Cazalas from jla has been ordered removed office by the state supreme court in oi trial the followed which decision a Cazalas on a charge of dereliction ol duty in allowing a negro to be lynched in Mobile on January 21 Calvin Johnson a negro has been convicted at Alexandria Va of the murder of Walter F Schultz a Chicago artist on March 5 last Schultz was lured to a field just optside the city of Washington and his throat cut robbery being the motive The new freight rates on coal recently announced by the National Railways of Mexico went Into effect on June 1 It is declared by coal men that In six months the revised rateB will result in an annual saving to Mexico of $000000 Flying into a rage when told that his sister Bessie was to be married William B Blessing 30 the girl in their attacked old years home in New Orleans with a hatchet Inflicting several serious wounds He then threw acid in her face Official notices have been posted in all the mills of the American Sheet and Tinplate mills at Wheeling W Va announcing that after June SO all of the plants of the company would be open shops The order affects about 10000 men and a strike is expected For the first time in history wheat has been shipped back from New York Recent to the west for consumption inquiries have been received from as far away as Texas for New York red This is a result of the great wheat scarcity of wheat all through the west The Chicago Journal published an affidavit sworn to by Alois Jaeger a masseur of Chicago in which the lathe was valet ter states that in to Joann Salvator archduke of Austria and that on June 2 at Paines-villO he recognized Joann Salvador as the lost archduke The test case of the Southern Railway company against the interstate commerce commission involving the right of the commission to fix the charge for the consignment of hay shipped through East St Louis has been decided by the supreme court against the commission At the United Presbyterian general Dr assembly at Knoxville Tenn Wallace a former pastor now editor of an Iowa publication declared that Is overthe entire United States churched and that the church at large would be In better condition with half of number the preachers John Maxey a negro who shot and Beriously wounded B C Bowers a circus man was taken from jail at Frankfort Ky and lynched The jailer re sisted the mob but the door was broken down The shooting was the result of the negro’s efforts to get into n tent without a ticket A bad back Is a heavy handicap to those of us who have to work every day Nine times out of ten backache tells of kidney weakness The only way to find relief is to cure the kidneys Doan’s Kidney Pills have given sound to backs strong thousands of men and women Mrs Wesley Clemens 311 la Marion St Manchester says “Constant work at a sewing machine seemed to bring on kidney trouble The kidney action was Irregular and the pains in my back and loins so severe Doan’s KidI could hardly endure it ney Pills made me feel better in a short time and I took them until entirely free from my trouble" Sold by all dealers 50 cents a box Co Buffalo N Y THE HINT GENTEEL Canton Plows “Why uncle how are all the folks?" "They’re all well thanks ’cept Bill He’s got the baseball fever!" Find Help in Lydia E Compound Ignorance Aids Appetite Merrill E Gates secretary of the board of Indian commissioners was describing the splendid work that his board is doing to wipe out the tuberculosis scourge whlqh at one time threatened to make the American Indian extinct “But the Indian” said Mr Gates "needs to be educated in sanitation He is shockingly ignorant there In fact he is as Ignorant as an old farmer I used to know in Warsaw “A friend dropped in on this old farmer as he was frying a bit of bacon “ ‘Grand bacon that’ said the friend sniffing affably “ ‘Grand bacon! Well I guess it is grand bacon’ said the old man turn-leg the slices in the pan 'And it’s none o’ yer murdered stuff neither That pig died a natural death”— Washington Post Winchester Ind— “Four doctors told me that they could never make me regular and that 1 would eventually have dropsy I would bloat and Mr Saphead — By Jove it's nearly An Unconcclous Tribute 12 o’clock Perhaps I had bettor ba When his business had yielded such goin profits that he began to take life more Miss Smart — Well they’say “Never Mr Holdof retiring what you can do easily and think put oft till en endeavored to throw some good things in the way of a younger firm Couldn’t Stand It "How about letting Hobbs & Rawson A Raleigh N C woman not Iopt have your next consignment of canned ago received into her house for ‘Trainnovelties?" he suggested to one of the ing” a “cracker” girl from the mounmanufacturers “They are tains ing gentlemanly young fellows" Endeavor was made to inculcate in “That’s just the trouble” said the the girl a love for order and c’ean’l-nes-s manufacturer with a decided shake of but suddenly this discipline his head “I’m no gentleman myself ceased for the “poor white" fled to and I don't propose to mix up nor have her home in the fastnesses Thither any business dealin’s with gentlemen the Raleigh woman traced her after “I’ll