Show f THE S ALIN A CALL By C SAUNA UTAH N LUND Jr CAUSING UTAK STATE NEWS The price of coal delivered to res Idences In Salt Lake City has been reduced from $575 to $500 a ton Seven thousand people witnessed the opening of the bicycle racing sea' son in Salt Lake City on Monday DEATH OF THREE OF JEFF DUE' ME PROSPEROUS Made Increase of Business for the Current Fiscal Year Figures Just Public Show an Oregon Farmer Blows Up Home Killing His Wife ter and Himself His Own Daugh- Enormous Oregon City Ore— In a fit of insanity Bert Garrett placed a charge of dynamite under the kitchen of his house twenty miles from here and blew himself his wife and daughter aged 5 into eternity Another daughter Villa aged 16 years who was In the upper portion of the house was perhaps fatally InThe tragedy took place when jured Mrs Garrett and her little daughter Beulah were Inside preparing breakfast The little girl was instantly killed as was Garrett who was blown thirty feet from the house against a tree almost tearing off his head The force of the explosion was so great that Garrett’s body was blown twenty bejond the tree Mrs Garrett was so badly injured that she died In an hour The effect of the explosion was felt for a great distance Garrett had acted" strangely of late and had Inquired the quickest means of but never intlmated that he wanted to kill the mem- bets of his family Prominent Men Are Charged With Making False Reports to State Memorial Park in KentuckyPurchased by Admirers of federate Chieftain it Dedicated Bullion Tax Collector Town Con- Falrview Ky — Among the trees which have grown up about the birthplace of Jefferson Davis since the May 31 United States Oliver of year early In the nineteenth century Senator 8ince May 14 There Has Been an InA three-dawhen the Davis family removed to seslson of the secom WilPennsylvania and Senator crease of 105 In the Number of annual Episcopal convention of the M’sslssippl the Jefferson Davis Meof liam Pittsburg Are Flynn National Banks — In Oklahoma district of Utah was held in Ogden morial park was dedicated on ThursWith the Connected Prop71 the From Withdrew last week day Northeast across the state is erty Being Investigated National System Two boys while playing In a hay Hodgenville near which Lincoln was born eight months after his great opbarn at Scofield started a fire which ponent destroyed the barn and several tons IndictNev — Forty-siGoldfield In September 1907 when the gray of baled bay the current Washington — During ments were returned by the grand ranks of Kentuckys famous The state pure food commissioner fiscal year the national banks of the “Orphan 4 the of on officers June against 7 met In Glasgow Ky at the Is getting busy In Ogden with those country have received in deposits brigade” Pittsburg-Silve- r Peak and Florence- - grave 0f General accused of violating the law In sell- $4826060384 — more than a billion Joseph H Lewis of this Goldfield companies Mining tbelr commander former and a half dollars in excess fif the en Governor ing impure milk state charging that false reports had Buckn(?r 0f Kentucky broached Utah’s rece’pts for May amounted tire outstanding money supply of the been uiade by them to the state bulUnited States according to figures pian of the jejferson Davis Memorial to only $414381) while the expendilion tax collector In connection witu tures were $19849928 according to made public June 6 The names the output of properties The year has been one of excep the state treasurer of those indicted were not made pubTwenty-threnew residences have tional prosperity for national banks lic and will be withheld until the per14 1908 there has been an been built at Green River this spring Since May sons named are served to appear acres at Falrview General Bennett and yet the demand for houses great- Increase of 105 In the number of na°f Jury 19 H Young tional banks Of the number that ?e fran? because commanding the Kentucky ly exceeds the supply viewed with went into liquidation 71 were In divlMon Unlted confederate Veter- David Latham who fired ’ three of the many prominent men ang advanced that sum and and withdrew from the national d shots at a policeman in Salt Lake are connected in the with to companies Bystem memorlal possible reorganize under the state City recently has been sentenced to law to take advantage of the state Oratory music and flowers made three years’ imprisonment United States Senator of tbe day notable A basket dinner and' Oiver the Presents Medal to Commemorate Reguaranty law Notwithstanding There were 140 graduates from the unusual number of banks withdrawWilliam a barbecue were provided