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Show ll HuJnLWl'H'l' ilFT'ifl''l'fnn MARCH) Dixie Sun staffers ar the only students wH political predictions, Check out the video dixiesunlink.com. P. crc mentof Left: Riw Leaning Rand are not a match made in heaven Jesus and Ayn BY TAYLOR GRIN dont underst; you cant be in I WEHEHMr News Editor of social right par- curious welfare, lie sidious to along, re you ning in co-pa- or about y V pre. existing medical cond, tions before healing 4 blind. And Im certain' didn t charge Lazarus God helps those the Republican primaries, its time you made a decision: Ayn Rand or Jesus Christ. You cant have them both. Lets compare the two speakers on wealth: In the New Testament, Jesus showed wealth was a vice. I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. On the other hand, Ayn Rand not only rallied against any redistribution of wealth in The Fascist New Frontier... Whoever claims the right to redistribute the wealth produced by others is claiming the right to treat human beings as chattel. ...but also believed that money is morality in Capitalism: the Unknown Ideal. What they have to Chines one as understand arent in a run- hi drug ,0 you support0 public health care Jesus didnt ask f0r ticularly those of year Whai dont I dicinal of Jesus told rich men give all they owned the poor in order to the kingdom ofgod All li V mental haveb ill and treat th ofdise toMul also is patient ( petite who help themselves, some Christian Republicans may say. But, Jesus didnt say give to poor, but only if they find a job. Republicans need make up their minds Will they act as libe- chemo Wh chemo s. eat, the chef at Ge St. Her to 'SORRY WE HAP rtarians or TO CUT AIP TO THE WORKING POOR. BUT ON THE BRIGHT 9IPE, the Mortgage interest on your vacation home is on the 99 percent versus one percent ... is entirely inconsistent with the concept of one nation under God. You can find that at: http:bit.ly Gzrm50 The problem is Rom- discover, what all the efforts of capitalisms enemies are frantically aimed at hiding, is the fact that capitalism is not merely the practical, but the only moral system in history. With their viewpoints in mind, lets look at ney cant talk about and claim to serve his god. (rephrase: what Romney is saying seems more in line with Rand than with Jesus (problem here?), or something like that. Point out your point) The two are in direct opposi class-warfa- Republican frontrunner Mitt Romney: I think its about envy. I think its about class warfare. When you have a president encouraging the idea of dividing America based re still tax pepuctible. tion. Libertarians argue that any redistribution of wealth, even taxation, oversteps the bounds of a perfect capitalist society. They see social safety nets, like health care or welfare, as protecting the weak at the expense of the strong. When Romney attacks so many people who support these programs, it seems to paint him as a libertarian. understand a philosophy based on I can exist. I can understand a Mary, Junctii made a profound comment on his Dec. 16,2010 FOI episode of the Colbert contii Report (viewable at http:bit.lyiaD8QS) leave you with: If this is going to a Christian nation that b, Christian redistribution of wealth. The rich shall , be poor, the poor rich, the great small and the small great; its social safety net 1010. What I do not understand is how the Christian Right can try to . juggle libertarianism and Christian social values. an: for Christians? Stephen Colbert libertarian values, where wealth redistribution is completely off limits. I dont agree with it, but I understand how it can Ritter, doesnt help the poor, have to prwe either etend that Jesus was jin as selfish as we his And presidt leaden petenc to weve got to acknowledge that He command us to love the poor and serve the needy withou condition... and then admit that we just dont want to do it! no has or are, spe make: thin and cb do to anythi Unfc Reput of its c charis when GOP race gamers Girls Insight: Women s right to choose few choice options trumps Santorum s wishes CanfioT be M all'power-f-l by usho et&n-ttV- holds peoples very Vvei in his hands! RtvJ es hot OKy BY ASHLEY PUTNAM A&E Editor $ays, our choice as women. Sometimes its nice ,T I: DIXIE SUN Richard Briggs, Editor m 0 M ,JA.f f uyL with Santorum behind him at 239. Yes, the deep South primaries in Mississippi and Alabama helped Santorum close the distance a bit Romney doesnt have race to the make up a good part of the Republican party. But, despite my intense dislike of Romney and his elitism, I think he has the best chance of defeating Obama, which is the goal the Republican Party has had for four years. larity contest. Of course, I say that with the belief that Mitt Romney will get the nomination. He has 5 1 8 delegates, the support of the evangelicals and Southerners who Romney looks presidential with his tailored suits and hair. The American people like candidates who look presidential Kennedy, Reagan and Clinton looked better and more capable than t Ed0 As Taylor Grin, Mens Misrasi, Shelby wntes A A EEik' Ashley Putnam, quietl McKoye Mecham,IH E& Opinion as Re Jacobson, Matty Online E1I0 Bryan Ulin, for Cl ' Chris Caldwell, Photo Ed Marc Rhett Sullivan, Cop Multimedia ofa d Alyssa Grossen, Ad Mat' Taylor Forbes, allowi mess: , v' will our nation really be free if women arent able to even decide on their birth control? If you arent up to speed, ladies, presi- i's r The more I hear about the the more I want to move to Canada. I dont think the Republican nominee is going to really care about fixing America. Hes going to care more about winning the worlds biggest popu- s o pcs BY APRIL JACKSON Staff Writer DOthe terms Ob: Matt Granato " 5 Re wearh X-3- J'- the busy Jessica Baird Robby Briggs Alissa Curto y often, MTV ) V, th like - their opponents Nixon, Carter and Bush senior. Google the names to see what Im talking about. Beyond looks, Romney is articulate, though not necessarily charismatic. He has a resume that includes a governorship in an overwhelmingly Democratic state and his saving role in the 2002 Winter Olympics. But, while I think he has the best chance of defeating Obama, Im not sure he can. Romney also has his reputation as a and has a hard time relating to everyday people, which is something Obama excels at. I mean, I dont like Obama as president, and even I walk away from flip-flopp- er see POLITICS page 11 dential candidate Rick Santorum is against birth control. Im not here to tell you that you all should be on birth control. But it isnt the to presidents job tell us what we can and cannot do. We live in a time of opportunity for women. We are able to work, go to school, have jobs and do anything and be anyone we want to be If having children is going to hold you back from doing the things you want to do, then maybe birth control is for you. If you have health issues, sometimes doctors even put women on birth control to help. Birth control is ultimately United States, where we are able to believe whatever religion we want to, and the government does not force us to believe a universal religion. In a Fox News broadcast on March 4, Santorum tried to defend his views on birth control. Find out more here: http:articles.latimes. com20 1 2mar04news e thing; Lunt Abne quietl Osborn Christina Kenc now Lavton Gregory Secgmiller Nove Todd Tischler The going well i Rhiannon ton. BenU ingly DIXIE SI issue: Ls st dents forge Dixie State Jennings BldgEa 700 225 SoutE He said: Im reflecting the views of the church I believe in. The issue is whether the government can force you to do things that are against your conscience, and thats what weve been talking about on the road. believe he is doing just that. If Santorum is put into office, he will force us to do things I GIRL page April Jackson Amanda Jacobs HOW TO REACf1' 120304 see Repul 11 Is aaSj h iied The Dixie Sun is Wednesday during n inll Sfrr. pn a semesters as c0! State College the and D,xl department, Student ActiH'cs editorial on the op' nK; F oS)Unn0 represents the Sun as determined board Otherwise opinions express those of the by m ,pU ts sJ s, "' anddonomecesanlyr, Sun opinions of Dixie of (he coUegc r Cc |