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Show tr.HA TIMES. I.1AGHA, UTAH Daughter Entertain Mothers At Afternoon Tea School feed is added; and third, scattering scratch grains in litter that is not only damp, dark and foul, but too unsanitary for chickens to work in with safety. Copies of feed formulas for your own feeds, blue mothers were nter one hundred .ntertamed by their daughters at School Wednesday Cyprus High , . formal Mothers and Daughters was the lVss Eida Williams Irnnsor'of the lovely affair, Rssist-f'b- v officers of the Girls League fnri Mary Cannon, pres-- S mix-in- Ls president; g prmts of teed horpers that prevent waste and bulletins that may help to some of the poor producing birds that are reducing the profits from your poultry flock may be obtained without cost from the extension service at the Utah State Agricultural College, Logan, Utah. Lorraine Harris, vice Miss Atsuko Mori, sec- - Friday, May 21, 1937 Numbers For Social Security Available To Perso.us Over 65 Persons who are 65 years Sf age or over, may now file applications at the postoffice for social aeeur- iry.aC.?UnuDUmbm Under the fed security program, it was an- nounced here Tuesday. national service is equipped to ihelp employers find the type of individuals they want.' Applicants for employment are also urged to cooperate with the N. R. S. by registering with the local office In the event they are not already on the rolls. Assistance of employers and workers will enable the employment bureau to match unemployed persons with the Jobs to be filled, Under the previous social security arrangement, those over 65 were not eligible to apjly for account numbers. All other eligible persons obtained rimm-be- r are also urged to file Graduate From Misses Mar-irolas cheer leaders; McGill and Rhedda Young, et Misses ior representatives; Blanche Smith and B. Lila Dimon, representatives and Misses U. University Garfield Youth Given II Opportunity Jobt Work Improving The r bus-me- nt ng 6t r" ar in County Jail 30 Days WMAVffl it For principal reason why so many young people find it hard to Bet Jobs when they get out of school eT Lave not been taught how to do the things for which lnesa and Industry are willing to 1 pay- - T1 my own summary of reP!rt of Richard R. Brown, de-lputy administrator of the National Youth Administration. It is Just another flnger-popointing toward a complete revamping of our whole educational system. We have been training boys ,nd girls to look down upon the real work of the world, and to regard white-collaChe occupations as The office further reports that the the only ones worth going into. Therearent enough white-collJobs to go around. I have longjjelieved that for the vast majority the ordinary school can do nothing beyond, say, the sixth grade. At eleven or twelve most boys and girls have got all the for Turpin. Howard Bateman of Garfield was arrested Tuesday by Deputy Sher-j- jf jj F Iehrson for drunkenness tnd dis'uibing the peace. He was before Justioe of the arraigned Peace Parley Olsen and given 30 day s m the county Jail. ve 97 junior (Special To The Times) Buttyargaret Anderson and Julia PROVO Mar low Turpin, captain representatives. on. sophomore of Brigham Young university basket-ta- ll Coioful spring flowers formed a team of last season, has been Preparations to handle increased decoratne background for the pro- admitted to candidacy for gradua- work placements expected to result a included which numbers gram tion with a bachelor of science de- from the improvement in employ-- 1 fashion show of two divisions, Old gree et the sixty-fir- st comencerpent opportunities are being made Woman m the Shoe" Junior High, June 9. by the district office of the national the Girl, ,nd Time, Place and The prominent B. Y. U. athlete reemployment service here, accord-- 1 Senior High; selection Oirls Glee to Information given this paper. solo, Phyllis Rada-baug- h. following the field in which he Club, vocal gained is recognition, in majoring reading. Bernice Coon; Judging by the number of calls for physical education and minoring In solo, Clarence Howarth; voeconomics. He will receive a state highly