Show THE SALINA By C N LUND SALINA UTAH CALL BEEF Jr PACKERS BY 1 IICTED FEDERAL GRAND UPRISINIi OF SERIOUS J UTAH STATE a new town mcriwf NEWS be started at Ce“Eht m"eS "0rUl °‘ la to Sheriff and Jailers Overpowered M‘" Charged With Murder Cudahy Company of Kansas City Accused of Defrauding the Govern- ment Out of Over $80000 in Revenues Federal Court Reserves Jurisdiction in the Missouri Rate Cases and State Courts Must Keep' Out City Destroyed by Fire and at Least One Thousand Persona Killed in Three Days Fig'itlng Beirut Syria— A terrible uprising John de France colored formerly a Summarily Executed las occurred in Adana Street fight-nTopeka Kans — The Cudahy Packhas been going" on for three days resident of Salt Lake City committed ing company- of Kansas City was insuicide In Seattle last week and at least 1000 persons have been dicted by the federal grand Jury here killed according to reports received A supreme court decision rendered on Friday of wholesale violations of Decree Dissolves Injunction la Man” Texas of Who Against “Bad Genuine here Monday The city has been last week holds that school property the United States Internal revenue Railroads Now Pending to Prevent Credited With Having Killed From laws The charge Is that the comwhether personal or real is exempt iestroyed by fire American missionEighteen Roads Operating In aries named Rogers and Maurer are Ten to Thirty Men Danced at from taxation pany has defrauded the government From Missouri lead All the other Americans are out of over $80000 In revenues on InauguratEnd of a Rope Free lunches In saloons In Salt Lake safe The British vice consul Major t Rate was The corporation oleomargarine ing City are to be done away with acIs among the woundindicted on 695 counts and the maxicording to an order Issued by the ed At Tarsus there was less loss of chief of police Ada Okla — At 3 o’clock Monday mum fine on each count Is $1000 life The American quarter however the comMe Kansas The Boosters’ club of Logan Is tak- morning a mob of two hundred men making a total for which Smith City—Judge was destroyed Four thousand refucohvlc-tloPherson in an amended decree handand pany is liable In the event of lng up the question of the building of stormed the county jail here gees are housed in the of nearly $700000 ed down in the United States district a macadam road from Main street to after overpowering the sheriff lynch-thThe need of relief is urThe revenue law each exthat on court provides here reserved mouth of Logan canyon Saturday ed four white men The lynched are gent for shortly the fugitives will be pound of uncolored oleomargarine clusive jurisdiction in Missouri's rate on the verge The scarlet fever epidemic whlclt J B Miller of Fort Worth Tex Condiof starvation must bear a revenue stamp of a quar- cases and In effect instructed the tions in the vicinity of Alexandretta has been prevalent In Murray for the charged with the murder of A A of cent a to ter hut that each state to courts case the poun of out two months has now subsided bitt a wealthy cattleman of this also are most serious keep to which coloring material has been The decree will dissolve the injuncthe quarantine has been raised tlon D B Burrell Jesse Wesf and added to give it the appearance of tion against the railroads DAYS now pending JUST LIKE BORDER One of the oldest residents of Park Joseph Allen alleged accomplices butter a revenue stamp must in the state courts and started by The mob worked rapidly and quiet died last week City John Wyckoff San Francisco Has be attached the state officials to enjoin the eigh- Bold' Robbery after a short illness He had been a ly nothing being known of the It is charged in the indictments Unfortunate Ending for Robber teen railroads operating in Missouri of Park City for over twenty lng until daylight The victims of that the Cudahy Packing company from putting the passenger San Francisco — James "M Thompthe mob were taken to a barn within years has sold the colored product under rate into euect son of the Thompson The peoplf of Bingham Junction are a short distance of the jail the quarter of a cent tax and conse“The decree” said Frank Hager-ma- Bridge company on entering his office Walter Peeler aged If a nephew of determined to Incorporate There is quently has defrauded the governthe railroads Saturday with a sack containing representing not known to be a single voter In Miller confined In the Jail for com ment out of large sums Inspectors "means that the federal court retains which he had Just drawn from pliclty in the murder was not molestBingham Junction against its incor-have been working on the case sev- absolute control of the rate situation the Bank of California discovered his ed by the lynchers poratlon eral and have secured in Missouri It will prevent any fu- bookkeeper tied to a chair On turnmqnths West was the only prisoner who Utah will