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Show MARCH 21, 2012 ,EPNESDAY, TORTS S rea m Series to UH in prepares BV SHELBY MISRASI Sports Editor fhe Dixie State College nseball team took a win the series against k niversity ofHawaii-1,1- 0, and is preparing to Academy of Art niversity at Bruce Hurst 22 and 23. jld March an overall has and barely rfl0rd of yllenge ie its non only victory by "tme run. fhe er,eS Urban Knights last was against Grand ,nyon University, and won the first game j,ey f and lost the second in seven in- tnie ; is It obvious this game the AAU Knights make the Red Storm j23inst !i,"ont joyous, but DSC should ;l,ever underestimate a whether it has a inning or losing record, I, fhey are always really jmpetitive, head coach ike Littlewood said. Theyre very athletic and jCary team to play. You 3e to play really well to , beat them four times. The Urban Knights have a senior pitcher, Zach Mexicano, who threw a complete game, and junior pitcher Stefan Henderson who had hits that carried their 2 victory against GCU. Mexicano helped AAU earn the victory with a career start by becoming the second pitcher in AAU history to pitch a complete game. Henderson also finished up the win going with two RBIs and two doubles. He is throwing really -well, Littlewood said. Itll be a good match up for our players. The Red Storm played against University of Hawaii Hilo on Sunday and Monday and left Bruce Hurst Field with a 1 record. Junior second baseman Colton Yack led the team to victory going with three walks and five RBIs. Yack visited the plate 10 times and found left-hand- ed and a 5 record in the Pacific West Conference, but they failed to qualify for the NCAA Division II tournament for a second straight year. But considering what the team has overcome in the last year, the season should and will still be marked down as a definite success in DSC basketball history. The Red Storm faced an uphill battle following the completion of last season when they lost three starters: two seniors to graduation and a sophomore to the softball team. And these werent just 13-- SEEGMILLER Staff Water The Dixie State College basketball team auld only wonder about Tat might have been as je final seconds ticked off k clock on in Phoenix. The Antelopes of Grand anyon University spoiled ie final act of the Red lorm campaign, and this me there would be no urtain calls or encore nrformances the season omens 1 ii as over. The t ie Red Storm finished 2011-20- j overall DSCs right-hande- d pitcher Mike Dedrick won his third consecutive game by allowing only one run on four hits in six innings. In the visiting half of the fourth inning UHH scored its only run, while not long after DSC answered with two more runs. Freshman Yuta Kata hit a single while scoring junior Jordan Hanley and also brought Ammon g in from third. Cedric Johnson closed out the game by hitting an opposite field home run in the seventh inning. Hilo scored three more runs before the Red Storm s Justin Jarvis ended the game with a strikeout, leaving the score The second game of the 14-- a close loss it was determined to end with a win. And it did. Freshman pitcher Jason Holmes pitched five strong innings and allowed one earned run on three hits while fan- - lk ilans th, ;nt season with record of 8 18-- 1. , 4. 8-- V X G n a Junior second baseman Colton Yack, a communication major from South Jordan, makes a tough throw in Mondays game. Yack performed at the plate and raised his hitting average to .424. 7. any starters. Head coach Angela Knstensen drew the unenviable position of replacing three of the teams leading scorers. The Red Storm started the year as young and inexperienced as they come and, against the odds, still strongly competed for a PacWest championship. Obviously we wanted to get to the tournament, but I knew the kind of cards that I got dealt, Kristensen said. We had to replace 50 points of our starting lineup. The reality of it (was) 10 new players, and we had two new coaches. Overall Im proud of these kids. From the start of the year to the finish they really bought into what we were doing, and I think they really improved. Despite its youth and inexperience, the team sprinted out of the gate and compiled a leagueleading 2 conference record before losing three of its last five games. The Red Storm still achieved other goals although they missed the NCAA tournament. The Red Storm com- of the Hawaiian Islands for the first time since joining the NCAA Division II ranks and becoming a member of the PacWest. There were a lot of good things that happened, said junior guard Erica Hayes, a communication major from East Palo Alto, Calif. We swept the islands in Hawaii, which has not been done in a long time. And not to be lost in the ups and downs of the recently ended season is the fact that when one door closes another door always opens. The future of Red 11-- pleted a four-gam- e sweep BioLife place to uod ap-pla- 'x J ctor , for 1 know' I 4 I i stay is he T 3 tlie succei' 3 1 "I I 'J ;i r is wife and ey, riving I I i 1 f 1 A A. vxO iD f 4 r five-no- ! fie iter as r I'U CELIfiA. season I HAVE SO MY LIFE DEPEK0S lie was the J con Judkm i t.t UiJ.'. i to to' a last voun 1st ) T v- - J e i ' i i v :Y I ft udkms ; it. t '" km ! ) i I a t Si icved nt w V xj sue 7 our i ). .TiLi.TiM.-.dl.iA.eor.- C. 5790 J - i vhaty1 ;ausc to ft be lost mpe on the' eplace p of ch sWl iamb01 V 'O v I like : v ? has ;d up, ind I go d 4-- : b and :ause nmg three. Senior pitcher Daniel Zapata then closed out the game pitching two scoreless innings. Johnson hit a two-ru- n home run in the fifth, which gave DSC the 1 victory five-ru- Zit-tin- 10-- 5- for AAU left-hand- ed well. 3-- 3-- night junior pitcher Sam Friend brought in four runs in three different times in the game. Yack had a pair of doubles with a single and five RBIs. Junior outfielder Garrett Nash had a two-ru- n single and sent a ball over the fence, making it his first home run of the season. UHH was hld to scoring one run on three hits in seven innings and the game ended in Dixies favor of The first game Monday, however, was a different story. n DSC had a lead going into the seventh inning and figured the game would end in a sweep, but Hilo decided to put up a fight and quickly scored eight runs in three innings, including five runs m the ninth. The Red Storm had 13 men on base but didnt bring them home as the game ended Although DSC suffered -- looks forward to next year after loss DSC i'KERIC himself on base with each of those opportunities. Colton Yack had a great series, Littlewood said. He went at the plate and played really DIXIE SUN Must present this coupon prior to the initial donation to receive $50 on your fourth successful donation, Initial donation must be completed by 3 31 12 and subsequent donations within 30 days. May not be combined with any othoi offer Valid only at participating locations. Dixie Expires 4 30.12 j ? ' Storm womens basketball remains bright, especially because this time the team should bring back the majority of its scorers. Hayes and junior center Becca Thomas each averaged more than 10 points per game this season, and both look to bring even more to the table next year as seniors. Next year will be my last year playing, Hayes said. I feel like its either go hard or go home. We have a lot of new, good players coming in next year, so that should be pretty exciting. |