Show WATERSOON Sociah Personal For the Creamery Richfield News! SPRY COMING President Town The Says System Will Be In This paper belivijj in ihe Saliua erosnery and waota to see that Instito tution sustained It must ia sustainJoseph City Wednesday ed It '"will be sustained There are The dramatic production recently right now powerful fcrce3 at vvuik for of tins basin ‘ss In given by the High School netted $40 the destruction which sum will be used for purchasing Salina aud destruction will be brought books tor the library in the new build about if people are not on t lie look out tall lajswlih the people If they are iog patriotic enough to stand by it it wilt The Lumber Toni- If they will support !t with tlielr go has two received car loads pany just milk nr cream it will goon No of lumber aud more will be coming creamery will ever pay taes or right along wages here as this one docs No out Mrs Francey ismaking necessary hide house will spend its profits harr to go ahead with the in building up the tcvn helping the preparations The woik schools and all other things The building of her new horn will go right along until it is finished Saliua Creamery will do those things rent ft pays wages pays taxtSjiays Lewis Lai sen is making a fine and substantial addition to his now home pays printing bill and leavts its profit The addition will have a couple of large right here That benefits j on and us commodious rooms and is a frame aud everyone more or less fchay with Arthur Shelton returned By Fall Lome The Selina waterworks system will be finished and the water available tor use by next autnrun or this' fall as the saying is Such is the opinion of Town president II F Jorgensen given to It depends howthe writer Tuesday ever upon the people's willingness to water take and work script for pay This must be done and is being done Mr Jorgensen has no tears along this lin° The council met Saturday evening for strucrure and completed the arrangements the sale of Ihe bonds They were sold Joseph A Andersen returned to to the State at a premium of $880 Salina last ITiaay after spending the Ubat is the bonds are for tS8(W and winter at teaching school in Wyoming run for twenty years with the privilege lie went to Lichfield almost immediet of taking them up iu ten years at five u J lor these the statp per cent interest 1 Led Irancey Prof musician and of sum $1080 the the’ xn to the pays difference being the amount above choir leader reached Saliua last Fri- " lay and has been making the acquaint sta’ed ance ot Ihe good citien3 here for b John Lyman was engaged to superiu-tend th work from start to finish He veek and is practically decided uprn is now at work on the tank theexeava locating hero The ward is ottering some inducements and there are other t ioU for which was finished Tuesday The cement work has bean begun and Hugs that will make this place detho material is on the ground stored in sirable to him lie h a first class musician and holds a very good certiit ids Go right ahead gentlemen of tie ficate entitling him to teach music in council and by hil means complete any and ail schools and has had avari the woik while you are in office and ed and extensive experience in Luting let thasjsteu stand aa au abiding cmireh choirs and teaching music in mouiunent to year official life The every form Aside from this he is a peotde want it as soon as you can give hand and ami has had uttuthfm — much along that line experience ill- - a neHs bi m and it is S very likely j 7Forest-:NoteB"'Irc't practice 'Tu- 'El'SlH ‘‘I V rf ' A" f fr’inea"svdoot Martini Saturday to r footer who I r 7 I '' ' 'h4sot 15 tl - - n x V Mrs C L West wont to Balt Lake Tuesday to attend the grand dologqbf the Odd Fellows there She will alsu visit her mother aud sisters It was intended that Dr West should also have gonej but professional work deprived him of the opportunity Arthur Nelson has been I k to Salma the past few day visit i ig fiiends and relatives Mrs Katie Nielsen of Balt Lake daughter of Mr an! Mrs O Cuddeback is spending the week iu Halloa on a pleasant vlcit lira Lewis had another backset one day t Lis week and for a time was about as ill as ever It lsteu but for a day however atidjSin ie then she has' been somewhat improved Her siege of illness has b£en a Jong s sviue one aud la greatly to be L&'Vv' Invited Commercial For Club Doings Interesting Case 1W1U1(J Ierf lajr lirwch X" institution Governor 'retrain II IB plieit n!’ Exing things” remarked E olV a Gov iMuimcnn Lre ApVii toAu'r:ijvrfhHupi'Xi kq I muff A erlmr’ visor Oluf G Nielsen “Aij'd fo tt or be Gentliciak-"- '’ who have learned to read their records Miss lau?'VVff the piuhlic accurate are historians' j they fil'd ay ftfid re j oar a tree spre6dsrtt a ihtfi She wWriheojie wooddoG bbe old Imil farniI'HiuuJuy s husinesa I'y ooupting ihesu rings at tfi ground '' il-s wdieu it is cuttuu oftn'teintsge by e5 tlarXrcturneddO countlnVdhe iloa lit the 'top rtE’tlifi Halhrdaj a'ftetf a - lichf: second or third tJv vVjfn Ktiiiau dfit iambw th thl? Jrosr fhfanotLpra big ooiiotedat the ymi cW tejii accfimpc’nitd her home vtw'h1)Sg it look U £ tea iff reach tbtu U‘ AIrs ’Mr' m LLafDS are' akipg :777mfiirg tm'u7d8 of wide rings qkmHLose that aranairow the tunes of preparalisne to tuili anew' home noted and' adversity eye prorpvriiy An exceplioually Interesting aud and by chBer stny eauv°s other than kind eeasou re jolly card social was given at tho horof this foundgiowtju fires n‘d 'f Mr $rd Mis ' Geo’ Alma Gales carfuquakefi ai'cidentefroin the falling Sunday eyning Those present were of other tikes Afriowslides lightning Messrs and McsdamesbA' SFGates T ravages of insect sV tre are all to be F 'Peterson' Horace: A It red Hubert recoued with and ai! Lb ve their chapt'i ho Evans Mrs Charles Ivie’JMano Gates er jn the tree's wrlt'oii history t tie tree may recover from atijpf these Geo-Long arid Charles Henry ‘ Gates ‘ the scar remains “Ihe annual yivgs aie Ihe basis of and Miss Hilda Larsen Ihe studits more or less complicated Geo: L L'ng of Kocsharem speiit hSw by which a forester determines of the week in Salina long it takes a certain kind of tree tp thefore part ptuiuce a given amount of saw titnbep the guest of Miss Blanche Gates of ties cT fuetjOrof pulp for paper and' Mrs Charles Ivieof Eurika has been o what extent trees can be cut out in lumbering and leave those remaining visiting friends and relatives in Saiuia in condition not only to continue grow- during the week 0 licg but to grow the faster 1'y more figuring the forester Lames how much Mrs A J Scott spent a ocuple'of timber can be cut each vear from h cf the woelr in Richfield on busigiven aeraaod hot take It faster than days ‘ it is being produced and filxtherliow' ness large a timber tract a company must Two Vermillion hoys hail a sad exhave available to be able o cut a given quanify every - year and not run out ot perience in Bkliua Sunday night 1 hej i material were set upon bykorne Balina boys aud — — o —— driven from thir buggy with rooks Their They ran to escape injury horses were then turned loose with the Under the harness bu Cue horse was found' the Dry Farm act of Utah can now homestead 320 next morning near the depot all O K JJfore taking they must Tie ex was found at home without nihined by the Field Bervioe of the The other Geneial Land Office and designated uny part ofvthe Ijarness upon if In as Try F eiqu Lands by t Lo Secretary of finder to get home at all the boys had tire Interior-- lo borrow a horse from Oscar Ivle Apart of thosadans will be selected in each county and citizens will be besides being' put oht greatly' thpy ' a new harness toget theta loaf given an equalopportouity 7 Jo order that we may get all poosible Peter Nielsen father of HC Nielsen Information I would take it as a favor if every citiren of your county would has been visiting In Saliua this week les of any land suitable for Must le non mineral Fred Bentler the young man who dry farming non irrigable unreserved aud has been about cu crutches the past aud not containing merfew days is the guest cf Mr aud Mrs chantable timber Givetownahip and ' GeoKobins He was at the hospital 'range 11 I ossiuje it will be arranged so thesaine time as Mr Kobina end they that the lauds will bo available this became well acquainted season Let me know cf any lnda that ' k jou know of II F Jorgenseti wns in Lphraim part ' Hespertfully of the week U event up Tuesday to Geopur b I laiu Dox 1230 Balt Lake City Utah attend the funeral of htograud-mothe- ' iha t lie State engineer Caleb Tanner was here yesterday looking over the log! ennui in which the water Ltjs been turned lie went south yesterday to look into some water matters in Gar tield county for which appropriation applications had been fils in his office aud on which protests had been filed He will be gone several days The Commercial rlubs of thro as the districts are remote from the countries will hold a meeting ct Gu railroad on May 7 and 8 This should de At a meeting of the fJotntnevciul well attended aud something should club a letter was presented from the bo doue that would be of substantial Gunnison Commercial club calling to tho district to the meeting of the I’nitec beuefit At a meeting of the Gunnison jjon Commerciul clubs at that place on May cial Cl ib held Tuesday evening 77an(7aGo'th!a7o7r77wVlbVmspi' was deci led to change the date of the oulltntiU prouiUlity bo prison next district convention which will The club here decided to have a large held i i this city to May 7t i aud Mb' delegation attend the Gunnison meetinstead of just having ono day’s ing and rh!:o nil effort to have GovCommunications have been ernor Spry make Lichfield a visit at from a number of ctnbs iu tub the ime he comes to Gunnison rh'ree counties stntiug that the change Another case of some Importance to