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Show a band eral schools, was followed by acthas been filed year killed out some of lhc the ahlch day's conclude to complaint 1 MAGNA ierson concert, 1 j tores', tree plantings," Mr, Court. of said Clerk, the with ivities. This action is brought to quiet says. j Edith M. Nielson. payments title to the folio I ng described real!' Farmers may al.su.... min Eulered as second class mail matter under the art of crop land, at '.or planting trees property: March 3rd, 1879, at Magna, Utah tte land n-. an The South' i of Lot 8. block 12. d.o rate of $10 Published Since 1906 a in maintained 1 is South, a;ate .Section 16. TWlnp Issued each Friday morning at Magna, Utah 1 East. J'roie Salt Lake Meiidlan. t Nation, and planin g Range .$1.00 lubscrtptlon, In advance, per ycat Pr' to tlie survey made by F. ed from livestock according -- 00 lea-- t Published By The Copper Printing Company M Lyman, Jr, the plate of which there a.e at time the at ane of "D" Book school per Is recorded in survey The Cyprus Junior High records of Salt , is checked. 1, the by pages Flats, concert sponsored spring glstant Trust Officer, Administrator Lake County. Utah. was mu-adepartment, Junior High B DeLand, of the estate of Royal RAYMOND R. BRADY. Attorney very well attended Monday evening Deceased. for plaintiff at the Pleasant Giem Wa:d Richards Sc Mitchell, Attorneys lor, P. O Address: 206 Kearns Buldlng, The audience seemingly enjoyed Administrator. Salt Lake City, Utah solos and chorus numbers jud- the 7, Publication Date First of or May court of district Consult clerk of 1st publication May 14, 193? nute FIELDED 1937. ging from their generous" applause the respective signers for further Date of la-- t publication, June 11, David Whipple. Billie Cockenll and Date of last publication fay 21, 1937 information. 1937. Mrs. Eva Spencer were the accomB( tween 8000 and 9000 students panists. Miss LaPrele Spratley was SUMMONS from 19 schools r t.ie Gi unite the director school district atteni. d the annual , DISI'rrtise-Friday IN THE THIRD JUDICIAL Granite field day ESTATE OF ROYAL B. DELAND, xRICT COURT OF THE STATE in Liberty Park. Magna and GarDECEASED. OP UTAH, IN AND FOR SALT field were well rep- - ented The undersigned will sell at pri- - LAKE COUNTY. Dr. Calvin S. Smith district sup- vate sale: THE UOiH'WELL CORPORATION, crintendcnt, present! d the opening One hundred sliares of the comis one tree address, followed bv a flag cere-o- f plantings Maintaining Saturday. May 29. has been desigmon capital stock of the General for ,mony by Boy Scout.-whicthe practices Plaintiff nated as Poppy Day In Magna and Sher-ear- n Reduction and Chemical Company 11 of the farmers in this State may Gladys Schobert vs Garfield, according to information as evidenced by Certificate No 2l(7, 1937 School, was crowned queen of the under payments JOHN t MORELAND released by Cyprus Post No 38 All DUNFORD; Sundry household goods and ' 11. No ells, festival. Robert Conservation Program, the citizens are called upon to observe LOYD, JOHN W SNELL; THO-- , ricultural fects losated at Magna, Utah; Peterson, in charge of the sided over the coronation, and the the day by The following real estate in Sr It t MAS TANEY; THOMAS TANEY: AAA wearing memorial pop40 was attended boys by "queen program In this state, says. JOHN SCOTT; JOE JENKINS; in honor of the World War Lake County, pies and girls. The 1937 program provides a payat a point 2122 7 feet WILLIAM DAVIES; ROBT. L C. THOMAS for an of acre ment JONES; WILLIAMS; $4 Other events dimrg the mornmaintaining East and South 0 degrees 52 minutes East 849.333 feet from the PAT LONEROAN; ISAAC ROW- trees planted since January 1, 1934 ing included dance exhibitions and and The maintenance is to consist of a posture parade by 900 girls Northwest corner of the Northeast LAND. JAMES JOHNSTON PIANCA J JOHNSTON, his wife; cultivation, and the replacement of 1 In the afternoon games and con-- i of Section 30, quarter Township I'M A ONE A Mavpole South Range 2 West, Salt Lake SALT LAKE COUNTY, a municipal dead trees To earn this payment, teds were conducted DOE RICHARD JOHN trees 200 sevthe land must have living Meridian, and running thence South corporation, dance, presented by members of SOAP WOMAN 88 degrees 53 minutes West 148 5 feet DOE, and JANE DOE, together Ier acre at the time performance is SINCE I LEARNED thence South 0 degrees 52 minutes with all the unknown wives, heirs, checked T his East 89 67 feet, thence North 88 de- legatees devisees, executors, admin-stratois especially helpABOUT LIFEBUOY FOR I GLAD or assigns of the above ful in provisionwhere I LEARNED grees 