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Show Tkt Sait Lakt Tribune " 16 Monday, January!' Jeff Millar & Bill Hinds Hy Tribune Sports Scoreboard AFC Champion NFL Playoff M Timm MIT IkM IwM iM 1 194- 0- Miami 24, Civwand II Lot Angeles Harm 20, Dates 0 lMMav Jm 6 Chicago 21, Now York Giants 0 Now England 27, Lot Angeles Raidari CMcwo Non Enatend 24. Mwnl 11, 4 a mV, n Chicago Bean 24, lm, Ram 0 lll-i ; l- l UL CNcam I- PM Chi Chi 20 McMohon FG lunar 14 Quarlar run (Butter kick), 525 KM4 34, DO! Chi Gaud kick), Ida Quarter from McMahon Pott 22 (lunar that return fumble 52 (lunar kick), A Patriots 14 31, Dolphin Cndand MMml 3 14 7 0 0 7 Pint Quartar 23, 640 Franklin NE-- FG Mia D John x 10 pass from Marino kick), 31 NE Cotton 4 pass from Eason (Franklin kick), 4 SO NE Ramsay pass from Eason (Franklin kick), 93$. Third Quartar NE Weathers 2 pass from Eason (Frank In kick), 342. Mia Nathan past from Marino (Revetz 10 kck), 32 NE A run (Franklin kick), 726 Tatupu 74,971. NC First downs It 21 1368 Rushes-vgr- 71 Passing Raturn Yards 234 0 23 Sacks by Punts 540 441 Tima of Possession 3951 2009 MOMOUAL STATISTICS RUSHING Naw England, C Jamas Weathers Colins Tatupu 69, Eason 7). Miami, Carter 656, DavBennett Mar too I enport 36, Nathan 0. PASSING New England, Eason 71. Miami, Marino 20402740 RECEIVING New England, D Ramsev Colins Morgan 230, Tatupu Waafhars 12 Miami, Nathan Hardv 3 S3, OuPtr Clavfon 341, Davenport D Johnson NAAoora HO, Rosa HO MISSED FIELD GOALS-N- ew England, Frank Hn 47 Miami, Reveiz 37 10 Green (NFL) Bay 33, Oakland 14 Naw York (AFL) Baltimore 16, 7 Kansas 1970 (NFL) Citv (AFL) Minnesota 23, 1 1971 Baihmora 197- 2Dates (NFC) Miami (AFC) (AFC) 16, Dales (NFL) 13 1973 24, 14, Miami (AFC) 3 Washington (NFC) 7 1940 73, 1975 S00 S00 7 3 7S0 I I SCO 4 000 3 13 300 It i I I 0 47, Wfyonxn x) JS7 5 II 314 7 SOD SI Al TVimMST EASTERN CONFERENCE Alanttc DMuat 1943 26. N Y - Philadelphia Eastern Division Piavoff - Philadelphia NFL Championship - Philadelphia Championship - Giants ern Conference Piavoff - Green Bav Championship - Cleveland 1947 21, 1940 7, 1949 6 Miami (AFC) 24, Minnesota (NFC) Minnesota 16, (AFC) Pittsburgh 7 (NFC) 6 Dates (NFC) 1976 Pittsburgh 1977 Oakland (AFC) 1979 (NFC) 77, Denver (AFC) 10 Pittsburgh (AFC) 35, Dates (NFC) (AFC) 21, 17 32, Minnesota (NFC) 14 31 (AFC) 31, Los Angeles Rams (NFC) 19 191- 1-Oakland 27, (AFC) Philadelphia (NFC) 10 1912-Francisco (NFC) 26, Cincinnati (AFC) 21 1963 Washington (NFC) 27. Miami (AFC) 17 Los Angeles Washington (NFC) 9 1965 San Francisco (AFC) 16 1964 Raiders (NFC) (AFC) 38, Miami Washington N Y 1950 1961 10, LA 1964 Rims 0, NFL Cortland Giants 0. NFL 0, NFL Championship - Buffalo - Dates San Diego 0, AFL 23, Detroit S, 36, 16 0, NFC Divisional Piavoff Baltimore Divisional Piavoff 1971 Miami Championship 1970 Cincinnati 0, AFC 17, Baltimore 0, AFC - Dates LA Rams 0, NFC Championship - LA Rams 9, Tampa Bav 0, NFC Chamotomhio - Dates Tampa Bav 0, NFC Divisonei Playoff - Miami NY. Jets 0. AFC Championship - San Francisco Chicago Bears 0, 1971 21, 20. 