Show DECEIVERS BY ICopyrlght r R E by J Judith lay in a hammock that swung between two acacias and the white blossoms fell at iptervals into her brown garden hat and into her browner tresses which had not yet been put up I was glad to see There was a look in her eyes and trouble under them though I flattered myself the latter disappeared somewhat when she caught sight of me ‘‘I am so glad to see you again Mr Derrick" she said "It was nice of you to come You got my letter? (I had got a letter beginning "Dear Uncle Derrick" to announce that Judith would be back from Germany In a few days) It was Fraulein’s fault She was very that it was like that particular about whom we wrote to” "She doesn’t know I’m an old fogy?” “You’re not” said Judith indignant"You’re nothing of the kind And ly It was nice of you to come so soon” "You don’t consider me a boy I hope” I said “Why?’’ demanded Judith "Because I hear you hate boys” “Oh!” Judith sank back In the hammock and the look came back to her eyes again I began to perceive that there was something in what Mrs Doyrington had said when she dispatched me into the garden to try and find out what was the matter with Judith “I don't know what’s wrong with the child” she had said “She’s come back from the school In Germany quite changed” “Measles?” I suggested “It’s not physical" said Mrs Doy“Its mind She mopes — disrington mal as a wet cat and won’t utter a word” “Perhaps she’s forgotten how to speak English” I said encouragingly “After a long absence from one’s native land one sometimes forgets the use of it" But I was on the wrong tack “I don’t believe she’s a learned word of German” said Mrs Doyring“I wish ton with Indignation to goodness I'd never sent her I always thought there was a je ne sals quo! about those German finishing schools that you can’t get even in Paris but you never can trust these Fraulelns d people Would you believfe It I vited young Keppel Hathaway here to on purpose yesterday afternoon play badminton with Judith — such a nice boy and he’ll have twenty thou— sand a year on his majority and what does Judith do but go out for a walk five minutes before he anives and stay away till he’s gone! “But you go out and see if you can She used to rouse her Mr Derrick tell you everything” Mr “You are rather like an uncle ' Derrick” she said suddenly “Tbanky” I said meekly The position of uncle has its advantages no doubt But in any case I have not and am never likely to have tweflty thousand a year “You see" Judith went on “you understand things without fussing don’t have to consult somebody else about me if I don’t happen to want to play croquet or something” "Badminton for example" I said “Why should one play badminton?” Judith asked with vehemence “Or billiards” I said "One shouldn't unless one feels inclined What used jt)u to play with him?” “With whom?” “That boy In Germany?” said Judith “It’s a “Lawn tennis-horrid game and badminton reminds me of Mr Keppel Hathaway reminds you of— What was his name?” Judith looked away lnto the acacia - ' trees BIrt” she mur“John Teddlngton mured ' "Johnnie?” I queried “Jack” said Judith instantly And there was a little pause “We all love Jack” I suppose I must have repeated the refrain aloud for Judith's eyes came to earth I hate I don’t behim “I don't He lieve 1 ever did love him either was boarding with a tutor there” “To learn the language— Ich Hebe— liebst du— ” “That was all the German he knew” said Judith with scorn “And he was very conceited about that as well as about his tennis though I beat him Frauleln used to take several times us to the English courts” “I remember them" I said “We used to go there twice a Judith “with the week" remarked French governess "And she used to' knit didn’t she?" “I wonder how you know that” said Judith French governess “The always “It’s a kind of indoes” I explained stinctive tact — she doesn’t have to see all that’s going oh— and mittens are so useful in the winter I suppose she didn’t see Mr BIrt much” “I suppose not" said Judith “There EVER VERNEDE B Llpplncott Co) trees round the courts— and we used to stroll there when we got hot playing to cool -- all of us" “Mixed pairs?” “Generally" Judith admitted “And one fine day—” I prompted “It was dreadfully hot” said Judith with a gasp as if the heat were still I obvious “even tinder the trees don't know how it happened But he said he’d been thinking over it for a long time I don’t believe he had because he had been awfully keen on getting up a cricket match against the Germans the week before and the week before that he was making flies to catch trout in the mountain near Rudesheim so that he didn’t even come down to the courts for days” “But he had come to a conclusion anyhow" “Yes” said Judith gravely and a very faint pink grew in her cheeks so that if John Teddlngton BIrt had been I should present certainly have choked him for a blundering thickheaded boy “He said that he loved me He wanted me to leave Fraulein’s and run away with him” “Yes?” I said "I didn't know — I wasn’t sure what I mean it was like — to love somebody It was so— you understand don’t you? And I said I didn't think it would be quite fair to Fraulein to run away like were a lot of my trust “It’s a figure of speech" I said “I don’t think she cares for vaguely badminton much Color Treatment for the Insane of Chromotherapy — the treatment disease by color — is being tried at 111 where eight solariums are in use for the benefit of the insane Dr Zeller the superintendent is known as an opponent of the the cell and other means of repression in cases of Insanity He advocates the use of the four colors" ruby violet amber and opal and these are in use at the Bartonville hos The incandescent- lamps the pital glass shades everything through which the light filters is in one of the colors and the influence upon the patient bethat” "It wouldn’t have been” I said “Not comes perceptible as soon as he enters the room in the least” Dr Zeller reports that the insane 'T’m glad you think so too” said a certain gayety in the red Judith BIrt — display “Jack — I mean Mr room The violet room produces an and didn’t He was rather annoyed appeasing effect and the opal and amhe said I wasn’t game” ber solariums are specially efficacious The corners of her mouth drooped when the alienation is accompanied by and shook a little as she repeated this tuberculosis— Harper’s Weekly dire verdict "I — I