by the peo- Pennsylvania and Senator of habilitation the City from national system the agconnected pie of Todd and Christ'an counties eighth grade in the public schools of ing Flynn of Pittsburg are San Francisco — Citizens of two re- with the Silver Peak mine while A which share equally the town of Fa'r-Summit county the exercises being gregate capital surplus and profits of the banks reporting on April 28 1909 publics commemorated anew on Sat- D Parker held at Park City last week of the Col- - view to $1729057010 Inamounted or an a former lieutenant General A strike of structural iron workers crease of $58586428 In the year urday the reconstruction of a city orado Southern railroad and Thomas of the grayYoung wrote the chief address Is on in Salt Lake City Loans and discounts increased of the day and it was read by Colonel men having been given the places of deposits $513403584 and Milton General Young asserted that the strikers resources $774261145 and considerable fricevery southern state should rear a tion resulting shaft to Jefferson Davis whose charBALLOON IN ROUTE FRANCE Two eastern men are building a acter and sufferings he dwelt upon He paid high tribute to Lincoln sayboat expecting to navigate the Green Service Through ing that the time had come when and Grand rivers between Green Regular Passenger the Air to be Etabllbke men might speak kindly and truly of River and Moab Gasoline will furthe past Paris— The French Aerial league nish the motive power for the pres The plan Is to ra’se $30000 more has perfected plans for lines of ent balloons from Paris respectiVsly of' the multitude reached a high Frank Huston aged 30 a waiter in pitch Colorado who has been active Inurg-- SmpieWt!ChcolRainbUal1ld the recoSof one of Salt Lake City’s leading cafes to Nancy Lyons Pau and Rouen Fve when the mayor in response paid ing the president to visit the west the confederacy and to remodel a was found dead in a bathroom one dirigibles will- be employed in this Se- tribute to the activities of Lafayette this summer and informed him Chat residence on the Davis farm Their length will be between and other French allies of the Amerto house the widows of confederate owing to the continued illness of Mrs It is believed he fell rvice day last week The presentation Two vifll lave a ican revolution Taft he would be unable to make his soldiers backward ihto the tub breaking h’ 60 and 80 meters capacity of 4500 cubic raetersme of ceremony brought out one of the most western trip as early as he had exneck since the earthLEPERS ARE CURED 5000 and two of 7000 cubic niters brilliantof assemblages pected and would have to postpone A large acreage will again be plant 18 All it until some time In the fall will be capable of an- The 'w quake Apri r- 1906 ed to cantaloupes In the vicinity of But Years of Their Lives Are Wasted 31 miles an of president had planned to go west in hourtpe MILLION FOR HERO FUND Green River this year The frost speed v I and They Are Left Desolate which has August to attend the Grand Army en- missed most of the fruit in the valley dirigibles j Wille Nancy” has bent Honolulu — Aftr some of them had Carnegie ExJnas His Operations to and quite a little fruit will be mar- and theiParis-NancliiU spent twenty years of their life in Frlfnee America’s Only Ally’” keted feervice Stops' will be nV0' i Denver August 16 formal opening the leper settlement on the Island of ' Paris- n 'V It Is the opinion of the Ogden po and Rheims jirj j P Carnegie s letter to 0f the Gunnison irrigation Molokai ten of eleven lepers who project lice that the three men arrested in remier Clemehceau donating $1000-n'‘ PA RALYTIC BURNED August 19 and Important meetings were returned here at the instance of Omaha fpr the robbery of the Over0 hero fund was made pub-- at other western cities (the territorial legislative committeeland limited are the same men who Ic Saturday Mr Carnegie writes that have been found Carelessly Dropped MatcIH ije ajso bad considered extending for held up the White Elephant gambling the success of the fund In Canada his Of these ful Tragedy two His change in free of the disease vjsit to Alaska house in Ogden merica and England induced the wm make It necessary to give are boys of six and seven years but Mont — Fred Bachman a parpan8 Butte While switching cars at Ogden sire to extend the benefits to France how-these the others in from 27 to 79 which up vary engagements age received the only Tim Fenton a Union Pacific switch alytic Is ead fromxburns ever had” Af-- ever had been made but tentative America ally and some of them have spent many as he lay on a couch smoking