1979 1901 30, 1902 EAST Alfred 74. Clarkson 49, 30T Case Western 71, John Cam 76 Chevntv 61, Gannon 50 Elmira 71, Dominican 73 Isle Hawthorne 01, SOUTH Flegier 04, Nova 73 MIDWEST Michigan St. 50, Illinois 51 FAR WEST Arizona 79, California 72, 2 OT Colorado CoN 09, N Max Highlands Hawaii Pacific 115, Alaska Juneau Nev.-LVegas 60, Fresno St 53 TOURNAMENTS Chuck Rater Invttotento Bowdoin 14, NFC Championship LA Rams 1915 20, Dates Cowboys 0, 21, N Y. - Heavy- Tyson scored a technical knockout over Dave Jaco by knocking him down three times in the first round of their fight at the Empire State Plaza Convention Center. It was Tyson's 12th first-roun- d his 16th KO in 16 fights, knockout and tying the record Rocky Marciano set in 1949. Marciano, the only heavyweight champion to retire undefeatset the record May 2, 1949 ed, 49-when he knocked out Jimmy Evans in the third round in Providence, R I Im not out to beat Rocky Marcianos record. He's the Rock," Tyson 0, N.J. (AP) Having been rejected by the defending national champion for the first time in its four-yea- r history, the Kickoff Classic is leaning toward a game between Alabama and Ohio State, The Associated Press has learned. The pairing is expected to be this month following a conferselecence call among the three-ma- n of San Vic Rowen tion committee Francisco State, president of the American Football Coaches Association, Boston College Athletic Director said. Marciano, Joe Louis, theyre the yardstick. Theyre the greatest. Tyson, who fought his first profes- sional fight nine months and two days ago, is moving up in class. His next fight is scheduled for Jan. 24 against Phil Brown, known best for being knocked out by Gerry Cooney two years ago, and will fight on ABC-TFeb. 16. His likely opponent then will be ESPN heavyweight champ Jesse Ferguson. V Tysons handlers are planning on him winning the heavyweight championship by May 1987, which would make him the youngest heavyweight champion ever. Tyson was initially trained by the late Cus DAmato, who took Floyd Patterson and Jose Torres to titles. Patterson was the youngest heavyweight champ ever. Tyson says he is ready to fight anyone his managers, Jimmy Jacobs and Bill Cayton, want him to. Bill Flynn, representing the National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics, and Vincent dePaul Draddy, chairman of the board of the National Football Foundation and Hall of Fame. Those three organiza- tions are the games major beneficiaries. Because of rugged schedule that starts with UCLA, Minnesota and Miami, Fla., Oklahoma declined to appear in this years game, Alabama was ranked No. 13 and Ohio State No. 14 in the final 1985 Associated Press college football