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Show Friday, May 21, 1937 MAGNA TIMES, MAGNA, UTAH -- Mrs. C. W. Larson entertained the Thursday weeks visit with tlielr parents. , X finer ... piiemberrbr'herhrWge-cIuB'at'TiefTpIrfyea'and t evening. was F. L. Clifton. Softball roast loITow- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reid, Miss B. Taylor and Mr. Willard Reynolds home last Tliursday evening. High ed. The Daughters of the Utah Pion- - score was won by Mrs. Villa Will- entertained at a surprise birthday The Primary Stake Presidency eers, Pleasant Green Camp, met lams and second high by Mrs. Vtr- at the home of Ms. Dick Wiland -. members luntertamed-ttparty Board ic A id of Justcson. Miss gin midnight Thursday at the home kin membes, Friday evening. Grace Jacobs. Plans were discussed j cheon was served to Mrs. Melba Mrs. Mary Clark, retiring for purchasing a new speakera Coon, Mrs. Phyllis Harknes3, Mrs. jat the home of Mrs. N. F.'Pehrson Mrs. Andrew Dokas and daughtable for the seminary and cleaning Chloe Monsen, Mrs. Villa Williams, on Monday afternoon. Luncheon Rcnee-Dcn- e of Salt Lake City the grounds. A history of Mrs. Sar- Mrs Helen Simmons, Mrs. Valeria was served at 1:30 atlock. Progres- ter. week a with Mr. and are NOTICE and were spending sive Mrs. prizes I ah Jacobs Sutton was read by her Snell and Mrs. Orpha Harvey. games played will be hostess to the club awarded to Mrs. Mary Howard and Mis. Robert Bradford. Mrs. Simmons RefreshHoward niece, Mary Due to several advertisements arMrs. Pehrson. ments were served by the hostess. at its next meeting. riving as we were about to go to The next Mrs. Zelma Payne entertained will be regular meeting press, wo were forced te leave out held In Vesmembers of her club and their U. S the S. of Clifton the Lloyd September. the Garfield Notes. We are sorry tal, returned Tuesday to ICTare Is- mothers last Thursday aftemobn at for this happening but will publish land, California. He has been visit-th- e her home. A prettily arranged lun- Mrs. W. Spencer Reid of Beike-le- y, them in next week's Issue. of herhus- birthday anniversary BeRobert Mrs. California and ing jtii his parents, Mr. and Mrs. cheon was served. band. Bunco was played and prizes were of Denver. vel Colorado, age -- Mr. -- and Mrs. JackM ur 5W axdecTTo Mr. Ithys THOmas am ph y en ed at a lovely aranged party at guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ardclla Nelson. A midnight Reid. their home on Fifth East street Gltn luncheon was served to Mr. and thpir To Meet Mrs Thursday evening honoring Henry Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Clara E Burke returned neice, Miss Dallas Weber of Salt Carl Frank Mr. Mrs. and Payne, an extended trip to J Lake City, who left Tuesday on the Tuesday from as lelfi0"' M of , original film Tennessee. Chicoga. Chuttenooga. Franfor San Streamline Special rs. Hannah Spence Wagstaff and eastern other and cities. Tribes on Amazon, cisco to make her home. Monte Carlo Miss Sarah Spence. Whist was played, prizes going to with included talk pictures. Mr and Mrs. Clyde Thorpe and Mrs. M. C. Lawson and Mr. H. Velma June and Donna The Lesser Priesthood of the Her-here in Magna. A late supper was served to daughters unusual, ' Sun- - cules, Magna, Pleasant Green and Lake were Salt guests City Mr. A. C. and Mr. and Mrs. Black, of Mrs. Thorpe's mother, Mrs. Spencer L. D. S. Wards entertain-Lon- a Mrs. J. E. Dernier, Mr. and Mrs. B. day 25c Bruner. ed at a party at Black Rock last M. Duller. P. Mrs. 10c KEARNEY HALL, Mr. and