Show SAVING NEWS SUMMARY PAINT MONEY It Cannot Be Done by Using Cheap Material and Cheap Painters Senora Castro wife of the formei president of Venezuela has been reIn arranging for painting a good fused admittance Into Venezuela The cabinet has decided definitely many try to save money by employing the painter who that the Spanish fleet shall be reconoffers to do the job cheapest — or try structed The wotk will be entrusted to save money by insisting on a to British firms But no property-owneAdvices from various north and east would paint run risks if he realized Texas points are to the effect that what must such be taken Into consideraheavy frost April 12 seriously damaged tion In order to grt a job that will the fruit and corn crops wear and give thorough satisfaction Rev C W Eldredge of Cincinnati No houseowner will go wrong on while delivering a speech in favor of the painting question If he writes Na the "dry" at Adelplil a small town in tlonal Lead Company 1902 Trinity Ohio was given a shower of rotten Building New York for their Houseeggs owner’s Painting Outfit No 49 which Richard Stedman a deputy warden Is sent free It Is a complete guld in the Alberta penitentiary It Includes a book ol at Ed- to painting monton Alberta was killed by a con- color schemes for either exterior or Interior painting a book of specificavict who struck Stedman on the head tions and an Instrument for detecting with an ax The Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe adulteration In paint materials National Nearly every dealer has Railway company has asked the KanLead Company’s pure white lead sas railroad commission to allow the road to issue seventy-thremillion (Dutch Boy Painter trademark) If yours has not notify National Lead dollars worth of common stock Co and arrangements ill be made Charles Dewes and Moses Lantz for you to get It were blown to atoms when the nitrothe of glycerine factory Independent Ills Torpedo company at Gordonwas destroyed by an explosion An investigation conducted by th? Des Moines (Iowa) Tubercular association has resulted In the discovery that six out of every ten children examined are infected with tuberculosis DiPresident Taft has instructed rector North of the census bureau to disregard party lines in securing suit- able men for supervisors and other appointive places under the new census act John Bullette a wealthy Indian "Why didn’t you come around earlandowner widely known throughout lier? The snow is all melted away” Oklahoma Texas and old Mexico "Dat’s just my luck lady’ Every was assassinated while sitting at h's time I feels like workin’ de sun comes desk in his office at Claremore Oklaout and does me out of a job!” t homa Colonel Moses Gibson who served in the confederate army during the campaign in Virginia committed suicide at Louisville Ky by drowning in a bathtub after slashing his wrists with a razor That a combination of silk industries In southern France' representing $10000000 of capital will transfer its by plants to this country is stated Jean Duplan head of a large silk dye works at Hazleton Pa During March 4783 settlers from the United States entered Canada at North Portal pn the Soo line with 726 cars of effects During the year end ing March 31 the total was 19099 settlers and 1759 cars of effects Mrs" Blanche O’Neill once a well known opera singer is in a Provi dence R I hospital under treatment for illness said to be due to hunget and exposure The woman has been living in poverty for several years A vacancy as chaplain in the navy will be filled by the appointment of a minister of the Methodist Episcopal church and Secretary Meyer will ask the board of bishops soon to meet in Richmond to nominate a candidate who has been Stanley Ketchel matched to fight Jack Johnson for the of the heavyweight championship world will fight the breach of promise case brought against him by Miss Elizabeth Houman of Grand Rapids Mich Seven young farmers from the town of York Minn were lodgted in jail last week charged with trying to blackmail Dr D Beckman out of $6000 the alternative being the burning of the Beckman residence and the kidnaping of his son While attempting to cross the Pacific Electric tracks near Pasadena dal in an automobile Mr and Mrs H B Hoffman of Pasadena were in a collision with a car Mrs Hoffman died fifteen minutes after the accident The Japanese government is negotiating with an American builder of submarine boats for the purchase of plans and specifications for a new type of submarine of smaller model than the type now In common use but of double speed The strike of coal miners at the Port Hood N S mines ended fruitlessly last week 350 miners who had been out for several weeks returning to work under conditions which were practically the same as those existing previous to the strike Steps have been taken to hasten final adjudication by the Kentucky court of appeals of the test case