poll a I 3, Flames 84, 63 Utah 106, Sunday's San Antonio Utah Ski Report - Gama The Utah Ski SALT LAKE CITY (AP) Association reports the following conditions resorts s ski Sunday at tha state Alta-- 79 total, no new total, no new Beaver Mountam-- 46 Brian Head-- 30 total, no new Brighton 72 total, no new Deer Vatey-- 53 total, no new Ml Holy 46 total, no new Elk Meadows-- 50 total, no new Nordic Vakev-- 54 total, no new Citv-60 Park total, no new S3 total, no new PerkWest 69 total, no new Powder Mountain Snowbasin-- 56 total, no new Snowbird-- 60 total, no new Solitude 50 total, no new Sundance-- 64 total, no new Snow depth in inches refers to unpacked New snow refers to snow snow at within the last 24 hours 102 Matter's Games Sacramento at New York, 5 JO pm LA. Ckpoers at Washington, 5J0 pm. Denver at MUwaukae, 6 pm San Antonio al Phoenix, 7 JO pm Indiana al Goiden Slate, 0JO pm Dates al Saatttes, 8 JO pm Tuaitey's Gamas Philadelphia at New Jersey, 5 JO pm Sacramento at Atlanta, 5 JO pm Portland al Cleveland, 5 JO pm Washington at Chicago, 6J0 p m Utah at Houston, 6JO pm Phoerux al LA Lakars, I JO pm - Lines Jazz 106, 0 0 Gregson rry 0 102 Spurs 4- -0 0337 OT Rangers Womens World Cup 2 110 0 0 Rawi 2 0- -2 0- -2 12 1, New York, Osborne First Period (Ridtev, Miter), 102 2, New York, Sandstrom 15 Heiminen), 140 (pp) 3, St (MacLeten, Louis, Muten 20 (Cvr, Federko), 1101 St. Louts, Hunter 26 Second Period-- 4, (Ramage), 18 49 (pp) None Parted Third None None Penalties Overtime New Shots on goal St Louis York Louis of 5, Power-pla- y Opoortunities-- Sl of 1 New York Goahes-- St Louis, Wamstev (36 shots-3- 4 ). saves), New York, Hanlon A 54 2, 17,42! Referee Ron Fournier. McCourt, Leon Stickle Linesmen Dan Stockton 3, Hansen Slates: Utah (7) Robertson 7 San Antonio (11) Technical Fouls: Jazz Coach Lavden. OfBdtefc Ed Rush, Jim Capers. 6,510 At Yokehama, 2. a tie or 14 7 3 4 492 4 4 492. 5 410 6 4 6 6 6 647 .900 692 636 571 ,530 .531- 14 West 14 0 0 14 EAST Jackson 69 pass from Trudeau (White kick) EAST-- FG White 20 WEST Nappe! 7 pass from Long (Lee kick) Region Eleven DIVISION I GB Saturday's Garnet 1' Muskegon 4, Saginaw 3. OT Kalamazoo 4, Milwaukee 3 Toledo 5, Flint 3 Salt Lake 4, Indianapolis 3, SO Sunday's Games Fort Wayne 4, Flint Milwaukee 6, Muskegon 3 Overall World Cup standings Girardedi, 109 points 2 (tie) Peter Muetter, Switzerland, Wirnsberger, Austria, 90 4 Krizai, 71 1 Rok Petrovic. Yugoslavia, 60 4 Hubert Stroiz, Austria, 66 7 Stenmark, 62 8 Joel Gasooi, Switzerland, 61 9 Robert Eriacher, Italy, 60 Canterawct Conteranco Al Games W L Pet W L Pet 12 750 J57 Southeastern Kentucky Florida Auburn Louisiana St Alabama Georgia Tennessee Vanderbitt Mississippi Mississippi St 750 750 500 1 U.7 475 500 500 500 9 500 I 250 000 492 492 5 41$ '4 I f 4i 1 Xf E3I -Tan Canlaranca Canlaranca Al Ggmes W L Pet W Pet. 16 0 0 1000 I Michigan Purdue