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Show Friday, May 21, 1937 MAGNA TIMES, MAGNA, UTAH NOVELTIES INTEREST ARE OFFERED ' ? r The Eye Eats First iiTpfnion of home economics FEMININE ASSET BY expert SOCIETY EDITOR Stimulating dishes that stir the Imagination are the need of the day, according to Mary Film Ames, Director of Prllsburys Cooking Service. Pillsburys Best Flour Is used exclusively In The Motion -picture Cooking School. "The eye eats first, and more and more home makers are coming to realize the necessity of jrodu Ing a meal the very sight of which stirs the appetite," Mrs. Ames -- Woman's most glamor-ciattribute Is daintiness of person, accord-li.t- r to M ideleine Klor-i- r Society Editor of li.r New York Evtmlng u' - post MissKiordan. hose entire life Is Every housewife knows tb of serving hot breads, ti dress up a meal of as a casserole dir.h or savory stew Its the woman who tiaini herself to make the food appeal Important who can serve the simple, inexpensive dishes and liav' the family enthusiastic. Tin' "balanced" quirk-brea- d recipes in eluded in the recipe folder pai ke in each bag of Illlsbury3 lie.1 Flour are un inspiration to evtiy home maker. These recipes have been rare fully developed and proved by Mn Ames before being releast d to th. public. The folders cover a wid lange of baking cookies, meal-ione dishes, cakes, pics, etc. And speaking of pies Mrs Ame offers practical advice on tills sutT v value ' ll 5. In contact with soei ii world, warns even woman to clier- - pfenl tli Idi thi; atlilbute with great care. l "Fieri beauty. according to Mi s Kmidtn cm meet withs ! , ,t i stieeess if one la per-ry raii'Ic fit Riorum Mressi s aspect ill v in ed f"i dnntiii's during gr-i- F, In developing i mg i,i, . i i,i i I DONT MISS THE MOTION TURE COOKING SCHOOL' Sherbets are distinguished from ices in thai they contain fruit juices with the addition of milk or cream while Ices contain mainly fruit juices' and water. Sherbtt., and ices are very economical urd easily prepared. Best results are obtained when Ices' and sherbets are frozen quickly. The lower shelf m your Frigidnirc freezing compartment will provide well-know- n Judge Gemmtll PIC- dares alimony Ls gieatest cuise. And to think that wuinan invented it' tli it he didn't start the World War Ie that as it may. well concede he didn t finish it A couple. 73 years old wore divoiced after a year of wed-- ! ded life Another argument against this country's fash eftr,y marlages. Authorized Dealer this extra fast freeing. Then, only one stirring during the freezing time Ls necessary. When frozen solid enough they can be stirred with a wooden fork in the tray or if allowed to freeze a little more firmly can be removed to a mixing bowl and whipped with an electric mixer. Care should be taken that the mix ls not allowed to melt back to a liquid or the main purpose of whipping is lost In other words whipping ls done for the purpose of incorporating air and this will be retained If the mix Ls returned as soon as possible to a very cold and allowed to finish rcezing. Sherbets and ices freeze in a very short time with Fngidane. In fact some of them are ready to serve in less than two hours Many recipes, such as Lemon Milk Sherbet, Stiaw-berr- y Ice, Pineapple Milk Shcibet and Apricot Sherbet are so economical und easily prepared that they ran be daily trots Qu unities of these desserts wdi keep loi days in your Frigidaire tem-leiatu- re Kaiser still insists Hie foimer fi Refreshing Additions to Summer Menus ti a . Sherbets and Ices Are i few simple rules These t i.alde the Anothti paiauox t. that while a housewife to have unifotmly sucw oinan can t run as fast as a man, cessful results with pastry him somehow Flaky, light pastry Is attained if he usual.'. tath".s the housewife uses Just the right amount of shortening combined Chintsc Cut Off Pigtails properly w Ith the (lour, just the 1" iirihne And in many cases the right amount of water, and gives pigtails are cut off with the wearthe dough the least possible er's head ! . n-- li -- Powell R. S. jt i ,& 'indc-- . Houdinis feats of magic were as nothing compared to those that can he accomplished by this housewife with her new Frigidaire. There are many ways she can quickly adjust ihe interior of her refrigerator to accommodate any size or kind of food or container. Even a turkey can be stored as eas ly as a pound of butter. XITU THE The Bride Wakes Upl and realizes the importance of looking attractive You too, can when working around the house. look your best by wearing one of our lovely new house dresses. Pressure-Indicato- i, n Wrings Tub Motor up Autobuilt Lifetime-Lubricate- d Instant w All models Wringer Release available with Friction Drive Lovely new ipodels arriving daily. Gay sheers, colorful frocks. Youll love 'em. prints and plain Sizes l4 to 52. Hosiery for any Feather-Weig- Agitator a Pump. JNOW ObLSALXjrOK DOWN Bride to wear at 49c up. SEE THIS NEW - Some model ovailaMe with giiohM motor for homes without dcctnctff. rvrr;r suits, ht:f gloves arc arriving daily. Come in and see our varied selecilon. if NORGE WASHER TODAY! Coits hvely The Fair Store ONIT $5.00 See our