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Show Magna Times, Magna, Utah, Friday, December 18, 1831. C i Normal Hurvan Instinct for Beauty ia Clothe WeekThis Arthur kj One reason why clothes, Brisbane Taxes, Taxes, Taxes One Depression Cure Much to Live For 3 in One Family Is News Those tor whom the words intax" hare hitherto meant nothing, except the pleasant loading of national expense on to the bigger pocketbooka, will take an Interest In those words hereafter If Ur. Mellons proposals go through. Ha would add one million seven hundred thousand to the number of Income tax payers, and income tax payers now la the low brackets" will find their, tax raised. The fact that It Is necessary for those hitherto exempt to carry their share of the burden will not seem a good reason. come or t least the clothes of men. excite so little Interest is that they have become drab, and thii drabness Is excused on the ground that clothes are meant to be useful and comforts bis; and usefulness and comfort have ceased to be associated with beauty. In modern life. Neither reason, of course, is true. Gothes are worn to enhance human dignity, and, at bottom, only such comfort Is wanted as shall not interfere The with the prevailing mods. who starved and sliced themselves in order to keep slim, who will cripple their limbs with hobbled skirts when these are' the wear, and crucify their feet when pointed toee and high heels are the fashion, display a normal hnman Instinct Men have suffered much and gladly te wear patent leather shoes at garden parties in tbs height of summer, and bars choked themselves rapturously with tall, On thing is certain, the worlds stiff collar; and comfort means authorities, those that control its littla to them so long aa they re.wealth, must do something about main convinced of the rightness the Inadequate - supply o f real and fitness of both. Osbert - Bor-de- tt money. in tbs London Saturday Our Western coast should monopolise the trade Of Asia and the Pacific Ocean, with one thousand Laws to Curb laiisM million human beings on the far side of it, should be the earth's Laws against nudity on tba pubgreatest commercial body of water, lic streets daring dsyltgbt boars as the Mediterranean was once, and once adorned ordinance book ef as the Atlantic is now. Phoenix, Arlx., It was disclosed In But we recognise only gold as a survey Intended to ellmlnata regy money. Asia has no gold, only silulations of days. ver that we have boycotted, de- Tha laws applied to Indians who stroying Its value, therefore Asia cam to (own virtually naked in cannot buy from us, she buys from the good old days. It also was necEngland, because, with gold dis- essary, old records show, to curb carded as the standard of value, the the Indians In other ways. Grass British pound is cheap. was grsss to the Indian, so be thought - nothing of feeding bis This writer, who, at the moment, ponies on the carefully tended lawn owns not a share of any mining of a prominent citizen. So a law stock or an ounce of silver except was passed against feeding Indian la forks and spoons, .believes that ponies on private lawns and anothPresident Hoover and his advisers er one was enacted saying that could restore prosperity quickly by horses and vehicles should nof be stabilising silver value as money, parked on sidewalks. at some reasonable point above the cost of production on this contiAacieet Remea Racket" nent, say a ratio of twenty to one. Crassus, reputed to have been He believes further that. If this is not done, 1932 with its election the richest man of his time, amassed will come and go with no decided a great fortune by hie Ingenious operation of a private fire departchange in business conditions. For the world to think of transact- ment In old Rome. When a fir ing its business with only ten and would break out, he or one of hta a half billion dollars of real money agents would rush to the owner and on earth, about 10 per cent of the offer to buy the burning structure United States income in a good at a very low figure. Tba owner To suggest usually would sell for almost nothyear, Is preposterous. that the world can transact its ing to get some salvage. Therebusiness on that amount of gold, upon, Crassus would cill up his fire with France