spend more this year for In towns and cities from ture interference on the part of the ing his head Thompson was confrontsamples and fought the education of Its youth than in resisted desperately New York to Seattle and from Duluth state courts” ed by two masked men one of whom It became a There were two guards at the jail and to Jacksonville Fla any other year since McPherson after handing shot him through the chest inflicting Judge state The appropriation last year botb were knocked- - into Insensibility down the amended decree said he a serious wound Grabbing up the recover Both will was $512 per capita this year it will FATAL HOTEL FIRE would file a suplementary decision sack the men made a dash for & be $575 within a few days buggy near by which one of the rob- Six Persons Lose Their Lives and bers with An unknown man about 30 years the entered while money The attorneys for the railroads askof age Several Injured suicided at Kaysville- - April ed Judge McPherson to make cer- the other made his escape The flee man was pursued by policemen in 16 hanging himself using a wire InSan Francisco — Six bodies recov- tain changes in his original opinion ing an automobile and was finally capstead of a rope Everything points ered and probably eight or ten others of March 16 They desired to have tured During the shooting William to an unbalanced mind as the cause suggestion that a pasburied in the ruins six injured one stricken out his two and a half cents Roseberg received a stray bullet but senger rate of for the deed a and loss of wraJ not seriously hurt The captured fatally property be compensatory would The judge decoraA strike the of are the results of an early morn- did not painters say whether or not he would man has been identified as Francis tors and paper hangers of Salt Laae H Gorman an All the ing fire on Friday which destroyed make the changes desired City has been averted the men decidthe St George hotel a lodging juouss money was recovered to FOR HOMELESS verbal a HOMES with agreement accept ing for laborers at Howard and Eighth TRIAL OF BEACH HARGIS their employers that the new scale streets and eight small buildings of wages will be paid The bodies taken to tne morgue were Agricultural Areas in Forest Reserve One of the Thirteen Lawyers for the A big conclave of the' Knightd May be Restored to Public Domain so charred that identification was imDefense Will be & Woman Salt Lake Oity — A special to the Templar will be held in Salt Lake City possible - Jackson on May 12 One of the features of the held in high esteem D S Cartwright Is Ky— When the second a carpenter Reports vary as for- Herald from Washington says: It conclave will be several competitive to the number of men Miller has merly o Salem Ore and said to the expectation of western senators trial of Beach Hargis charged with drills between teams from Salt Lake killed estimates placing It anywhere have possessed considerable money and congressmen that areas of agri- the murder of his father Judge James to He was one of the was burned fr0“ Ogden Reno and other commanderies all over the head and cultural lands now embraced wlthir Hargis is called at Ervlne Ky ono Tnx-jcattle kings among for the deof the thirteen sheepherder found the bodv of whom it was a tom o use the six body andno hopes are felt for his forest reserves will ultimately be re fense will be a attorneys woman Mrs William stored to the public domain This ex nSSVhite a laborer about 30 years shooter In defe of any of their recovery who' was A husband Her Young out of the thal fact In foothills grows of pectatlon east the Ogden age rights one of the attorneys who secured the government loses one day last week Secretary Wilson has ordered the for White had suiSan acquittal of Eugene Gardner est service to maice an examinatioi DECISION cided taking carbolic acid grief over murder of a negro Must Repay ($112000 Taken Frorr and classification of me various west Francisco for the the death of his mother being given will also act for the defense which Lewisohn esn Estate reserves forth Assessments Cannot Be Levied on by maps will be the first time a woman attorsetting as the reason Stocks Stamped New York — A judgment against tha and by description those areas now ney has appeared in an important At the preliminary hearing in Ogreserved which are purely or largel) case in Kentucky den Nick Vacos who shot and killed Boise Ida — The supreme court of government for $112000 was obtained agricultural lands as distinguished John Contos a prosperous Greek mer - the state in an opinion handed down Friday in the United States circuit from purely timber lands JOAN OF ARC A SAINT chant of that city declared he shot In on Monday held that the provision court in a suit brought to recover the This order was made at the sug self defense that Contos had reached of the constitution which provides war Inheritance