to determine the status of the Latonia Jockey club A decision by that body Is expected before the opening day of the Latonia spring meeting May 25 John Craig was killed in his home ftt Roaring Fork Va and his two tons aPtrlck and Arthur aged 9 and 12 were arrested respectively It is said charged with the crime Craig had been brutally treating the boys and that while he was asleep they shot him Marian Grey the youthful matrimonial agent whose manner of conducting the "Searchlight” club at Elled to a sentence of one year gin in prison must serve her time The young woman appealed but the court of appeals has affirmed the decision of the district court Grief That Kills "My poor boy” said the beneficent old clergyman who had encountered a young waif sobbing in the streets “what ails 'you? Some case of dire distress has touched your no doubt” “No” sniffed the lad “you’re clear Me an’ your base old kazzozicks Snippy an’ de rest of de fellies the mangy old yellow cur up at Schwarz’ grocery and while old Schwarz an de gang followed the dog I sneaked back to the grocery to swipe dried apples De Fido chased into Schmitt’s orchard and de gang cribbed de swellest peaches you ever seen an’ then dey smoked grape-vinI cigarettes and set the barn made a sashay into de apple barrel at de grocery an’ de delivery boy pasted and it hurts yet t me with a and I didn’t get to see de fire and didn’t get nothin’ to eat and I wisht It all!’’— The i wuz dead — Bohemian Magazine off What Charlie Had Several of the scholars had returned to Sunday school after being absent some weeks on account of illness “I had the measles” said one little girl "I had the mumps” said another "So did I” said a third The superintenda ent heard them and addressing boy said: “Well Charlie What did you you were absent too have?” Charlie’s face flushed He thought a moment and then sang out in high treble: "I had a little brudder!”— I as with joyous hearts and smiling faces they romp and play— when in health — and how conducive to' health the games in which they indulge' the outdoor life they enjoy the cleanly regular habits they should be taught to form and the wholesome diet of which they should partake How tenderly their health should be preserved not by constant medication but by careful avoidance of every medicine of an injurious or objectionable nature and if at any time a remedial agent is required to assist nature only those of known excellence should be used remedies which are pure and wholesome and truly beneficial in effect like the pleasant laxative remedy Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna has come into general favor in many millions of Well Informed families whose estimate of its quality and excellence is based upon " ' personal knowledge and use Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna has also met with the approval of physicians gen- erally because they know it is wholesome simple and gentle In Its action We inform all reputable physicians as to the medicinal principles of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna obtained by an original method from certain plants known to them to act most beneficially and presented in an agreeable syrup In which the wholesome Californian blue figs are used to promote the pleasant taste therefore it Is not a secret remedy and hence we are free to refer to all well informed physicians who do not approve of patent medicines and never favor indiscriminate Please to remember and teach your children also that the genuine Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna always has the full name of the Company — California Fig Syrup Co— plainly printed on the front of every package and that it is for sale In If any dealer offers any other than the regular Fifty cent i bottles of one size only size or having printed thereon the name of any other company do not accept It If you fail to get the genuine you will not get its beneficial effects Every family should always have a bottle on hand as it is equally beneficialfor the parents and the children whenever a laxative remedy is required oo GOING THE flavoring that Is tim'd the same as lemom orvanilla By dissolving granulated HUgMr in water and adding Mapleine a deliclou syrup la made and a syrup better than mapl is add grocers If not send Kefaw Utg U lama oi but and rod book A PACE SICItllEADACHE Tills Trade-mar- k Eliminates AQ Uncertainly Positively cured by these Little Pills Tortoise — What have motor car? Snail— Yes one must times you know you move Btarted a with the Table Talk A story In which Webster is said to have figured: The statesman was onco asked by a woman at a dinner given in his honor how he varied in his eating and what he generally ate “Madam” the answer ran "I vary in sometimes I eating in this respect eat more but never less” Ambiguous "What sort of time did you have in your automobile trip?” “COFFEE DOESN’T HURT ME” "Oh we