consign my goods to you same come difficulty as I’ve always done and you can do as “Why did you leave me Mary you like with ’em” — Youth’s ComJane?" she asked panion “Mis’ Morgan I jes’ couldn’t stay!” exclaimed the girl “I was Jes’ cloyed People Talk About Good Things ' Fourteen years ago few people knew of with neatness!” as a I’owder for the such a preparation after the genuine merits of Feet The Selfish Invalid have been told year after Allen’s Senator Dixon discussing a certain year by grateful persons it is mdispens- wliole- tariff proposition said: g and antiseptic to “It is selfishness pure selfishness comfort to tired echini? feet t and It reminds me of George Cartwright (feer 30000 It cures while you walk of Missoula testimonials Imitations pay the dealer otherwise you would never “George Cartwright took sick and a larger profit Allen’s substitute a be offered for spent a week abed He carried on Ask for the original foot powder and see that you get it dreadfully with his groans and com- Allen’s plaints His wife said to him one night: ' “ ‘Well George I’d rather have the At a baseball game in Chicago the whole family sick than you!’ gatekeeper hurried to Comiskey leader “ ‘Huh so would I’ George an- - of the White Sox and said: swered” “Umpire Hurst is here with two Shall I pass ’em In?" friends Beds for Tuberculosis Patients “An umpire with two friends!" Eight beds a day for tuberculosis “Sure!"— Every Comiskey gasped the in been have provided patients United States according to the Na- body’s Magazine tional Association for the Study and Important to Mothers Prevention of Tuberculosis during the Examine carefully every bodle of year ending May 1 There are in the CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for infants and children and see that It country over 15000 beds for consumptive sick distributed in 298 sanitaria Bears the or an average of 508 beds per sanitarSignature of ium In Use For Over GO Years MAKING SUNSHINE The Kind You Have Always Bought It Is Often Found in Pure Food His Professional Habit The improper selection of food “How did that sculptor leave his drives many a healthy person into the affairs?” Indeed “In a strictly professional conddepths of despairing illness much sickness comes from wrong food ition” and just so surely as that is the case “What do you mean?’ - ‘ “In statu quo" right food will make the sun shine once more Somewhat Surprised An old veteran of Newburyport “I hear your daughter is going to Mass says: “In October I was taken sick and went to bed losing 47 pounds marry a duke" “Yes a love match" I had doctor after in about 60 days “Do you mean to tell me she gets doctor food hurt me and I had to live almost entirely on magnesia and soda him for nothing?" All solid food distressed me so that Red Weak Weary Watery Eyes water would run out of my mouth in ComRelieved by Murine Eye Remedy little streams pounded by Experienced Physicians Mu“I had terrible night sweats and my rine Doesn’t Smart Soothes Eye Pain Co Murine Write Chicago Eye Remedy I doctor finally said had consumption for illustrated Eye Book At Druggists and must die - My good wife gave up Not Exclusive all hope We Were at Old Orchard saw at Me “Was it an exclusive party?” that time and my wife She in a grocery there “Not at all Some of her relatives bought some and persuaded me to were there” ' try Over fifty years of public confidence "I had no faith in it but took it to popularity That is the record of To my surprise It did not and please her Hamlins Wizard Oil the world’s standdistress me as all other food had done ard remedy for aches and pains There’s and before I had taken the fifth pack- a reason and only one— MERIT age I was well on the mend The pains He who Is false to duty breaks a left my head my mind became clearer thread In the loom and will find the and I gained weight rapidly "I went back to my work again and flaw when he may have forgotten the now after six weeks’ use of the food cause — H W Beecher I am better and stronger than ever beFor Any Disease or Injury to fore in my life surely EYE SALVE abeye use PETTIT’S saved my life and made me a strong the acts quickly harmless All 25c solutely hearty man 15 pounds heavier than druggists or Howard Bros Buffalo N Y before I was taken "Both my good wife and I are willdoes us most for the that The dollar ing to make affidavit to the truth of Is the dollar with which we do good painscrampa and chills and I could not sleep My mother to Mrs Pink-hafor advice and I began to take LydiaEPinkham’s nights wrote Vegetable Girl3 who are troubled with painful or irregular periods backache headsensations faintache dragging-dowing spells or indigestion should take immediate action to ward off the serious consequences and be restored to health by Lydia E Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Thousands have been restored to health by its use If you would like special advice about your case write a confidential letter to Mrs Pinkham at Lynn Mass Her advice is free and always helpful this” Read “The Road to Wellvllle” in pkgs “There’s a reason'’ Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time They