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Show t MAGNA TIMES, MAGNA, UTAH Friday, May 21, 1937 "7? ""LEAVES IN THE RAW '"ARE ALWAYS GREER LOCATION OF TEA GARDEN. CLIMATIC CONDITIONS AND Manufac-tu,e- d . . The ITy They're CAREFUL MANUFACTURE GOVERN QUALITY OF TEA That Makes The Difference people, other youve roost For a product as used ih!olv always thought that green and enjoyed as teauniversally vary .ittie is two were .Id black tea separate known by the average person as to iltea fara-,- x how and d. tmct species ol the where it is and case ." SJCh has been the you what makes a good qualitygrown tea. This most of the other people have is largely due, of course, to the aU explained remoteness from ah wrong. It was this part of the I world of the t' jafcer day bZ countries. Tea Company, Ceylon, Tnomas Lipton India, Java, Sumatra, leaves are tea and green China, Japan,- - Formosa and Africa ,olc brothers and sisters. They produce practically all the tea start life green on the same grown. Tea is raised in these countries it the difference in their - ' your tea party be- a tea leafs r it is decided whether it shall utbi ought up- to be a black tea or ieen tea. If it is to be a black , ,t is allowed to ferment at a !cuil time during the process of .Manufacturing. If tt is to be green This fer-ue this step is left isoutwhat tirnna ..utiun period leaves black and distinguishes from their green brothers and Rouble' for At this point in k. uiciii WLi the tea family there is no stig-i- a attached to being either a black l.inber or a green member of the been looked auuiy. If they have by experts alcl from start to finish will be of as Liptons, they circles turning dark, Just dip the into or sprinkle them with grapefruit Juice (fresh or canned) pineapple Juice (canned) orange or lemon juice. This food discovery la proung a boon to homemakers who wih to prepare their allced bananas before serving time. from slices ! Nv Coupe Also Is Light Truck BAKII3 FAILURES UHnECESSARY, , a heavy special tax. Married pay heavily, too, but It something else. DECLARES HOME ECONOMICS EXPERT Is men called A California publisher pillshury'a Rest Flnnr U mlile-l-froa mixture of many choice wheats, which are carefully blended to produce a "balanced flour suitable for all types of baking. Wheats may vary, but the flour never. , Because of the high quality and uniformity of Pillsbury's Best and the accuracy of the recipes provided by Mrs. Ames, the bugaboo of housewives baking failure is practically eliminated. Pastry Doi" sad Doata Another Important thing to remember, according to Mrs Ames. Is that pastry should not be turned over when it is being rolled. After rolling has been started. It is better to keep a right and wrong side to the pastry and the dough should go right sids up In the pan. A piece of heavy canvas or duck . makes a good rolling surface for pastry or cookie dough. Sprinkle a little flour on It and rub It Into the meshes of the cloth. A white, ribbed cotton stocking a childs stocking with the foot cut on the rolling pin and lightly floured ia a simple precaution against sticking. m directions. Take, for example, the balanced" recipes developed and proved by Mary Ellis Ames, Director of PlUsbury! Cooking Service. These reclpee are tried again and again until every possible source of failure has been corrected. When they pass the Anal test, they are as as possible. A nearly failure-proselection of some of the most popular, practical and novel recipes is then asaembled in s recipe folder which Is packed inside every bag of PUlsbuiys Best Flour. Bakiag Fail ore Costly lira. Ames knows how costly a single baking failure can be. Eggs, milk, shortening, flour and all the other ingredients are lost as well as the time of the busy housewife. That is one reason why Mrs. Ames stresses aocurata measurements directions and gives of step-by-st- ep ta bar recipes. SPRY, RINSO, LIFEBUOY, TOILET SOAP ARE THE ONLY SHORTENING AND SOAPS FEATURED AIL the dishes, pots and pans that IFthe average housewife washes during PICTURE the year were piled in s heap they would make a mountain several hundred feet high. This tremendous task is not only a burdensome duty, but many beauty experts claim that it is the cause of most red, rough and hands. As a result of widespread investigation it was discovered that housewives disire s soap that makes suds energetic enough to get rid of every trace of grease in double quick time, yet gentle enough to keep hands smooth, soft and white. Millions of women have discovered that the New improved Rinso combines these two important qualities, ft gives richer, livelier