qualified individuals receivUp dance, cal solo. Glen Lewis; ed by the N. R. 8. office, there Is Pern secondary teachers certificate. Darrel Perkins; vocal sole to be a shortage of help, and Mr. Turpin is a graduate of Cy- going Pas-ji- o, all employers planning to expand Pearce; accordian solo, Sylvio prus school where high he began vibraphone solo, Jessie Schmidt. demon-tratin- g his athletic ability. their personnel are urged to take He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Immediate action states the office sax-apho- ne Sir Frances Drake. The award that Woodrow Wilson claims descent the California Historical Society i from Pocahontas, the Indian prin-gahim for finding the plate en- who saved the life of Captain abled him to get married. That is John Smith and then married John important. Rolfe. On the whole, it seems to me, Indiana the Indians have not fared so badly. We are accustomed to Chink of the Amei leans as a First Plows of Tree Branches vanishing race. but the latest report of the The first farm plows were made Commissioner for Indian Affairs of crooked tree branches Drake and indicates that they are, on the worked by man power. To the English-speakin- g world, Frankie" Drake is one of the he- contrary, increasing more rapidly Jenny Linds Grave roic figures of all time. He made than any other class of Americans. Lind. Ihe Swedish nightinJenny 3500 were more Last there year the- great and was the is buried in Malvern, England. gale, 332,-3first Englishman to sail around the births than deaths among the recognized Indians in the' Uni- world, the feat which won him Stat' That total nutnber of knighthood recorded Jn tfieT33o CenIndians' queen. sus, is nearly 90,000 more than were Drake reported that he had ca- counted in 1920, and three times reened his ship, the Golden Hind." the number of Indians estimated by in a convenient harbor on the Pa- the Indian office in 1907. THE BEST BUY IN cific Coast, and had set up a tablet knows how large the InNobody CALIFORNIA WINE claiming the land as New Albion" dian population of America was in the name of Queen Eliza be th arrived, but it That was In 1759, and historians before Columbus was not as many as a milprobably years ago decided that a small bay best authorities hold. The northwest of the Golden Cate must lion, the settlers did not exterminate white on have been the place. It is all the the Indians, by any means. Probmaps of California as Drakes Bay." died in the early days But a tew weeks ago a young Cali- ably more from the new diseases which the fornian, Beryle Shinn, wrote a new white man brought than in all our of at San chapter history. Stopping Indian wars." Measles alone killed Quentin Point to change a tire, he more half of the New England than found Drake's brass plate, half bur1600s. ied under a rock, where it had been Indians in the millions of are There probably for nearly 358 years. ,4 have an Indian It is of little consequence, of Americans whoblood o( which many Frankie" Drake strain in their course, whether went through the Golden Gate, or are pi;oud. Vice President Charts Curtis and Will Rogers, the actor not; though Just now wihen the humorist, boasted of their Indian great Golden Gate bridge has been pedigree. President Franklin PierTor rois a- a IIWiGlU U opened traffic, there d ces brother married a mantic thrill In visualizing the towTJ Indian girl and the second Mrs. ering Golden Hind" sailing thru But it was that famous passage; worth (2000 in hard cash to young oV. Mr. Shinn, who had never heard of 9. sea-pow- -yet Miso mal education they will ever be able to use. A school system which would take them at that age and teach them the fundamentals of a trade or handicraft would at least prepare tnera to face the realities of life, and not to be ashamed to do work at fitch they mignt get their hands dirty. Those who have it in them to rise, will rise anyway. 