Show THE' WRETCHES AILING T T y WOMEN Keep the Kidneys Well and the Kid neys Will Keep You Well NORTHWEST NOTES Edward Madden who wras shot while to escape after havin attempting Sick suffering languid women are held up a poker game In Butte is dead learning the true cause of bad backs from his wounds The body of Fireman Wallman hai and how to cure been found at White Pine Mont be Mrs W G them Davis of Groesbeck neath his engine tender the body Texas Bays: "Backbeing literally ground to pieces and urn aches hurt me so I recognizable could hardly stand Secretary Ballinger of the interior Shells' of dizziness department has agreed to attend if Uncle— How ijs It young maji that and sick headaches possible and make an address at the were frequent anc National Irrigation congress at Spoyou failed again in your examination? the action of fhe kid kane next August Nephew—Why the wretches asked me the very same question I could not neys was Irregular Albertus H Johnson chief of the Soon I after answer last year! began taking Doan’s Kid' correspondence division of the postof-fleney Pills I passed several grave has been deslgnatec stones I got well and the trouble has to department $100 Reward $100 represent the war department at My back is good and the Ite teadrn of this paper will be pleased to learn not returned exposition at that then Is at least one dreaded disease that science and my general health Is bet- Seattle Wash has been able to cure In all Its stains and that Is strong ter" Ostanh Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is the only positive Eastern wool buyers are again in the saw bow known to the medical fraternity Catarrh all Sold 50 box dealers cents a by disease a constitutional a const requires vicinity of Lewiston Mont and the Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is taken In Co Buffalo N Y offers made are a little In advance of By acting directly upon the blood and mucous of the ' system thereby the destroying those last January by perhaps a cent and giving the patient omdatlon of the disease Reckless Perfectly 21 cents now offered for the best and assist strength by building up the constitution The proprietors have The members of the church voted class of wool being hig nature In doing Its work o Bach faith In Its curative powers that they offer and devoted Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to that their' was convicted at Donald Boyd Send for list of testimonials so and vacation a should have pastor Morns F J CHENEY & CO Toledo O Mount Vernon Wash of kidnaping he decided that he would visit a broth Patrick McCoy 75c by all Druggists a wealthy Seattle Toko Hall’s Family Pills tor constipation in the neighboring village lumberman In the woods near Bow Thi® good brother recognizing his last autumn with the intention of Not Our Discovery in the Lord way back The Greek Eratosthenes 250 B C holding him for a ransom the congregation on Sunday Luis McFadden a Seven Troughs taught the doctrine of the rotundity among to and every sjtow wishing morning teamster fired two shots with a ref the earth and the Ideas of the courtesy asked him to lead in prayer volver at his wife - Mary at Reno sphere Its poles axis the equator But the visitor calmly' replied: “You’ll arctic and antarctic circles equinoc- - have to excuse me dear brother I’m Nev shooting away a finger and protlal points and the solstices were quite on ducing an ugly wound In her neck Be my vacation” — Ladies’ Home Jour lievlng her wounds mortal McFadden generally entertained by the wise men nal killed himself f that time There were plenty of Mien in Rome therefore W T Onyon assistant cashier ol! who were Cleaning the Stage “We hope” said the spokesman of the First National bank In Lovelqck prepared to talk about the earth as a the committee “to enlist your support Nevada was found dead with a bullet sphere and to make globes illustrating in favor of a clean stage” their ideas wound through his heart It is be“You have It” responded the theat lieved that the wound was It Jarred Him rlcal manager heartily “Why almost Bank officials declare Onyon’s ac Howell — How did you come to break every one of my plays opens with counts are straight pour engagement with that girl? The state board of health of Mongirl dusting everything in sight” Powell— I had reason to think that tana has Issued a new set of rules and Red Weak Weary Watery Eyes he hadn’t enough practical knowledge regulations for sanitation and ventlla Relieved by Murine Eye Remedy Comto make her a good helpmeet tlon purposes applicable on all railpounded by Physicians ConHowell — What gave you that idea? forms to PureExperienced Food and Drug Laws Muroads operating within the state effecDoesn’t Smart: Soothes Powell— I told her one day that the rine Murine Eye Pain Try in Vour Eyes At DruggistSo tive June 1 and which Is said to be she weren’t said she hens the most stringent on record laying and opposed that would affect the price Only J1000 worth of property was Skill to do comes of doing knowof egg coal ledge comes by eyes always open and left by Major William A