and the United States brigade and, In many cases, pnt out the blase. In- - this way ht behoarding and monopolising of it, is complete stupidity. came owner of a great many buildings. It Is hinted by early writers Two Brooklyn business men, that when business was dull his rich before the depression started, agents may have had a band In shot themselves to death yesterday, starting an occasional conflagraone sitting at his desk, the other in tion. bed. No need to add to the families grief by mentioning their names. Cake for Indigestion Claudius Calenus, commonly That men should end their, lives known as Galen, was born at Per seems ends because prosperity gamum, Greece, In 130 A. D., and Is strange. Money made once can be supposed to have died in Sicily. He made again. Middle age should not was s celebrated philosopher, pharprevent It and adversity should macist and physician, and was for arouse a man's fighting instinct. .centuries the supreme author; " "And 'money Is hot everything. It' ipqny Ity in medicine and pharmacy, wrote la important only because It means Charles H. LaWall In Four Thoucomfort and freedom from slavery. sand Years of Pharmacy." The world, even in a depression, A bride's cake used at weddings is Interesting and those not doing Galen's time and described so well should remember a com- during Cato was called mnstacea." It by forting statement quoted by Bruce contained aromatics and carminaR. Baxter, dean of the school of tive and was served at weddings to religion In the University of South- reduce the chances of indigestion ern California: caused by the usual Those that have not much to on such occasions. live on should remember that there is always a great deal to live for. Day ef Hearty Eating In a shallow grave at Brlelle, of During the administration N. J., police dug up a body disJohn Quincy Adame, evening assemfigured by acid, identified by them blies were popular at the homes of as a gangster 25 years old named congressmen and cabinet members. James P. Qranato. Other gangsters The parties began at eight o'clock. had killed him for revenge, but Promptly at ten o'clock everybody there is no news in that. went out on the back porch tot However, Granato was the third light refreshments." At one end member of his family killed in of the table would be a roast ham; gangster vengeance, his father and at the other a saddle of venison. brother being the other two. Three In between came the wild ducks,-an- d in one family is news and worthy And scattered the pastries. of mention in the history of' our about were cakes and puddings. A large side table held the panels and wave. the mndetra. women Adah Chapter, No. 15, O. E. S. N. Jensen. Utah state superintendent of public instruction sad A. met Moaday evening foe installation C Matbeson, assistant superintendent of officers of the year 1932. were visitors at Cyprus Junior and Senior High, Schools Monday. Mrs. Ray Adams was hostess to J e i the American Legion Auxiliary FriMrs. Jack Nielson and Mrs. Myrtle day evening at her borne. As a featLong were hostesses to the W. B. A. ure of the meeting, toys were exchangSewing Circle at the home of Mrs. ed. Three tables of bridge were arNiclsoa Thursday afternoon. A hot ranged and prizes awarded to dinner was served at one long table, Barton, first sad Mrs. George attractively decorated. Christmas gifts Wilmore, consolation. Light, refreshwere afterwards exchanged and var- ments were served later in the even-inA very enjoy ious games enjoyed. able time was had by 12 guests. e e Mrs. T. A. Hansen entertained at Mrs. N. F. Pehrson entertained the four tables of bridge Saturday afterOquirrb Stake Primary Board Friday noon at her home on Belva Avenue. afternoon at her home. A very dainty An attractively arranged one o'clock luncheon was served. Primary work luncheon was served. Prizes were to Mrs. Agnes Williams, fipt, was afterwards discussed. Mrs. Ed Gardner, second and. Mrs. Mrs. Elmer Speers will be hostess John McGary, house prize. to the Episcopal Ladies Guild FriWatch for the Oquirrh Stake Gold day afternoon at her home in Garfield. Mrs.-Fcrdi- g. " and Blue Ball, nounced later. The date will be AN OVERSIGHT an- - Tbe Mother Church. The First Church Massof Christ. Scientist, in Boston. achusetts. 