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Show Unfurnished 200 200- - Unfurnished Apartment! RSNTS Gudou-Poo- l 2 BEDROOMS, HOME AT LAST Corn Horn to vVAffcPSK' ond 2 bJrm New England tvto, equipped wrth moaern apphi Lots o amenities Adults. 7265 South IJth East Soft j ghe City Walk to town from ?!5 North Moini xoustvet PrestigKXJS studto, bdm. bukony Ftrepioce 2 Pool Underground $215 up Atr parking $299 2 bdrm in 4 Vest Valtov Spockh ptex. Krtciren deiigrrt, cupboard forever, divhwofthor, dlp.. itovt, 3k ocre refng, carpet. private park Love kfov no pets! (tape. OVERLOOK LARGE Security laundry, ments flREPLACE Newer 7 bdm. brick home, oir, fenced, dog run, covered deck, storoge shed, reoiiy nice. kta, pets OX. 5400mo. if open for m 34?? So. 7160 West, speetton. S.L.C AVENUES So. 1938 fee thru BEDROOM $185 YOUNGSTOWN KITCHEN AIR COND BVATH AND SHOWER PATIO REFS.. NO PETS. ADULT 435 East 2ND SOUTH MURRAY Free heat Only 5330 mo. 2 NO pets. hkps, dishwosher So. 2nd East TWO BEDROOM Discounted tor tost r ental. Southwest foe. Hookups storage, low dep No ? or pets. 5295. - NEW LIKE DELUXE of TWO CHOICE LOCATIONS GLENBRQOKE, bdrms., 459 Eost 7700W TWO WEEKS BROWNWOOO 2 bedoom, hookups, utility room, oir, dishwasher, disposal, balcony, ftrepioce, errport clean. Cable hookups. $3105320 month. 760 East 3900 South. Man- WE PAY HEAT Spocious, clean. Lots of storoge. frplc. poof, cov. parking, coin op. laundry. Children occepted. No pets. Great location. RICHMOND APTS. 5494 So. 235 East. GOLF COURSE LOCATION Bedroom 5295; 2 Bedooms, 5335 Carpets, dopes. oir cond Range, refrfg., dishwasher, disposal Potto, carports with storage Lots of closets and taundy 5300 So. 900 Eost In private, x. 2 parking In rear unprivate frorrl hook-ip- s in kitchen 1386 Eosl Spring Lane (Strt, So.) COZY 2 BEDROOM WEEK FREE Rent, hookups, chikfren and pets ok. 5235. 105 W Lennox. Midvale. FAIRBR00K APARTMENTS Adutt Community. Spocious 7 bedroom Dartmenh, many extras. 5335 and 5350. ideal location and spec lots for our senior citizens. 173? East 4100 South, TRADITIONAL ELEGANCE From 5245,486-192- H0LLADAY MONTH FREE 7 bdrm. apt. Flrewooded Luxury ptoce. pool, air, spa membership, wolk to Cottonwood Moll. Chateau 4856 Highland CirForet cle. Adutts only. 1 U. WEST VALLEY: Spilt entry duplex. 5300 mo. 2 bdms. 2 baths. Stave. OR Refrig. LARGE 2 bdm. duplex. 2b baths, ail kitchen appliances, washer and dyer hookups. Fkeptoce, base- 2 ment. Within wofclng distance of schools. 5395. 7371 So. 2000 East. or MOUNTAIN SHADOW bdm. Adutt and Family Apts. FREE OtM TV. Beouftful Amenities, sauna, weight rm. 3825 So. 700 West, S.L.C. 1, 2, & 3 wood Rood. SUPER BARGAIN! 2 weeks free rent with year lease 5240-uond Beautiful, spocious 2 bdrms., pool, carport, extras. No Must pets. Cable T.v. Hook-usee. 4888 Highland Cir. 2210 East 33rd South, AVENUES good location near Hospital and stores. and 2 bdm. Very clean, new point carpet, drapes. Lots of storoge, small child. or partiolly Furnished, turn. No dogs, 5250 to 5300 plus utfts. 5125 dep. 278 D. St. ONE BEDROOM, 462 E. Grontte Ave. 2 (3100 S.) 5225 mo. Clean, new point, quiet. 1279 E. Bryan Ave. (1560 S.) 5225 mo. Near U and Westminster. Call or Helen at HOtlADAY 2 AREA BEDROOM, 5335. Hkups., covered parking, stor. No pets. Older child Ok. Newer West Volley Townhouse, 2 bd ms., 05 baths, washer dyer Itookupi, ok, ftreptate, carport. (LUXE 7 bdms. Eort 100 Soufri. bdm., new arpet, $225. bdm. 8270. 1b bdm. $301 2 bdm.. ftrepioce. dWng room, 5435. Oftsfreet parking. SUGARHOUSE Redwood Grove Gle WOODS Refreshing Lcdeskfc Condominium Community 4900 So. 4 M5 tmmedtatety next to 49th St. Gatlerlo SOUTH SALT LAKE Newly renovated. Very cleon 2 bdm., 6 piex. Fenced yard, taundy hookups, Cdpets, depes. Close to school ond church. No dogs. 5300 plus lights. 5150 dep. 4550 SOUTH 700 EAST Large deluxe 2 bdms. Range, refrig., dishwosher, compactor, dopes, ok cond., taundy foe., and carports. Free rent. 2 bdmr krge kitchen, wasHr and dryer, retrlg dishwasher. Plenty of storage, covered park- NEW Ave. LINW00D APARTMENTS 7098 South bdm., 2000 Eost, 8. Idge 2 covered parking, wd hookups, extra storoge. 