R. Nash, Mr. and Mrs H. Couburn, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. M p. m. FRIDAY, MAY 21, C. Lawson, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Halfkill, Miss D. Weber and Mrs. R. R. Blrdsall. all of Salt Lake and 1 THURSDAY, fRIDAY, MAY Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ledlngham of show 9: 00 p. m. Last Show 6:15, 7:00; Friday, first Thursday, Magna. SPECIAL BIG DOUBLE BILL TIME OUT FOR ROMANCE BORDERLAND Mrs. Matt Pettersson entertained 1IINDENBURG DISASTER Serial, JUNGLE JIM." at a family dinner at her home Wed- WHITE LILY ICE CREAM STEVES en-la- st We do not make our malted milk with kim milk but use the best grade of milk, our own rich ice cream and finest malted milk powder. ! U ' :i !! H ? V j f , J ' ''si Dont Fail ,, Cou-bur- t t - i , - ? ; I f; . ! . v lj J - Mr. and Mr. A. Haslam Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Pappas Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Jenkins adults, a A FREE SHOW AS GUESTS OF THIS PAPER (These names are taken from our Subscription List.) COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS ! n Mrs. Alice Underwood left Monday for her home in Arizona after Lenora Sandall announces the engagement of daughter, Pauline to Ensign Glen William Clegg, aon of Mr and Mrs. David William Clegg of Long Beach, California. The wedding will take place on June 14th in the Wee Kirk o' Heather church there. Ensign Clegg is stationed on the U. S. Lexington at San Diego. Mrs. Sandall is leaving on June I to attend the wedding. Congratulations and best wishes of the community are extended to the popular young lady. The Magna Ladles Bridge met last week at the home of Mrs. Eleanor Packard on first East street A one o'clock lum.lu.on was served High score at bridge was won by Mrs. George Smith, second high by Mrs C E. Pickett and third prize by Mrs Louise Alkn of Salt Lake "" f . f ;r i Mi Roger Pinks Mr R C Paik-and Mr Gerald BJicomt opened the fishing season Sunday with a ti ip to Logan Canyon. They bi ought home a splendid "catch". , ;-- i Mr. and Mrs AI Hartjc and Mr James Sonne of San Francisco will return home Friday after a two FOR SALE excellent conFOR dition, new tires and paint $12 50 Inquire of Glenn Wight, 2800 S 9200 W (2nd West SALE--Bicyc- v - if -- 1 !.f I I t E 9:00 3rd SOUTH, MAGNA STREET, MAGNA, UTAH sto-- i WV.YVV.VJ,YV.W.V.VYVAWA,MWAVAVVWM NOVELTY COMEDY ORANGE CREMO ICE CREAM 4 MONDAY, MAY first Show Sunday, 6.00, Monday 7:00. Last show 9:00. COME AND SEE THE SCREEN'S MOST EXCITING IOVERS SUNDAY 23-2- S&W CAFE METROPOLE Lin'tn glnmoiou-- COMEDY nrg Tvune Power. Adolphe Menjou , smait nun) and romantic' Yi Tl Phone Gar. Purity Biscuit Crackers IN UTAH SLADE 20-2- ten, BORDERLAND Tiod Juium Ellison, Chalene Wyatt Excitement tlm newest Hopalong' adventure1 Second Feature William Mutual Creamery Co. ga- Maid OClover TIME OUT FOR ROMANCE ("..no Trtvm Mk had Whak n Joan Davis Every second with hil.mous happenings' 9fADE cram-m- e Butter-Chees- e IN UTAH HINDENBURG DISASTER Serial ' JUNGLE JIM " ONLY, MAY Wonder Bakery Goods 22 irst show 7:00 p. m. Drawing at 9:04 AT The GEM or EMPRESS p. m. MADE IN UTAH Fresh Daily MONEY NIGHT 11 vou aio at cither Theatre you are eligible to win Same and the same sho at both theatres You May Win Show at the Gem this Kiinday-Monda- See v. JOHN MEADES WOMAN - NOVELTY toilet soap, Lifebuoy. The Little Store With The Big Stock . Edward Arnold. Gail Patrick George Bancroft Special club show Smashing drama of love and conflict' COMEDY the full page ad for special prices on