53 minutes East 148 5 feet, regions drought last s all with other thence North 0 degrees 52 minutes paities fogithcr ABOUT THE NEW 1937 BATH AND COMPLEXION unknown claiming any right, West 99 67 feet to the place of beRINSO AT THE MOTION or estate in or interest lien title, AT THAT FREE MOTION ginning; subject to a right of way neon PICTURE COOKING SCHOOL the real property described In over the East 16 feet thereof Conto plaintiff's the "THE BRIDE WAKES UP' PICTURE COOKING SCHOOL taining approximately 55 square owner-hi-complaint adverse or any cloud upon rods.) 4 V THE I TIMES Editor-Publish- -- er -i- , CYPRUS JUNIOR SPRING CONCERT J 1 WELL ATTENDED '" j 40-4- Probate and Guard- 4 j I T M GRANITE PUPILS ATTEND ANNUAL AYFETE j ianship Notices j NOTICE OF SALE Annual Poppy Day Observance Slated h ; i f- ROBERT L. STEVEASOv dead. with responded communities These highest patriotism to out nations Anyone can carry hi call for defenders, in 1917 and 1918,, Inhowever . men heavy, tlll .ending many of its young Anyone can do his worth! to the fighting forces. Of these men, hard, for one day many sacrificed their lives In the live sweetly. nation's service, dying with more Patiently, Purely, till the sun than 100.000 other Americans to And that is an that bring victorious peace. ly means it is fitting that the services and sacrifice of these gallant young men hould be commemorated annually with appropriate public observance. The poppy, which grew on the where so many of them fell, their memorial flower. become has There could be no more appropriate "ebservane? than a general wearing of the poppy in their honor, All citizens are therefore urged to show remembrance of the honor for the men of these communities and of the nation who gave their lives in World War service by wear, ? hteZ1 ! bat-tiefi- j ing poppies on that day. Volunteer wotkers from the Amer-- I .can Legion Auxiliary will dlstri- Lute poppies here Saturday and receive c. niributions for the welfare f ti e living victims of the war, disabled v derails, the widows and -- m thidren. J PERFECTION SALAD f j rs AS MADE IN THE MOVIES ITS m per-nn- In that delightful new moving picture, "The Bride Up, you see how Perfection Salad is made. Really, it is easy and the principal thing to remember is to use lain Knox Sparkling Gelatine. A package makes four entirely different desserts or salads, six-- : irvings each. p on or after Saturday. May 22, 1937 and written bids will be received at the banking rooms of the undersigned, 175 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Terms of sale, cash lawful money of the United States, ten per cent to accompany bid and balance in continuation of sale by the court. Dated May 4 1937 WALKER BANK Sc TRUST COMPANY. By WM. J FITZPATRICK. Its As- - plaintiil s title thereto. I Defendants THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE Dont miss the movie me hereby summoned to appear within twenty davs after the rrvuv of this summons upon you, if served within the county in which this action is brought otherwise, within thirty dais afte- - sc vice, and deft nd the ritnve entil'd action; and m ca e of v in faduie so to do, lodgment will be Pndeied against to the demand of the ' i You learn a lot at tlut swell Motion Cooking Seliool . . But no amount of good cooking w ill hold a husband if his w ite is careless about' B O Dainty womyh alwavs keep plenty of Lifebuoy on their slu Ives 1hc know . it stops "B O , gives U '..ifie And it s mighty good tor the complex ion Keeps your skm the- w your husband loves it soft, smooth, healthy Union tee 77 West Mali'ii So-ill- pot i Temple mir tbi n Iffeottve March t. - DONT f.ilSS THE ... FREE JMOVIE! by I.earn valuable Leaves Halt l.ake ( it 7:06 a. m. 11:00 a. in. 4.00 p in. 5.00 p. ni. 9.00 p. ri. Let our drivers help vim elfie Greyhound Lines. Upside-Dow- n Viwr 7 R'Koji milder test than 20,1- - ty soaps and "baby soaps'! eJ Good HcttitktCy i h.r KNOX Aj .u ;.'i- GELATINE 1 TIT heme-makin- g o suds. Pa- - Pineapple Cake Today TyjBKHfr? & secrets ill 1V.7 9:40 a. m. 1:40 p. m. 6:40 p. m. 7:40 p. ni. II '10 p. m. vour tup via I nion Pacific or Its Roomy! v many so this paper for news of time WATc plate when' Die Bn Jc Wakcl Up will lu shown. Admission is abso-luc- t ly RI E. Not only v ill you enjoy 3 THlToTm ngr!i owe Tnltj karn val.i.ble sccrecs. How the i w Rinso gees clothes shades whiter without scrubbing or boding. hy Rui-- is the S' cst soap to use in w ich its ruber, longer-lastintub or Magna airan money-savin- ''rip old water - g, H 110 u m called "beau- home-makin- g Phone Gar. envelope Knox Sparkling Gelatine 1 sugar cup mild vinegar cup hot water il.lt'iaioidul lemon juice 2 te.spoontul salt 1 cup celery, cut in small pieces hj cup cabbage, linely shredded 1 pimiento; cut in small pieces, or 2 tablespoonfuls sweet red or green peppers water and chill. To serve, remove Pour cold water in bowl and from mold to bed of lettuce leaves spriiiklc gelatine on top of water. or endive, and garnish w ith maAdd sugar, salt and hot water, and stir until dissolved. Add vinegar yonnaise dressing. Or cut salad in and lemon juice. Cool, and when cubes, and serve in cases maile of red or green peppers, or turn into mixture begins to stiffen, add individual molds lined with canned remaining ingredients. Turn into mold lhat has been rinsed in cold pimientos. 