5310, deposit reduced to 560. LOW DEPOSIT, if you hove 3 or boy and girl, limited income of 51,500 or less, you may be eligible for govt, help to pay much of your rent in one of our like new 3 bed oom opts. LOCATION Near Avenues, walk downtown, quiet adult complex. and 2 bdms., EAST 6th SOUTH 2 Bdms., carpets, dopes, cond. Covered 529 SOUTH 10TH parking, EAST. ok tear NO DEPOSIT So. 3WfctJil-7773,jA4-831- MONTHS RFC Rt BAY Window. 2 bdm From $280 $100 dep Near Liberty Park. 88 So. 9th Eot No pen f ONE Large cluded. ok. 2588 MJARY RENT FREE. 4ex, Sugarhouse 5325. No NEW 3 bdm., 2 bath, lots of extras! 5400 no deposit, CAPITa 2 bedooms, K Ids ok. SeNed golf course. Hki., So. 9th East. 5235 Small South NT ST Nt pet DUPLFX East 557 ok 7716 AVENUES Studfo. Dishwasher, 5225month plus utilities. bedoom. New carpets, Ieveiors. 5295month Includes heat. other. (days); BEDROOM carpet, fkeptoce, extra krge! Mature persons only. No pete. Rete. required. 2642 So. 5285. 2 i?mi ARLINGTON PARK APTS. wosher-dye- r hkps., 01 QUIET beauttfui, 2 HEAT Horxteome, mom 5400. 2 bdm., 2 Close to town. bdm. south Potto. Dlshwoslier, disposal. Carpet, dopes. Carvjrt. All bulit-lnNo pets. VT 2 LOVELY $275 available. Kids OK. No pets 1011, Monoger 5350 ONE bdm., Avenues tocatlor;. In town. to Close Includes: Heat, oir. potto, security, sundeck with swimming pool. and bedoom apt. Near Trolley Square ond University. Call Jett or Mitch 2 plus 5275 bdrm 2 bdm. wosherdyer, 5365, 336 levels, t pis. Quiet tote of storoge 9th East, St. South. STARTING a tarnished bdm. 1 5255. 5335. TWO pd. No RAi Spacious and 2 bedroms Refrigerator, dlshwashf, disposal Air conditioning Covered parking Swimming pool WESTGATE PRESENTS! ONE BEDROOM Room Close To Town Close to Freeway Close To Everything WESTGATE APARTMENTS 300 So. 1530 W. APARTMEISTS 973-741- 5 966-466- LUXURIOUSLY FURJISHF.D WITH CUSTOM MADL URNITURE CONSTRUCTION PECIAL One Bedroom fronr$27500 Two Bedroom fron $41500 These apartments are Irand new have never been led in. Come and set The apartments have he most prestigious list of amenitis in town. OPEN SEVEN DAYS A VCEK 10-NO PETS - NO SECURlTVOEPOSi 7 i bdrrrv. piex, targe coin wosherdyer, no pete. 1789 Osoge Orange. 5255. FIRST months rent free! $280 rent, $250 dep. 2 bedooms. 489 Pamela Way. AVENUES bdm. $190 to 5235. 379 Eost 1st Ave. MURRAY 2 bdm., Hkups., storoge, 115 East 5460 So. 2 Weeks covered OFF 1st. MONTHS fontostic 2 bdms. $290. $150 WALK TO TOWN! toi Hill. Cozy utils. Included. free. prkg. RENT bdm., targe bdm area. UTOPIA: pets. bedoom. New car 5th So. 9th West mo. CALL TODAY $195 yard, LARGE 3 bedoom apartment. tonwood Heights. 5450. 136 Ut SANDY DELUXE-bdm.. carport, hkps., 1270, 5150 dep., NEW 2 bdm., well Insulated, pool, covet ed parking, 5350. 7 p.m. m SPACIOUS bdm. near Holy Cross hosp. No kids or pete. BEDROOM 5350, Hkps. parking, 2914 S.Preston (1900 E) AVENUES-- 2 SUGAR HOUSE. frplc 5285. & r HID 8. 1,450 sq. tt.) Kids under 12 Welcome 2 Playgrounds 2 Bathrooms Year around Swimming Cable TV Available Clubhouse Private Patios Covered Parking 2 Pit Furnished Apartments Cot- WOODLAND APARTMENTS 2 bedoom. Hookups. 5315morth. No pete. NICE 2 bdm., fenced yard, LARGE no pete. Col! Dave, BDRM. Best 12th Eost: 665 5th Ave. So. BDRM. ROSE PARK QUIET No. Redwood Rd. 5195. 2 NICE 13th Eost Near hosp. bdm., considered. MURRAY, carport. Large 2 ond 2 bedoom tarnished opts. Complete omenttles, wheel choir access. Childen under 2 occepted. Heat paid. 4070 South 9th Eost. Small Pete occepted on special Interview. 402 rift area. Pete wJG Wjv bdm. hookups, ORLEANS INN HOTEL Full service suites. Fully eaulpped BEDROOM, large yard, close to ond 2 bdm. Includes phone, TV town. Real bargain 5200. wtth cable, pool, pvt. club, maid BOUNTIFUL -C- LEAN 2 bdm. Only service ond more. Doily, weekly or monthly rates. 5240, 20 So. Hwy. 89,292-182BEDROOM carpet. Plenty of storoge. 5250. No smokers BOUNTIFUL electrk.. All 5295. 40 467-- DELUXE bdm. near U. No smokers, pets. SUGARHOUSE CUTIE. 