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Show ' eiam c textU Uxt uii pybSSc f CHRISTINA OSBORN Staff Writer t Mari- at toy f'r L "'1 "IW propaganda ,JW ;,.n, w Jf i? f p juana has a pretty bad rap for some- i f ' thing Q been used as a for thousands .S t , ' i It f I m thats Ao L me-,n- al herb jlfars. ,at we and UPPOr "hi ien n to ledtc LEGALIZATION BALi.GTS know as the iUnously seductive, destructive street with us for been ghas long time. The count cannabis Chinese S 5) tore !od Port e of their 50 one and wilt fora firnda-rent- al herbs, and folks it, legally ;Je been using for years to jd illegally, whole spectrum jeat the diseases, from asthma Mutaple Sclerosis. It j ,2so used by cancer 0t mgtti ertan to encourage the horrors of Vmotherapy treatment. ptients Jams e wh sonic you go through you dont want to When icane lemo, ;us to Jackie Dodart, a Marriot hotel in 4 said the the; George. mother, Virginia Her ed the jef at to being treated cancer in St. ilarys Hospital in Grand action, Colo. Her doctor was jitter, nds anal or prescribed little white balls called Marinol to be taken before mealtimes. We didnt tell her what they were or she wouldnt have taken them, Dodart said. Shes a devout Catholic. She told me once, I really like those little white ones, and I just had to laugh. Ritter weighed in at a skeletal 98 pounds at the end of her chemotherapy, and the pills helped her find her appetite again. During the two years she was in the hospital, she took the Marinol for five made lent ilbert ontinued from page 10 ..speeches thinking at ' QS) hed ie cool neighbor. a to b nd l that Door yes, Im aware that a charisma really nothing to do with his adership skills or his But, its delusional residents as com-etenc- re, ot low imam ir anL vithoi think y. that personal appeal d charm have nothing do with winning, well, ivthrng. for the epublican Party, none Unfortunately hen tdon candidates are as as Obama is its ansmatic speaks. Candidates a that dont come around he sen 1 last time Republicans had one, had just aired and rhy other and her friends were ay teasing their bangs and mg leg warmers. ten, and the 1TV m U Ediw is Eih E Ethi tiles on E 6 Eil0 0 Edmr EM echo E s Alexandra Mooney Obama My prepares for fall ates in her article Republicans fight published Jatch 9, Obamas lack direct opponent has feved him to stay on essage and conduct the election bid on his own "CNN.com, a lamts .ms Obama can ignore the squabbling for on getting :::os done while his team My prepares for the epublican w and focus November Republican battle is Ag to hurt Romney as af he lands the nomina-11- 1 iuser Hes taken increases' conservative stands on UK 'M, which is damaging CHI' Whis little nations history. come November. And independents are where its at in continued from page 10 the big election that is part of how Obama triumphed in November of 2008. that are against our As to who I think people conscience. He is also should vote for come putting his religion into his campaign (who isnt November, I honestly have in the Republican race no idea. Again, I dont like indepen-r,t- s. going to flip-flo- ps any of the potential Republican candidates, with the exception of Ron Paul, who doesnt have a chance in right now?). Religion should not play any part in the government. We are free from a unified hell of winning the nominareligion, so why are so tion. many candidates playing the religion card to their While Obama would be favor in this race? for dinner to have over great Santorum brought up needs to he and Scrabble, the fact that 99 perstop running the country. Of course, if a cruel twist of cent of sexually active women have used fate happens and Santorum control at some birth or Gingrich end up with the point. Santorum said he nomination, I give full perbelieves birth control is mission to Obama to keep the morally wrong, and emcountry. running ployers should be able to But, I think in November opt out of covering it. its going to be between This statistic proves PickObama. and Romney more people believe that ing who to vote for wont birth control is OK than neither of them be easy not OK. If 99 percent is ideal. However, theres in of women are OK with one huge factor looming on birth control, my mind, and Im willing to being then why is birth control bet its looming in most of a problem? Just because my fellow college students minds as well: getting a job. Santorum and his wife have seven children And, as much as I hate to is the doesnt mean every say it, I think Romney to man who is going get the couple wants to bring seven children into this economy to a place where world. my employment will be a This directly applies I mean. ensured. little more Dixie State College to to Im not here at school go Students are students. d back to my crappy some of the ones who job, and I suspect most of make up this statistic. my peers feel the same way. females College-age- d So its both safe and control. If the use birth painful to say that come is government making November, Ill be voting it so it is controlled, we then for Mr. Romney. But, lost our freedom of have again, maybe Ill follow to choosing. my instincts and move Also, Santorum is a Canada. Pot smoking was relatively unheard of outside of the Southwestern states until the It gained wider attention both as a drug and as a viable competitor of the lumber and paper industry, which was then controlled in large part by newspaper mogul William Randolph Hearst. Hearst used his newspaper monopoly to spread fear about the plant, which could be grown almost anywhere and used to make almost anything. Thanks to pluralism, there are interest groups for almost everything these days, real studies are being done on the actual effects of Marijuana. A study by Scripps Research Institute in California showed that THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, prevents the buildup of plaque in the brain that leads to Alzheimers disease. Multiple Sclerosis patients are experiencing a reduction in muscle spasms. A 2007 study at the California Pacific Medical Center found that cannabidiol, a nonpsychoactive compound man. Men should not be able to make decisions about stuff they dont understand The female body and the male body are so different, and he has no idea what women go through. He cant tell us not to use birth control when he has no idea what birth is like. So Santorum, here is a call to action. Women dont like being told what to do. Nor should we have to. If you want to win this race, then you need to leave religion out and leave the decision of birth control to us. And to readers (male and female) out there, we need to take a stand, and not vote Santorum (or any other candidate who pulls the stuff he does) into office. Birth control is not something mid-1930- s. in THC, prevents metastasis, or the spreading of cancerous cells, in breast cancer patients. There are hundreds of other studies being conducted right now to prove the effectiveness of this long-demoniz- ed medical miracle. Weed, Mary Jane, pot, herb, Buddha, ganja, grass, whatever you like to call it, it must be considered for what it is: a plant that has some medicinal properties. Whether you approve or not, it may someday be prescribed to you or someone you love. that needs to be messed with by the government. Besides, we can make our own choices about birth control in a dress and heels any day. Contact us at Facebook. comDixie.Sun to tell us your thoughts about Rick Santorums view against birth control and how we can make a difference in the upcoming presidential election. nwitrdMEElii K ACADEMY AWARDS Ksl LiM 1 EEST DIRECTOR BEST ACTOR NOEL HAZANAVK3US JEANDUJARDIN BEST COSTUME DESIGN MARK BRIDGES BEST ORIGINAL SCORE LUD0CB0URT fast-foo- election. standing with who arent worst-founde- GIRL OLITICS 010 months, and it brought her back up to 125 pounds still slight for her 5 foot 8 inch frame. The use of marijuana in hospitals, even in the weak, synthetic form of Marinol, is a step in the right direction. Cannabis has been so demonized in films like Reefer Madness, in the press, and even on the United States Food and Drug Administration website, that its hard to see through some of the thickest and d propaganda in our .ge ast k 'tv.K T du com v;j jt ,d spn ol Di' WrJ 5 A mica1 l.o nsif" ipaf1,fDi'11 cdil1 ..vs il 'Vf11' art-ti- to find a car or scooter. employee? Are you trying Need to advertise your company? Need to find a new roommate? PG-1- 3 PARENTS STRONGLY CAUTIONED Some Material May Bo Inappropriate tor Children Ureter t3 A DtSTLlFtBINQ IMAGE AND A CRUDE GESTURE llvC at 435-70- classified ad, contact Taylor Forbes dixie .edu 1 977 or by email at dixiesunads fo place a 5- NOW PLAYING AT THEATRES EVERYWHERE Check Local Listings for Theaters and Show Times. |