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Show Friday, May 21, 1937 MAGNA TIMES, MAGNA, UTAH the programs now administered byConInto the busy mixing bowl, watchAAA. Thusdt will be possible if of deft measuring, the steps ing so determines to make provimix-igress creaming, sifting and thorough To such measures in the near for sion not overlooking the final work Gov- without future upsetting the French of baking, roasting, frying program. economy ernment's or freezing. in national Good bookkeeping demFor this is no But is Important very fiscal affairs will e will A long-timfarm policy that onstration. Each delicious dish (Continued from Page 1) is through it that be completed and shown with such serve best agriculture and at the let us not forget back to work. be same time safeguard national stab- the balancing of individual budgets, NoW comes this practical rally of realism that there are sure to of homemakers to contribute fresh hungry "ohs and ahs from the ility must provide for preparedness the budgets of businessmen, a bal- that workers and from farmers, either husbands disaster If get arising any stray against perspective for the "same old Job, audience. is made into the theatre, they are certain crop failure or price collapse, and ance In the national budget the monotonous day-ous not forget that it Let In to we a do eat? farmers When to go ask, place position the most job, yet Important business Hauntedlinrw Troubled bv In the world. ' g Jobs? Tired of sis according to H. R. Tolley, AAA the budget balanced.-"The feminine convention dele- by The best like seems Administrator. guarantee housework that drudgery? gates may not pound on glasses and The' cure: New wrinkles will of national stability," he says, is sing pep songs, but they will get FOUND news on every smooth the brow of the weary the erection of safeguards against j.Urge bunch of krs on rm' n "n phase of household lore, and they housekeeper; that Is, new' house- another boom and bust. Mr. Tolley believes that the pre- will hear from specialists in their keeping wrinkles leading to econsoil conserving program should r ,ny hve 'arnr bv paTlnf for sent dollars. and effort In time, own field, who will direct an in- omy on and should be supplemented this ad. Not only does this picture school go ventory on simplified methods, rouinterother new and by show dishes, provisions that will further j styles tine, products and latest equipment, y meals stabilize the agricultural Industry. pointing the easy road to smooth esting ways to serve every-daand party feasts, but it demon- These otheig provisions would In- home management. That may seem like a tail order strates how to make intelligent use dude commodity loans, modificafor one motion picture, but Jhis en- of the ingenious mechanical ser- tion of the conservation program vants that take the guess work out when necessary to keep production tertainment is no ordinary film. of special commodities In balance True, it was cast, directed and of housework. with demand and positive commofilmed in a famed Hollywood stuTo the fun of watching an expert bedio, but it was assembled thought- cook at work in a model kitchen is dity control in case surpluses come unmanageable by other ways. to more and fully patiently bring added the real Joy of studying the These measures, combined with crop than passing amusement. Every-da- y practical possibilities of such full as now is being conhappenings were dramatized in the time servants as an electric refri- Insurance such would make possidered for wheat, sound plot. Behind the sparkling a smartly-style- d range, and sible the establishment of an ever humor and suspense that are so nec- gerator, other cooking accessories and con- normal granary. essary to screen stories, was a de- venient laundry equipment, designliberate plan an ambitious deterThis long-tim- e farm program will ed to take the gloom out of mination to carry instruction, inboth