2 bdms. No cate. 5315. Jim, MURRAY Clean 2 bdm., 171 East 4500 So., $285 per mo. 9 5300 BEDROOMS nr .Trolley prof, 5465 bdm., mo. minutes to S.L.C. or Airport Bedoom Den and 2 Bedooms and UNFURNISHED WESTMINSTER PARK APTS. 453 West 1500 South, Bntfl. decorated 200 $285 THREE 10 FURNISHED 2h baths, frplc., or Unfurnished Apartments Jacuzzi and Sauna Weight room laundromat RENTAL SPECIALS 3965 West 4100 So. 1 year. FOR YOUR COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE Saunas 24 Hr. Guarded Office Open 10 PARK EXTRA LARGE APARTMENT Square Footage Monthly Rent Rate Whirlpool Bath bdms. Looded! WELCOME! CLEAN 2 BDRM. Eost Edtth (1205 So.) BDRM. Holloday modern, carpet, dope, 5285. m Outdoor Pools Exercise Room 2 KIDS 218 Youll Save Here! BRAND NEW 1,2, 3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS Indoor Pool No pete. STUDIO.1,2 bdm. gos pd.. pold, sunporen, prkg., 5325 LARGE 2 bdm., ample stor oge, adutts. 85 Eost 600 So. Any Way You Figure It... Gate Security bdm. AVENUES. 5200. 825 Third Ave. BEDROOM 328 4th Ave. Off St. parking, hookups, 5250. $250 SPACIOUS bdm. New bath, yd., porch. No kldspete. 1W Convenient Capl bdm. 5250. Most loc. These rents guaranteed tor 969-742- 1 p.m. Avenues apt. Instorage. Hea Studio ond Nice. pool, hat tub, new Furn. or unfurn. So. 2 BRICK Southeast Fixer eve 3 800 So. NICE 987 TRADE RENT on or 2 bdm aot. auto or anything of volue athc apt. Ave. ond bdms., close In, remod bdm. Neat, cleon. 1483 West bdm. No pete. bdm 2 1st 2 Uillaije Green $329-s42- 9 Vi 4 lt S NOT OMIT 625 South Redwoodioad BRAND NEW! Quiet, 2 bdm. cludes corport. pold. Child. $100 FREE RENT This Week Only! 2 bdm., oir cond. $265 mo. So. 1300 Eost. LARGE bdm. corpet. 246 Eost 3645 BEDROOM townhouse, leo.e, child, hkps. no pete, 5335, MEAT. FREE bdm. 5235month. 1300 South 900 Eost 5200-- gar, etc. Clean bedoom. 2 Lowln-tom- AVENUES CHARM-bdm., cleon, View, 5275, uhls. pold. 2 FIREPLACE. 438 No. Center. bdms., pool. 5345. 5200 ACW Inc. SUGARHOUSE. Large We poy utilities. 5240. 1, apartment for rent, BEDROOMS. Brton Avenue. bdm no smoker except light. Bdm. Perfect toe. 5225. Ave Barr V NICE QUIET upper, 304 bdm., ond den. 2 bdrmT5450elec. U? T STREET-Pete ok. Tom 5320 5??5mo. $185. No secluded Near Brickyard. CAPITOL 5200 heat bdm. paid. Nice view, eve 7 2 BEDROOMS, IH bafrir'offl-80-. weeks FREE rent. P utils. 5200 PLUS Lights. 461 1st Ave. U. EAST Ave $260 wa- BEDROOMYi75mo. 550 deposit, 158 No. Moin, Apt. 1. UTILITIES pold. bdm. 5295 ond BEDROOM (if hill BEDROOMS, studios. U of U, Aves., Sondv, Magna. NICE bdm. $215. Heat Included. Avoll. now. 133 C St. 2 . 7 BF DRbOMS."$?50-Qut- 1, 2, 3, hookups, Hook-up- et, BDRM. 1011 WEST SW NOS215 2 BDRM. MIDVALE, 1250 FIREPLACE. 840 So. West Temple. Large 2 bdms. 5255. 3333 Type Apartment (1,000 m VS5-S0- 6 10-- 3 BDRM. APARTMENTS two-bedroo- m , Salt L.aki- C aty, I hah (HOI) Sat 10a.m. 5 p.m. Sun 12 Open 2 I 2 BEDROOMS Richmond (1250 E.) I UXE 2 bdrm. near pnokeri, pets. assistance ovoll 5325 TWO bdm., 1515 So. 3rd East. U $285. 3059 54cX) EVERY DAY $206. Pool Exercise Woodhaerv) '1C 5380 Bf DROOM. Close to 480 So. im East Apts. I $295. Inc. BRAID NEW! whe Lovey area. $??5mo. $230 TWO BEDROOM 0! li bdm 3 2 BEDROOM "carport, "fir eptoce ptex, 604 So 5th Fast.58l-078- 4 ARGE bdm. In nice Rose Park Wather ft Dryor ttmm) AC II 4 in Two Bedroom 4700 South 220GWst managby Poo's I ev- 190 Bdm. Cleon, chlldpets. 1964 5315. remodel Sq. bdrm Eost Side Loan FREE CABLE TV! storage COMMON 2 House quiet. Loundy. No 12. So. 9th E. HOLLADAY-- 1 ond bdm. apartments starting at 5265 per mo. plus dep. Call close to Eost. 1265 EAST side 2 bdm., very cleon 5775 mo. Warren Lloyd & Co. SANDY STUDIO: All uhls. Included! Bus line close. $160. NEW 2 dr y, Uhl pold. 5380. $735. CL F AN forge bdm. single no smoke elec, pold Hoi today 3 BDRM So E $365, Mel 2 Bdm. Murray i?i9 Kim $300mo. BEDROOMS, IUXF DC wosherdyer hookups, AVENUFS 2 bdm garage, $350, all utils, pold. 829 3rd Ave. WEST Jordon 2 bdms. $225. No kids. Refs. 57M2J8, 11th AVENUE. 5460 Includes bdm. Close to drrtn. Heal smokingdlnkingpeto. street pkg. SMALL 2 bd m., close In. Prefer single or younger couple. All utilities paid. 5330 mo. SUGARHOUSE 2 bdm., new car pete, Levetors. 5450ma Includes gos. No dogs, 5325 TWO bdm. townhouse new U. Dishwosher, frplc.. etc. Monoger: 528 So. 100 E. 5 Off BDRM.-J23- SUPER 2 BEDROOMS, erything, 4371 South or CHARMING bdm. near Trolley MUST see to appreciate 5350. 