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Show fQpTiyiDnt -- 2- Til.Cnj'r-ilTiiWlii- mu ti f 'a march DIXIESUNLINK.COM The Dixie Sun-ge- r games have begun! Volunteer for The Reaping at facebook. comDixie.Sun. t- r pYALl St Georg for St. known its a err all ov to di artist States NPR retracts story on Apple worker abuse Georges ArtArou NPR runs correction campty After fact check, Mike Daiseys account turns up false accusations, BY JAMES RAINEY MCT Public radios popular weekend feature program This American Life on Friday retracted one of its most about popular stories conditions for factory workers who make Apple products in China and prepared to devote its entire program this weekend to an account of how the report misled listeners. This American Life founder and host Ira Glass said in a statement that performer Mike Daisey had lied to the This American Life staff when producers k his tried to acdetailed, firsthand count of meetings with Chinese workers who make iPads and other products. The radio host said fact-chec- Daisey manufactured characters and settings in his report, drawn from his acclaimed stage performance, The Agony and Ecstasy of Steve Jobs. Glass said the fabrications came to light when Rob Schmitz of public radios Marketplace tracked down Daiseys Chinese interpreter. The interpreter reportedly said that Daisey had concocted not only small details but some of the more dramatic moments in the piece, including reported meetings with child laborers and with a man whose hand was mangled as he made iPads for the Apple supplier Foxconn. The interpreter said those accounts were concocted. Ironically, Daisey admitted in the radio program to a subterfuge: He told the interpreter he would pose as various American businessmen to gain access to factories. And she says, You will lie to them, Daisey Daisey said journalism, Friday on his blog. The tools of the theater are not the same as the tools of journalism. For this reason, I regret that I allowed This American report 888,000 times, making it the single most popular podcast in the history of This American Life. Daiseys one-ma- n show on the same mate- - of the theater are not the same as the tools of This journalism. For this reason, I regret that I allowed American Life to air an excerpt from my monologue. The tools a storyteller aDon-pr- work what a dramatist L' The Publics states a After initially balking, the interpreter, who went by the name Cathy Lee, went along with the ruse, Daisey said. Daisey said his mistake was not the stories he told but the fact he presented them on a news program like This American Life. What I do is not we did on the story, before it was fact-checki- broadcast. That doesnt excuse the fact that we never shouldve put this on the air. In the end, this was our mistake. Listeners downloaded Daiseys 39-min- rial ends its run at the Public Theater in New York on Sunday. The theater released a state- ment Friday saying that we wish he had been more precise with us and our audiences about what was and wasnt his personal experience in the piece. . But the theater planned no changes. In the theater, our job is to create fictions that reveal truth thats what 1 historic, originahy The Agony' and was ki said. the Ecstasy of Steve' Jobs reveals, as art other monologues hj' human truths in ston sculptures outside, uj Main Strei form. In this work, uses a story to frarae and lead debate ab0t, an important issue : sculpture North. Tb Corner br sculptu 23 He has illuminated our actions affect half a world awayamj in doing so, has spun, action to address a different a for sale ar other 23 peo' troubling Arts founda Dixie MjI t0l Life to air an excerpt from my monologue. In his own statement, Glass said: Daisey lied to me and to This American Life producer Brian Reed during the to and place a does, m says at one point in the monologue. And I say, Yes, Cathy, Im going to lie to lots of people. fi dedicated! deeply compelling,' Mike Daisey art, ri h (heir p tures boug hpv situation h continue is a powerful work art and exactly the of storytelling of kit cas than 2020, that Thc more Public Theater has ported, and will to support in cers sup. by the future. October HPV ir a mon (c)20 2 the Los c geles Times. Courtesy percent of McClatchy Tribune have con virus, Gi Services. 1 An usually HPV virus found in 7 BY SHARI ROAN MCT A new study showing an estimated 7 percent of American teens and adults carry the human papillomavirus in their mouths may help health experts finally understand why rates of mouth and throat cancer have been climbing for nearly 25 years. The evidence makes it clear that oral sex practices play a key role in transmission. The new data, published online Thursday by the Journal of the American Medical Association, is the first to assess the prevalence of oral HPV infection in V- - JA the U.S. population. The findings indicate that the virus is not likely to spread through kissing or casual contact and that most cases of oral HPV can be traced to oral sex, which many Americans mistakenly view as a safe practice. There is a strong association for sexual behavior, and that has important implications for public health officials who teach sexual education, said Dr. Maura L. Gillison of the Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, who led the study and presented the findings Thursday at a meeting of head and neck cancer researchers percent of Americans mouths and doctors in Phoenix. Though herpes, HIV and other diseases can be transmitted via oral sex, the practice is often considered a safer alternative to sexual intercourse. A survey released last year by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that about 90 percent of adults have had oral sex, along with 27 percent of boys and 23 percent of girls. I dont think people think of oral sex in the same way they do with traditional intercourse, said Fred Wyand, director of the HPV Resource Center at the American Social Health Associa tion in Research Triangle has had, the greater their someone, there Park, N.C. risk of developing throat adult conversations need to have. HPV is best known Sometimes younger people engage in oral sex so they dont have to worry about pregnancy. They may not even make the link between oral sex and STDs. Suspicion among researchers that the behavior could cause oral cancers by transmitting HPV to the mouth has been mounting over the last decade. Initial studies found that patients with oral cancer were far more likely than healthy controls to have engaged in oral sex. And a 2007 study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that the more oral sex partners a person cancer. Most oral HPV infections are harmless, and oral cancers are still relatively uncommon. But given the new information, doctors should encourage their patients to use protection during oral sex, Dr. Hans Schlecht, assistant professor of medicine at Drexel University College of Medicine in Philadelphia, wrote in an editorial accompanying the study. Its something people are not comfortable talking about, but it is protective, he said in an interview. If you are going to be intimate with are p sympton cally body cle thn processe yoi But pers caus can cines are as the cause of cervica' cancer, which kills women in the U.S ead 4,2. for child to adults year, according to the CHI1N National Cancer Ins- continu The vims can cause vulvar, anal, and various head and neck cancers. A study titute. alsr pea published in October the Journal of Clinical to in cover expenses would be $21,000 Oncology traced more than 70 percent of new cases of oral cancers ICC HPV infection, to to putting ahead of tobacco use the leading cancers. ofsw If present ntinue, cause trends HPV will co- cause and from ind efforts. 5 provic ownmoi member This is plan, bul situation different see HPV pagt |