many other spicials on womens silk dresses, lingerie and summer sportswear. T r Steam-Seale- d Transmission D8 TCT Autobuilt Washer Also a special selected line of better dresses in imported linens and the seasons novelty fabrics in styling of high priced models. Priced $1.98 and $2.49. eTl ' xria vfryrf ' married Dorothy Wind. K look for some little squally g. o , I Coffee cream may be used in place of whipping cream in many frozen desserts by the following method. Substitute an equal amount ofcoffee cream for tne combined quantitles of whipping and coffee creams Indicated in the recipe. After the first mixture of ingredients has been chilled, add the coffee cream and unplace in FrigkUire freezing tray til firmly frozen. Then remove the contents of the tray to a very cold mixing bowl and whip with an electric or hand beater until the mixture becomes light and creamy. Return to freezing tray and allow to finish freezing without further agitation. Coffee cream usually contains 18 or 20 per cent butteriat. It can be used in place of whipping cream for garnishing dessi C5bxJ. iiclit pouring, allowing into the freezing tray a . it to freeze partially before wrup-PinIn the j After whipping, place freezing tray for additional freezing In order to hold n m proju-- r consistency until serving time. ve Real Te,t of Pie The real test of a pie is Mie pastry, no matter what filling ii used, according to Mrs. Ames, who points to the success of the illlsbury kitchen tervlewed a fitter in an exclusive New York gown shop said, "Some of our most exclusively gowned women have what a body odor needless shame1 Ail those inter- viewed warned women to be careful about their bathing habits, advised the use of a soap that really stops body odor The soap recommended in most instances was Lifebuoy. It was pointed out that it Conl'atns h special P ingredient not present in toilet FOips. other Another advantage in using Lifebuoy for bath and especially for complexion is its mildness Pach tests made on the skins of hundreds of women on oily, methat dium and dry skins-proLifebuoy is more than 20 milder I have seen ii ud Sumii r where pi ople who seem to ,i i o os outdoors come of , pi f indoors because . in il c m lessness I i ; I'.ioidin was one of a beauty l.ii of pel ions Interviewed than many toe w'lhjert of feminine glam-- soaps and "baby soaps. s ii'tt l s in exclusive That Lifebuoy Is appreciated by - hips, people women was brought out by surveys contact v hn.n oberve and , recently made by eight leading .I r emit inu illy - all listed j i magazines . . . 120,000 women wero , One eiulse host-r- i questioned a3 to their soap prefM i rj.ii m r, remarked, erences . , . The results show I,., hi ' i . d how rmnv of that more American women-a- s bod ! odor well ns men and children use o' h pi ople hi' don t k i.o .. it at Lifebuoy for the bath than any other soap. ni hi r t i etviug worn ,n in S Ject. "i Desserts Madeleine Riordan of the New York Evening Post warns women against personal carelessness Hot Breadi Excellent n Helpful Hints About Frozen DAINTINESS RATED CHIEF TO GAIN Huffaker Furniture Co. .VA.V.V.V.'J.'.V.V.V.'.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VV.VAVAVAVWiViViWAVWWi ' is t Us Get A f' sXv , L liii Your :U u -- ill W PROOF PkuJwxm CUBE-RELEA- : V y.v..A ICE-ABILI- hat tit PROOF eaay TY Makes more cubes InMandr dcase5 Ml100ice end uy cubesl SE Only FriguLiirt ? eater (T) SO IT WILL BE READY FOR SPRING AND SUMMER DRIVING AND COMPLETELY OVERHAULED ArER 5IRage-abiut- I y FOR DECORATION DAY WEEKEND FOR Trrr tv r 'S a m)TFCT!0 PROOF InittDtly releases QriCKUBE TRAY with STANT CUBE RELEASE. Como io. See its quick, asy action. 4j lad IN- PROOF i t (S) Yields 20 more ke by ending faucet meltage aste. Every ice Cray, in every Super Duty Frigidaire, is a Sizin' I very shape and we food. J reater EROTECT-ABlll- PROOF THIS IS THE EASY WAY TO BUY RIGHT -- ON It Only PROOF! J taclKl -- er frigidaire Proof - Demonstration tfon ou buy - AND SAVE MONEY (OR I I V EARS TO COME Al R E Hwi-PU- VV the You see an electric pn iu Sim everfrting mechm 3 y D TRIPS. THt' rcntCost Roi un-tno- f parts, including themoving motor! See udot Tttorqf R. S Powell Appliance Garfield, Utah nrsr 'vwwdiwr rrrm- - jar. TAr -- Y SVI-ABILIT- Oca THIS IS THE TIME TO CONDITION YOUR CAR FOR THE SPRING AND SUMMER VACATION ' ntlCIDAJRE HAS No need now to buy on daimi ... only o regret later. Frigidaire gives you proof before you buy -- of lonipleteiuss before in All 5 Iiasu Sen ins for uper-Dutrefrigeration! This means lew convenience and satisfae non F R I Cl . . and a saving so great that your rigidairc will easily pav lor itsili Ltb for tMa mdpayyou a profit bcsidis' Sec our (5) Oar Mechanics Have Modern Equipment And Exact Lubricants For Your Car To Make Its Ownership Most Economical And Enjoyable Always Y I L IN THE BRIDE WAKES UP. br Fo ATER DEPEND-ABILIT- f1 Mown. ' AUTOMOBILE TRIPS AS SHOWN Tr iZolTnC' (I) YOU TO TAKE THOSE ENJOYABLE ' sv WILL TEST YOUR MOTOR, BRAKES, BATTERY TIRES, COOLING SYSTEM, ELECTRICAL SYSTEM, STEERING. Denton Super Service Magna, Utah Denton Garage Garfield, Utah V mrv --v i jv - - - Phone Garfield 80 r. . x g Via , |