2 BDRM. 4 PIEX Hookups, no pets, S.L.C. GAS PAID. 2 bdm. 5 100 deposit, '3' x 18 living rm. No pets. 2830 So. 8350 West. LOCATION. pete LARGE 5290. DOWNTOWN 275 Locally ownod and For everybody who works or shops downtown, living at the Covey is especially convenient. But thats not the only great reason you should live there. The Covey has large, bright rooms. You can select from comfortable executive suites to huge apartments with sunporches. Since every Covey fkxirplan is unique, youre assured a distinctive living manner. Plus there are spectacular mountain views that seem to put the great outdoors right outside your windows. Visit the Covey today. Youll discover how downtown and the Covey complement each And an apartment other perfectly, for you. m thats perfect 2 BRAEW00D APTS SUGAR HOUSE. Like new 2 bdm, No pete, kids. 2074 So. 1140 Eost. 5295 plus dep. ond uhls. 5295. 2 BEDROOMS, nice 1205 West 440 South. No" BEROOM, $175mo. flreptoce, sher dryer hookups, 3 5275MONTH, Sogdhouse area, 2 150 So. 7th East. bdms., refrigerator washer and BEDROOM apt. In Trl Piex. 960 SUGARHOUSE, nxre. 851 Eost Fokmont Clr. bdm., new car. $10 OFF 1ST MONTHS RENT South 800 East. S275mo. Gas pete, 5250mo. Includes gas. No (2456 So.) Tuit Co. Spacious 7 bdm. with hookups. 2 bdm. Low utfls. new Pet ok. poid. $j25.arge dogs. Child en welcome. Nke Murray toe FOR E IT: Nke 2 bedoom duplex. No pets. S.L.C 5340. Fenced bock yard. Gas flreptoce, HOLL ADAY. 2 bdms. Very cleaft, NO DEPOSIT. Spocious 2 bdms., sunny 4 piex. Hkups., air. Quiet, disposal, hook ups, drapes, 5310-dishwasher, oir. 5335month. BEDROOM, Jan. Rent free. ARTMENT MANAGER secure. 5325. fenced. 5285. Ask for Bob. Air, gas firepL, range, refrig., Lrg. '4dm. $100 allow from 5265 5280. 2 bedoom, all util, pakf except Ccfcte TV avail. 5295. TWO BEDROOMS. All appls. dlshwshr. ond 2 bedoom, fenced LOVELY dlsp., ONE 5245 decorated. newly bdm., lights, oaroge, no pets, So.S.L., 3176 So. No coin 4686 No pets. pete. location, Carport, near Arllng Indy. yard. Excellent Drape. quiet residential st. no pets. FUT MONTH, RENT FREE ton Perk Dr. So. 9th East 2, Westminster College. Adufte only. 128 Eost Vidas Ave. 2 bdm., carpet, Dei So. 2nd E.) (7600 e GLENDALE-LargMODERN 2 bdm. duplex. Bdm. hkps., Carpets, stove, date, refrigerator, MURRAY AREA parking. No PetsChlkfren! $189. DELUXE 3 bdms.. 2 boths. 5475. Hookups. Quiet neighborhood. ivy Circle. 2 Bedoom, 2nd E. Uth So. COZY I BEDROOM 5350. washdy hookFoothill and 1800 South. Frplc., HEAT PA ups, air cond. Carport, storoge. Close to freewov. dining. hkps. Separate Carport, AVENUES $235, 5125 Dep. WEST VALLEY, 2 bdm. condo, carbdm. blinds. new New. mo. 5295 Cable bdr carpets, reody, 2269 Green St. 5175. eves. storoge. Ind. Heat Call Parking, loundry. port storoge, hkups, potto, air, 5795144 2nd Avenue. leove messoQC. 5285. 2714 So. 3600 West. BEDROOM. Stove, retrlg. No $210 STUDIO Mel2900 no So. pets. Hill. smokers, CLEAN Avenues and Capitol BEDROOM, close to U. 5250 per Flreotoce, perfect for student, own EXCLIJVE Uptown dea, WALK to bourne St. (1845 Eost). 5250. Rick $200. Great Lond-tor- d mo. Includes heat and water, 5200 and $170 bdm. TOW! 2700 So. St. Beauttfui 299 5th COZY I BEDROOM Center tost, entronce, or but no pete. Bruce, deposit, no pete. studl bdm. Most utils. Inciud-eAll utilities paid. 5775. town bdrm. NEW 200 SALT Lake area. Nice, dean, krge 2 Free homes. 3440 South East. SUGAR HOUSE TWO BEDROOM5 425 EAST 3RD. AVE. cable. Hook-updishwasher, pvt. Hook-upbdms., carport, storoge. Much new 2 bedooms, 2 Nice 2 Disposal. Parking. LARGfiearty dining, balcony, bdm., ft. Over more. Adufte. 5320. sq. patios. IX) FREE first month's utilities ond bath pish washer, hookups, prkg., oduits, 5325, 5300. tost month's rent, 3 bedooms, 4 PLEX, 2 boths. Salt Lake. 5250 CAPITOL SMG 1308 SO. 1700 EAST CHARMING 3 bdms., flreptoce, ga5375month. 205 Tfffony Town 2 or 3 bdms. Nice neighborhood. ? or oir. 2338 East 2815 Extra storoge. 5349. Dr., Mldvole. roge, SPACIOUS TOWNHOUSE 5360. EAST MILLCREEK. 2 Bedrooms, 05 baths, ok, dishwasher, storooe, hkups., no pets. bdm. Bdrm., hookups, dishwosher 36l fc3065S. 5295. no pete, 5609300. THREE bdm. Sondv condo. 5390. Yard No smoking, dlnklng. Uhls, paid. Very reasonable. FREE RENT Free Heat. Chllden welcome. 