a pipq ter man fell between the cars the expressing his gratification that an The president expressed much regret years In the settlement wheels passing over his hands cut Lighted ashes or a carelessly droppe3 era of peace and l between that he would be unable to carry out A pathetic feature of thq match lighted a curtain and BachGreat Britain and America his original program and that ting off all of his fingers but leaving man unable to move or utter a he nation Is the probability that some of sound now is established-Mthe thumbs on both hands said: would have ot disappoin so many the oder patients will petition to be Carnegie was slowly the flames enveloped by “War between these tnree powers frlends and returned to the island as they have Whitney Rynders aged 20 an em- which covered him from head to foot organization from whom been is inconceivable Ehut off from the world and They are marching ploye of the Deseret News fell un- and burned the had received Invitations bedding from undei together toward the suppression ol their friends so long that they have derneath a street car in Salt Lake him — world’s the worst evil the murder of no place else to go A few of SAVED EXPENSE OF TRIAL City in attempting to alight from the room lay Bachman’s man by man as a means of settling In an were sent to the settlement car and was so seriously injured mother adjoining also suffering from international disputes” before the bacteriological test for Montana Murderer Ends His that death resulted a few hours later and unable to move hand orparalysis foot to leprosy was discovered and it is beLife in a Lonely Spot The city council of Hyrum has de- save her son The fire department IMPROVING NATIONAL FORESTS lieved that in some cases a natural flames cure has been effected Bachman cided to remodel the electric light extinguished the Kalispell Mont — The badly decomwas a well known bricklayer and a Thousands of Dollars to Be Spent on plant which is owned by the people posed body of Edward Finley wtio Held Prisoner by Indian Police of Hyrum so that the service will pioneer resident of the city He was Roads and Trails murdered James Rafferty In cold with paralysis a week ago stricken not only be better but they will be Los a Angeles —Ralph Rogers down without Washington — Six hundred thousand blood shooting him of this city has just reached able to supply light for the town of Packing Company banker 1° a on saloon here the $8C000 warning Fine dollars will be spent during the fiscal Pays Wellsville Ls Angeles from Palm Springs Kan — That the Cudahy year for the construction of nlgbt of December 3 and disappear-Topeka William Clayton formerly employtrails telephone lines and other ng ln fllght before the officers ar- - erside county and relates a thrilling Packing company has paid $82000 to rlved- was Covered ed in a gambling house in Ogden the this by Mrs Paul story of how ho and his "son Leslie government being the permanent improvements on the na on amount due under the Indictments se- tional forests Railer 1“ the dense underbrush in a Rogers were attacked by two Indian attempted suicide near Layton Congress has approtwo mles southeast of this police from the Agua Oaliente reser-- ' June 2 cutting his throat with a cured against the company for ?oulee the same amount this for puralleged priated Tfce ghostly ca- - vatlon He is now in a hos(to whom they surrendered pocket knife violation of the internal revenue laws pose during the fiscal' year of 1909- - clty last Frlda7‘ daver lay on its back clutching the afer being shot at several times The is announced by United States Di- 1510 pital with the chances for his recovRtock and trigger of a Winchester toIndians then handcuffed them ery rather against him strict Attorney H J Bone Indicrlfle’ the same weaPon with whldi getber and held them in the hot sun Halt Lake capitalists have pur tments on 695 counts are now pending mlv cmS ' a“U‘ hd deat to Rafferty be-- on th desert tor eight hour with The company chased the property of the Utah against the company caused of aIleged short change by the temperature at 115 degrees The ft svstem Of trniiB Co Marble company near Logan which was charged with putting a mnd the bartender H!o The entire top of the trouble arose over a question of land has been Inactive for some time be- cent revenue stamp on oleomargarine along routes which 6kllll waa b own off ownership a stamp trol of the areas to be patrolled cause of lack of capital and will open that required Bartender a Good Marksman Floods in Idaho up the property which furnishes some Compliments Magoon and Barry excellent marble at once Spokane