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Show 2 t j&alt fake Lifestyle eibutte Monday Morning Section January 13 1986 Page 6 A A concierge can provide those extra amenities By Nancy Hobbs Tribune Lifestyle Writer Being able to locate an available Lear jet and arrange for an emergency flight to Chicago with two bouts notice requires extraoi dinary skill and contacts Reserving a helicopter during a snowstorm to deliver skiers to untouched slopes ran likewise have its snags And finding a dozen long stemmed roses and a bottle of champagne on a Sunday in Utah can he a major headbut Keith Runyon's done it ache all. As concierge at The Westin Hotel ... Utah, his job is not to question ot relinquish. He works at the task at hand until he has satisfied the particular request of any hotel guest "We do a variety of things the front desk cant get involved in because of time," Mr. Runyon said "We're here to handle any special requests and al" ways try to avoid saying no Valerie Greenwood, concierge attendant at the Marriott Hotel, is also on hand weekday mornings to greet and meet the requests of guests staying on the hotel's "Concierge Level" the 16th and uppermost floor. Concierges have been indispens- - able figures in European hotels for centuries, always taking pride in providing even the simplest services for guests. The trend was comparatively late in making its way to Salt Lake City, with the Hotel Utah designating a concierge position less than 10 years ago. The Salt Lake City Marriinott added its Concierge Level stilling a philosophy rather than a singular position, explained front desk manager Randall Edge one year ago. The Sheraton Triad Hotel and Towers opened in September 1983 with concierge services throughout the hotel, according to concierge George Stoll. All three of the hotels concierges agree on the purpose of their position. They do everything from recommending restaurants, beauty shops and local entertainment to arranging for services, ordering flowers, making flight or dinner reservations and getting skis repaired. baby-sittin- to Les Clefs d'Or, the prestigious pro- fessional fraternity for concierges. Those who have been accepted can be recognized by the fraternitys lapel pin tiny gold keys. "The accreditation would enhance my position, Mr. Stoll acknowledged. The telephone, a directory and personal contacts are listed among the most vital tools of Salt Lakes concierges. Without any of the three, it would be difficult to do what many may consider the impossible anyway. Mr. Runyon guessed that 90 percent of the requests of a concierge are made on the spur of the moment. Mr. Stoll agreed as he recalled the most challenging request made of him as a concierge. "It was about 5 oclock on a late summer afternoon when the call came for a huge floral arrangement to be delivered now to a rehearsal dinner in the hotel. The guests were already arriving." He called a floral shop where he knew the manager and asked her to make an arrangement, in excess of $100, by the time the shop closed at 5 30, Mr. Stoll said. "Literally, within 20 minutes, the flowers were delivered. One might assume that the concierge would be generously tipped for performing such amazing feats. Such is not necessarily expected. We dont expect gratuities. We work for the hotel and our job is to satisfy the guest," Mr. Runyon said. If we are tipped, were certainly appreciative Mr. Edge also said that tipping is g The job entails just about anything to do with people. Our job is to and make their stay as trouble-fre- e pleasant as possible, Mrs. Greenwood said. Besides the usual concierge services, the Marriott offers a "special amenities" lounge for their Concierge Level guests. It is the responsibility of the attendant in charge to keep a coffee and cocktail bar stocked and to see that breakfast snacks and evetrays, ning desserts are available. For the extra $19 charge to stay in a Concierge Level room, the guest has access to the lounge from 6.30 a m. to 10 30 pm., and can enjoy the extra security of staying on a "locked floor accessible only to those who have an elevator key. "The job of our concierges is pure hospitality, Mr. Edge said. "We dont want them to be overzealous, but constantly knowing of and catering to TrVf '. f i J i rfsii tstki&x "should be viewed as something that's offered graciously. He added, however, that if tips are given, they're considered a sincere compliment. customers' needs." : Valerie Greenwood, concierge attendant at Marriott, visits with hotel guest Frank Fieger in the Concierge Level lounge. as the service not encouraged, Mr. Stoll, who started as Sheratons bell captain and quickly moved into the job of concierge, takes a lot of pride in his position and has applied The person is then saying that the service they received was above and beyond whats expected. Keith Runyon, concierge at The Westin Hotel Utah, finds telephone, directories and lists of events valuable tools for job. Projects designed to keep whole family from getting crazy By Judy Magid Tribune Lifestyle Writer friends at parties always is a revelation with Visiting Almost everyone I know talks about their children and concludes with the words, making me crazy." s These are not exclusively parents of Friends who are grandparents were talking recently about how difficult it is to entertain their grandson, age "... teen-ager- 6. He never seems to have anything to do," the