Show THE SAUNA CALL - A Weekly Newspaper Published Every Friday At Salha Uuh By Call Subscriplicn Price Ur'' Co Publishing - - $150 Per Year An exchange says that alcohol will re move grass stains' from simmer 1 lie exchange is right It will clothes also remora summer clothes and also wiuter clothes not only and oaring from tho man who drlnk9 it to exceed but also from his wife 8nd childreu it will also remove household furniture from the house and eatables from the paurrj the smiles from the face of hm wife arultbs hsppiuess from his home As u “remover” alcliol has few equals A town that we know' ‘of not far from here hub at the request of saloon keepers for the f Hal tin or fifteen years or mcr' granted license each time when asked and ail through thes° years never questioned the fitness of granting license and even counting the same as a benefit But just oucp in the town’s history has it been asked toTidmit a new paper that forerunner of the world’ that prointelligence moter of a community's beet interests and that tipholder of all that i3 true and good and worth aspiring to in life But no There was no room for a there But two saloons newspaper J ourish like mushrooms iu a cellar “IN THE VERNACULAR Mr Merchant four hundred families through the colum There is an of he Call each week average of three members to each fampurchase ily rud their individual amount to several hundred dollars The total business of these yearly many readers Will ruu intq the thousands of dollars within the course cf year and you are crptair ly dea rous of t'otlirig your full share ami more too i7 possible They aie willing to spend their money where they cau get the best bargain'1 find tl e mefchftuis induct wnts vil yet offering the ou cau get just the biggest ahare as much of this business as you want It all depends on you If you dou’t want it or rather if you don't try to ydt it some uail order house will and you must be content with what happens to ooms your w ay By min tho READING EASY Co The celebrated Kuppenbeimen clothing now carried at the Salima Rex Poultry Tonic give your chickensaiid a package to 25o and 50c is the to I'niDg Get turkeys and begin feeding Lewis Drug Co dry it If you are going to buy yrm a new spring suit get one of those celebrated suits at the Salma Kupperikeimerf v Pineules nr and for Backache briDg quick relief to lumbago rheuma tlsia fatigue and all other symptom of Kidney dtseasas They are a tonic to the entire system and build up strengt and healt b Price DOc aubtl tk) 2'Unew spring suits strictly tailor made with fancy cuffs and all the latest fads of tbe season just arrived at the Salina p Come and see them prices will turprice you I'EOPIK TO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL One of the supreme triumphs of science is the triumph of the AD man lc has been a long hard and terrific strugand paid gle but he is on top In Chicago people flocked admission to a convention of AD men displaying their talent Yes advertising has triumphed just as electricity has triumphed over ignorance and supeistitn and there is not iu the civilized world a business of any consequence that You had does not advertise earnestly and systematically just as well grumble that electricity dees no good as to say firms that advertising dees no good pay $15!!) Single That speaks for a page in The Ladies’ Home Journal' ms Formaldehyde for preventing ‘mu' AT THE Kuppenheimer tn grain 25 ot a pint and CO ct a pint clothing Hmuilton-Trowshoes and Drug Co the nobbiest thinfcs in ladies’ dress goods ami the o'heiwise excellent stock put this Core dear out of the old class of country stores-unmakes of it a city institution All roads Lead to the CO Ol’ v v 'iC Lewis IBiyila ariial ©udiax'gis) ( & yxa Try a package of Shores’ Poison Wheat to kill gophers squirels field mice Lewis Drug Co front the greatest egg laying strain in tho webt 130 per 15 Bid STOCK SALE THIS FALL of old and young buds Book your dors early BELGIAN 1IARES for sale Nd -- Professional People- - if? w- F A Whitney Co Carts Pzby carriages for 1903 THE LEATERFOR 50 YEARS The n A your w ants to F W Von Elm 947 E 8th wcuth St Salt Lake City Utah Pp Step up stairs over the Co op More and ask the m’ii lie repairs cleans and makes suiti to order Furniture and Pofnycon reieronHardwaieStore ) EVERYTHING IN FURNITURE Hardware Stoves and Ranges WANTED August Ericks 2ii Cash paid for Hogs Veal and Chickens G‘ W Long VIVIAN - BURNS 'T illy Professional Harness - Maker '3-- V4 ' S' ' i line of complete Harness saddles whips robes etc Cotne in horse medicines Store Just South of The A Ladiils Collar spreaders Veil pins Beauty plus eet ect at Lewis Drug Co t Mat Xu’f Pile Remedy jg put In a ube witn m izle attached Hoy he affected parts applied directly jo aided 5ila Sobl by Lewis Drug 1 ' Emffiit Robins Ladies belt pins and belt buckles at Lswis Drug Co Louis Jae bs is still to be found al the old Gaul m the mercantile house as as ever lie is'selling just as ' good merchandise as you can get anywhere nt Hhoes prices that are always right clothinsr groceries dry goods notions gens furnishings ladies dress goods of all kinds a'nd styles and anything in the line of goods Come in and see him lie’ll treat 3 ou right A Gnarardieed Cough remedy is Bee’s For coughs Laxative Cough Syrup hoarse- colds croup whooping-cougbronchial ness and all affections Best for children l)“canFe it is quick to relieve and tastes good Gently laxative Sold by Lewis Drug Co The Salina Mercantile company has found thatits business i enlarging so fast that it now keeps three or four Mr II T Wright was buyers in Idaho despatched there last week and is work-interact irig hard for the company’s North south east and wet the com-- ! pany ts buying nearly everjtbing iri sight thus making a splendid home market for th9 fanners Evpryboly kuoivs that Emery couu-thas plcui y of coal to supply the world for years to corn-but a Mr Bteans a coal expert who was here the latter part of the week gave a few figures which made it plainer thau Mr Bteans said mere t pefiulatiou that wo have over eight billion toas un To get an idea touched in the comity of this we call attentlou to tho fact that all the coal that han been used in the United Slates since it esme iuto use about 50 years ago is something Does that make the' ver ten billion t’tgures mean something?