8252 So. State, bdm., CLOSE TO U. Fenced parking, bdrms,. oir, central heat, disposal, Indy, focllmes. Negot. 2 1520 So. PARTLY WEST Volley 3 bdrm., corport, 05 bath, fenced. 5465. 2583 Ridge4 crest Dr. LOVELY pold SOUTH 800 Eost ? bedoom with ycxd 87V135V-9(with 373 NC)RTH 800 West 2 $295. 359 9041 yardjxwkup no pete. afAN STUDIO, $150, 7 Northwest, 255-61215CLEAN studio, Westminster, no moke, high standard C07Y AVFNUf S bdm. Great to 364 3035 CCTtlon $225 plus 102? 2 S. One bedoom $225 Sta dio, $205 Heat paid AVENUFS 2 BORM $295 Off street parking loundyfoclls $200 MONTH. Studio Gas pold 203 Last 700 South See Mgr 6 2 So. Uhl West 400 No bdm $230 134 AVfcNUF PRIVATE AND QUIET Avenues bedoom bsmt apt non smoker preferred 5195, . BEDROOM, $270, 1155 So. Denver (440 Eost). 4 p'ex corport. Quiet or . 2U1 SO Lincoln, bdm all eie hookups, $235 No pets 7? 8405 NF AR U. bdm, part utils. No pete smoke $2J0 364 6254 BEDROOM, washing ond utils pold except lights. $725. 415 M Street after 5;30 3 Utils. 328 8531. $255 1265 2 BF(ROOMS Near U 9j8 East 300 So CHARM. GROOM forge, with dining, sun 18 Heat paid LARGE bedooms. Flreptoce Dishwosher. parking. no pets. bcm., hookups, clean, 3? South 3375 West. $295. LARGE So. 1300 Eost AVENUFS- 2 TV bdm Air hoc A ups m-- 100 700fc.5J2-787- Hill $?45 386 So Compfvl 595. EAST bedoom with yard 595 each 359 9041 760 EAST 100 So I arge i bdms., oil ACJF lx 2 ? BEDROOMS, kkh ok, by school 104 So 240 Eost $750 364 5805 Hardwooc big 2 bdm. floors. Flrepl. Covered prkg. Air 10th So. 13th Eost. 5395. MONTH FREE RENT UPFRONT Extra large, 2 bdm. unit. 2736 Adorns (430 East) Sharp! So. EAST 3RD SOUTH bedooms. Heat pold. Cable CAPITOL required CUTE BEDROOM 722E. 3rd So. 5400 LARGE Immac. bedoom, 568 9th East. 5235mo. NICE $290 $210. 2740 10TH VALLEY kx. BEDROOM duplex. Side bv side. Vic 9th Eost 7th South. Ydd. Undercover parking. Very cleon. No pets. 5240 mo. Call Kathy West 400 So. 5330. piling. Patio. Quiet building. 525 S1?th Eost. 5275, 8 month lease. DAYS FREE RENT! east toe. Lovely creeks ond ponds. Hill 3J8 MURRAY LOCATION First month te free rent Large J bdm., garoge, $365. NEWLY remodeled 2 bdms.. $260 1476 Roberto (240 Eost rear). Refs bdm., 525. 2 bdrnr, 5795. Quiet, clean, ok, storoge, $265. gcrage. Includes GAS PAID Lag one bedoom epartment, 644 or i 800 East. B8ROOM. Close to IT. Off street ok, Capitol 154 So $265 NICE covered security sys., 5.350, BEDROOMS, large kitchen, gdoge, washerdver hookups. 5 coll 9 or 2BFDR00M-fRWc- j JlOmo AX) F ChH BEDROOM condo at Willows except lights. Pool, gar. yr lease. Adults. HOLl ADAY , sauna-spa- So So 4405,94j-$H- Stadio apt All util pafo 5JJ 965 aft 7 pm NF AR U carpets. 1374 pd, quiet, :leon. 234 East Bdrms TO K nice Atonedo 5375. 2 Util, 1, bd ms. with hkps. 2282 tost WAl AVENUES Beouttfut bdm dining room, frplc, hardwood firs. 374 1. 5375. 5th Ave 253 EAST 31 70 SOUTH 2 J bdm d((es, appliances BE HOI LAD AY DUPLEX Three bedoom. Two baths. Carport. Hook ups, 5550. 167 HEAT 94 w' FREE RENT FREE $550 LARGE washer dr rer, hot tab, weigh! T BF (aROOM 3396 So 2300 Fast. 5325 plus Util. room, covered prkg. CENTURY' "VILLA," Cute 2 1275 AVf NUES bdm New car petlng Heat pd. bdrm., ftreplore, app 426 Fosl 33J5 So. J9 EAST So Temple kx., 2 bdms, ? 2 BF DROOM baths. 5450 8090 lrg.J?75, 151 No State (beiow Capitol) Klds pete ok. Kip MlDVAl cleon targe bdm. All or Bruce, yWs. pold5255 T BE DROOM, $200 T?? No WoLl (TOC TWO bdm. 5310. Free cable West) kMte'pete Ok. Kip or Kim, tv 188 7 So West Temple 484 6421 NEAR UNiV2 bdm Gauge 1473 2 BEDROOM, 5775 Kkhpete ok South 1300 East 1350 new corpetpoint. 356 NO.30C K 2 BEDROOMS 1770 5 Wes Ip, rent, $170 dep 5J. 82JSo. 500East lte bath. Like new Washer dryer, 5390. 1064 South ONE BDRM. 1810 South 5th Eost. 300 Eost JJhlsJncluded EXTRA Lor ge bdms., living room kitchen 5300 ntonth. 255 So. 600 East, Suzanne Apts. 2 BEDROOM. SO. Redwood tost IJ00 5225 262 t bdm, carpet,d. ADAY new deluxe 7 bdm., hookup, ok. dishwasher 425 So. 199 150 7 ax NORTH (exter (840 Wet) Duplex. Iv, bdm $?j0 52 5207 TWO bdms, air, hookups, no pete 580 J75I So 4140 West x to DuPt bdm potto, child 0k Nr Capitol Mill $7J0, Ct E AN 2 bdm $ 00 gos pord no pete Sandy 566 406J, NK f I bdm No priokfksds pet 5250(15 N) J2 0056 aher 518 appncmr s fenc ed yar tociuoes ok uttts 484 9873 5J0 $375. 