Ohio St. Iowa Indiana Michigan St. Ilinots Wisconsin Minnesota Northwestern Peter t ir467 443 9 750 14 3 750 467 9 4 92 1 12 4, 350 2 500 K 10 iX 714 769 10 4 7)4 I 333 2 333 2 333 3 000 2 3 Aianftc .000 74 9 4 692 10 6 42S 6 7 462 Cm it Canlaranca 1'rj IVj 2 2la GB Mandev's Games l'a No games scheduled Kalamazoo Tuesday's Gama at Indianapolis 1'2 3 Washington Slims - WASHINGTON (AP) Results from Sunday's matches m the 1150 000 Virginia Slims of Washington tennis tournament Martina Navratilova (1), Fort Worth, Texas. del Claudia (3), West Germany, Pam Shnver (3), Luthervile, Md , def Manuela Maleeva (4), Bulgaria. INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING-East, Jackson Pinkett 1376 West, Harmon Garner PASSING East, Wicker sham Trudeau West. Long Nor 7 DIVISION ne RECEIVING West, East, Williams Jack-so- n Edmonds Hapoei 422, Harman Jazz Halt Slump With 106-10- 2 Win Over Spurs Continued From C-- l team, said Eaton of the growing number of Jazz fizzles before Sundays game. We knew we had to do a better job of executing. We needed a game like that to restore our confidence in ourselves. Layden, though, was beginning to wonder about the Jazzs mettle under pressure. Citing the fact they missed 14 free throws (out of 29 for a feeble 52 percent accuracy rate), Layden said, I was worried that maybe our guys dont have confidence in themselves, that maybe theyre snakebit. But I thought we showed a lot of poise at the end and put some shots down. The man who directed the Jazz at the end was the veteran Green, who also had that role Saturday night. He did a good job of milking the shot I haven't clock and commented, done it quarterbacked the team at the end of the game for a while, so I felt a little rusty down the stretch. I just wanted to keep it in control. Stockton picked his offensive openings well in the first half and had 14 points by halftime. He finished with 17, and he and Green gave the Jazz 32 points from the point guard spot to only 12 for the Spur who obviously miss the absent Johnny Moore (out with viral meningitis). The Jazz had six men in double figures. Besides Bailey (20), Stockton (17) and Green (15), Malone had 17 points, Hansen 13, and Eaton 10. Jeff Wilkins, called upon when Malone had early foul trouble, wound up 26 minutes and playing a season-higcontributed eight points and six IBM OFFINSE-DEFtNSEflB- B FOOTBALHDAMRJ at UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY June 16-2- Resident Pros Steve Watson Eric Hippie Darrin Nelson Junior Jim Hough EJ Terry Jackson & Rulon Jones ''' 30 COLLEGE COACHES DAILY Wtem For BOYS Sleepover or Day an Diases : :ct:a id vidua1 inst'uct'On CONTACT!1 SCRIMMAGE" GAMES" Includes meet in California) (Camps also For Brochure Write1 O Starts: Jan 15th O Mxd Trio O Wed. 9:15 p.m. O Hdcp 80 O 600 ea. 0 15 weeks O Merchandise Awards O Based on 8 Teams O Individual Awards O Hdcp Series-Hdc- p Men-Wom- OFFENSE-DEFENS- Conference & Inst Div UMC 50A Utah State University Logan Utah 84322 Call Toll Free: i or JEEPS JEEPS-JEEP- 0END BgGOODRICtfiflRES C Choice SEMMDS OR BLEMS 1986 CHEROKEE $400-$- ! 