producers and consuprotect worth-while home spiration and mers. By means of this policy, Mr. news to women in every There Is nothing formal and up- Tdlley holds that business stability stage" about this screen Cooking would be promoted, and the busiSchool. Informality, hospitality and nessman. the worker and the farThe camera and the home special-- , welcome are Joined in the mer would be brought into a lsts got together on their vigorous nelghborIy relationship. and The Copper Investigation Probably all of these measures, Printing was quick to snap up the he says, insofar as direct approchance to offer the Interesting repriations are needed, could be finsult. X'N anced with the amount of money Never has the camera been more now earmarked by Congress under faithful than in this motion pictexisting legislation for carrying on ure Cooking School. Never has a model -- kitchen been portrayed so- -, otony. Free recliie sheets will be dis- - i And other things tributed daily accurately and In such detail. FrigiJaire Frozen Cheese The camera took its time and it will be given away valuable gifts Salad so that every that will find long and useful life took its close-up- s, 1 pint strawberries. person In Empress Theatre will have in many a home 2 tablespoons sugar. a large as life, and twice as natGuests at the school will want to cup whipping cream. ural" view of each operation. There meet and remember the friendly 2 teaspoons lemon juice. will be no "orche.tra circle" at this firms and nailonally-know- n pro4 cakes cream cheese. entertainment, since the back rows ducts that are helping the Copper of guests of The Copper Printing Printing m this community Wash and stem berries. Crush with sugar. Mix small portion at a will have an equal chance to peer time of cream cheese until all Is well mixed. Fold in whipped cream. Pour into freezing tray. Add Instant grid and allow to freeze, setting the Cold Control at number 7 for freezing and number 4 Employee for holding until serving time. Featuring LAST. MINUTE PREPARATIONS SPEED EVENT n, half-heart- day-ln-a- Farm Prosperity Assure Needed National Stability ed ut left-over- s? never-endin- shall never depend oi . bodily ditlons, structure or economy we shall be masters of the body gJ tate its terms, and form trol It with Truth (p. 228 ) Th tral fact of the Bible is the Wpet lority of spiritual facts, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Correlative to the citations are the subject the following from "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy; If we folo ches low the command of our Master, Z3. May Take no thought for your life," we citations are Among the Scriptural Then was brought toilowlng: with untQ him (jesuS) one possessed he and dumb; and blind a blind the that lnsomUch hea,ed him spake and saw.... and dumb devils by the out cast j If you contemplate the purchase of a new or used ear on a de. of God Qf God then the kingdom ferred payment basis, see us. We are In a position to assist yoa fi, -Ihw financing on miwi favorable term. is m '2' FINANCE SERVICE Spir-possib- .rwpiif j OUR CONTINUING POLICY WILL SAVE YOU AFPROXI MATELY 40 PER CENT ON YOUR INSURANCE COST. ' FOR SALE . Farmers Automobile Inter'Insurance Exchange J. REX HAMILTON , Dist. Mgr. . BEERS Anew me Touch by Telephone Seciet eATe Lipton grows tea . . . Lipton Friends homes, the knows tea. From the lofty stores, the doctor, druggist you're there in a moment, by telephone. heights of the famous Lipton gardens comes the quality that means added flavor, true economy to you. At all grocers. - f! 15c Pabst Export Can Beer 15c at? Seat Magna's American Bar vv jr r; Plan la tee "THE BRIDE WAKES v- art mml soused BURKE'S ? ,y6s$ ' I Take Your Order 2. ' iv 4.1 Iiiunlik it. Hi ililiiiirffiiiiil mil lWr' UP m TAKE TIME TO READ THESE tcii "Believe me," he writes, "I KNOW Hudson and Terraplane are the No. 1 CARS. I saw what they did on the Salt Flats" T-TWO-FAGT FACT The hat at much at double It the cooling capacity n cf other ref rig or ators of equal size. well-know- Grand Array! FACT 2 1 new Kelvinator It Plus-Power- A i Free Movie J V' Y ' fe V se V.V.V.W.W.W.V.W.V.WV.V.W.V.V.V.'