6884 SO. Fast sldt T "LARGE 2 bdm. hookup. $245 MOIL OOM "apt $17$ morTth"piu gas ond lights. $100 dep References Central city lake 53M48? 828 BDkM $ 500 I d apes, BE DR $250-529- Soft NUF S AVf 2 BEDROOM condo, one block from Temple. Dishwasher, dlsp., 2 no pets. dishwosher 4652 So. 4725 West. $275. $295. SANDY DELUXE 2 bdms., carport, hkps. 5770. 5150 dep. 5235. ATTRACTIVE Duplex, clean, quiet, bdm., err pets, dopes, disp., krge closets, gar. Working 2 bdm. Year und swimming many extras! bdm., FREE IN 4th Eost So QUt 9041 n Bf DROOM Fast 484 2372, Nf W bdrm apartment, $?X 966 0V? kiwnhous 1408 ? HF DR(XM 400 Fast $45 NEW LARfiE ? bdm, hookups, dishwasher, prkg Near keewoy, and town, kkte ok $28 5 966-- 108 pie tarnished, portly $225 359 MiOVAl F S Nicest Wovher dryer rnoath (afl $195 277-- bdm., No MIDVALE. 2 BEDROOM. KIDS OK. Fit month's rent. 2 SthE 331 Bf ffrOOM $225, large, Cdpet, new point, carport hkps No pete 18SSo 2ndJr TOP FLOOR, bedoom. Pool ond Jocuzil. 1st, last; security $310 plus electric No smoke. 5100 DEPOSIT 2 WEEKS BEDROOM CUTE 577 So. 8th Eost. EAST 1st SOUTH km. includes c4l utlh 5775. Also fk. 5250. wood Udto, bdm.. krge living rm. ond kit., Point, clear tor dep. and port rent. plus lull bsmt. for storage. 5230 2 bdm. in 4 piex. 1442 West 14600 So. 5300. Kids, pets O.K. mo., no pets, must see Inside, 860 So. 800 East, NOW RENTING Deluxe mins, from $?55mo. No LAO 4 Wl Y Renovated Bdm. piex $260 Includes heat No 740 k. 9th So. 27 155 So Bt (ROOMS, extra nke, clean, no pets 3145 So 2nd East 15 DAYS FREE 5335. New 2 bdm, 4 piex Kkh'sm OK West 7700 So 77? J930 3550 pete BE fl WINE S 530 EAST 1st SO Unfix mshed 2 bdm. Utilities turn exceirt elerfric No pete Adufty 2 bdm, GOSf 900 good CdTpet, 10 dlnkerspets. 206 BLUFFDALE ROOMY APARTMENT Nice maintenance. HILL DUPLEX 2frmv fkeptoce, eat. 5350. MONTH f REE 2 bdm. 0i baths. yr. lease. pets. 3060 So. 3rd East, I bdm. dea 968-13- hp R)RM studio, 195 5 74342500 LARGE lit Ave Large MAGNA Nk one k to arto pete a rt a AVFNUFS-61- 2 bdm. condo Covered Balcony Hut tab 5J00 No pete 246 E Hefm Ave 26J ik44, J59 prg kids prkg, SUGARHOUSE 5300 BDRM. ONE yer, Idge bedoom, laundry facilities, storage, off street parking. Near shopping centers Near restaurants and gcery stores m. 5296 58 2 LARGE SQ. woman preferred. OWNTOWN. New 7 tty entrance. Movie Channel 24 hour laundry facilitle m LAST MH Y nue 2 txkm, tetenfly remodeled, ig duunu room book shelves etc. 895 So 2nd Eost TRt AMO LIBERTY cable 5280 month, plus $50 off 1st 3 months rent. Pool, pood location. No pets. range, side by side refrig., patio wtth view of city, gcrage, storage. Cleon! 5390 Ind. heat. RV Mmi SOl 700 5MGU08 E x Newer Lag 7 bdm Hookups, disposal, ak$295 DELUXE J BEDROOM ? WEEKS FREE kt.Nl 5215, carpel, drapes oppfl ok, 2519 147 777-- bedoom, covered parking, (W bdms 2 carpet, drapes, tub, shower, reas. rates. The convenient thing about downtown 2 VI LAist Smith Tcmi'k- Strn-t- 1573 SOUTH ToTHtSVr bedoom tied pod $JV5 Oft street prxktng ouxt y tuc limes Unfurnished Aportmentj 200 TWO bdm I both Carport Hook 5 50 dep ups, itnreu. 575 yin So J450 West C 519415 BORM $150 mo 5 SO dep No kids, pete, bud musk. See bet Mon and Tuts only. 1460 Green y Apt 0, 5J00 2 bdm, range, refng, dlsp, (dpete, drapet, coin kjund y, rover ed prkg 140? So 200 Fast 48 868V Manager TWO WM XSFMFF Rt NT LARGt JBDRM.HfXLADAY 5 NX) Quiet New Paint, Carpet or ge Closets 28 J768 Smut) x to SMAiL house 5235 See at 3198 South 4th Fast, rear Single mote cojpte Nokldi pete One Unfurnished Apartments ONF So., Mo- 5d $2 10 except lights LE MAiRE CHATEAU Kkm $255. No pets. child, rport. 3410 So. 300 East. BRIGADOON UPTOWN LUXURIOUS BELVEDERE 5344, heat paid! Plush studfo apt-desslrtg room, mirrored waits, crown moldings, ieveiors, plush gray arpet, microwave, single only! car parking. E. Stratford Red t state ' bdm 3 KXj 78 8OJ S060, -- ST bah, 48 4 5961 SJ25 utils, pd UP. TWO BEDROOOM 4 Pi f X Lrg and 7 bdm. apt Quiet Lots of $285, o hookups, carpet, drapes, Storage No child en or pets I6V6 Carport, yard. MarrleJs No pete, So. Eost 78 935 V4J 8e06 smokers NEWLY REMODELED 5215month. Nochlkfren. LOOKS! SETTLER'S POINT IS GIVING MONTHS FREE RENT. ALSO, DISGET OUR CORPORATE COUNT JUST BY MENTIONING THIS AD. 4700 SOUTH 1600 WEST SLC 1560 Ft BEDROOM ask Great bench locution. Ground ievei Private dlvewuy Nicely decorated. No 17 smoke dkk peto $250. dntwn. SX 5150 dep. dm. Aii utils, pofo 446 Eost 3rd So. or L0C.