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Show December 18, 1S31. Magna Times, Magna, Utah, Friday, and, too, the tanners generally Ero!oB Wor. Tk Drought have done little to prevent heavy -- In a year of drought U ia hard to washouts la their own fields. The remember that iu norma! aeneous money loss Is said to reach r there are usually many 000,000 a jear. Exchange. rains, ttiat Is, torrential downmilUon-dol-la- pours which carry tons of top still off the farms Into the streams and rivers. In some esjtecially rainy years the annuul loss Is reckoned in millions of tons of good farming land which eventually is carried out to sea. This unhampered erosion Is largely due to the denuding of forests at the headwaters of streams, Picteretqae Governor When Georg Mitchell Troup appeared before the Georgia legislature In lKifi, to take the oath of governor, though it was a raw, cold day In November, he wore a round Jacket of cotton doth, a black vest, yellow nankeen trow cas-sime- re they leave their alone everything else. They have vsual-l- y been lonely and Impecunious her- Ignorance Alleges That Insects tracts of ground where moslarge Robn was to known Jane writes In ed white a large hat, jar of water, Ars Menace to World quitos breed In shoal As for cockerta Smith la the Atlanta Journal, fill to n certain levels within an are conquering In s mass roaches there are cates where yon Insects This white hat he held in his band hour. ,In Its new field, the cqne is This is the could not get them out of s buildsera, silk hose, dancing pumps and In the bottom, which, when Insert- attack on humanity. . view of A. Moore Hogarth, chairman of the College of Pestology, London, England, who has made a life study of insects "Insects are establishing such a stronghold that one day man will wake up to find that be bus met Mr. Hogarth said. his Ear master, Use for Water Clock Caterpillars "The trouble Is that men in their Used by the Baby Ionian several Caterpillars have shown the abilCenturies before Christ, the water ity to bear. Certain sounds result Ignorance take no steps to fight the Insect menace, clock has become essential in the In sadden movements of the body. manufacture of paint. It is de- But where are their ears? Doctor and they dont realize that Insects clared the simplest means of test- Allards experiment showed that have brains. Before the' war mosing ever Invented. The old water the caterpillars sense of bearing Is quitos were unknown In England. Today every fourth or fifth person clock was a cone with a tiny bole sided by hairs that absorb sound. To prove this, experimenters has been bitten by one. -"I am not n scaremonger. That coated the hairs with shellac or weighted them with water or flour eminent scientist. Sir Oliver Lodge, or even singed them off. Then, for example, has said that the end when noises were made, the cater- of the world will not be caused by pillar did not respond. The fact each a calamity as an earthquake that Jte hairs had been deadened or flood, but by the ascendancy of the Insect world over man. made it deal We wish you Merry Chiistmos, local au"Some simple-minde- d Of happiness a load, are dethat thorities imagine they tlie New is Year, sold a new When it ought t car No sorrows through solwhen they mosquitos stroying be in th contract that th owner mutt Just Joy along the road! emnly spray ponds with paraffin. In keen sober. and gestured with while he made hla speech to the legislators. Truly, bluethis erect, virile, eyed man with bis sideburns and bis peculiar attire must have made an unforgettable picture that day. Inserted In varying grades of paints, the viscosities of which are measured by the length of time It takes each sample to fill the cone to certain level. Popular Mechanics Magazine. ' mits. One cannot imagine much sereneven personal comfort withor ity out money. Now, take n million ing without palling it down. "Why are Insects defeating man? dollars, and If yoe dost court trouBecause all of their brains ars de- ble by trying to Increase It It drives voted to the main things of Ufe, to away most mental distress and satisfying bnnger and tbs welfare brightens every hour of the day. of the species, while mans brain Is We do not adore wealth, but we unIt Is derstand Us Importance. dissipated In various other worth whUejwt to ho bothered by the vtoiaaltedes of lift sad most of them caa be eluded with a milMillion Plunks Makes lion dollars. "Hallelujahs Ones Serenity Secure There are store with It Oh, hades! A million dollars spread over sad fewer circumsad lass freer One be may acseventy years of s mans life In tbs expression of opinlocutory least one at good great complishes Isnt nay It spares him from an Immense ion ; and certainly thereattitude toamount of anxiety. It ts ammuni- excuse for a repentant With a million, ward the mighty; cars. arsenal bis in tion against are somewhat mighty yourself. Serenity, some philosophers think, you Louis t. St is the greatest good. They have sacrifice of secured it but at the Globe-Democra- cMay your Christmas and ' SPECIAL XMAS NefH Year 50c Steam Finger Wave Eyebrow fct Lash Dye ' II 00 50c n Eye Brow fifth Arno Steam (with shampoo and $ I 50 Finger Wave Smart Beauty Shop Be The Best Ever GREETINGS OF THE SEASON The Management of the Salt Lake & Utah Railroad wishes' to take this opportunity to thank its friends and The Magna patrons for their loyal support during the past year, and to extend to you its Best Wishes for a - Lumber & Hardware Co. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Wt wish yea a glad, merry Christmas, Surrounded by dear ones and friendsi We uish you a sweet, pleasant pathuay. For New Year,' n her 'er it wends! T1RTS and BATH RIES I ower Than Mail Ordir House Pruer on FIRES TONL TIRES We Sate You Money On Coal Save WEAR an J TEAR on Your Motor - - . Rasmussen Garage Use a Gasoline 4 Qua put in your tocl mg things that you hold th. most make you a bright, merry Christmas, And a prosperous, happy New Year Pfaf Santa The T Merry Cliristmaj, v illi lianqurt or Happy New Alay your trouble- Loe-cake! The average motorist probably cannot tell the car, in wealth or slijlit thrift! - - our liappinets Jeep liglit a j tlie u jnou flake, tlie drift I GEM THEATRE Courtesy - Quality - Servue DENTON GARAGE GARf II I UTAH D 9 9 a Of brst Christmas wishes Ve send you a store, For glad holidays And goodwill gid ore! would sing you a carol. but ah. we capt sing; We would nng you a chime, but weve nothing to nng; So we send you a wish that ts sincere and trues A right Merry Christmas. and a glad New Year, too! We CENTRAL LUMBER & HARDWARE CO. AND LM. difference between various brands of gasoline. But the difference is there, just the same. If you could see what takes place with every explo-sio- n in your car's cylinders, you would be just as particular in choosing gasoline as you are in choosing your dentist, your grocer, your food or your clothes. Of chief importance is that you buy a sulphur-fre- e gasoline. Avoid, sulphur in gasoline. It forms deadly sulphuric acid. It eats metal. No oil can stop it. This acid burns straight through the toughest oils to eat and burn bearings, cylinder walls and wrist pins, to pit and burn valves. Use Pep 88 the gasoline 99 and 98100 free from sulphur. Only a negligible harmless trace remains after Pep 88 sulphur-was- h processes are completed. Many gasolines contain sev- eral times more sulphur than Pep 88. Why take chances? Be safe steer for a Pep 81 pump. ojiWTqDCcT) CU) Utah Shoe Repair Shop ROCK SPRINGS COAL & ICE CO. Manufactured and Guaranteed by UTAH OIL REFINING COMPANY, Salt Lett CC'J |