102:25. Psalms Golden Text: foundation tbe laid thou old hast "Of of the earth: and the heavens are tbs work of thy band. The citations whkh comprise the n including tbe follow- Mrs. Ernest Hall entertained at a birthday party Tor her daughter. Ora. Monday afternoon at her home on First West Street. Various games were enjoyed by 14 guests. A large pink and white birthday cake formed the centerpiece of a pleasingly arranged A very enjoyable time was table, had by all. Lesson-Sermo- ing passage from tbe "Bible": TU earth is ths Lord's, and the fullness that thereof; the world, and they (Psalms 24:1). dwell therein also includes n The Lesson-Sermo- Mr. Ren Holt, wbo was taken to the latter part of last week for an appendicitis operation, is reported as progressing very nicely. Howell So yon are married 1 Powell Yes, but it was contributory negligence on my part; I kept calling on the girl all through leap year. Mother, let me go to CHRISTIAN SCIENCE see the monkeys? "Is .the Universe, Including Man. Mother: Why, Tommy, what an idea! Imagine wanting to go and set Envolved by Atmok Force" is the Sunthe monkeys when your Aunt Betsey subject of the is here! day, December 20. foe all branches of Tommy: the zoo to Lesson-Sermo- n. the following correlative passage from page 127 of "Science and Health with by Mary BakKey to the Scriptures all er Eddy: "If God. the all-i- n be the creator of the spiritual univtrse. including man, then everything entitlto a classification as truth, or Scknce. must .be comprised in a knowledge or understanding of God. for there can be nothing beyond illimitable divinity." ed borse-and-bugg- three-quarte- rs pkot top silk sole French hee' toe and jptated ( cradle loot wanted colors 1 I Ait hr A'. 455 GC3 ! (2uia2-M(- u paouj shows Governor Roosevelt atthe head of tba list In a straw vote, with former Governor Alfred E. grph somber two among all presidential candidates. It was sot to ba expected that the fifteen millions and mor that anted for Governor Smith last timq would suddenly lose Interest I 4$.in, h line l(ierib !" ; ,Xis sao;I ut.nsxlw pauqun -- 41 OiUSFJ $0 avycrcpo GIFT TOWEL SET complete th towel and two wash cloths to match! Beauli-- I u 1 Y ouH be thrilled with three crepe squares . . . theyre so trim and natty 1 Choose from an ample selection of in GIFT box rtvtrtibli d e -signs in popular colors I jacquard QOC ,1 CATHODE Setnl-SenH- Smart Gift Handbaco ce Atk for JV. ' for Bridge Tablet Shoe calf or the new rough grain leather in the smartest pouch and envelope shapes of I Black, brown and the the ' year more popular colors 444 Cloth and 4 Napkins GmauG tloto end GSSppo:? C6$o !. i White or colored cloth and napkins, with embroidered or ap-- I lique trim, Ia w Christmas gift box. if TC3 t Give the gift diet adds to "her" com fort I Warn blanket robes ka good-looki- and large data. Smart I Black calf combhwd with llte popular Scotch grain. Leather weir sole. Typical of Penney s famous values at convenience For all through the yer, an extension telephone la an ideal holiday gift Order on today. g fust Cull car la statu Oitict i - t' JHD A- -1 - V EWrJGVC5 EP - 'MAGNA, UTAH ng colors with loath-eret- ta slippers I maids I Mannish styles with corded belts. binaB, Mens Csicrds step-savin- , neat printed patterns on light and dark ' backgrounds. They make an unusually attractive gift I Johnson really and truly . Hiram la no candidate, for be understands politics, and knows that President Hoover will be renominated. Still, miracles have happened. Washlngto4s interested 1 a poll taken 1 the Northwest which 2 low q: 88cnsl3 C0A019 apjsodcD Ideal for general wear I Ftsil fashioned, with mercerized top; 'sole and toe. Newest shades. Those that want Governor Ritchie of Maryland say: Get rich with Ritchie." i' One Hiram Johnson enthusiast sends a beautifully printed green card, referring to the unemployment situation, and urging: Elect Hiram, and let him hire 'em." AH as.w-tju- ! aAipeau udw paaeads pue pwapw-iq- apeutwe Cllti Hoco The pot, with Macbeths witches dancing around it, was boiling mildly, compared with ths political pot in Washington. Every Democrat has his candidate, the only one that can be elected. Slogans and aatchwords are flying, much thicker than the leaves in Vallombrosa. aS.npui o |