Lux, Rinso, Spry, Lux Tl ESI) A A, WEDNESDAY. MAY 6 nights. Shows Tuesday, 6:00 AA'ednetday 7:00 25-2- ( lub ' Louis Falvo, manager NEWS Next Thm 'da Friday. James Cagney in cased " Saturday, "Night Must Fall v A Great Guy Also, Ac- - YARROLL. THE BRIDE t WAKES UP f i POKd The Bride modernized her kitchen why dont you? You can do it easily and economically with our high quality paints and brushes. -- U;! See the b;t.uliful 3 of the wall-pape- rs Bride Wakes Up, further information. J illustrated in rooms and then see us for We have every kind of electrical appliance suggested in The Bride Wakes Up. Also a full line of dishes. I: , '77 The Bride does Wake Up, and realizes the necessity cf modern cooking utensils and other equipment. You will want many of these new utensils when you see how much easier it is to cook with modern equipment. Here are a few suggestions: i M f t At Leading Grocers ! Not only is Pikes Peak the flour milled especially for home cooking in this territory but also Pikes Peak is sold with thk, written guarantee in every bag: If. after one baking, you do not find it superior- - to any ether family flour you have ever used, return the halanre of the sack to your grocer, and he will gDdly return your money." 40c for your Party Orders. We will be glad to deliver. 3 FOR 25c 1 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, MAY first show 6:13, Last show starts 8 p. m. SPECLAL BIG DOUBLE BILL EXTRA SATURDAY 143 Take Home a Sundae Y GEM THEATRE Notice: EXTRA Coffee Freshly Roasted DELltfS FLAVOR It's luxurious, NEWS NO SHOW AT THE EMPRESS in OUR SPECIAL THIS WEE- K( Specials are From Saturday to Saturday ) Standard Brands at Lowest Prices. 1hn .i !r hr Groceries. See Our Daily Specials on Meats BELOVED ENEMY Meile Oberon. Brian Ahorne, Karen Morley Powerful love Lug and extremely aiamaUc1 A FREE SHOW AS GUESTS OF THIS PAPER (These names are taken from aur Subscription List.) f CORNER SHOW MONEY NIGHT SELECTED SPECIAL Chris Apostle and Partner-M- r. and Mrs. R. K. Daines Mr. and Mrs. John N. Smith Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Waldron MARKET At the Gem or Empress this week NOTICE the award given away tills Saturday $80. Requirements $80 Cash To be registered and present A special selected show every are Tills Week. Saturday FOR SALE walnut dining room suite, practically new. Call Gar. 20, Bill Norris or Murray 521R5, WARREN at Show 7.00. Drawing is N'o NOTICE Mr. and Mrs. Emil Williams 22 MONEY NIGHT le I will not be responsible for debts contracted by anyone other than myself after this date. ONLY, MAY SAIIRDAY first I i; Tills ticket presented at the EMPRESS THEATRE, Magna, within the next week entitles MAGNA CASH Mrs. i Mr. and Mr. Wilford Nielson Mr. and Mrs. George Miner EMPRESS THEATRE visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Pettersson. - This ticket presented at the GEM THEATRE, Magna within The next week entitles- - different Children nesday in honor of the birthday anniversary of her husband Covers were laid for eight. r if v COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS I i , r VW.VAW.W.V.'i n. Something qt A- 20-2- ' i r -- 8:30 . r VANILLA BRICK 25c Famous Explorers! Holy Land pictures Brazil the Showing China, Cannibal Educational of t- BRICKS 30c qt. ; ter-tain- ' THE PROOF IS IN THE TEST! ! ? SPECIAL-- 5c Mixing bowls, spatulas, egg beaters, measuring spoons, measuring cups, pastry blenders pie and cake pans and many other us I tut articles. WJAG.NA LUHTBEfi & HD WE. CO. A'ARIOUS TASTA FLAAORS. I YOULL LOVE THEM! PETERSONS ICE CREAM |