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Show What are students excited about with Hunger I Games movie? Watch the video at dixiesunlink.com. Hit WhenL .idto" e hadn't 011 ,ne j close .Grace Uroache .eased, yourv I oiildn ,areitw The mockingjay pin, a gift from a friend in District 12, is Katniss special token for the fbewoi m he ied nehadb Hunger Games. PA! SAN jjaGro' lie Hoi JOSE An interpretation of where Panems tricts lay in relation to each other. SCHOLASTIC dis. erthot for at PANEM loymen Panem is what is left of North America, ye after droughts, storms and rising sea levels tated tire food supply. Battles for what remained' resulted in an authoritarian government based the Capitol, in an area presumed to be near the Rocky Mountains, with 13 districts spread out from there.' About 75 years before the first novel begins rebellion known as the Dark Days took place districts rose up against the Capitol, but they unsuccessful, and District 13 was reportedly wiped out completely. All the districts by fences, and residents are not pernutie to travel between them. Following the Dark Days, the Hunger Garnet were established as both a punishment and a warning to never again rebel. unsbi neve lio m 4 Li ' .,i4 ifc. j i i lap, taf aresur-rounde- CHARACTERS Katniss Everdeen: The main character of the Tlunger Games, Katniss lives in District 12 with her mother and sister, Primrose. Her father died in a min- ing accident when Katniss she was 11. Katniss Everdeen provides for her (Jennifer family by illegally Lawrence) hunting outside the district fence and by trading at the Hob, a black market When her sister is picked for the 74th annual Hunger Games, Katniss volunteers to take her place. Peeta Mellark: Katniss fellow District 12 tribute in the 74th Games, Peeta giew up in the districts merchant area. His parents are bakers, and he once purposely burned Peeta bread so he could Mellark give ll to Katniss (Josh and her family, who Hutcherson) were on the verge of starvation. Although she is unaware, Peeta has long had a crush on her. Gale Hawthorne: Katniss best friend m District 12, Gale lost his father in the same naming accident that killed Katniss father. He illegally hunts with Katniss and proGale vides his mother lor Hawthorne and younger sib(Liam lings. lie vows to Hemsworth) protect and care for Katniss family when she goes to the Games. Primrose Everdeen: Katniss little sis- ter, Primrose has a gentle disposition and a talent for healing. Effie Trinket: A woman from the Capitol, htfie is the official escort for the District 12 tributes Haymitch Abernathy: District Immerse yourself in the world of The Hunger Games Society as we know it has fallen and has been replaced by the authoritarian nation of Panem. Residents live in tightly controlled districts and do what they can to avoid dying before their time. Yet death still may find them, simply by the luck of the draw. Because in this new society, the children must compete yearly in The Hunger Games. a fight to the death This is the future and the setting of the dark, dystopian and extremely popular trilogy by Suzanne Collins. The first book, The Hunger Games, was released to critical acclaim in 2008 and remained on the New York Times bestseller list for than 180 consecutive weeks. Now, the series first movie is due out March 23. d In case you havent gulped down the books, heres a primer on The Hunger Games to get you up to speed on everything from the main characters to the Games and districts. at 0 arr ter perl .is durt across ccord The release of one of the years most antibsite, cipated movies is right upon us may the odds! .ice co ever in your favor. inspir If you arent familiar with the quote, it is journ of the popular lines from the book The Hung, thn Games by Suzanne Collins. The book, whu 'ing mi was released in 2008, is the first in a trilogy dance about Katniss Everdeen, a teen In .ily co future. The novel times t ing in the the place right after collapse of North Amenc, the a (brought on by war, famine and drought) and replaced by a new country called Panem, whit is divided into 13 different districts, including the Capitol Without going into too much detail (We promise no spoilers for all you newbies1) Each year, the CapitOl sponsors a competition that of the citizens are required to watch One boj and one girl from each district literally fightfor their lives on national television and then ner is the only survivor. Fans of the book have been eagerly awaiting the release of the movie, which will be comma to theaters on Thursday. Jessica Staheli, a sent' excited English major from Orem, said she is to come see some of her favorite characters on the big screen. Staheli said from what shell seen in the previews, so far the cast members who have been chosen seem to really fit thePJIf of the different characters within the books I think we will have to wait and see in the actual movie though, Sjtaheli said. Morgan Thompson, a senior English major from Brigham City, said she is most excited see the world within the books come to life I think its so cool that we have the technol think ogy we do today, Thompson said. I will really help the filmakers portray some of the best aspects of the book, like the sudden weather changes or the games themselves Thompson said it is one of her pet peeves when she sees movies that are cheesy repre sentations of events, and she hopes the realistic. it Ive seen the preview, and it looks like said FfI ing to be done very well, Thompson mo'1 this in Thompson said the eye candy is no' is something she wasnt expecting but anticipating. ortldf ft The guy who plays Gale, Liam Hems'4 La" pretty cute, Thompson said. Jennifer rence is so lucky. ar Thompson and Staheli both said they ' cas cited to see the different costumes the be wearing throughout this feature. In the book, there is such a contrast m arr clothes they wear, Thompson said. There examples of poverty and later of weatLL Capitol. Personally I am excited to see Trinkets outfits. lS ,0 Staheli also said her recommendation read the books before the movie comes 0 in be 0 all three if you can squeeze them movie premiere, but the at least the you dont have time, sat I think it is a must read, Staheli eS honestly, I think the first book is the all of them. tak ;d t 1 McClulchy-Tribun- e all in 1 to PHOTOS BY MURRAY CLOSELIONSGATE Ids Katniss Everdeen awaits the tribute lottery with other District 12 residents in The Hunger Games. ; THE HUNGER GAMES Once a child is chosen, they are given just a few minutes to say goodbye to family and friends They are then swept off to die Capitol via train, where they are given a makeover and introduced to die country by television. Those who gain favorfrom wealthy viewers can receive sponsorships of food, supplies or medicine during the survival game. The Hunger Games aie played in an outdoor arena, of sorts, ' N bul lhc landscape varies each year Its part of the challenge ' . A 'v - presented by the head gamemaker Cameras capture trib- utes' every move so the whole nation can watch as the childien fight for their lives. to tin Katniss Everdeen prepares to fight for survival in The Hunger Games. foo,a.-seem-s Cinna: The assigned stylist for Distinct 12, Cinna becomes a trusted fnend and ally to Katniss SOURCES iheAv uditorii dts President Snow: The leader of Panem, Snow is a cruel man who keeps tight control ovci his country HUNGER TRILOGY gr !ithm 12s only living Hunger Games uclor, Haymitch must act as die tributes mentor, despite a penchant for heavy drinking. wo nice BY AMANDA JACOBS Staff Writer THE REAPING Once a year, every district child ages 12 to 18 has his or her name placed in a lottery One boy and one girl are chosen from each district in a televised ceremony. Those selected are known as tributes. Some childien, knowm as careers, train their whole lives for the Hunger Games. But poorei childien aie most likely to be chosen because adding your name more than once to the drawing nets you a tessera a stingy supply of gram and oil A teen may do tins for each of their family members as well, and the entries are cumulative. The Dane The Games come to DSC fast-pace- Merne Leinmger. Kim Ossi and Wendy 7aug, thelri: THE GAMES' SCHOLASTIC WVYW THEHUNGERGAMES MOVIE COM x T 0 X |