1 . Magna Depot Service Station Basin PERFf CTIONSAlA9 (6 Settings uiei only 4 package) YOl'll Passengers and Express l)c ; El The Bride Hakes Up" SAID DEFENDANT SALT LAKE & TOOELE STAGE LINES Salt Lai f Wakes JLNB ET PUTS YOU j IN THE V8 CLMSS! N W' ' with modroomy and smart, wilh ihe last bigness or comfort. A money-save- r ern, smooth 8 performance. This car is the word in safely and modern feaiurej same size as the brilliant 85 Ford a car you'll own with lots ol prids Same powerful brakes with soft, easy structure. pedal. Same and drive with lots of pleasure I Same Center-Poiscomfort. Same Big Learn how Spry makes baited and fried foods DOUBLY DELICIOUS v, v -- T 1'H tins 1 r I.-- noise-proofe- all-ste- el big riding bodies, with outside luggage compartments on all sedans. Its. a car so fine and priced so low you simply cant picture it until you fee and drive it! Come in and do this today. SEE YOUR FORD DEALER TODAY e pjpt r for annotince-- ' ment of tune and place and . I itrf u njov an enteit.iimng putute Icain tnvs cooking see itts How to gi t lightet ejkesmhjll ti time, fl.ikiir pistrv, crispu fried I. Mils, so dige tible a child can tt V-- po to Motion Picturo Cooking School - The Bride Wakes Up " 1 1 ' V-- Owners say there has never been a car before like lord's Thrifty 60. They report 22 to 27 miles per gallon of gasoline. An economy car that asks no apologies for beauty, pry Thats how your family will rave about this tempting new cake Treat them to this dessert and on the spot theyll erfra-elelicio- w satin-smoot- h, ening, triple-creame- d short- that blends with your other ingredients in a jiffy. Youll say its the fluffiest cake batter you ever beat up in your life! And with such a feather-ligbatter, no wonder yout cake is marvelously light, veland And any ' vety cake made with this new vegetable shortening costs less, too. Try this tempting pineapple treat on your family today. You'll be ht d! J TINEAITLE crow n you the queen of cooks! Red cherries and golden pineapple rings nestling in melted brow n sugar on the fluffiest, most delicious cake you ever tasted! Ltocxsiit the luscious cake shown above simply make your mouth water? But it looks difficult, you say. Not at all! In fact, its as easy as can be to make. Just arrange your fruit and sugar as shown in the illustration, and pour over the simple cake batter. And as for the cake itself, even a brand-nebride can make it successfully the first time she tries. For its made with Spry, the imply showered with compliments! UPSIDE-DOW- i 1 1 1 1 j j o 6 N CAKE rup pry (new vpgeUb horiemnp) troapoon ftlt teaspoon vanilla mp sugar gg unbeaten nip sifted flour teaspoons baking powder rup canned pineapple mice cup brown sugar, tirmly packed slicve canned pineapple maraschino chemea (optional) Combine Spry, salt and vanilla; add sugar pi actually and cream until light and fluffy. Add egg and beat thoroughly. Sift (lour and baking powder together 3 times. Add small amounts of flour to creamed mixture, alternately with pineapple Juice, beating thoroughly aftereachaddition until smooth. Sprinkle brown sugar on bottom of deep 8 x pan, greased liberally with Spry. Arrange pineapple slices on sugar, put cherries in centers of slices, and pour batter over all. Bake In moderate oven ( 350 F.I-5to 60 minutes. Serve upstde down with whipped cream. Makes 8 to 10 portions. ... DOOKED BAMMSiW THE QUALITY CAR IN THE LOW-PRICE FIELD AT THE LOWEST PRICE IN YEARSI "xk THE THRIFTY "60M V-- 8 anginas smooth, quiat nd responsive Safa all body construction ataal-oa-ata- them in The Ilriile Wakes Up. Ami try I hem on your own table Lakrtl or broiled or Read how to cook them in the new recipe IKE frit-tl- . leaflet, Ikinana Sccialties." it otherultractiv e wnj s to use banana-- - Esjac nko gives yon , in M. for it - r - 4it.au. Magna Motor Sales Co. Magna, Utah 7 , ., .Co) (0) main dishes, salads and desserts. Your copy is frec-a- .sk at the showing of Tin? Rriile Wakes Up. - I ( |