of date would be satisfactory the juvinile court officers has ju it been possible effort ii Leiug made uncovered It appears that the box to livery have his excellency Governor Bpry cars at Elsiuorz station have beem'ri-fle- d in attendance and he will likely bo at intervals for some time - The there Balmu must send a good dele probation ofilcer Albert 0 l'ugar was gation to this iiuportiuit meeting notified aud he now has a line on the The Spalding-Liingston Investment youths who have been making a pas- company have arranged for a special time of breaking the seals aud enter'rafnfrom Halt Lake 'on May 7tb with cars the ing 'he Governor representative busiues Kiohheld April-- 4 — A new townsiie men and Eastern people It will also has cen laid otf a Cedar Itidge seven bo arranged that several uuloiubiles miles noith of Lichfield The loea will be sent from Balt Lnke which wilt turn was practically decided upon Sat- ba on hand to show tha visiters oviu urday when 20 citizens cf this place ’he many resources of this great val of owners land the the anied aceonq ley out to the ridge and went over the o TLe t wWUciiQ wiii consist of ground nine 40 acre tracts which will make of ft mile square The it bb'pwill bTlf) rods square making Ephraim April IS - AC- liocen ji Land Notice Tljrum Craiif jr Vedhesday ev emug AH coucermtd are doing well ' —o BALE OF ANIMAL EedmbiYd "Bows Hr C V- f£s E‘ West ot Balina' ttr eowV Alleges in enostauceAthatc i ’i ‘ r: “Vv 1011 DAMAGE The ppaqebqsiiet atifl ‘dtguiiy- of the f ledmoil Visvory rude Monday by two young f a m ' t Uie3liou 11 U' married mert from Haims 1 hey cepie over in a tear up tlfc ufinsuiil tow'ty Marshal Hanson anl f into cou't where they were lined life ' Special to’J’h? Call dollars and costa each apouutuigto bet ween'tho atudents ot fthoit ten dollars They did not have the Aurora schools aud those fiom the the ducats fio the marslml drove them Elsinore schools which ‘ to Salina to enable them to get it also had another case Thejustico this week which was disposed of Wednesday lhings ure getfiug exciting here hheftring has coni meuqcd and agieal side must loose and of course there many sheep will he shorn this spring oh one side when whs dissapointment Owing to the lack of help bo the the jiidges'btood two for AuronC&nd-onwater si’5tf“ra' Mr' LymYin b“? le?r Ro(1‘ The visitors ‘ were H for Flhitiore mond lie and Mrs lymaii are living entertained royally and were asked to' at Salina at present’ come again Amoroe-ftDraper who is suffering Thechoir gave theirieader Antaony Willardson a pleasant surprise utr his with bright’s disease ie still very fcluk 'Lila' Anderson is' critically ill with home Mondey eveniug After spending a pleacant ey AiHg in S'jogs apd an attack of heart disease A’ lit le cf Phil were daughter served by games about dereloped Dutvaf whofptn8 the ladies of till? party ' aud is cough coming down with pneu- of Fhraim has Miss Christensen v 'I ' been visiting with relatives and friends mouia ' ' ' this week f v: v Mis b Bartcn bteut the past ’y?ek with her sister Ada at the hotel en joy: ' state Willard Hansen and Tool much her visit very ing Dairy Commisioner ha gien out to Mrs Ada Neilsen gave a "good peoplet ly disturbe-F- ’ der at 2 o'clock corral One light red old branded and v p m cow of said day v am about seven years ’a mrightilbs eJslm lett ribs ji Said auiinai Ts nell by me tosecui damages iu the sum of $1 done on the premises of II 0 Nielsen on the 12th day of April lflfifl T P Fmuisox t l'oundkeep6r At The School The sevehth grado pupils will present then play at Tha Cpera House next Friday evening April 30 The title is “When a Man Is Single” It is a three act comedy well wort h going to see There are eight Characters as follows: John Baruaid Fean Brown George Long Isaac Humph icy Bertha Colby ilate Franoey Louise Sorensen ' v Cleona Anderson Tho Graduating examination for the eight grader3 will be held May Tha grade will continue ifpossible up to that time and perhsps the students cf Aurora and Redmond will join Lera If plan3do not go awry the upper grades of the school will take an outing to' Maple Grove' o a “Thursday the 2tdh ' ¥ :j j Is prouoahaingf s'Suteuco Mra IV ft Mora ' Saloof Euttar c-'4 r - I drojhtful blitbday party last week Those present her lady friends MesJftmes ithel Christensen Eulalia Dorius Mary Fraudsen Erma Hales Emma Nielsen' Winnie Rasmussen G L Breinholt ‘Kuth Till Breinholt Ilanaeut Mai garet Cbristenseu of Mrs Laura Draper’s some Tuesday frieuds gave her a pleasant surprise V line party athayJ er wrappers add latelsqte has Loafi plainly prescribed by law and ha is' warmnkjlto fnerchauts against taking and selling 4uch butter Auy tuer-y- chant is liable to’the law for selling to any papsou any where butter that' t not properly labeled ' No use trying to evade the law ' Make the patron! ' - do ibe wrapping and labeling - v V? r- i ‘ ' V ‘r ' ' j |