tax collected by the gestion of Senator Heyburn of Idaho French Thousand for his pocket as if to draw a weapon that “dues of any private corporation government from the estate of Leon who urged Secretary Wilson to elimi Thirty Take Part in Services Pilgrims shall be secured by such means as ard Lewisohn the millionaire coppei nate from the reserves of Idaho a! :when he fired — In the presence of Rome 30000 valuable not for theli man 1901 lands at who in died chiefly The gold crowns valued at $100 shaI1 be prescribed by law but in no the time was valued atThe estate The secretary was not pos French pilgrims practically all the nearly $10 timber which were stolen from a display "case case shall any stockholder be Individsessed of sufficient data to enable him bishops of France many cardinals 000000 a war and to inheritance tax in amount liable over uallJ and any in front of a dental office in Ogden at this time to eliminate agricultural and familydescendants of the new have been recovered a lad claiming above Hie amount of stock owned by taling $227000 was imposed by the lands in Idaho or other states hut in saint the solemn ceremonies In the tb® personal liability of government and paid under protest to to have found the property behind a informing the senator that he had beatification of Joan of Arc were carto the no stockholder In but limit way called for a classification of lands in ried out In St Peters on Sunday The bill hoard and was trying to dispose Lhe power of the corporation to make Bryan May be Coaxed to Wear i all reserves he stated: “It seems tc pope does not attend beatifications In of it when arrested assessments upon stock fully paid up me ' a fair Toga proposition that lands person but as a mark of special deWilliam Bernard Dougall pioneer and to subject such stock to sale In Little Rock Ark — Asked relative to which would make good homes foi votion he assisted at a solemn sertelegrapher of Utah and the organizer default of the payment of such assess timber upon vice when he replaced the ceremony our have no and ments Where stock is stamped “non a report that he would he a candidate thempeople of the school which ultimately devel-should he returned to the pub- of veneration of relics none existing for the United States senate to sucdomain” lic in this case oped Into the L D S university died assessable” the court states assessNeE Senator J Burkett of The opinion ceed at his home in Salt Lake City April ments cannot be levied WHllIam J vs braska for Women Resent Imputation d Saves Lives of Hundred Girls He came to Utah in 1853 and was in the case of Thomas Wall 12 ' limited said: the Basin Bryan company Mining A mass meeting A Washington— by Flames learned telegraphy In 1866 and others litigation in which mining “There is no foundation for the re nearly all of the 2400 women employ— Fire The report conies from Ogden that men of north Idaho have been greatly the in York New Empire that I have decided positively to ed in the bureau of engraving and a plot to kidnap one of the children interested The suit was instituted by port enter the race and I have expressed printing was held Saturday to protest building at Broadway and Bleeker 125 street late Saturday entrapped of Joseph Scowcroft a leading citizen Wall in the Shoshone county district myself as adverse to becoming a can- against the published statement that on was probably frustrated last week by court to establish the plaintiff’s right one of the upper girls working We have a number of excel- the Federation Civic National a shareholder in the corporation to didate A however floors All were rescued warning sent to the Scowcroft fam as are lent the Democrats of who women apmembers had its worthy some 20000 shares of stock belonging through the elevator man In the building ily by a negress who claimed that to him which had been sold in default place and I would rather see one of pointed a committee to investigate Tony Sarlno runnlg the car repeatedshe had overheard the plot of an assessment of V£ mills per them elected than myself I will not the morality of the employes of the ly through the smoke and flames and Loren L Dibble aged 26 died in a share say I will not under any circum- executive departments In Washington carrying the young women down Salt Lake hospital Sunday the esult stances be a candidate hut I would and that the committee had deter- others fleeing down the fire escapes mined to demand the dismissal oi of Internal injuries sustained from' a TARIFF DEBATE NOW ON The reaching the street unharmed prefer not to be” at least fifty women employed in the fire fall of eighty feet in the Apex mine was quickly extinguished and dl bureau where the meeting was held little First Gun in the Debate Fired by Senabove Bing'ham Canyon Alvaj P Ruef’s Lawyer Acquitted damage 23 was Dibble ator Aldrich years probably aged San Francisco — A S