400 10 NOT $COOO Your DISCOUNTS ON ':- - SIGN UP EARLY am S game en THE SEASON WITH SOMETHING TO SHOW FOR YOUR MONEY' GET AWAY FROM WINNING ONLY TROPHIES! P23575R15s R 15 $89 TRAILMAKER DEEP LUG SNOW Extra Load Black. FREE MOUNTING COMANCHE PRICES START AT $7995 WELL EQUIPPED & IN STOCK Hgt TIRE CENTERS INC. 364 - 7858 414 7.9 EAST 200 SOUTH lIFGoodrich gsjire center USED TIRES FROM 9 95 ACCEPTED HOURS 7 30-- 30 IIOH na MOOR SAT on 2 WD Commanche INSTANT CREDIT Apply for your BFG EsasnnEHri h 2929 SO MAIN - 4 Canteranca PadAc-1- I Japan East - Pet Notre Dame Dayton DePaui Marquette Chicago SI E Washington New Orleans Miami, Fla Pan American SW Louisiana BERCHETSGADEN, West Germany Results of the men's World Cup (AP) slalom ski race Sunday Johann Wanner, Sweden, 143 96 2 Botan Krizai, Yugoslavia, 144 01 3. Daniel Mougel. France, 44 76 4 Felix McGrath, Norwich, Vt, 4530 Andreas Wenzel, Liechtenstein, 14535 6. Ingemar Stenmark, 45 50 Sweden, 7 Paul Frommett, 45 52 Liechtenstein, 0 Guenther Mader, Austria, 14582 9 Klaus Heidegger, Austria, 14596 10 Marc Girardetii, Luxembourg, 46 05 II Deieze, Switzerland, 146 44 12 Dietmar Koehlbichler, Austria, 14601 13 Florian Beck, West Germany, 146 93 14 Marco Tonazzi, Italy, 14694 15 Thomas Buergler, Switzerland, 4704 X Tiger Shaw, Stowe, Vt, 48 66 Region Nine - Japan Bowl East 31, West . W L Mens World Cup - Field Goals Utah Utah 516, San Antomo 507 Free Throws 51 7, San Antonio 667 Tltrw-Pte- d FMd Gates: Utah (12): Han): Son Antonio Stockton sen Michel 01, Robertson 1 Eaton 7, Badev Blacked Shots: Utah (11) 3, Ham 1. San Antonio (2) Johnson 1, East DMvon Two points for a wm, one point for loss m overtime College Standings BADGASTEIN, Austria (AP) - Top finishers Sunday in a women's Work) Cup slalom ski race 36 S3 Anni Kronbichier, Austria, 3769 2 Erika Hess, Switzerland, 38 45 3 Vrew Schneider, Switzerland, 4 Ida Ladstaetter, Austria, 130 80 5 Czechoslovakia, Charvatova, Olga 1J901 6 Mana Rosa Quario, Italy, 1J906 7 Karm Buder, Austria, 1J9 11 0 Tamara McKinney, Squaw Valley, Calif , 1J952 9 Katie Lesiak, Yugoslavia, 1J969 139 73 10 Brigitte Oertll, Switzerland, 11 Mateia Svel, Yugoslavia, 1J9 76 12 Danieta Zmi, Italy, 39 85 13 Caroline Beer, Austria, 139 92 14 Maria Walhser, Switzerland, 14032 40 50 15 Veronkia Sarec, Yugoslavia, Linesme- n- Leuts N.Y. UNLV 68, Fresno St. 53 Giants Sooners Say No to Kickoff Classic Bid EAST RUTHERFORD, Ski Report m 3 Blues ILLINOIS (51) 0 Winters 49 12 9, Welch 12, Nor0- - 12, Blackwell man 310 22 0, Douglas 2 37 22 0, Tavlor 00 0, Meents 3 Totals 2256 70 51 MICHIGAN ST. (50) 22 0, Fordham Carr 01 16, Potec 0 0 0 12, Skties 0, Johnson 9 00 0 0 0 