are frenuine true and full of human Interest dressmaker Plowing bt Write for Beautifully Illustrated Pamphlet No 37 of Interest to every farmer and a P & O Catalog which will be malted I CO PARL1N Sc ORENDORFF Canton Illinois tab Implement Vehicle Co Fait Lake City Utah Hurtnn Implement Co Obrien Utah Rlchhelil Implement Co ltl hllehl I tah Huaka Ktver Implement Co Hurley Mulio TOILET ANTISEPTIC NOTHING LIKE IT FOR lit TTrTll tt Pxtine excel any I II in cleansing whitening and removing tartar from the teeth beside destroying all germ of decay and disease which ordinary tooth preparations cannot do used as s mouth- MHIITII Paxtinedisinfects the mouth wash and throat purifies the breath and kills the germs which collect in the mouth causing sore throat bad teeth bad breath grippe and much sickness inflamed tired ache TUP ETYFQ when I and bum may be instantly teLeved end strengthened by Paxtine Paxtine will destroy the germs that cause catarrh neal the vM I flammation and stop the discharge It is a son for uterine catarrh remedy Paxtine ia a harmless yet powerful germicide disinfectant ana deodorizer Used in bathing it destroys odors and leaves the body antiseptically clean FOR SALE AT DRUQ STORES BOc OR POSTPAID BV MAIL Foodl Products TUP int lever Vary in Quality or Taste because the utmost care is taken by Lib- by's Chefs to select only the choicest materials and put these up in the $ame careful manner every time You are thi&' assured of uniform and this is goodness the reason that the use of - Libby’s gives such general satisfaction to every housewife Try these IBiby Foodea Dried Beef Mexican Tamale Ham Loaf OHM Con Carne Vienna Sausage Evaporated Milk dentifrice riTADDU Mritlfl LARGE Keep a tup-ithe houte ou never can tell when they will come in hanAtk for dy Ubhy’m and be SAMPLE FREE! THE PAXTON OO TOILET B08T0N It Nearly Every The bowels show first sigh of things going wrong A Cascarei taken every night as needed keeps the bowels working naturally without grip gripe and that upset sick feeling Ten cent box week’s treatment All drug stores Biggest seller In the world— million boxes month Always Always Ready STROPPING ASSAYS NO KNOWN THE WORLD DAISY FLY KILLER 76c Gold and Silver 1100 Gold Gold Silver and Copper 1150 Gold and Silver refined sacks and bought Write for free mailingPIm Bww CL OGDEN ASSAY CO 15W train DEFIANCE STARCH HONING placed OVER snywheew attracts and km Ml! Met Neal clean ornamental oonvenleutcleajb Lula oil ifimb (k or iia not p over will not mi ori nju reany tb imti Guaranteed eSet tlve OfuHdeaJaaa or bent prfpatdm Harold Kalb 160 Broeklya Ubby RELIAHIE PROMPT Sharp NO Ubby McNeill & MASS — Constipation One Gets For luncheon J IslUUIfl nt Cl Lv spreads or every day meals they are just the thing HOWARD E BURTON ascs'£v£"s?’'“ Gold Specimen prices: Gold Silver kcad Silver 75c Gold 60c Zinc or Copper SI falling list sent on application envelopes and full price Control and umpire work solicited IeMdvtlia rb naf I: U Bank CoL Reference “wETJIS I Thompson's W N U Salt Lake City Eye Water No FOOT-EASALLEN’S Shake Into Your Shoe9 E It relieves painful swolAllen’s FootsEase a powder for the feet len smarting nervous feet and instantly takes the sting out of corns It’s the greatest comfort discovery of the age bunions or new shoes feel easy It is a Allen’s FootsEase makes certain relief for ingrowing nails perspiring callous and hot tired It is always in demand for use in Patent Leather Shoes aching feet We have over 30000 testimonials and for Breaking in New Shoes Do not accept Sold by all Druggists 25c TRY IT TODAY Sent by mail for 25c in stamps any Substitute and Mrs Winslow' Soothing Syrnp For children teething (often the gums reduce allay pain cure wind collu 26c a bottle- Occasionally a her husband fits Successful al ways be aecomplltthed under all circumstances with the Success Plow It la a frameless plow that w ill lust a lifetime It has the best hitch the belt landing device the rolling cutter and the best bottom ever put on Riding Plows It has only two levers but they give the same range of adjustments an plow with three or four levers It is heavier— has more material— but fewer parts and ia less complicated than others Finished with wide shares for Alfalfa Plowing when ordered That’s why It is strong simple end durable That's why we call it the “Success" Ask the farmer who owns one— he knows 67 Years of "Knowing How" Ham mered Into Every One of Them Can STUp I I ' it Com- - oimd After taking one and bottles of the Compound I am all I recommend it to right again andwoman”— Mrs May every suffering Deal Winchester Ind Hundreds of such letters from girls and mothers expressing their gratitude for what Lydia E Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has accomplished for them have been received by The Lydia E PinkhamMedicine Company Lynn The Success Sulky Plow You can make two mistakes In bnylng Riding Plows One is to buy an Inferior plow because It la olTered cheap and tha other ia to bny a high priced riding plow when the SUCCESS a medium priced plow will do better work FREE gives ALLEN 1 TRIAL PACKAGE sent by mail S OLMSTED LE ROY N T Address |