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Show ) LU Irl.r TjT XAGXA. UTAH. FEmAY DZCHMLTS. IS, 1831 NINTH YEAR NO. S3 unua DDDa Dnno tPa Or-, DnGo HODGE MARSHALL It is with pleasure that w art able to offer another melody ia words ia this Cbristmaa iatoc of the paper pea aed from the hand of Hodge Marshall. Mr. Manhall.e unusual wit and abilities to paint teal word pictures are at their very best ia the following poet written for the Christmastime. There is true ynletidc joy and happiness ia the few verses that follow for the man woman or child who is looking for the right kind of inspiration to gladea the heart at this time of the year. In spite of the many worries and troubles that all of ns have, we can still find much to rejoice and be happy about. Perhaps Mr. Marshall, contribution ia poetry will .help yoa enjoy Chistmas more. Read this poem. Try to look on the brighter side of things and yoa can be snra that yonr days will be happier and more pleasant. ' I BELIEVE IN SANTA CLAUS N When Sanu cores to oar boose He always finds my sock; Tacked against the "mantle piece Jast anderaeatb the dock, And it wont be hanging by itself, There'll be all kinds and sizes Hanging there in one long row Awaiting Santas prizes. For on December Twenty-foart- h We all take great delight Ia hanging ap oar stockings Fore we go to bed that night. On Christmas morning I don't wait For any docks alarm But crawl oat bright and early To get things nice and warm Before, from oat a bed room. A small voice, sweet and dear. Says:- - Daddy is it morning Hat Santa Clans been here?And then there comes an avalanche. s With wild shoots and From kids whose dad and mother Still believe in Santa Claaa. f bur-tab- P Of coarse the gifts we get art small We have no store of wealth. Bat there are gifts for mother and '' each kid - And something for myself, doves and shoes and handkerchiefs For every girl and boy, And, jast because -- tie Christmas, There will be candy and $ toy, Tor mother and me in choosing gifts Always have agreed Thar oar kids at Christmas Should have something they need,, - dont When mother sect the things for her It always ia the tame, There are great tear drops in her ryes. Bat they art not tears of pain. Bat just the tears of happiness That sets her heart awbirl When we get a hand mack present i a ItfiU bsy girl. A gift that may bit useless. Crudely shaped and odd, Bat comingjbom a child we love Is truly a gift from God. ?oDo -- RITES HELD FOR Lions Glub Hoars FREE SHOW FOR KIDDIES DEC 25th The annual free Christmas show for children of Magna and vicinity will be held at the Gem Theatre in Magna. December 25. A feature picture, comedy, and novelty has been arranged. The show will commence promptly at 12:00 noon. This show, as is usual and customary, has been arranged through the courtesy of the management of the Gem Theatre. AU children, young or old. large or small, fat or slim, are most cordially invited to attend this entertainment and be guests of the management of the Theatre. Come early and get a seat. 'The Lions met Friat the Magna Baptist Churchrooms for their regular meeting and supper. Murray Allen, sightless state director of the blind, together with two of his blind students, Victor Petersoh. and Clyde McDell, were tbc special guests of the evening. A short program was enjoyed after the supper. Piano, cornet, English the horn selections were given by blind students, who manipulated the instruments as skilfully a person able to see would have done. Vocal selections were also rendered. Their pleasing music was so well received and appreciated by the Lions that the services of the two blind boys, and their director were engaged for Ladies Night, to be held January 14, Magna-Garful- Christmas Spirit Invades CHARLOTTE EK. Program d day evening J 19-3- 2. -- ' Mr. Allen also gave a very enlightening talk on the work and accomplishment of the blind in Utah and CYPRUS POST the United States. He told of many . unusual undertakings and acquire: WINS OPENER ment that the blind have completed, listing articles that the sightless manufacture and make in their own workThe American Legion. Poet 38 basketball team won a hard fought shops. In appreciationof the novel game Monday evening from the Drapboy ws presented with 37-3score s of er Ramblers with a suit of clothing, donated by the Lion The game was played at the Utah members. . Copper Clubhouse. .T.F. Jennings,chairman of the Magof the hall and With the tip-othe referee! opening whistle, the lo- na Garfield unemployment organizacal boys and viritmg team were on tion gave a - report on the road work, emthe alert for poiMe chalice to it benefit,- the number of men Aftcote. The Magna five tank the first ployed and improvements noted. meet-wa- s Draper basket, hat the boopeten er other business problems, the adjourned. quickly followed it an with a basket , , I. and a foul pitch. At the half, the ' score was 21 to 15, ia favor of the Rambkts- - The laet half of the game wae an - . tacking hit of strategy on the part of both teams. Jhe Cyprus Poet boys quickly gained, and forged Truly, from n indications, OMi with s three point lead, bat the 'JndToiliwIid tan strong Draper team also scored, lead- taw ing by one point. The game wae a toss-u- p between the two teams the displayed the warm in a very decor-last quarter, until the stive Holiday manner, and despite shrilly blew hie whistle, ending the the unemployment situation, many former the of in favor Cyprus present have been, and are being purgame chased to make the Christmas season High School tuts. The game was featured by Claude a joyous time. Attractive garlands Jones' consistant guarding, and the sad wreaths form colorful holiday combination of Lukie Buckner and displays ia the stores. Brilliant-colore- d light and the traditional ChristWayne Sobm evidently couldn't he Dean mas' trees make the season one of joysolved by the visiting team. Ellcrtson. also played well for the ous festivity and 6. Impressive funeral services, befitt-in- g the exemplary life of Mr. Charresident lotte Larson Ek, long-tim- e of Pleasant Green and Magna, were held Sunday at 1:00 p. m. in the Pleasant Green Chapel. Many friends of Mrs. Ek were present to pay homage and tribute to her memory. A profusion of beautiful floral offerings were in evidence, showing the high esteem and regard in which the aged - women wae held by her many friends ia Oquirrb Stake and vicinity.