Stanton of Goldfield Nev who killed himself by Is no knowhands and there working Ask Your Druggist for Allen’s shooting in the California hospital ledge that Is not power — Emerson “I tried ALLEN’S recentlast week according to' a petition for ly and have Just bought another supply Time is the best test For over fifty letters of administration filed In the It has cured my corns and the hot burn-nand itching sensation in my feet which years Hamlins Wizard Oil has been the superior court at Los Angeles waa almost unbearable and I would not most popular remedy in the United States The twenty-fltencampment of the he without it now — Mrs W J Walker for the cure of Rheumatism Neuralgia Montana division of the Grand Army Camden N J” Sold by all Druggists 25c and all pain and inflammation of the Republic convened at Billings Although vanity Is supposed to be a Ninety pep cent of the neuralgic on April IB the encampment being at feminine trait one doesn’t have to headaches ai!e attributed to eye de- tended by about 125 members of the scratch very deep to find it in a man fects Montana post and an equal number of member of the Women’s Relief Corps Two p£rsoq6 were seriously injured one probably fatally" when a touring car contklning Wi E Worden a business man his wife three children and waa Amasa Inscho a hortlculturalist run down by a train at San Diego Cal Mrs Worden and Inscho being Injured Nine heavily loaded freight cars which formed a portion of a Northern Pacific freight train being pulled into Helena were wucked Just as the train was passing the station a coupling in the middle of the train broke and nine cars were hurled from tns track Suit ha3 been instituted against the Helena Hot Springs company In the district court by James Breen of Spokane for $25000 The Helena Hot Springs company is the concern organized by F Augustus Heinze to take over and conduct the Broadwater hotel a noted health resort of Helena Mont Dick Anderson arrested at Laramie Wyo on a forgery charge preA woman who is sick and suffering and won’t at least ferred by the Dillon Mont authoria medicine which has the record of Pinkham’s E Lydia ties escaped while being returned to Vegetable Compound is to blame for her own wretched Dillon by leaping through the toilet condition window of an Oregon Short Line train near Idaho Falls Ida while the train was traveling at a speed of forty miles There are literally hundreds of thousands of women in an hour the United States who have been benefited by thisfanious Thomas Crouse of Helena Mont old remedy which was produced from roots and herbs over has just concluded negotiations for the sale of his Fergus county ranch to a thirty years ago by a woman to relieve woman’s suffering Chicago syndicate headed by W M Read what these women say: Powers a banker The deal Includes the largest cattle sheep and horse — Camden N Is with pleasure that I send testimoranch In the state Montana and nial for Lydia E Pinkliam’s Vegetable Compoundmyhoping it the purchase price Is ofnear the r may Induce other suffering women to avail themselves of the mark benefit of this valuable remedy Applications for lands under the en“ I suffered from pains in my back and side sick headaches larged homestead law will not be reno appetite was tired and nervous ail the time and so weak I ceived by local land offices until the could hardly stand Lydia E Pinkham’s Vegetable’ Compound lists are received from Washington made me a well woman— and this valuable medicine shall The officers at Washington will desigalways have my praise”— Mrs V P Valentine 0015 Lincoln Ave Camden N nate the lands subject to entry and no applications for unlisted lands will be Eric Pa — suffered for five years from female troubles and received last was almost helpless I tried three doctors but they did Joshua Klein the “radio active me no good My sister advised mo to try Lydia E Pinkham’s philosopher” will be deported from Tacoma Klein recently was convicted gold’1 of an attack upon a woman who was —Mrs Endlich It F 1 7 Erie Pa trying to persuade him to recall to America two Tacoma girls whom he Since we guarantee that all testimonials which we pubhad persuaded to join his colony In lish are genuine is it not fair to 'suppose that if Lydia E Switzerland Juan Nlculas a Filipino was exePinkham’s Vegetable Compound had the virtue to help at the Washington penitentiary cuted these women it will help any other woman who is sufferon April 16 for the murder of anfrom the same trouble other Filipino and a white boy at Port ing Nlculas died with a smile Blakely on his face Nlculas 13 believed to For 30 years Lydia E Pinkham’s Vegetable be the first Filipino ever executed In Compound has been the standard remedy for the United States female ills No sick woman does justice to herself who will not try this famous medicine Harry Glllig well known In CaliforMade exclusively from roots and herbs and nia and New York died April 14 in lias thousands of cures to its credit Los Angeles Glllig was prominent h If the slightest trouble appears which few years ago as one of the bright you do not