.V.V.V.W.W.V.V.V.V.WV.V.V.W.W.V Blue Ribbon Bottle Beer Midvale 93R1 wmw You Are Always in ' PABSTS Phone South State St., Murray, Utah 4762 better-b- HELP YOU (No Charge for This Service) SEE CLEM JONES P. G. Water Co. alanced Cube-Relea- I LL BE GLAD TO ROOM MODERN HOUSE 4 ROOM MODERN HOUSE 4 ROOM HOUSE 13 ROOM MODERN HOUSE 3 ROOM HOUSE " Kelvinator runt only half at many minutes per day during the rett of the timo it maintains low temperatures using no current at all. The new Wash FROCKS 98 Rondo and Malabar prints, blister crepes, dotted swisses, corde laces! Tub fast. 14-5- Cotton prices continue to soar! Yet, look at the price on these! Come early! I taw a LOW PRICED car beat the best any closed car had ever done before! That 1937 Terraplane a stock car, mind you, picked at random by the American Automobile Association Contest Board officials . . went 1,000 miles out there on those great Salt Flats, averaging 86.54 miles an hour! What a torture test" of endurance. 14-4- ... . So Easy to HI ear! So Becoming! "Then a Hudson . . . 2104 miles in 24 hoursl Out here, weve seen a lot of stock cars come to the Salt Flats and that record . . . the prize of tryfor them all. But none ever touched what we saw that 1937 Hudson do! 87.67 miles an hour . . . for a full day and night! 32 official records for Hudson , . . on top of 8 for Terraplane! ur NEW HATS 9' Priced low to save you money! Unusually xlevc- shapes in fine straws, new fabrics and stitched crejies. Adorable hats, youll enSummer wear. joy for - Then those California recordsl Terraplane beat every other leading low priced car . . . and Hudson beat every other E.l..ht . . in the Los Angeles-Yosemi- te Fconomy Run. And then . . . the Wrightwood Canyon clitrb! I p 9 wicked, twisting miles In 8 minutes, 20 seconds for Terraplane; 8 minutes, 8.4 seconds for sn official Hudson record. Latest Styles! DRESSES By Jean Nettie! -- REDUCED $1.00 Double jacket for day. duty dresses Bern-berg- chiffons and laces for afternoon ! 12-4- No. 1 No. No. 1 Cars of the Low and Moderate Price Fields- - Wheelbases and 122 SUMMER BAGS 129 . . . II? inchai Inchti in Hudton. In Turraplan; 1 . . . 4 ond 101 In Tarroplonu, 101, 10? ond 122 In Hudton. Dowbln carburetion in White with Horsepower Swpnr Tarvaplano and all Hudton Situt ond Eights. Color No. Accents! 1 You can bet It s Hudson for mel Those people know how to build automobiles, Art. More power. More size and room. More economy and safety and endurance than arty other cars anywhere. near them In price braved In official teets. Ive got mine . . . once you drive one, youll say its your Noand1 CAR. tool See if you don't Roominess . comfort for Miroo. . S3 full Inchtl of front Mat No. 1 . . with idutlro Safety Hydraulic Irakui and bodloi oil of itool. indudma roofu Now Double-Dro- p "2 X from. No. 1 Driving Ease . . . with xcitniv i?9 , MAGNA, BUILT-I- THERMOMETER CERTIFICATE OF LOW OPERATING RUBBER COST THESE ADVANTAGES! GRIDS IN TRAY ALL ICE PROTECTION t fU" ... No. 1 22 mltni Economy pur gallon for Tor. roplono, 2271 for Hudton In lot Ang.l.,-Y0Mmi- n Run. economy Hydraulic optional' nvfra on all modoli-- 44 Svixtin of 12 beautiful colon . . . olio a complete Automatic Shin (an optional mtra). lino of Torraplana Commorcial Con. Adi about the new Inwcovt HudMwC.1T. Time oPeyment Maform, tu M Attractive white simulated leather grains combined with brilliant colors. Matching belts 19c. ONLY KELVINATOR GIVES YOU ALL KELVINflTOl modn).-cho- ko aip&ige UTAH CUTS THE COST OF BETTER LIVING R & M Appliance FREE! KELVIN HOME Co. BOOK ?r c'Plete rlans illustrations of pplinC?! and full specifications on the Kelvin Home, . complete illustrated book. Its free! or your copy today ! e, 7 |