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Show THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young THE FEATHERHEADS Sr OOotm Having a Fit after all I DIDN'T MEAN THAT, MA'AM wE GAVE Voii the clothes-v- ou but i Thought mebbe a meal domT EXPECT me WOULD HELP FILL 'EM OUT T'O MAKE ALTERATIONS Fitting Tour Hat If you have having the white aw. tight felt hat, hold it In the petals of the 'lily. " f steam of a boiling kettle. When - bed of curly endivT the felt is thoroughly damp it pany with easy to stretch it to the right size. Cleaning I Cemk, Puddings Orange t peel teaspoon of nminoi, 7?"S shredded very finely makes an exmu remoM cellent flavoring for milk pud- anddirt fromcombs dings. It is a pleasant change from nutmeg when added to rice and dried in the aui pudding or baked custard. a Rust Remover Onion Making Cocoa Cocoa loses that remove rust from raw taste if made with half milk and half water, then boiled. More Tough Pastry Too mud nutritious and digestible, too. will make pastry tough, Milk ugjj' Keeping Cheese Moist To preI Protecting vent it from becoming dry, keep rors out of theMirrors, r sun-f- tT? it wrapped in butter muslin, or Poland other bie in the glazed hygienic paper in which some bread is wrapped. J MATTERjQP AROUND WEsSL ,,em ofijr .he HOUSE Whee, Kids Encourage Your Folks to Like Organs I By C. M. PAYNE Devilled Egg Lillies Hard cook as many eggs as there are to be servings. Chill, then peel carefully. With a sharp knife cut strips from the large end to the center; remove yolks, ma?h and season with salt, pepper, mayonnaise and a little Worcestershire sauce. Carefully refill cavities HM1 ktias MAftVSLOUS ARCAIM t fWOR WAX-- FULL QUART s V85i imo JI ft HO RUSRX! Buffim r THU AMAZaie OCI0A Hindering Others A (Ooyyrlfbt, ltM. by Th MESCAL IKE r The Latest News fCACS V 0: busis 160,000 g Walyndiou, bt.) S. L. HUNTLEY VEXATION arises, and our expressions of impatience hinder others from taking it patiently. We say an unkind thing, and another is hindered in learning the lesson of charity that thinketh no evil. We say a provoking Thing, and another Is hindered in that days effort to be meek. We may hinder without word or act For wrong feeling is more infectious than wrong-doin; especially the various phrases of ill - temper, gloominess, touchiness, discontent, irritability do we know how catching these are? F. R. HavergaL feet Used & New W, iff, l. Sizes Structural Steel and Flits Monsey Iron & Metal Cl niMMM tbousa ! I faaisiftK J: The i I xtagi feich U USai, Odessa .d to U Huntley FINNEY OF THE FORCE Trade Mark Reg ByTadOlUia U pL oc r,di In Not Painless that MAH TEST SWOiPEp ME HAT' 'N COAT OUT O TER WAITIN' ROOM 7'- - GO MRT0S1Z. BEFORE YOU NEED A QUART ' N V BRONC PEELER x,X Petes Conclusion By FRED HARMAN fVit- - vjcfes An ftuMoii OPCNOPOfTTLC "iMEY OouloNT DioaPPCAQ Bein WrtMouf If , ' 'S' f Mum,.-- fv . $. s v . . 'v - ' 4"v ,w Y.s S s s s . t with Quaker State. Note the mile-SYoull be surprised how much farther that ,,txtra quart of lubrica tion in tvery gallon ' ' takes you before you need add a quart. The retail e- a WHat YA MAMn r ' "j.' f first Quart test proves Quaker Stte economy. Drain and refill OGivJrN AWA- Y- .... I TNivb - , . price is 35 i State L per quart. Quaker ed a Oil Refining Corporation, Oil City, Pennsylvania. 'S. reap nters tags. fc- - The Curse of Progress Unsuitable Flattery Mr. featwell, who was dining out, had done lavish Justice to the good things before him. By way of a graceful apology he remarked with a beaming smile directed towards his hostess: 'Tve always heard, ma'am, that the highest compliment one can pay to the housekeeper is to eat heartily. You w 11 observe that 1 have been exceedingly polttel Thank you. Mr. Eatwell. smiled back the hostess. "Indeed. I think that you have carried politeness to the point of flattery! Montreal Star. j Secretive Fellow know, said the grimfaced woman, "how much money my husband drew out of the bank last week." "I cannot give you that Information, madam, said the man in the cage. "You're the paying teller, arent you? Yes, but I am not the telling payer. - "I want to HOTEL GOOD SPIRITS By GLUYAS WILLIAMS Salt Lakes Most Hospitable ktewhoes Hotel Invites YOU Wbvts AMO CROWS UCAUSt HI'S Ft CLlNA HAfW fms wwr 's a The Newhouse ceusmtfu. 400 ROMS 400 Hotel BATHS nest in Hotel Accommodate SWIMAS arms bts ms SMWftV a&AIH at Moderate Btlf AIM, CONNteftN Wliu rti NOSJ sw P0C5 NT HO. uki cRvme LW ItARS, PficcS It is our aim to serve you ia the manner most pleasing to M frliS HOHEiW OHtMVJ, or fc 5 AMD DlVtb Cafeteria Dining Rosm - wrhMsoiLA iw.Mn.wi nrTAiWfoWW . , mvoioiii SE3IS OF rtUS um HE'S BEEN ehoo6h and serious work tHUNB-Sucwi- Mrs. j. H. Waters, Cu( Ih g JVw. W. E. Suo T00, |