Newburgh Preferred Death to Investigation fatally injured at the same time Missing Poet is Supposed to Washington — The tariff debate was associate counsel for Abraham Ruef Marysville Kan — Because he had His Life A strike of gold assaying $1750 to in the senate on Monday when the former political boss recently conopened not listed all his property with the can-the ton has been made in Ogden London — There is no trace of John genator Aldrich reviewed at length victed of bribery was acquitted by county assessor and feared an In the Davidson who has been yon at the edge of the city and a poet measure to had which been a pending Jury Friday of having attempted vestlgation might cause him to be from his home at Penzance stampede has started of those who j reported on bribe a talesman on the Ruef jury sent to hthe penitentiary from the committee James missing 23 and his family are staking out claims From a con-- fjnance has received practically no panel trial was one of Clarke 5o years old a wealthy far since March jje Newburgh’s of seeing him alive glomerate mass next to the vein mat- interruption throughout his remarks the many ramifications of the bribery-graf- t mer near here drowned himself in given up all hope ter proper free gold has been panned wWch were Jlstened t0 not A search of the poet’s papers has reonly by in San Francisco note to hie In river the Blue a prosecutions In The frequent storms which occur every senator but by Speaker Cannon He was indicted vealed a document which he upon the charge of younger brother Stuart Clarke the wrote: “The time has come to make on the Great Salt Lake and especialand members of the house who visithaving tried to bribe John M Kelly man stated he had failed to list ly those of late have brought South- ed the chamber for that purpose worth of notes After stating his an end I cannot put up with cana prospective juror during the second ern Pacific officials to the belief that Clarke cer” In a will executed last August Senator Daniel the senior minority trial of Ruef to qualify for the Jury fears regarding prosecution “Go to church never tell a Mr Davidson Intimated the possibilsomething must be done to protect its member of the committee om finance and vote for the acquittal of the for- wrote lie always keep employed and never A breakwater followed Senator Aldrich ity of his having to die at any motrackage on the and laid mer political boes ment “for reasons which concern mydrink whiskey” will probably be byilt near the roadself alone” way Offensive Advertisement Causes Mass Law Responsible for Barney Foley who was so terribly Famous Rifle Shot Suicides Suicide of a Turfman Meeting in Butte inujred by the explosion of a Los Angeles Cal — Despondent beover Farmer Now Want Arbitration Los Angeles — Despondentcy Butte Mont— An advertisement for condenser in Salt Lake City died with his horses this sea- cause he was unable to regain hie Butte Mont — Counsel for Fred J a servant apearing In the “want ad” after nearly twenty hours of terrible in the His eyes were so badly Bliss action columns in a local paper and stating son and grief over the passage of the shattered fortune W R Elliston 36 complainant suffering law caused years of age scion of the famous famburned by ammonia that had he lived brought to close down the Anaconda that “Irish need not apply” was con- California of Genknown as ily of Tennessee he would have lost his sight com-- smelter largest In the world for sidered Friday night at a mass meet- G W Poole familiarly leged damages because of poisonous ing called at the Newsboys’ club “Bishop” one of the oldest and best eral W L Jackson and known on known horsemen in Lhe country to two continents as a remarkable rifle rooms and attended by represents-tiveJohn R Nelson a shoemaker who emanations from its stack has at Anita suicide track and pistol ishot committed suicide at Santa suicided at mitted an offer to settle a question to Utah iq 1875 of the different Irish societies In commit The act was com- the Hotel Roslyn Thursday afternoon was Saturday morning The advertisement Ephraim April 14 hanging himself of damages by arbitration to dispose Butte mitted in Poole’s stable on the track by firing a bullet from his favoritebe lands of the Deer Lodge valley characterized as an Mr Nelson had always been regarded I open Insult te grounds He opened his wrist with revolver Into his brain condemnation The body a one of the most resoefcted citizens tn0‘h®?°mPathr°uh was a razor and to make death sure took the Irish race and reference was found late at night when Elliston of the town and no cause for the deed ' &! made to the part played in Ajnerloan a dose of carbolic acid failed to answer a telenhone call is known unless it was on account of ®°mes after the court had decided and local history by the tons of Erin there was no cause for an injunction poor health W suit ' |