wanted to be game” she went Prompt Delivery on wistfully I “But It is related on good authority of a suppose girls can’t be — very” poet that he once walked "That Is the error of the young and into the sanctum of a magazine edivery stupid boy” I said and was glad tor and submitted to him a poem to see Judith smile however wanly which was promptly rejected The “He didn’t seem to think it made editor endeavored to cheer up the crestfallen bard all the difference at first” she said "He told me (hat of course he should “Try special articles” he suggested always love ne however long I kept “there’s money in them” “I couldn’t do him waiting because men were like special articles” cried thb son of Parnassus indigthat — and he gav me a brooch” ‘tor me romance! And by “Coral and gilt i'rom a German jew- nantly he immediately added the way eler? I hope yoi didn’t wear it” "It was a little large” Judith nod- “that’s a good starter for a poem Hm— let me isee: — be— ded "I didn't wear it not outside For me the “For me s' Romance cause it didn’t seem properly to beGolden Lie!” long to me — until — I thought that laIn a few minutes the new poem ter perhaps Only you see the Amerwas all written out on the back of ican girl came later in the middle of one In a few minutes the term Her name was Damozel P the discarded more it was accepted — wasn't name a rather Giggs pretty It?” asked Judith Nature Study “P Giggs?” Nature study is teaching the youth "Damozel” Judith said she meant to see and to know the thing nearest “Ja — Mr Birt said he thought it was to hand to the end that his life may the prettiest name he’d ever heard be fuller and richer writes Prof L H Nature and (Judith pronounced this steadily Bailey of Cornell university with a deep breath) that she was the study is not to be taught for the purright sort He didn’t play tennis much pose of making the youth a specialist Now a or and then a scientist You see she said she after that pupil guessed she didn’t hanker on to ten- will desire to pursue a science for the nis And they used to stroll among sake of the science and he should be But time were we the trees most of the every pupil may encouraged in plants be taught to be interested playing” a and birds and insects and running Evidently we were approaching brooks and thereby his life will be climax Judith had straightened her The crop of scientists the stronger slender shoulders “I didn’t know quite what to do I will take care of Itself had wrapped up the brooch in tissue Man’s Contrariness and brown paper and I meant to ask One of the most curious traits of him only I didn’t see him alone at all that most curious creature Man is the —until one afternoon when he asked fact that the very things he most Damozel had me to go for a stroll In a sweetheart he condemns or been kept in for having her room un- ignores in a wife! Before they were tidy So I went meaning to give him married when she coquettishly stuck back the brooch only there wasn't a flow'er in her pretty curls he went time” into rhapsodies of romantic fervour “How was that?” I asked After the honeymoon when she tries "Because" said Judith “he began the same little Cupid’s trick he most He once it said it about at likely does not even see that she has talking was all very well to pretend to love a adorned herself with a floral wreath man and ruin his whole career by to win a compliment or a kiss — keeping him hanging on” Annesley Kenealy in Woman’s Life “The career being?” A Society Composition “I think he was going into an ofThe professor seated himself airily he “if Judith fice” said doubtfully at the piano and announced in a farmanaged to learn German” I nodded Judith wa3 looking away away voice: “Song mitoudt vordts” He rendered a few dreamy chords from me and then Bertie Fllppe told Mrs “It was all very well to ruin that” a screaming story and a bunch reminded her of debutantes in the corner quarreled “But it wasn’t fair to keep a man’s about the handsome villain at the presents when I wouldn't do anything Mimic He— he wanted to give it to for him The professor roused "Song mlt Damozel" vordts — lots of vorfits” he corrected Judith stopped' with what was al- — Puck most a sob which I respectfully did not observe and then the sob stopped The Suffragette Bested “I threw it down on the ground She (belligerently) — Do you know of and he any state in the union in which woman and it fell out of tlje paper said I’d broken it so I gave him five has the upper hand without the ballot? He — Oh yes shillings to have it mended And oh Derrick’’— Judith Mr sprang out of She — What state Is it? the hammock like a young queen of He (meekly)— The state of matriI hate boys!” tigers— "oh mony I suppose the greatest knowledge an Chollie’s Manner uncle can possess is the knowledge of Patience — Don’t you think Chollle when and how to change a subject of I changed it then and acts aB if he belonged to the smart conversation we talked of many things gayly such set? think he acts as if Patrice— No I do not as the color of hollyhocks Yonk-eifancy Judith would have been grateful the smart set belonged to him!— Statesman for sympathy and she was too mag ) ""s nanimous to welcome an opinion as to the merits of John Teddlngton Birt Afterward when we had forgotten our troubles and it was time for me to be going Judith accompanied me as far as the house “It was so nice of you to come" she “No I won’t go in I expect repeated mother’ll want to consult you about me I am rather a trial you know But you won’t tell?” ‘‘About the hollyhocks?” I asked And Judith Bihiled trustfully Mrs Doyrington is not so sure of my dis cretion “Has the child confessed to you?” she asked “Judith is the gamest person know" I answered “I dare say” said Mrs Doyrington shrugging her shoulders “But why is she so absurd about boys?” “She’ll get over it" I said “Perhaps the next one will be nicer” “The next one? What do you mean Mr Derrick?” I saw that I had nearly betrayed t THE SAL1NA CO-O- P FIRST STATE BANK OF SAUNA Safina Utah i o - OFFICERS' Snell N E President A J v A Lewis V Iluisn Cashier —o 000-0- CAPITAL STOCK Drafts drawn on all the principal cities ot the United States and Europe J5“Fourper cent interest' paid on time deposits Slogans Sewing Machine runs lighter than any other lasts longer than any other is more beautiful than any other Lies Scenic l:i :! 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