-J5 carports, storoge GREAT LOCATION. East Hof today. Enjoy krge rooms, bdmr 5775, 2 bdm., 5295. Clean quiet, Ned bus, stores, schools, cniiden ok. Appt. to see odd ess. Coil or A ing. 5400. (2600 So.) 2 bedooms, Hookups, carpets, depes, range, refrig., tats closets. 2488 So. 9th East. Brand new apt. community. Adult and FamHy. 1, 2 and 3 bdm. FREE TV. 1160 No. Redwood Rd HUNTER'S LARGE TWO BEDROOMS. 5325. No pets. 659 5240. SPARKLING CLEAN 1 Scott Ave. Bdmv adults, i pets, no stairs. Two boths; plus utility room All oppliances. Corport. Pool No pets. 465 East 5600 South. 1059 THE Free microwave for years lease. Disposal, hookups, dishwosher, . Ptoy oir, carport, tound-yyrd, basketball courts. 7366 So. Red- St dam, SmaM from $295, 2 BEDROOMS So Roberto bd AVENUES, includes uftttttes. COVEY Conveniently toe within wading distance of Downtown. Studio, and 2 bdrms. i. Sat. if SUPER ONE BDRM. Covered parking, close to 5240. 975 East 400 South 133 South 900 Eost. AAETRO AMERICA; $?55. covered parking, 1485 lar Uhlftie 5240 BS 7 bdm. ad4t WiNEGAR APARTMENTS Cdpets, dope, dtepoea, toundy, patio, 2 WEEKS FREE RENT 4 724 East 440 So. 4. 26506 buitl-in1000 to. ft., forge 2 rru, carport No pets. 5350. 1051 East 2 BEDROOMS So. Union Ave (7335 So.) Lhe new, cerpet range, CLOSE TO U. 837 East 700 So. retrlg., quiet West Vdtey ft no bedrooms, clean, nice, aU appli967 2501, ances. ok, gerboge dsposd. wdi pets. BORNL, Jan rent free, ok, to waM carpet, I unit completely remodeled. Will go tost. No gas frplc, range(refrlg..dbhwshr., cable TV ovatl Corport, dhpoecX, petesmoke 10. coin toundy. No pets. Mg 7295 So. 2nd E. 2 WEEKS FREE THE 2 ABANAAPTS 1338 WOODLAND AVE. bedroom carpet, drapes, air condition. Cm street parking. No pets. East Jral rnf ?ft an downtown, U of U, bdm paid found y tor Hfhev oft 546 East street park mg Souths. Cdf E M I k S tree rth lease 560 month Converwent ? ? fc Fenced and go e 'naho. RENT 12. Wd entry. LINDE NBROOKE. WEST JORDAN. bdms. 7 143 So. 2700 West. Carpets, drapes. CARPORTS, LAUNDROMATS, BUS LINES, ADULTS, NO PETS. So. 2035 kidsl No petti before 7 pm No foundry Q Jst and use of utmttes 53)5 tnctude ot LARGE Clean bdm Oft street parking, hookups Very quiet No Rets! 968 So TK 0 West $250 (eed HtjpV $771 bdms clean, Woodarto U?V So) , covered perking 355 5548, 9663157 F 466 f joe jokGAN ? bsk m , new pok ve v ok , 5 X4) $ 50 tearwig dep J"4 A ViQ Sa 26 257, 59 08 j on 4pm Hi I)R(aOM Townhouse $JJ5 mo I toO deposit Dtefr ovfr dispov ai hog upt In covered toe porkmg Ptuygrourxl Wt $ f Rt E lean ? bd 'its rwd Sugcv House piYktng, ne CXtet, Kd purnted. 46 150 GRANADA B r UTAH TK K bed rjurn, touts ups 2 beduums Tm indow comfort 850 feet Clean Stodent rates 969 602. Wt 2 TWO BORM. TOWNHOUSE BEDROOM remod historical microwove wtth years lease eattetite Jon. 1, 5350 car tv Hiding, 5325. 157 No. State be-5349, Dishwasher, dlsposol, corport. cable. 3515 S. 250E Capitol) Kip or Kim hookups, taundy. Boskeitxkl ana MIDVALE. Clean 2 bedooms. Free port, BBQ area. 8510 So. State. heat. Covered parking, toundy 2 WEEKS FREE RENT room wtth wosherdyer. 5350 EAST MURRAY. 2 bdm, CarpOft, EST Jordan clean 2 bdm. 5290. end 5375. 102 Maquette (1300 dishwosher Custom pool, 2 Hkps.. BEDROOMS cctote, carport, new ca pet. $265. South- block west of State St. by closets. New dopes. 2 kids OK. 7865 So. J8(X) West 739 SO 8TH FAST, Pets neg. 5300. Free mtcowove fd years lease. Wiles). bdm, cpis, Oh street prkg Hot water paid Disposal, dishwosher. hkps, ok, Spocious 2 bdm., air, carPARK TERRACE $230 2'? 8405 2 WEEKS FREE RENT carport, toundy, fenced ploy dec. port, com operated toundy. 208 So. Main, Midvale. 8ults. Two bedrooms. Large CITY'VIEW APARTMENTS LARGE ond 2 bdrm.. 5300 no pets. child, deposit plus balcony. View of park. Storoge New carpets, new paint carport 3491 So. 2300 East. Coil Heat ond most uttts paid 3blks toU REAL BARGAIN Carport. 