had a perfectly killing time!” Tales That Are Told Do not force yourself to take offensive (and harmful) drugs— take Garfield Tea "I was one of the kind who wouldn’t Nature’s Herb laxative it overcomes conbelieve that coffee was hurting me” stipation purifies the blood brings Health! says a N Y woman "You Just couldn’t convince me its use was connected Occasionally a man listens to an honwith the heart and stomach trouble I est opinion because it is so different suffered from most of the time ' from his own “My trouble finally got so bad I Mrs 'Winslow's Soothing Syrup had to live on milk and toast almost Pur children teething softens the gums reduces la entirely for three or four years Still flammatlon allays pain cares wind colic 25c a bottle I loved the coffee and wouldn’t believe Is buried in thought dodges He who do It could such damage “What I needed was to quit coffee the undertaker and take nourishment in such form as my stomach could digest “I had read much about Postum but never thought it would fit my case until one day I decided to quit coffee and give it a trial and make sure about It So I got a package and carefully followed the directions "Soon I began to get better and was able to eat carefully selected foods without the aid of pepsin or other and it was not long before I was really a new woman physically “Now I am healthy and sound can eat anything and everything that comes along and I know this wonderful change is all due to my having quit coffee and got the nourishment I needed through this delicious Postum "My wonder is why everyone don’t give up the old coffee and the troubles RELIABLE l’KOMPT that go with it and build themselves up Gold (old and Silver $100 Gold as I have done with Postum” 50 Gold Silver and and Silver refined Copper Easy to prove by 10 days’ trial of and bought Write for free mailing narks Postum in place of coffee The reward OGDEN ASSAY CO isae Crt Flue Dearer Cel is big "There’s a Reason” ETfr read the above letter? A new one appear from time to time They Color more poods brighter and fatter colors than any are genuine true and full of human III garment without ripping apart Writ for Iron Interest They regulate SMALL PILL They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating A perfect remedy for Dizziness Nau sea Dro wsl ness Bad Taste In the Month Coated Tongue Fain In the Side TOKPID LIVER the Bowels Purely Vegetable SMALLBOSE SMALL PRICE in the purchase of paint materials It is an absolute guarantee of pur ity and quality For your own protection see that it is on the side of every keg of while lead you buy 1102 Trinity Genuine Must Bear Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES COMPUt Building biM F0PPL1© “I tried all kinds of blood remediea which failed to do me any good but have found the right thing at last Uy face was full of pimples and s After taking Cascarets they all left I am continuing the use of them and reootn I feel fina mending them to my friends when I rise in the morning Hope to have a chance to recommend Cascarets — Fred C Witten 76 Elm St Newark N I J Pleasant W N U Salt Lake City Palatable Potent Taste Good Do Good N ever Sicken W eaken or Gripe 10c 25c 50c Never sold In bulk The genuine stamped C C C Guaranteed to B2Z ueoey back tablet cursor your No Beet Implements We are Pioneers In Beet the Manufacture el Plows Seeders Pullers and Cultivators and have given special attention to the aie of sugar beet cultureL chpiical requirements experts intheall the beet growing sect Iona studied subject thoroughly and wa the finest line ol beet implements on th market P ft 0 Bed Tools are tbe simplest tba strongest and the easiest running made nod they meet the exacting demands of all section These implements have every adjustment and convenience and the Cultivators can be furnished with various attachmen ts for every kind of work Send for our Special Catalog on F & O Beet Implemeahk implements from yonr dealer or write to us A Beautifully Illustrated Our have oflef Insist on getting? Pamphlet and a F & Portland & O O Catalog Parlin & will be mailed free Ask for Catalog No 87 Orendcrff Co Canton Illinois Utah Co Agents Salt For SpotaM Lake City Pink Eye Eplzootfa Shipping Fever & matter Catarrhal Pem anr i home at no awe are iirfeetei Bure cure and positive preventive acta on the Blood ana Gland tongue: expel exposed” liquid given on the Cures (botern poisonous germs from the body Distemper inLa and Bheep and Cures Grippe among human being poultry LanrestBellingllveBtockremedy and is a fine Kidney remedy 6Qend It a bottle teamillOadosen CutthtaouL r who will to IreeBooklet Bhow It your druggist wanted get it you Distemper' and Cures Special agent lor SPOHN MEDICAL CO fiazlSMSl GOSHEN IND USA PUTNAM FADELESS DYES other dye One tOe package colort all libera Bleach and Mu Colon to Dye They dyeln cold water better than any other dye Yooaaa MOMROE DRUB GO Qmlaoj UUnala |