36 tYnrTTt; half-bree- mV. SEE THE nODERTSIiniV EmntialPoinii m Production Costs OVEN-XXEAT-CONTII- r Reduced By Check On Feed Hoppers A MAYTAG OL is Assurance THAT of Satisfaction Professor & 4. hy, Inasmuch as feed represents 60 per cent of the cost of producing poultry and eggs, a careful check should be made In each pn to see that no feed is cautions f-- A Good Presswork, Good Paper Good-Typograp- waited ii i We seek perfection on each order we print An order here does not mean just so much papei and ink hut a happy combination of the printers craft and Carl Frischknecht. extension poultryman at the Utah State Agricultural collconducted experiege Carefully ments indicate that Leghorn hens In average egg production will only rat about 75 to 80 pounds of feed per 'TO car, and yet records kept bj Utah poultrymen the past six vea-- s intimate that feed in exoess of 100 pounds per bird per year has been m several Instances, he YOULL BE BETTER quality construction, snd many Fundamental, distinctive Features originated by Maytag', that enable Maytag to hold continuous world leadership. Try a Maytag. IF it doesn't sell itselF, don't keep it. Maytag washers are powered For with gasoline Multi-Motohomes without electricity. For THE BRIDE WAKES UP , BUY YOUR PRINTING AT HOME bird per TI1E XIEROI71E when she bakes and roasts in the thrilling talking picture PAPERS KNOWN FOR THEIR QUALITY Because it ia a Maytag you know that there is extra value even in its smallest hidden working part. It is this reputation for SERVED rs ironing t onoen snJ ienct h-- zdting cookinq school lilm will wake you up to the importance of Robortshaw Watch how II roqulato ovon temperature when Ihe heroine does her baking, This raid Some which of the avenues through mam of our poultrymen wate feed are: first, use of feed hoppers that are improperly constructed or that are badly in need of repair second, filling the hopper tao full whenever a new supply of th Mad brid.i ramj. by lh whole-mea- Maytag Inner, R & M Appliance cooking. Watch its her oven is pre- l THERMAL EYE signed when heated and ready lo use. Finest Range Standard Equipment on America' H0BE3TSHAW omy, set the New -- roasting, This Is tha Robertshaw ovon-ha- 1 control with th Theraal Ef which you will so oa THERMOSTAT COMPAHT. -- econ- IHMAYTAO COMPANY Lfr Tounqwood. Pa. friwt- . FOUNDED MANUFACTURERS Ski - Co. 1191 NEWTON, IOWA .r.sAhr... It A.-- r mofl!Gi5GiPw Prlco V If you have some little folks like these to See PrOOf Of Hluvv ALL 5 --Ll to. - L GREATER Ends to tig Savings 2. and t GREATER I ill - rri "fee-Famin- e" PROTECT-ABILIT- m Keeps food safer, fresher, longer t 4. GREATER DEPENDABILITY Protection Plan, bached by General Motors. Install! to the lonol Simplest refrigerating mechanism ever built! Gives Super - Duty at Cooking School Movie I I H (tows "'"Sowthing on ran mt by g. Y week itocUng hi!!! "? tw yew mt frsefco. IV,'?' y ' tst how ooty ll h. f uLi!,k rh .4" " Htcloly -- Oom lovtly m now mad to protect tebrk. Pannlot tor Lax in Cube-lefea- ti Prigiir, Ut r k-c- ubL mor lc hr Com ,,UC S ecion, e, ,u od- - doth... Sofo in oter. fe in i s ws, X'-- '4, t p v v INOINI-NI- W C, f 'S S r J , ' A CHEVROLET om THE COMPLETE CAR-PRIC- SO LOW ED qiuck Ci,F ran economical amazing saving. It the fy ? s y lioullivantto give them the full duletu of; has the Cols Current Cost sH MAKES SAVE-ABILIT- Y Only FRIGIDAIRE if. ' PERFECTED HYDRAULIC STORAGE-ABILIT- Kew 9way Adjustable InPeriort 3. GREATER .V -- protection afforded by Y le 5.- CREATER to! we know youll want to give them the maximum BASIC SERVICES for Home Refrigeration Short Cut take riding with you, Eoiy Terms NEW BOOKS Buy ert Tfooetf HIOH -N- -- COMPRESSION EW VAIVI-IN-MIA- CROWN DIAMOND D SPIIDLINI STYUNO RIDE IMPROVED OLIDINO FISHER NO DRAFT VENTILATION SAFETY PLATE KNEE-ACTIO- N have complete ability in All 5 Basic Services ... and proof of All 5 That, just what the Refrigeration Meter-Misgives you. If you " Frigidaire with the trew Km-AcM- m er Super-Duty- Central Lumber & Hardware Co. pwywKwto mS Shdcprf to wH poor port. ALl-STI- HYDRAULIC OlAtl All IL IRAKIS AROUNO-OENUI- NS 6mral SHOCKPROOF STEERINO. Motor Inatallmont Plow monthly MOTOR DIVISION, Oonoral Motor Solo Corporation, DETROIT, MICHMAM ItMrlng on CHEVROLET ALl-tILtN- T, PERFECTED Mtr P Paulos Auto Co. Paulos Chev. Co. li mS.Ii EUPER-IAF- E medy. Magna, Utah Tooele, Utah 5 t ! a i U I i i |