suds that get dishes, pots and pans sparkling dean. And it is as kind as ever to the bands. Says Reddy Kilowatt COOK: IN3 SCHOOL g Farmers must make investments in land, homes, bams and farm imple- FIVE FAMOUS PRODUCTS BUY R5AGNA There are apple pies and apple pies. But when you serve these Individual Deep Apple Pies, well wager the family will shower you with compliments! For theyre an extra-specitreat if there ever was one! Juicy apples done to a turn and seasoned just right with brown sugar ana allspice! Pastry that simply a dream its so flaky, tender and golden! Topped with luscious Snowy Peak Sauce and a dash of nutmeg! Serve these grand little pies warm, too, and watch the effect of that heavenly aroma on your guests! Each individual pie contains a generous serving. But dont worry, the tender, flakjr crust is wholesome and easily digestible, like all pastry made with Spry, the new vegetable shortening. If you haven't small casseroles, use this recipe to make a large apple pie and top individual servings with Snowy Peak Sauce. Your family will love the blend of brown sugar, apples and allspice. 6Fofr a8 to Urge deep apple pie, use large apples, roll your crust tt inch thick and bake about 10 minutes Watt than the small pies. ?FR1GERM0R$ WHY 1 "cold-makThis famous sealed-in-sterequires no mention, not even oiling. And best of all, it keeps on producing an abundance of cold at lowest possible cost long after it has paid for itself. er el 5 Years Performance Protection You can now have the finest, thriftiest of all refrigerators sod save on price, on oper - sting cost, on upkeep. It always cost less to sue a G-- B and now is costs less to buy one. See for Yourself! 15 New Beautifully Styled Madel- Compare the costs, conveniences, capacities, styling and endurance and youll find a General Electric Is the biggest refrigerator buy of the year. Its a value sensation that is sweepiog the country evert minute of every day somebody buys a G E. cold-produci- MuffaEser-- 2V4 1 FurnJtureCo, Dec-tri- c low-co- st Service. More and more farmers are looking such investment as one which ' upon pays big dividends. SPRY PIE CRUST are you running your floor cup sifted teaepooa ult cup Spit (the new altTcfHabte FARM ON A MODERN, borteoini ) $ tablespoon cold water (about) PROFITABLE Sift flour and ealt together. Add tt of Spry and cut in until mlxtuie is as fine as corn meal.Add remainuntil ing Spry and continue cutting bean. particles are size1 of a navy at a tablespoon Sprinkle water, time, over mixture. With a fork, work lightly together until a dough ia formed. 2 tabteapoons 2 tablespoons batter Spry teaspoon salt teaspoon crated lemon riod to Dodge became it handlea so magnificently. ..lt astonishingly economical ...and ha all the swift smoothness I enjoy in driving." Thank you, Mr. Gablel Youre one of the thousands of in all models which he can invest is UTAH Si P OW IIG H T motorists the country ovsr peopls who, like yourself, can the most ex pensive cars who ere twitching to Dodgel See this new Dodgel Drtve it And remember, Dodge now delivers for Just a few dollars more than the lowest-price- d cars I afford BASIS? LETS TALK IT OVER GW GABLE SWITCHED 10 DODGE in Automatic THRIFT UNIT The most useful farm implement in pies Combine butter. Spry, salt and lemon rind and mix well. Add sugar gradually, beating well after tach addition. appearing Clark CABLE,aeyx: I twitched tnuni 9 sue at cup 1 Willi'S Pare, core, and thinly slice apples casseroles half full of Fill and apples. Mix brown sugar, salt over half allspice together. Put apples. Fill casseroles with remain-of ing apples and cover with rest sugar mixture. Dot filling with butter. Roll Spry dough thick; cut in rounds 1 inch larger than casserole. Cut small design in top, turn edges under to fit casseroles, place over pies, and seal edges with foi k. Brush with cold water and sprinkle with granulated sugar. Bake in hot oven (425F.) 25 to 30 minutes Serve warm with 8nowy Peak Sauce and a dash of nutmeg Makes cup sifted confectioners' tHeed apple cup brows sutar teaspoon salt teaspoon allspice 2 tablespoons butter t reaps 8pry Fw Crust C genera ments of all kinds. Try these spicy apples and brown sugar, tucked under the flakiest crust you ever ate! . el . THE BRIDE WAKES U?' INDIVIDUAL DEEP APPLE PIES Sealed-in-ste- FARMING IS A BUSINESS LUX AN0 LUX HOUSEWIFE NOW YOU CAN MCI! off-sli- pped Your Family Will Applaud This New Version of an Old Favorite al i! positions). The steel box, which Is mounted on rubber covered metal rollers, is 49 Vi Inches long, 38 Inches wide, 11 Vs Inches deep and has a loading height