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Show ppNESDAY, MARCH 21,2012 artists display w ALISSA CURTO gV the city to put on display. Staff Writer George s, isnt only for its artistic scen- lO'Vfl its also a place for over the United to display and sell 1t(eS right on Saint Urges Main Street. art, 3$ ,ak Around the Comer, profit organization Seated to giving artists to display their place keep St. George St d0l l,lStoric, artistic city, was atemt pally formed in 1988 ?nya was known then as the Steve ieArts foundation. The is Mi foundation focuses on to be displayed aes alptures aston jtside, up and down with the first lain Street, at 200 ulpture starting framt orth. The Art Around the aboi! (orner brochure shows the )eS, jr th and li; 3 sue,, displayed by artists that are up and also shows the sculptures ling liferent ated fSale ;ct pee jltier 23 permanent sculp- 'ay ai ts bought or donated for 3 spur ss $13,500. This is the maxi- continued of determining how much fund Raging Reds trip pends on available funds. Right now we have about $8,000 to work with mum amount of money the ICC plans on giving Raging Red it additial funds are received from the for bills this semester, said Chancen Hall, vice president of clubs and a junior executive council. fund a trip to Las Vegas to see the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields. If this bill is passed by the ICC, then about $6,850 would remain for Raging Red and all other DSC clubs for bills. This did not sit well among some club representatives during the March 6 meeting, but members of the ICC assured club leaders they will do everything in their power to make sure bill funding is available to t October HPV os An aurtesv of oral can-iecervical cancer according to the rs study. infection is com-io- n an estimated 80 iercent of Americans contracted the Gillison said. It dually produces no mptoms and is typi-a!!- y cleared from the ave ribi mis, hs ody are through natural large-scal- cocesses. persistent infections in cause cancer. Vac-mare now available children and young lit y es nown :ervic. or ills 4,1 Ms to .S ea to the Insti an ah' prevent cervical from page 1 al, pc' i and ; study tober cover id more of ne icersto cutting ) use a' e of si' This amount wuldbe split evenly with coming from the and $21,000 coming tom individual member Students are asked J provide $1,200 of their n money, but not every mber has to go. ICC . i Raging Reds ian, but the reality of the taation may turn out differently since the ICC This ds con cause the remaining ipenses. limcal Art Around the Comer changes exhibit annually. The new exhibits will be put up March 24, and Jensen said they are exArt Around the Corner features sculptures around cited to show off the new St. George. The organization holds art walks four work yet sad to let some of times a year, at the end of each season. March 24 will begin a new season, with new exhibits. the old go. Red, the decision to help 2020, mi g. is faced with the challenge si 1 con-- We are always looking for new people to join, Jensen said. If they are interested they can visit the webpage at artaroundth-ecomer.or- CHINA page 2 cases nore than has can walk with my kids down Main Street and ask them what they think about a sculpture, Pike said. I hope that Main Street can stay a beautiful family oriented place through Art Around the Comer. The Art Around the Corner has another art walk the last Friday of Summer and Shannon. unclear why the prevalence of oral HPV peaks much later in life, Gillison said. One possibility is that the immune system weakens with age, making people more vulnerable to latent infections. Another theory is that study participants in their 60s grew up during an era of sexual permissiveness that kiL that Tt loves art. I love knowing that I have to do with oral sex practices, Gillison said. Among people who had more than 20 sexual partners, the prevalence of oral HPV was 20 percent. But the researchers found it in less than 1 percent of people who said they were virgins and in less than 4 percent of people who said they had never performed oral sex. Researchers also noted age differences; those in the early 60s had the highest prevalence at .4 percent. That is in marked contrast to cervical HPV infection, which is most common among women in their early 20s. 'orko the family full of artists but said that though she didnt get the same gene, she still the virus in the mouth as accurately as in the cervix, was 10 years in the making. Gillisons team found that the overall prevalence of oral HPV was 6.9 percent far less than the rate of genital HPV infection in reproductive-ag- e women, which can be as high as 42 percent among women in their 20s. The infection rate varied substantially among diffeient groups. For instance, 10.1 percent of men in the study had oral HPV, compared with 3.6 percent of women. The reason for the difference is unknown but it could tlintinued from ion community about art, Jensen said.We want to During this walk, Main get the tard out that we Streets galleries stay are here. We would like open until 9 p.m., so the to try and get individuals community can shop and involved in promoting and enjoy what Art Around the keeping the art here. Corner has worked so hard Jensen said although to display for them. she isnt an artist, she is Kristy Pike, public ' relations director and definitely an artist She said she volunteer for Art Around loves being able to walk the Comer, said she loves up and down Main Street nothing more than being just to stop and ponder the able to get to know the artdifferent sculptures, and ists who bring their work she believes others feel the to St. George. same way. There is nothing more Main Street is a beautirewarding than getting to ful place because of the see why somebody created art we bring here, Jensen the sculptuie or piece that said. Whether people they did, Pike said. want to believe it or not, Pike grew up with a Around The Corner and anal cancers caused by the most troublesome HPV strains. To get a handle on HPVs role in oral cancers, Gillison and her colleagues analyzed data from 5,579 people ages 14 to 69 who participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey in 2009 and 2010. The NHANES survey includes a detailed questionnaire and a physical examination, e including the first use of a oral rinse from which researchers were able to extract cells to test for HPV infection. The test, which can detect IPV a they love Main Street because of this. Art Around the Corner has two diffeient art walks. One of the art walks people can walk on their own with the brochure, and the other is four times a year on the last Friday of each season. Shannon Jensen, Art Around the Comer chair, started there because she felt it was a cause that brought pride to the community. We are trying to educate people who live in the all i is de- money can and should be given to Raging Red. I think we all still feel being good about this an effective use of club money because we all established Raging Red is very effective and useful in spreading to others what Dixie is, said Ean . . . biology major from Virgin. There is a possibility to ask the executive council for money, but that is what we are woiking with for now. That will affect our Brandon, ICC sports club representative and a senior communication major from decisions. The ICC plans on submitting a bill to the Murray. Regardless of how the ICC feels about Raging 1 1 If Raging Red doesnt get money from the ICC, then the next option for Raging Red is to request monetary assistance from the DSC student senate. Raging Red isnt the only club currently submitting bills to the ICC for ex- ecutive council requesting ad- ditional funding. The Orchestra club members are asking for $1,149.35 to help I I1 F x Its preceded public-healt- h messages about safe sex. People who came of age during the sexual revolution may have had more sexual partners than other age groups, such as groups that came of age during the HIV epidemic, Gillison said. In the meantime, the new data should give parents more to think about as they consider whether to vaccinate their children especially their sons, Gillison said. HPV vaccination is recommended for females ages 9 to 26 and males ages 9 to 21. Some parents may have felt that the risk of HPV infection wasnt relevant to them, she said. But this study shows in 10 boys has an infection that can lead to a cancer. (c)20 2 the Los Angeles Times. Courtesy of McClatchy Tribune Services. 1 1 of this type of funding is to help clubs to do something impactful, and then eventually the club can get enough people and sources to enable it to be We are grateful for anything we get, and we dont want to take from other clubs, said Hattie Lou Byrd, Raging Red club president, performer and a senior math education major from Cheyenne, Wyo. clubs. Brandon said the goal as i We will take as much, or as little, as we can get and will be very grateful for it. g SB N N |