understand write to 31 rs lights of the Bohemian club of San Pinkliam at Lynn 3Iass for her advice— it Is Francisco and later of the Lambs’ free and always helpful club of New York He had been (n poor health for several years Jy J I at “It J Jp i r rn POTATO MAKES PROUD BOAST Humble Vegetable Used for Many er Purposes Than Recognized Dinner Essential Whenever you lick a postage stamp you partake of me since all lickable one gums are made from dextrine of my products Your neck caresses me all day — for the starch that stiffens your collar Is made from the potato The bone buttons on your underwear are probably “vegetable ivory" — compressed jjotato pulp dried make a good leaves My smoke You have often smoked them mixed with your fa“unbeknownst" vorite brand Potato spirit is a very pure alcohol It la used to fortify white wines Many a headache Is not so much due to the grape as the potato In this form I yield a sweet syrup I am often present In cheap cocoa honey butter and lard Let the corpulent try as they will they cannot escape yours truly THE POTATO BABY’S WATERY UJ A Oth- ECZEMA Itched and Scratched Until Blood Ran —$50 Spent on Useless Treatments —Disease Seemed Incurable For Catarrh of the Throat of Two Years’ Standing 'l was afflicted for two years with catarrh of the throat At first It was very slight but every cold I took made it worse "I followed your directions and in a very short time I began to improve took one bottle and am now taking can safely say that my my second throat and head are cleared from ca tarrh at the present time but still continue to take my usual dose fora spring tonic and find there is noth 260 Praying better”— Mrs W Twelfth St Brooklyn N Y CAMPBELL SUB SURFACE PACKERS We are the sole manufacturers of this famous Packer the only one made This Is the one that you have heard everyone talkg about Cured by Cuticura for $150 “When my little boy was two and a half months old he broke out on both cheeks with eczema It was the Itchy watery kind and we had to keep his little hands wrapped up all the time and if he would happen to get them uncovered he would claw his face till the blood streamed down on his clothing We called in a physician at once but he gave an ointment which was so severe that my babe would scream when It was put on W changed doctors and medicine until we had spent fifty dollars or more and baby was getting worse I was so worn out watching and caring for him night and day that I almost felt sure the disease was Incurable But finally reading of the good results of the Cuticura Remedies I determined to try them I can truthfully say I was more than surprised for I bought only a dollar and a half’s worth of the Cuticura Remedies (Cuticura Soap Ointment and Pills) and they did more good than all my doctors’ medicines I had tried and In fact entirely cured him His face is perfectly clear of the least spot or scar of anything Mrs W M spot or scar Mrs W M Comerer Burnt Cabins Pa S§pt 15 1908” Potter Drug a Chem Corp Sole Props Boston — Send for our Special Pamphlet on Packing the best known system for “dry farming” a method of absolutely insuring bumper crops with a minimum rainfall— the salvation of regions This packer is made in two sizes with to and 16 wheels is heavy and strong and the frame is made to carry all the extra weight needed Ask for Catalog No 87 Parlln £ Orendorff Co Portland Ora CANTON ILL Spokane Wash Utah Co Salt Lake City Utah Burton Implement Co Ogden Utah Richfield Implement Co Richfield Utah Snake River Implement Co Burley Idaho as 3E IFYOUVE NEVER WORN SLICKER you’ve yet to learn file bodily comfort it gives in the wettest weather MADE AND GUARANTEED WATERPROOF AOQ — AU 60QD STORES catalog race Offensive Advice "Madam” said the medical man gravely “you must practice filling your lungs with deep breaths of pure USA AJffMnCOi ( air" “An’ bust the smithereens out of my new direct’ry gown” sniffed the lady I think I see myself” And turning on her high heels she haughtily left the apartment — Cleveland Plain Dealer The Easiest Way “I wonder If there Isn’t some way can get our assemblyman to advocate good roads?” “Give him an auto” — Brooklyn Life we n K fthanjwnci Live Stock and Miscellaneous Electrotypes In variety for sale the lowest at great prices by WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION W Adame St CHICAGO 73 H For Infants and Children INS Up The Kind You llavo ¥ ft in d jjL ALCOHOL-- 3 PER CENT Vegetable Preparation for As similating theFoodandRegula-inthe S tomachs and Bowels of flNrAtttSyCHlttiBttril Promotes Digestion aij Opium neither Morphine nor Mineral Always Bought Bears the Signature of Not Narcotic 5! t P'a'pr ofOU DrSAHUEL ffreffEP Pumpktm Atx Snm ftothtlU Softs Anis Sttd fopptrmint HiCfH90iUS9U 3? i i!o In horm Se$d CiarSttd Supa Wtnkryrten § f favor A perfect Remedy for Constipation Sour Stomach Diarrhoea Worms Convulsions Feverishness and Sleep Loss of Facsimile $f Signature The Centaur of Company y NEW YORK $ Use For Over Thirty Years mrs & Guaranteed a ip'K- under the Food ami Exact Copy of Wrapper Vat oaaraua compear men vona oitt |