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Show ilay, December 18, 1931 Quest 3y Charles Frederick. WadsujorthJ OT1LE SISTER, . When Betty awakens on Christmas at dawn, And pops out of bed without murmur or yawn, To scamper barefooted the chilly house through. In search of the place little dreams all come true. And finds bythe fireplace such big heaps of things That once in each year good old Santa Claus brings With reindeer and sleigh and his big coat of fur means to her! That is what Christmas-da- HATNrtll do, thank you, Ellse," 'lad Elizabeth dismissed berNpald with n smile. It was her cnatoa each Christmas winter tain whatever guestNJtn Charities sent to without EUaes help. - -Once It bad been n well along in years, once a lonely girl from the West, and several times thin tittle waifs from the tenements. On those lau ter occasions Elisabeth bad been glad of the fragrant tree which always stood In one corner of the apartment, alight with colored bulbs and hong with varied gifts. There was no one In sight now wait, wasnt that some one Just turned the comer A moment later the bell rang and It when she ran down tbs stairs and answered It, Elisabeth was decidedly taken back at tbs young man who stood before her. It Is probable that he, too, bad bis moment of surprise as he gased at the slender vision In a white dress. . Miss Lowry, of the Charities sent me began- ."Oh. yea, nodded Elisabeth quickly. She mustnt let him think for sn Instant aha had hesitated. She had sbsoluts conOdencs In anyone down-and-o- t ut "-- be y ! 1 1IID1DY Though Jack may receive Christmas presents galore, And some of them just like he saw in the store, Hes happy, and counts on a big lot of fun. To get at their innards and see how they run! But dinner-tim- e captivates every small boy Its not just a pleasure but positive joy To eat, eat and eat till hes full to the brim means to him! That is what Christmas-da- y THEE When Mother, starts, in, pri the days biggest chore, With turkey to roast and the gravy to make, And cranberry sauce, doughnuts, mince, pie and rake, With scarcely a minute to say Howdy do? A big merry'Christmas and glad New Year, top! Or undo her presents to see whom theyre from That' is what Christmas-da- y means to Mom! Though Fathers not much of a chef at the most. He peels the potatoes in time to play host, And welcomes the guests with a gesture thats grand, And puffs his seegar with the nifty gold band; He just likes to give folks a mighty good time, Though it take every dollar and most every dime; -Yes, he wants every one to be happy and glad That is what Christmas-da- y means to Dad! MVOI Whatever glee there is brought by the toys, Whatever things give most pleasure to boys, - .. Whatever cheer comes from feasting and mirth, Christmas means Jesus and Good-Wito Earth! ll J i down-and-ont- er flve-doll- ar Preparing to entertain nearly a score, Copyright, 1951. Western Newspaper Unloa Lowry, head of tha board, might send. "Hang your coat and bat on tha coatnmer at tha head at the stairs. And, let me see, your name Still tha young man aeemed a bit uncertain. Then, "Drake Gibson," be said, resolutely and abruptly. Elisabeth breathed an nnconadons sigh of relief, aa she preceded him np the carpeted atalra. After the Orst embarrassing momenta she bad always found that things went more easily. Yet It was hard to believe, during the meal which followed, that her gneat was the sort of with which the Charities were wont to deal. He talked Interestingly and enter- talningly and before she realised It, dinner was at an end and there remained aa part jf,thefettivltlea only the ceremony of choosing glfta from the tree. She bad rather decided to pats that part of the entertainment np . when abe remembered that she bad hidden In a red cheesecloth stock-- I lag Oiled with candy n tiny pune e with a In ..It ' Nor was she to be blamed for tup- posing that a gift of money so tactfully presented would not be amlaa to anyone willing to accept a dinner from an otter stranger. So, In her winning manner, Eliza beth suggested that they each choose a gift from the tree, and laughed when he carefully untied little. furry monkey.- Then she took down the stocking full of candy. At a proper tree there la always something to take home," she said. He smiled and accepted It Then, to her horror, drew ont bis knife and ent the red string at the top. "Have some?" he invited. "No that la yea, thank yon," she said in confusion, and watched him eat several pieces. Then be pulled ont the tiny pnrae and, with a frown, opened it. Strangely enough, the saw no sudden blush or sign of Rather he seemed relieved. "This means that I mnat tell yon," be said gravely. "And Tm very mneh Misa L i U gold-piec- t te t fW t i act t be fy rr- y r-- r tot tea Ite i ashamed of myself. Yon see. Ive accepted yonr hospitality under false pretense. Im well. I'm only Mlsa Lpwrys nephew home from She globe trotting tor my paper. asked me to atop and tell yon that the old lady the was going to send to your annual Christmas dinner had not shown np. Yon made the mistake of thinking I waa the one and oh Ive no proper apology bnt yon know a fool reporter never turns down an experience of any kind." He paused and regarded her so wistfully that Elizabeth's anger melted. After all. It was Christmas time when one should be forgiving. - Ill promise never, never to do It again I" he said with such an air of Elisabeth little boyishness that laughed to spit of herself. Neltner one of them realized then that all their Christmases were to be apen together. & MIL McCInr Sjradlc&to WNU N,w,ipr Brvic. id tz |