grandfather said. He doesn't seem to be able to amuse himself very well, Ins grandmother agreed. I had immediate visions of myself, age 6, no siblings, in a strange city where my father was stationed during World War II. I was the only child in the building. There was no television when I was 6 I must have driven my mother up the wall. dress, shoes, hat, Paper dolls. I cut out each outfit probably per stockings, gloves, handbag, jewelry wffiWnl ftMlM m ft, became carbon-coateMy idea of a really good time was when a parent was available to play checkers or cards. Gin rummy was my favorite game. My grandfather taught me to play when I was about 5. He let me win. ("Ummm, Grandpa? Did I tell you we were playing for money?") Adults in my family had endless patience with me. My father and I built card houses, pitched pennies and did card tricks. My mother allowed me to dress up" in her party clothes. I loved her huge picture hat. (How do little girls today play dress up" when their mothers dont wear hats?) I admit that some adults are better at helping children learn to entertain themselves than others. When fcfjgai (Sflfa PRIVATE SALE 13THRUfJANUAR CARIBBEAN vvvv It Jan. 26, Feb. ... THE DEEP SOUTH Mar. 22-Ap- 5 r. This escorted tour flies into New Orleans for dinner at Antoine s and a 2 night stay at the beautiful Monteleone in the famous French Quarter then on to the eiegant town houses of Natchez and the spring 2, or 9. Pori Everglades ports of call include Nassau Bahamas San Juan, Puerto Rico St John and St Thomas. Virgin Islands It s a beautiful ship with marvelous French cuisine Prices begin at $799 including air fare1 An amazing bargain Space is filling quickly so call us today from Sailing Florida my son was small, he had brightly colored building, blocks and sticks. My neighbor showed him how to keep time to music by hitting the sticks against each other "Thats wonderful! I said, I was showing him how you rub two sticks together and In homes where there are several children, they entertain each other. At our house, if you have nothing else to do, you can tease one of your sibs. Card playing is related to our boredom level. I play gin rummy occasionally with one of the girls. I do not BARGAIN! discount on cruises departing 40 TmUE Pilgrimage celebration ano Confederate Pageant At followed by poignant Vicksburg Montgomery lanta historic Charleston St Augustine and Or lando Nearly ail two night stops this is a leisurely meander through the mansions plantations and gardens of the Deep South climaxed with 3 nights at the gorgeous Orlando Hyatt and Disney s grandest dream the fabulous EPCOT Center and Disney World Marvelous dining excellent local guides less than 2C seats left Call for brochure cm hi 583-403- ffIVJJALL Amenta's Best Selling Grands ANNUAL SALE! FP NOW $8,000 Wal NOW $4,500 Ebony NOW $10,000 KINGS MUSIC Expect the Made in America 8119 Best Open Wednesday 10-- 9 Daily and Sat. 10-- 6 8 Wrti Get a Fresh Start in 86 with Clean Carpets and Upholstery. Shields Tours 216 So. 13th E. Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 Ruth ( Liu m m Mm. U ANY JiNSHt-.- JANUARY 13th Lj - 18th WoolChallis t 2 rooms Co'iDirvd I'vtnQ ireas count as separate ux ms ht Off 30-4- 0 Off ml Onsets j 1 UJ Smtli 21st Last bv.lt Like To Suit vour type of upholstery we regulate a soluhon that s tough on did but genile on fabric ANY 3 ROOMS 20OpF 50 OFF 30 OFF 20 OFF Select Cottons & Imported Linens 20-5- 0 & Silk Suitings Imported Dress-weig- Upholstery experts have experience cleaning a wide variety of fabrics $29" BrklallMces Wool Gabardine Wool Coating We move and replace most furniture at no extra cost Mnnum order CLE 1 2 ROOMS VrTER , 1 6800 5295 3500 Home of Kings Cottage Art Gallery Ruth Clawson u GRATJD PIAUQ5 2233 So. 700 East 486 Free brochures with complete itineraries, dates, and costs. r let" my children win at games. I owe her $3,467.50. It's a good thing we dont play for money. Board game playing is sporadic. Good sportsmanship is not necessarily a family trait. The first game I bought for the children was one where a player advances or regresses according to the toss of the dice. Ah, how they loved to advance. It was second only to how much they loved to see each other retreat. Things havent changed much. Last night two of the girls sat down to play a game with marbles. Their brother sat down to play, too. There was a sudden surge of laughter. When they were younger, the next sound to follow would have been shrieks. I went over to look. Whats so funny? Show Mom your overhand marble shot, my son suggested. Forget that, his sister said, Wheres Dads old bowling ball?" Anyone for gin rummy? fume. Those dolls dressed. Then I stacked the clothes with the appropriate doll. It took hours. By the time I was finished cutting, I was bored with the whole thing. Carbon paper. Talk about magic. I traced endless cartoon figures until the white paper, kitchen table and I Uitv, Utah MKW 5H24340 We $39" deep-clea- your carpet', witn powerful truck mounted equipment Offer ends Jan 18, 1986 UPHOLSTERY CLEANING, TOO! $5500 Ally !fK t Uhl )fa ?rk ' Du Print P' flQ ush onsi v Use you' SeasC Sears Authorized Cleaning Servicos 224-109- Ogden 479-053- 2 266-344-4 tl f ' U'Ih Duo jrpo' mO Df F it 0(Ri! iMt c h ?r,i Cnmrieic al esl males available Satisfaction Guaranteed or Call Monday thru SatuMuy lo make an appointment Salt Lake City 6 Provo T in Li Your Money Back. |