22, Valentine 0, Walker 0, 0 50 Brown 0 00 0 Totals St Halftime Michigan 24, Ifltnas 24. Fouled out None Rebounds -i- Vmois 26 (Winters 9), Michigan St 24 (Potec 0) Assists-Hbn- ois 0 (Winters, Douglas 2), Michigan St 12 (Johnson, Skites 4) Total touts Itenois 17, None A 7,912. Michigan St 11 Techntcets For Unbeaten Tyson? N.Y. (UPI) Van Hetemond Bozak, Jim Christison dy Mich. St. 58, Illinois 51 Whos Next Knockout ALBANY, p IHL Standings Sports Transactions weight Mike Tyson is quickly and painfully preparing for the next step in his boxing career. Quickly for him. Painful for his opknockout ponents. The artist from Catskill, N.Y. added another victim to his collection Saturday night, and put his name next to an immortals in the process. Referee-Anmen-R- SL Washington, Mo 60 TIM Place Frankim & Marshal 65 Caritond St ItMtotente Fredonia St Third Place Stony Brook 96, Baruch 72 at Vancouver, 17301 73 60, 56, A Referee-Te- LAS VEGAS (41) 3 0, Jon 4 9 14, Giham 14, Flow0 7, Wade 4 er! 5 3, Banks 24, LA Rams 0, 20, Robinson 24 0 4, Collier 0 Welch 0 0 00 0, Hudson 2 12 3, Basnight 3 Totals 60 FRESNO ST. (S3) Wooktnd TramacRam Cote 9 2 10, Kuipers IS, Saione BASEBALL 13, Walker 00 2, MitcheH 6 14 0 00 0, Emerson 1 7, Means 0, Barden 00 YANKEES-S- ent Dodv NEW YORK 4 0 3, Carter 0 0 0 0, Gustm Rather, pitcher, to the Houston Astros to comTotals 53 to the sent Niekro Joe the deal that plete Halftime Nev Las Vegas 20, Fresno St Yankees m September 22 Fouted Nev Las Vegas. BASKETBALL Cote. Fresno St Rebounds-N- ev Las Vegas Natente Basket! Assdctoten 33 (Jones 7), Fresno St 30, (Saione 10) CLEVELAND CAVALIERS Signed Ron Las Vegas 10 (Wade 10). Fresno contract Brewer, guard, to a St 19 (Walker 8) Total touts Nev Las Vegas BUCKS-SigMILWAUKEE Mike 15, Fresno SI 17 10. 132 Gtenn, guard, to an offer sheet - - Kerr First Period-- 1, Philadelphia, (Slnisato, Ektad), 1503 (po) 14 Howe Second Period-- 2, Riiledetphia, (Propp), 253 (sh) 3, Philadelphia, Propp 29 (Crossman), 930 (pp). Third Ptnod-No- ne Phte Shots on goal Calgary detehia Power play Opportunities Calgary 0 of 3, Phtedetphie 2 ot 3. Vernon (25 shots-2- 2 Goalies Calgary, saves) Philadelphia, Froesa (3535). 57 23, NFC Divisional Piavoff 1965 Chicago Bears NFC Divisional Piavoff 1965 Chicago Bears NFC Championship - PMeditete 71, St Denver at Milwaukee South Alabama at Alabama - ESPN (cable) pm - Notre Dame al 6YU, taped Channel I) Tuesday's Lae NBA Basketbei Utah at 6J0 pm Houston, Channel 5 and KLUB (570) 7 pm College Basketball. North Caroline at Maryland, ESPN (cable) 9 pm JazzTefc, KLUB 9570) tte 2, CRggrv Fresno Stale S3 Mender's Game et Pacific Rochester Rangars Flyers Sundays Scores 0, NFL Baltimore 27, IfcJO -3 0 ) -4 tTWcagi First Parted-- 1, Chicago, LudzHt 4 (Barge vte, Prastev), 13 ' 2, Hartford, Ferraro 13 (Dmeen, Badvch), 1942 pp) Second Penod-- 3, Chicago, Lermer 16 (Savard, D Wilson), 