of 32 inchee under the rear deck door. This door may be removed. In announcing the new model, the company stated that a survey of many lines of business revealed that thia type of car ia amazingly well suited to the needs of many businesses. predicts will soon be Some on paper. perfumed printed of them need a deodorant right now AND ENDORSED IN THE MOTION DM The latest Innovation in light trucks, or commercial can, is this which is beUtility Coupe Pick-U- p ing introduced as part of tha new Commercial line of Tarraplane Cars, The new car is changed from passenger to busineas car by a slidbox, which offers ing steel pick-u- p a surprisingly large amount of lording space. Die picture shows the box new Utility Coupe with pick-u- p extended to its full length (it ccn be pulled out to any one of three that big dally papers EVERY YEAR BY AVERAGE NEW FOOD DISCOVERY To keep sliced or cut bananas J E WASHED FOR DINNER Pork Chops Broiled Bananaa Boiled Green Apple Sauce Tomato Salad Cottage Pudding To broil bananas, peel (ns whole or cut Into quarters). Placa on broiler rack or In pun. Brush with melted butter and salt Broil until bananas are brown add tender. prob-slonall- y, 1 Mads for each othor are teanutt ' sod bananas. Combine them for ralad ripe banana, mayannaie anS plenty or chopped paanuta an lettuce, v The Midaa touch on your cakes, din0. aa lade, Bias la aaay with pud. that how fruit gamlahi fluted bananaal To , fluto bananaa, pool, then aontly draw prongs of fork lengthwise Sown bv ered. nanas to moke parallel oroovaai than ! slice. f Chockarboard Pi puts yau in the in the menu-gamking row Use your for chocolate or plain cream recipe filling. Fill bakad plo Shall with altarnate layers of sliced bananaa and cream Piling, Top with meringuo the m- whipped cream and a rins of sliced bananas. quality of tea depends first on cli- perfectly balancad mail. matic conditions and the elevation JILL-BNIMBLE1 st which the estate is located. The "Jill Is one name for ideal weather for growth is when quickest desrt on record : Basunshine and "rain alternate. Such that nana Coconut Rolls. You can hare conditions are found at their best It ready for the oven in half a high up on the sides of hills. Tea Jiffy, and let it bake w hlle the grown on estates so situated is meal's first courses are being served. known as high grown tea and is Just of the finest quality. All the large lemon peel ripe bananas, roll in Juice, then in shredded cocoestates of the late Sir Thomas Lipnut. Bake in moderate oven ton, for instance, are to be found (S75F.) 15 to 20 minutes or until high on the Ceylon hills where concoconut browns and bananas are ditions are perfect for growing the tender. Serve hot with hot lemon best tea. - Low grown tea origisauce. nates from estates p'anted on the plains and never attains the standard of high grown tea. In several countries bachelors pay ry mg fine "quality. A MENU ' If the price of porkchopa rises sort of s motto. Probably Save the to crown a king or tell the' whole says he eats practically world why. nothing but fruit. But then he mix much higher, those famous 3,000,-e- s surface and you save all. In a few Spanish onions occa- - 000 little pigs" of the AAA will Chinese writing is so pictorial ably be worth reincarnating Thirty microphones Installed in Westminister Abbey for coronation. that China has never been able to A deadly snake bit a Saint Louis AHong last" the British are going make use of telegraphy. t Eighty million pound; of powder man. Which Is news only because . nd llIUck uwd b? American the snake died and the man recov- -' men In a year, which suggests some H Due and more first rule of use in with explicit dually high standing in tea THE SECRET OF GOOD TEA - d your taste, not their color, will Unquestionably the greatest idende which oneJa to receive your tity in the tea industry is Sir favor. titular ,01 Thomas Lipton, plantation owner and world recognized tea connoisAN ARGUMENT seur. FOR ALTITUDE Long ago he established his own tea gardens high in the hills of It s long been an established fact Ceylon gardens that soon became .nung tea authorities that finest the standard tea ia grown on highest tations were by which other planjudged. -- lullldtlOnS Today Liptons Yellow Label Tea Among the first to reahze this is the standard by which other fine Sir Thomas Lipton, world for flavor and and teas are judged .mi..u.t plantation owner quality. Tea. Label of Yellow .kager Litton s tea gardens are among just as ,e highest Teain the .world js internationally Lutons for superlative flavor and k own MOUNTAIN OF EISKES -- Bananas - Peanuts C E R Oi 1 |