Show Why a Woman Usually Kills When She Uses Man as a Target last!” The woman Jury within a few hours of the crime The case of Bertha Clache tho “white slave” who shot and killed Emil Gerdron is well remembered Feeling that she had been abused beyond endurance she purchased a revolver and killed Gerdron seem to with the first and only bullet she fore her fired from it has killed him with one sure straight Seem Never to Miss Their Aim v shot! ' There are many more all of them "Die as you deserve!” she screams that the woman proving and then she looks at the thing of with' a conclusively pistol almost never misses her steel in her hand man For a moment she is all nerve And why Is it? Then she realizes This thing in her Why does the woman with the hand is a pistol something she has so seldom miss her aim? It is abnever used before Yet at her first solutely one chance in a thousand that — she shot she has hit the she fails to shoot true Policemen the has killed a man Once she would country over will tell you this The have been afraid to take up a pistol frail hjsterical creature with the new now shlT has used it with deadly efpistol which she never dared touch fect Once she couldn’t have hit the before— so she will tell you — is far target Now she has jhot dead the more dangerous than the best target man she hates She has killed him shot or the most dangerous thug or with one shot! Her aim has been abhighwayman that ever held up a solutely true to the mark she meant passer-bit to reach — a man’s heart! Cowboys and bad men of the west York for brought up to use Colts and RemingThe police records of New the past two years reveal a dozen tons as playthings men who can cases in which women who had never shoot off the heads of rattlesnakes handled firearms have shot and killed from their ponies miss their men In men with unerring aim most time and again cases only one shot was fired a But a woman seems never to miss further evidence of their deadly aim hers afraid of the revolver as she is In the cases in which more than one Ever see a row in a cowboy saloon? shot was fired the other bullets went The room is crowded with wild showing conclusively that a experts Somebody shoots and then woman’s ability to shoot straight lies everybody shoots When fifty or sixty in her instinct to point straight ll shots have been fired the guns are the trigger without taking aim empty the smoke clears away the says a writer in the New York World lamps are relighted — and probably noTheir First Shot Fatal body has been killed Nearly all the One of the best known cases that shooters could hit a dime at 25 yards Yet one angry overwrought woman illustrates this is the case of Sara who has never fired a pistol in her Koten a New York hospital nurse life brings down the man she wants who shot and killed Dr Martin last June She is accused of hav- to kill every time Men Rarely Hit Mark ing for days before the shooting nerved herself for the deed She had The average American man knows never handled a revolver in her life something about a revolver but he but when she finally made up her can rarely hit anything with it Nomind to kill him according to the body ever saw a policeman who could t charge against her she finished him shoot straight further than at a with one shotr 'men range Thugs and hold-uWith) one shot Anisia Loulbe De know that — time and again they get Mansy a young French woman who away In a fusillade of bullets which stands back coroner’g be as apt to shoot herself as hit the Vet when she is nerved to it target ' she shoots straight every time There are frequent outbreaks in the foreign colonies of the country’s large cities in which the bring feud to a climax some the pistoL point The scene is usually a crowded dance hall or a dim alley and the men are massed close But when the police come they usual-ly find the dead and W’ounded surpris- ingly few considering the short range ’ and 'the number of shots fired from so manyweapons The men who en- pull that would hot drag your point from the target you could do some very remarkable shooting by depend ing solely on the instinct which d! rects your Index finger when you thrust it at any object t Now the explanation for the credible marksmanship displayed by an agitated woman lies in the instinct She has never fired to point straight a pistol before and she never thinks of aiming it She does not think of She is too the Jump or the report agitated too excited too hysterical to consider any of these things She does gage in these rows have handled weapons almost from infancy They come from neighborhoods where it is customary for all the males to bear arms and use them promptly when a personal question arises Shoot Straight by Instinct Their women are' unarmed and unfamiliar with the steel that is the badge of manhood in their social life But right in New York there are always pending two or three cases in which a woman of this type has taken a pistol in her hand for the first time to avenge her wrongs and fired it straight and true There is a curious psychology of pistol shooting into which the condition of a woman strung to a high nervous tension and her unfamiliarity In an with the weapon fit perfectly instant and by instinct she Is on a par with the greatest marksmen of the age Were she to try to repeat her performance agains£ the biggest of targets at ten paces it would be safe to give any odds that she could not hit it at all The theory of pistol shooting is a true point a steady hand and the' discharge of the weapon at the instant of point when the hand Is steady The pistol expert never runs his eye along the sight until the bright steel tip at the barrel’s end covers the mark he wishes to puncture The best shots among the cowboys will fire from the hip almost as well as from the shoulder When they fire from any position their steady eyes are on the target not on the gun barrel Unerring Index Finger If you — a woman for example — will select anything in the room a door knob the head in a picture a figure in the wall paper and suddenly point your index finger at it you will find by running your eye along the finger that you have drawn a perfect line on If you will take a paper the mark cutter in your hand or a pocket knife or a stick and try the same experiment holding the object along your index finger you will find your aim is almost if not quite as good When you come to try shooting on the point you will not be as successful as when you aimed the empty pistol because your mind is divided between the effort to point straight and the speculation as to what will happen You will when you pull the trigger be thinking about the Jump of the weapon its “kick” and wondering whether flying powder will hit you In the eye or how the report will affect your ear drums The nervous anticipation of the report alone is apt to destroy the success of your instinctive Your hand trembles too and point you do not shoot at the instant of point but delay long enough to let your excited nerves wrabble the muzzle But if you could only forget that the revolver would make a noisfi or kick or that it had a bullet in it if the weapon had a trigger with a light plies and as there are no mails out in winter