422 (pp) Third Period 4, Chicago, Savard 20, U 5, Hartford, Ferraro 24 (Turgeon, Francis), 7 17 (pp) 6, Chicago, Watson 8 lOfczvfc, T Murray), t34 (an) Shots on Chicago Power plov Opportunittes-Harff- ord 2 of 6, ot 2. Chicago shots-2- 5 Goalies Hartford, Weeks (20 save) Chicago, Seuve 43 SunOS's Gama 0, WTBS Black Hawks 4, Whalers 2 UNLV IS, Pacific R Saturday's Gams Santa Barbara 44, Ulan Stala S3 Fulanai 41, San Jota Stale 40 Naw Mexico Slalt 10, Long Beach Irvine 13, Pacific 75 FiRarlon Frank (570) HarlM 41 41 Fravio Slalt S3, San Jom Slalt 74, Santa Barbara Cleveland 0. East- 37, N Y N Y 49 CanNrwica AJ Gamai W L Pet W L Pet s 14 3 J7S 4 0 1000 Vteas 3 Naw Maiico Slat 0 000 9 3 790 1 3 7 4 S3! CaHrvma .740 Futorton Stala 3 I 447 9 4 400 2 3 .500 Fravio Slatt 9 4 400 San Joia Stale 3 3 400 9 S 443 Santa Barbara 3 3 400 4 4 500 Pacific 3 350 I 7 533 I Utah Stala 3 350 S I 305 3 000 4 10 .314 Baach 0 Stala Long TRundav'i Gamas Utah Slalt 13, FUNrton Slate 74 (OT) 41. KLUB fr earlier, pm. pm Twister's Gamas Wlnmoag at Quaoac, 5J5 pin Naw Jarsav at Phtedatptua, 5J5 pm pm Calgary at Washington, Chicago at Minnesota, 635 pm 45 PCAA Standings UNLV - Vitenove vs Connecticut, - Jazz Open Line with pm ESPN 0 pm Birmingham, Stala Wabar Stala 4S. Botia Slat 39 Norttiam Arliona 73, Montana Idaho Stala 44. Idaho SI Rano 79, Montana Stala 49 Giants 0, NFL Pittsburgh 73, Idaho 74 Botw Stala pm 4 KWGN Bucks, el Nuggeu 6te am (cade) Edmonton at Boston. Dttroff at Toronto, 5J5 K), nm (cable) 60S Levden, Mmtert Gtmtft WaEar Stala Idaho Stala The Suns Noire Dgme el BYU, Chennel sue gun. USA (ceue), WON Icetxe), KSL (11401 4 tunteYi Games Chicago Cardinals 0, 14, 5, Bv J McCarthy are ) versus the Pomis in ifwtr last at home The Spurt are 13 agemsl the spread in last 4 on the road Taka ftioenix Over fen Tha Supertomci have covered 5 et Antonio their lest 6 The Mavericks have covered only ot their last d on the road Go with Saatn dear In lomght's coteget, we like Connecter Dates over Vdanova, Noire Dame minus the point over BYU, and V A Commonwealth minus uvw MmteY's Lag - Region One (cable) Philadelphia 3, Catgarv 0 St Louts 2. N Y Ranger Chicago 4, Hertford 2 Montana M, Navada-Ran- o M Northam Arliona 13, Montana The Latest Line TV, Radio Log Prep Basketball Standings NBA Standings 45 Big Sky Standings Eastern Division Piavoff 1914 1974 S00 3 I OwngNmNp Games Championship - Chicago Bears NFL Championship - Washington 1970 Sugar lew Osamptom Bay (NFL) 35, Kansas Citv 1969 3 rWwn Vounp Dm Halt Wnnwg Air Foret 5 I Ml FrMty UTEP 40, Air Forca S4 Ulan T3, San Dwgo Siaia 00 (OT) BYU N, Hawaii 44 SaiurOiv Colorado Sltl4 45, Naw Mtmco 50 BYU 03. San Cnago VtW 70 Ulan 04, Hawaii 47 Wyoming 43, UTEP 43 (OT) piavoff shutouts A 1965 (NFL) Uin Naw Maxlco Championship Super Bowl Champs (AFL) 7 TNi Wadr'l Cam TlwnOtv Colorado Slalt 57, Air Fore 54 team opponent, season and