— Emery Irro-grass We have just received a new Jot of souvenir postal cards of Salt Luke and Utah in general Also a new lot of the birth place of the Prophet Joseph Smith Something new tn sets 08 a set Ca'l and get a set before they are all gone Lewis Drug Co S3SS I Co Woods Livpr Msdieine is s ix which brings quick rclisf to sick tmadactm consti nation hilinusnpss and of her srmptnros of livo disorder Particularly recommended for Jaund ice Chilis Fever Malaria Th iflOO MO Kill GOING size contains Siimps ns much ns the Bold by Lewis Drug store MERCHANT? siz j ou can reach Dout use Blue Vitril for your grain use Formaldehyde for tho prevention of Smut ask us about it Lewis Drug W rite ” The Ephrdu Enterprise a bright and ably edited paper complains in its issue that the business men of t that town are nU support iug the advertising columns and that the town basreally but one live advertiser That Is sad news elw ays fora pper man as s the life of a i aper H do men There i endent on the bipiuess is another phase to the story to which editor’s wg wish to call tLe Ephraim We met up with a young retention married man from that town We knew that he had received the enefits of the school there and was of good average intelligence among We remarked to him country boys that the Ephraim paper was greatly improved under tho new management which has had control for a year or more IIj confessed that Le had a copy of it since the uew And sorry to management tookLdi say his kind are found in every community N jw there is a problem net unlv I or the newspaper but for fraternity all the civilizing educat ng reformative and uplifting forces iu The world Why? Because if a man is not reading his Lome paper it i3 nine chances to one that he is not reading any other paper nor any books or magaziues The problem then cornea iu as to bow the star eyed 06dduss of reason and intelligence mounted on the wings of universal knowledge and soaring es high as the regal sun in her efforts to redeem the race shall reckon with this man and those like unto him in the t wentieth century We hold that it L a reproach to any young man or married or single to confess to such a thing as the above And there area hundred cases like unto this or e A party moves away from Salina or Ephraim to live somewhere else They go there and literal ly die so far as their home town is coucirned It' is truly inconceivable o us and please Go may we he privileged to live to see conditions change and its We believe in the newspaper uiissiou as we believe in hfe and know assuredly that the day of triumph for the t ountry weekly is here IS THIS NOT AFTLIJ MR columns of The Call each week you can become intimately acquainted with them and they will soon learn to look for your regular “talks" on goods articles which you have to oder It should be something new each week Otherwise they will soon Don’t think The Call lose interest readers know what you have on your Shelves They don’t buy from the Therefore they traveling salesman expect you to keep them informed on what you have for sale anti especially Mr the new and seasonable goods Merchant let us introduce you to a class of people who are just a9 anxious to buy right as you are to sell Put your advertisement in The Call and in the modern go af'er the business I he way city merchants have made a success by following the twentieth method— the hustle and ruscentury tle plan- - and the country merchants must adopt the sarns Ad ipted from Ex Step to and get acquainted And when you need it let me give ycu the bent tonsorhu work in town Agent for the Rich field Steam Laundry fS3 Davidsen Professional A1 Mai rx nfl fl DnYT SriXJ Ptr d'!5i able to do Better by I buy Tight and consequently can sell light at prices that are money savers to the buyers My friends knew this and keep coming White House Buildiagl £ snialltl© s)’ 1 have very particular and careful in selecting y complete liuc-o- f spring and summer goods both as to quality and prices Barbr I Sis — H K fou can’t do better on earth with you r I ffuf Sed$ money than at my STOREYours Truly LOUIS JACOBS - - isnEsszssTEssesti Dr P F Spicer! Graduate Dental Surg'eon cff::s :tis LUMBER Johnson-Anieso- n ksat kafes r LIME Oluf Jeppson the Is prepared to enpply public the finest kind of Lime at' very reasonable prices Se9 him iwith tgassasaBKamfflMWGEaBggaggmazBffigffitxtaeaKtaaM W 'B h THOROUGH BRED 0 Is row prepared tcfunish all kinds Lumber "Lath Doors Windows ana all soits of House a Shingles Furnishings at Prices as low as any firm in the state HUMPHREY-t- IiOJIBHR JY7TJEIYH BIXIS PS0MPTJY ATTOBED TO Office at Residence Salina Utah CHICKENS White Leghorns White Wyandottes Egys and Breading Stock For Sale By Geo FCrane Anderson-Fishe- Lumber Co r Everything In Lumber Phone 29 b!k Doors AViudowsv paints Glass and hardware for umbo Hauhvall Plaster $S per ton South All kinds Mill Work - Agents f Coop Nordfelt Bros |