Wash — According to re- Bingham Utah — Pete Bogdan shot Washington — President Taft transThat dry farming in Cedar valley mitted to congress with a and Ports received from Lewiston Idaho killed mesDonich George special Was ington That danger lurks in Ln theinstantly has proved a success is demonstrat- sage on the Clearwater river Is a raging tor- Saturday ‘the report of Chas the uerely Club saloon here at 2 ’’ent transportation of the bodies ol ed after three years of experiments aad is rapidly reaching the high E Magoon who served as provisional Donich Saturday morning those who have died from infectious entered There are over 1000 acres of promisof Cuba the sajoon about haf an hour water stage of 1894 The Commer-governor during the last dlseases was made evident at Satur-- before the shooting occurred and be-- cial Trust The president ing grain now surrounding the little American occupation s company’s bridge at session of the annual meeting of gan to swear at Bogdan the bar- - Iston is liable town of Fairfield with every indicatakes occasion to congratulate Gov to The Snake tion of a bounteous yield ernor Magoon warmly and gives high the conference of state and provincial tender He finally became so en- - river is seventeen go feet above low Gustavus Perry son of Dan Perry praise to Major General Thomas H boards of health of North America raged that he pulled a revolver from wotOP below the highest The rtrnrA aDLto!J°st ° Barry who was in command of the The committee appointed to report on- his pocket and shot at enteSd of Willard met with a painful States forces Th presideni the subject (ouuj fault with the pres- bullet went wild and a post week while riding a wild United“I am M 7am 2? said: glad to express the hope ent system of shipping bodies from supporting the building Seeing Don- - stone nler for e‘ The animal became frightened awaT A? FiSS?8 that the new government will grow In one state into another and pointed out Ich again preparing to shoot Bogdan has been away and fell on the little boy the own in the and for his presrevolver necessity n0S changes brought into capacitj strength play foot w111 the eaklng his left leg between the under the provisions of the Cuban con ent regulations adopted twelve years and killed the man JaIfroad knee and ankle In two places ago stitution" Denverites Capture Railroad Elaborate preparations are being J Causes Wreck Boy Torpedo Exploded on Man’s Head made for the entertainment of the old Denver The control of the Ar-Mich — Discovering Alpinia a Denver— ‘A railroad torpedo useo folks in Salt Lake City on June 29 operating troit & Machlinac railroad f entlDQt entra railroad when the annual convention will be to stop trains when the tracks are be ° top tive standing unguarded with steam who was shadowing him to Ji!01? held all over 70 years of age being blocked effectually stopped Claude 12 years old Up’ doseib Jeskonski Riding on the rear plat- overtake him and go through his pock- a syndicate of Hackney carried to the capital city by the difiDt° th® cab- puled the throt‘ form of a special train carrying an ets and then handing the hold-uman roa'd which was bumbj B Wif ferent railroads free of charge tle from South a knockout punch under the chin was cox to 6 °pen and crowd Eagles’ picnic umped to th® ore from Mrs Lillie Huston whose husband Waltransport the Platte to Denver Hackney became the method employed by Nels Larsen dorf mine on Mount McClellan to ground a8an as tbe engine went Frank Huston met death In Salt embroiled with Tom Brennan who In BPlnninS down tbe tannery sidetrack a “bad man” Policeman Silver Plume is eighteen miles Ion Lake City last week as the result of seized a trainman’s lantern and struck Dan capturing Martin be'ng summoned after the it is the intention of the Denver syn- - toward a standing freight train The A a into bath tub Hackney over the head with It falling backward highwayman was down and out from dicate to extend the road three and Wld locomotive land several freight breaking his neck attempted suicide torpedo attached to the lantern struck the punch delivered by his victim I a half miles to the toD of Grav’a nak cara were demolished ln the resulting and exploded jhe highwayman gave the name ol where a summer hotel crasb- - The damage amounted to the following day after the tragedy Hackney’s forehead w)ii hniu out one eye and injuring him but was saved by prompt medical astook The altitude attained will hi 14441 °00' and the Clyde Irv'n and the “hold-upso badly that recovery is doubtful sistance 'feet Jured was arrested paCe on Washington avenue i rj'f rdSttharee b'" thfwt Zti IS r |