score 1939 Green Bay 27, N Y Giants 0, NFL 435 2 s 1960 Ji 4M II ISO SCO Al Tbnat MJT WALES CONFERENCE Pettofc OMMM GP GA W L T P Pet 7M Hawaii NFL Playoff Shutouts list of aH NFL with 00 114 Fumbtes-Lo- (AFL) 14 I 3 San Bears 23. New York 71 193- 4- New Yorh 30, Chicago Bears 13 193- 5- Detroit 76, New York 7 Bav 21, Boston 6 21, Chicago Bears 71 1936 New York 73, Green Bay 17 New York 0 77, Bay Bears 73, Washington 0 Bears 37, Naw York 9 14, Chicago Bears 6 41, Washington 71 Bav 14, New York 7 15, Washington 14 Bears 24, New York 14 Cardinals 21, Philadelphia 71 7, Chicago Cardmais 0 14, Los Angeles 0 30, Los Angeles 21 1951-Angeles 24, Cleveland 17 195- 2- Detroit 17, Cleveland 7 195- 3- Detroit 17, Cleveland 16 56. Detroit 10 30 Los Angeles 14 195- 6- New York 47, Chicago Bears 7 195- 7- Detroit 59, Cleveland 14 23, New York 17, OT 195- 9- Baltimore 31, New York 16 196-0- Philadelphia 17, Green Bav 13 Bav 37, New York 0 196- 2- Green Bav 16, New York 7 14, New York 10 27, Baltimore 0 Bav 23, Cleveland 12 Bay 34, Dallas 27 Bav 71, Danas 17 1960-knore 34, Cleveland 0 77, Cleveland 7 197- 0- Dates 17, San Francisco 10 14, San FrencttCO 3 26, Danas 3 1973Mmnesote 77, Danas 10 1974 Minnesota 14, Los Angeles 10 1975Dates 37, Los Angeles 7 1976 Minnesota 24, Lot Angelas 13 1977 Dates 73, Minnesota 6 20, Los Angetes 0 1979 Los Angeles 9, Tampa Bav 0 190-0- Philadelphia 70, Dates 7 1901 -- San Francisco 20, Dates 27 190- 2- Washington 31, Dates 17 74, San Francisco 21 1964-Francisco 23, Chicago 0 24, Los Angetes Rams 0 10120 20402 Comp-A- Penatties-Yard- IK 1. (1913-6- INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING L04 Angowi, Oickorun McMaRMdan Chicago, Payton hon Vdwv Thomu Gantry II PASSING Lot Angalm. Brock Chicago. McMahon RECEIVING Cat Angatm, Hunltr Dickanon Brown Duckworth Gault Eaard Chicago, Payton Moorahaad McKinnon Wrigniman VXav MISSED FIELD GOALS-N- or 44a NFL tedudes 43,522 W NFC Champion Paurti Quartar Chi-- NHL Standings Standing XL M I NawMaxIco Caorpdo SKI 10, 20 OWL XX Jan. I 1 Nm Ortaam Naw Engltnd, ) pm. IUf(R Turn 14 Son Dwgo 3 Houston 17, 0T an Boston 10 51, Dgo 1944 Buffalo 20 San Dgo 7 1945 Buffalo 23, San Dwgo 0 1944 Kansas City 31, Buffalo 7 1947 Oakland 40 Houston 7 1941 -- Now York 27. Oakland 23 1949 -- Kansas City 17, Oakland 7 27, Oakland 17 0 1971 Miami 2), BelHmor 21, Pittsburgh 17 10 27, Oakland 24, Oakland 13 14, Oakland 10 1974-land 24 Pittsburgh 7 20 Oakland 17 34, Houston 5 1979 Pllisburgti 27, Houston 13 34 San Diego 27 1911 Cincinnati 27, San Otago 7 14 New York 0 1913-Angeles 30, Saafflt 14 1944 -- Miami 45 Pittsburgh 21 ew ) England 31, Miami 14 1941 Kami 0 Lm AnMM (1940 69) 24 Lot Angeles Houston Houston WAC Chemmee American Cardaranca Mtee AFL SOUNTIFUl UTAH Performance Card NIASE CERTIFIED MECHANICS Brakes, tune up Alignment, shocks Oil & lube, exhaust Cooling systems Air conditioning |