and a letter could not reach here before July he decided against not even think about the point She the advice of the miners to strike out to points instinctively as you will with alone and make his way overland Her mind is con- Seward 600 miles distant your index finger Felder took two dogs and a sleigh centrated with terrible intensity on the one idea of vengeance of putting provisioned for 30 days Traveling on a bullet into the hated face or heart snowshoes he set out November 18 before her This intensifies the point about six weeks before the beginning instinct And her nervous tension is of the Alaska winter lie made his such that her hand I thrusting out a own trail and built bis own bridges sometimes making but three miles xf pistol is as steady 4s the proverbial Hig best day’s work was 30 rock at Jhe instant of shooting The day miles He reached Seward January same nervous tension gives her fin24 having been 56 days on the way gers strength to pull the stlffest trigHis provisions had given out some ger at the instant she points the revolver days before and he had to kill his dogs for food Near Seward Felder ran Expert Shot for the Moment across three grizzled miners who bad In short for the fraction of a secplenty of moose meat along and be ond this woman who has never fired lost no time in changing to a better a pistol approaches the ideal condition diet of the expert pistol shot — a sure point a steady hand indifference to the ONLY ONE BATH IN HIS LIFE Jump or the report and the sure trigStatement of Michigan Man Shocks ger pull Usually the report instantly reduces this awful iron nerved figure and Startles His Fellow Church of vengeance to a limp sobbing tearMembers ful heap Sometimes the brainstorm Mich — William Peterson last3 long enough for the firing of sevLansing eral shots If any miss it will usually a miller of this city shocked and be the last one or two fired startled the cultured members of m In any event this same woman who class in applied Christianity in a meeting in the First Universalist rhrrch by has executed such swiftly accurate satisfaction for her injuries could not interrupting a speaker on “home sanihit any sort of a mark with her pistol tation” to remark that it was balderdash that he had never taken but under anything like normal conditions The chances are that she would one bath in his life and that was when scream and drop the weapon when it he had the itch Peterson is about was discharged and her bullet would 55 years old A representative of the state board be likely to pierce the sky or bury of health was reading a paper when In any event' itself in the ground Peterson nearly broke up the session the result would be an accident by his remark For the same reason a hold-u“My folks lived in three rooms In man is as dangerous as a mad dog the old said Peterson “and He is usually the cheapest most con- lived on country” rye bread and beer A friend temptible type of man to be found in of mine afcked me to take a bath not all the criminal class He is apt to ago In a rigamole’they had put be frail almost a weakling his nerves long in a church but I told him that I bad shattered with drugs and drink He never taken but one bath in my life f is nervous and afraid when he stands and that was when I had the itch some stout cifizen up at the point of He Said it would put the blood In cirhis revolver If the citizen resists if culation and make me feel fine Well man or I have a better scheme than he starts for the hold-uthat for Btrikes at him the thug is apt to shoot putting the blood in circulation” in sheer fear and fear of that sort Here Peterson gave his audience a completely dominating a creature of practical demonstration in his gymnassuch a type is very apt to make him tics The next speaker changed the point on instinct and shoot deadly subject to the ventilation of s straight But the average normal man who Where the Women Propose tries to shoot with a revolver has Away off intbe strange land of New probably fired a few times and is painfully conscious of the fact that-h- Guinea it is leap year all the time in can’t hit a barn door He tries to one Important sense for out thoreall aim he delays too long with his point the proposals of marriage are madd by His muzzle wabbles the bullet may the women It Is considered beneath Even when pos- the dignity of the male Inhabitants of strike anywhere sessed with wrath the average New Guinea to even notice a woman healthy normal man has a nervous and consequently the women perforce system strong enough to resist the must notice the men and must start idea of weddings etc So when complete control of himself by the any the Island belle of New Guinea bepassion which controls his actions He still thinks as he fehoots what he comes in love she promptly sends a is doing He has his attention partly piece 'of string to the sister of the man If he has no sister she diverted to the weapon And the tar- lucky sends it to his mother or anyhow to get has a fair chance some female relative This because But the overwrought woman who the man and his male relatives are thinks she is' desperately wronged assumed to be above taking any steps toward acquiring a wife never seems to miss looks at her hand Ia It new revolver— Bhe has fired one before And at her feet lies a crumpled-uheap of the dead always grow smaller — the thing beAnd she was once a man AT a had never used a revolver killed Gus tav Simon a wealthy manufacturer at No 640 Broadway in November of the preceding year She had an argument with him over money matters and without warning shot him through the heart The case of Madeline Wassar who shot and killed her father in August of the same year is still fresh in the memory of many Her father had killed her mother and was about to attack her little sister She picked up a revolver she had never fired one before But she killed him She was acouitted by the Instantly are Just as apt to kill somebody across the street or in the next block as to bring down the intended targets The Jesse James men with their pistols were ncTmatch for the sturdy farmers You must be an with their shotguns expert to shoot straight with a revolver It takes long practice and steady You must know the entire nerves theory of the gun Why is it then that a woman who is all nerves trembling with excitement and resentment hits her mark every time? Alone and calm were she practising with a pistol she would FUR TRADER TO EAT FORCED HIS OWN j DOCS CALIFORNIA MAN SUFFERS GREAT PRIVATIONS ON AN OVERLAND TRIP IN ALASKA Burlingame Cal — A lonely overland ti ip occupying 56 days through the wilds of Alaska in winter over a trail of his own making during which time his provisions gave out and he bad to kill his dogs for food was the experience of J V Felder of this city who has Just reached here from the north Felder Is a foimer local business man and a charter member of the Ban He went to Mateo lodge of Elks Alaska last spring in the interests of a fur trading company controlled by Burlingame capital The headquarters of the company are on the Kushokwin river near Mount McKinley In November it was necessary for Felder to make a requisition for sup- - He Had to Kill His Dogs for Food |