2 bdms. Adults. Beautiful spocious cctote, toundy, storoge. 2625 Eost Frptt 355 8862 bdm. No SOUTHEAST toe., new, very nice io. 4050 47 So. 8th pets.5735 E., up. 2 bath, complete with 374 4th AVE 2 bdms, appliances bdms., 5245 623 So. 6th E. HILLRISE APARTMENTS i NO $775 pets parking refrig., range, drsnwosher, ond 261 So. 8th E. 5255 Month Free Rent. 5270 up. Like new. Beauttfui, spaIeveiors. Quiet odults URGE 2 bdm., up. 4318 Hightond Dr. ai pted, dqoes, JANU AR Y rent cious. and 7 bdm. Pool. carport, to 68 WCST SMFL TFR, (7500 So), free with year lease 5739,1100 dep. clubhouse, tennis. No pen. REAL BARGAIN 2 bJrm. townhxise, 535''rro. 607 2 bdm., $190 to $225. Appliances 2 Beauftfui spocious )LLADAY forge townhouse, bdm. No 2385 East 695 So. Coil Marek Coatevliie pr ovided 27? J405 47 So. 5235 8th pets. 12 bath, ccrpetv Eost, up. bdms., VISTA PARK or Sugar House, bdm. 5245, 623 So. 6th Eost. BEAUTIFUL 2 bdm. apartments. desm, hoakim, secluded. 1968 261 io. tlh F E. I incoin Lane, 5425. carpets, off it. parking No petelocation ned town and Great 4 PIEX SUGAR HOUSE imokt 150 Gdfleld 5255 up. 4388 Mltfitond. child OK University. Air. 5285, 2 bdms.. hookups, 1728 Lake NEAR U: 101 SOUTH 6TH EAST Security. 5250. Large, clean bdm. Wolk-ISt. (745 East) ARNECIA GARDENS closet Carpets, depes, boko-nbed oom. Oft street perking. k 3 5 $300 New 7 bdm. deluxe opts, wtth oil the 5, Heat paid. No kkfe or pets. 5231 CLOSE TO U $100 OFF WITH 6 M0S LEASE extras, 5350 mo. 15 second month Clean and 2 bdm. in quiet com.quiet See the NEW lovely ond 2 bdm $775. Rose Park 2 bdrm free. Coil plex. 5310 and up. 659 So. 1200 circle, kkte ok, hkps., carport. 1611 apte. Broodway Tower, 3857 So. 9th East. FREE RENT FIRST MONTH East. Tollsmon Or. (840 No.) bdm. spoces (1 covered) usual and convenient ax $285, 2 BEDROOMS 2 2 BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM I Security, fr pi quiet (240 Eost) 1h bath townhouve, dishwosher ok, hookups, carpets, dopes, retrlg., 655 East 7800 So. $295 mo. REALTY WORLD STONE BROOK ATTRACTIVE i if I LIBERTY PARK. Adutt. 7 Bdrms. $310. ftrepioce, heat pd. Bdrm. Clean, Roomy, CAPITOL. MUST SFEfl Manager Bdrms. From $190 DOWNTOWN. 230 So. 300 Eost, Maroger 347 So. 300 Eost, Monoger RENTAL OFFICE 6655 NEWLY DECORATED private poho, pool, Murray area 5375. CONVENIENT LOCATION access to work, shopping, U Near Trolly Souore. ond bdm. Furnished and upturn. 457g ONE BEDROOM U. Dishwasher Disposal. NEAR MURRAY MANOR TOWNHOUSE U. a 3htM. So BRAND NEW Beef Amenthe Best Locution bevt Price Call Today WILDWOOD Super No pets. Completely On but Hne Near 2 So. 7th Eaet $200 0 KX ADAY 2 bdm., carpet, new part, hookups part, secluded 198 6 Lincoln L(W 5340 ten wkfor fuel 35v775. In Pi FX FOUR GARAGE PLUS nt 09 Apartments Aportmentj Wt ST VAl i F i Deluxe two tIr Quiet Seduderi aauN apt Atf ap pounces ttKfktm urtd ck ye huuk ups5J?5 262 2577 0R 4M60J5 1986 MONDAY, JANUARY 13, Unfurnished 200 Unfurnijhed Apartments 7 retcorated apartments 4700 5m we Adut only. ROVal FARMS AND 2 BEDROOM APTS. From $275 Great Murray loc Close to bus lines ond shopping Recently remodeled, immatufoteiy clean. 06 bath, frplc.. foundry facll. Heat pd. BUI, EDR00M BROOKHELD APARTMENTS Apart from anything youVe seen 1465 W dopes. f MlDVAi.fc ? Jon 2 BEDROOM carpeted kfos welcome 5250 jn south holdfn St Rent Douglas bed oom 2 Srrxki bd., bdrm., and studio apartnew restored Studio mo, with 5 100 dep. One Ddm,, 5375 month with $150 dep. Coll Rort 2 hookups IN m 1775 FREE POINT West Valley City Msuowcive, 1, 7, ond 3 bdrms., washer dyer hookups, indoor outdoor pool bdrm. oparfments $255. gates, swimmirjg poof, no pen. Century Apart- Aifi 200 Unfurnijhed Apartments LINDEN APTS. NKrkxge, 2 bdm carpet Wt ms. m, potto, t 5Ju0 So 10 (x- sorrw utames. 566 3396 dtspusm - dishwosher NOW OPEN In sugarhouse ments ager 20 Aportmentj Aportmentj TOP AT THE LIVE ubuioui Apt Ccrfnmunffy HE COLONY SO Eost 7800 Souffi large Unfurnished ST AWT FKNCV. I HBtDWOOMS 12 mynth i month FREE rnf T 200 Unfurnithed 200 Apartments Tennis Courts Complete Clubroom Large Covered'Patios Fireplace and wd hookups in some apts. am-- 6 pm Daily SOMERSET VILLAGE 3810 S. Redwood Road West Valley City. UT 84119 973-425- 0 |