-- . The servict were opened with prayer by A. E. Vaughn. - Speaker at the services were lstac W. Coon, p Omer E. Hall, George Reid, President H. Edward Sutton. Bishop L. C. Healy and Bishop George Little. Each of the speakers extolled tbc virtue of the deceased, sad gave incidents, relative to the goodness and kind-neof Mr. Ek'e life. Her work in the L, D. S. Church was praised and favorably commented on by all of the speaken. and the fulfillment of her duties as a mother were forcefully brought out. Each of the speakers expressed their sympathy and condolence to the relatives of the deceased. President Sutton, said, She has but passed on to her Reward A vocal solo was given by Mrs. Florence Cockenll, followed by a selection from the Pleasant Green choir, contralto solo by Mist Alice Gardner: a vocal solo was given by John Herzog. C. E. Sutton doted the services with prayer. A large funeral procession afterwards attended interment eervket at the Pleasant Green cemetery. Wanna and Gariield ii Town Takes On Ydttide Spirit Tsvstsss time-keep- er merry-makin- lanky winning team. ' Rasmussen. and M. Day. former Aggie center, 1 sometimes get some swell silk socks, hcoprttrs.wert the outstanding playr Sport shirt, and a cravat, ers on the Draper team. And always get a nice new pipe. From all indications, the local boys Mother seas to that. have a very atrong team, well able and And. at the odor from my old pipe piepared to meet any of their opponlike incense. . . Is nothing Uuh Sute Amateur ents of the I sometimes think that mother bays League. The new one in self defense. And a pound can of tobacco That 1 think will last a year. , And sever lasts more than two weeks. Wlhch I maintain is queer. " g. The Rebecca Lodge met for theit regular basinets and social ' meeting Wednesday evening at Co6perl Hall After the regular business proctedurt. a social was enjoyed. Mr. Jack Nielson and Roy Wing were in charge of refreshments Light arrangement were served To , members. Ij IS POSTPONED -- The Pleasant Green Ward will a Christmas Dance. Thursday evening, December 1 7, at the P. G. bail. Everyone, who hat the holiday at spirit of good-wi- ia lt invited to Knights Of Pythias tend. , .The . Garfield . . . Mrss Club announce W cErtann Night.lta- - di0 W o all New Years Eve it to be fittingly celebrated with the traditional dance held at the Utah Copper Cl u brooms. The clubhouse will be beautifully decorated in Yule-tid- e . festoons, The Holiday spirit will prevail at at! of these fuactiont. tea-da- The L. F, A. Club met at the borne of Mrs. May Turpin Wednesday evening for their annual Christmas patty. Christmas presents were , exchanged, and diversified games enjoyed by 12 Light refreshment were latguests. er served. .. o'1- - Mr. Sidney Huish, George North-wester- lijtvlSvwtr-v- JHemr (Eltristnms - ,ir - GOING STRONG The campaign on automobile lights, brakes and violations of highway stop regulations. which has been conducted for quite a period of time ia this vicinity is still going strong. Special emphasis is being placed on the correction of illegal lights as these constitute one of the worst menaces on Motorists driving cars the highways. with one light, no tail light and headticklights oat of focos will be given the ets for the first offense, and if evil is not corrected will be fined for a second violation. . Motorists breaking any of the mentioned laws will do well to respect the sound of the sheriffs siren and stop when overtaken. to-fo- i Colorado. Moauaa. Washington, OreIndigon. Nevada and Wyoming. Hunter and Granger viduals in birds fine where some especially were raised, have received their checks. Net prices to be received by tbc growers will be baaed on the grots cents per pound for prices of 34 prime young toms and bent st New cents st Los Angeles York, 32 and 32 cents in San Francisco, with freight and minor overhead expenses deducted. Transportation charges to the more distant eastern market will not exceed four cents per pound in any instance, the assistant general man ager asserts, while overhead sad pack chargee, similarly, will be light and state will vary with the different pools. 1- -2 Quality of birds shipped and net prices paid producers by the regional If a layman takes a job that pays turkey organization, were the highworld: est in the country, said Mr, Beyers. non money, he is licking the sarren-icred The movement of Christmas gobif a preacher does it.be has Beehive eastward from the blers world. this to state is well underway Ind should continue strong for the next werk and Tis childish to become scared in it was suted. half, . the dark. customer in the town and surrounding territory. It ia pleasant to refleet that the year noon ending has brought many evidence's of progress in the community and that 1932 promises to begin 'another year of worth while ' aceomplish-ment. a. ' I- - ben-efitte- f ,vUr , a, , r itiW V, v d. - i 1 1 ' y Granite Teachers Enroll In N. E, A. school-childre- Garfield Masons Install Officers ) be-g- . wholesome . friendly people all telling me that Purs there wu from Mel- lons from Rocky Ford. Tha Owner and two Reporters from the other Paper to the depot and they uked me If I knew that Medford wu noted for its com won-dorf- nl Pear. am not this. It wu all don In anch a proud way, that It mad yon know thou folks had a Town, bnt moat ef all they had Pears. And the thing that made It all the more enU waa done by Juat joyable ', Arybocy yon' would meet and Not by the Chamber of Commerce. 1 dldent even see the Secretary of the Chamber. So Yoa tee It wueat any organised effort to poke Pears down a Vial tor throat bjr the hatter bnalneu element Thesa folks jut wanted y6n to knew tcry raised Pears. I hadent eaten any lunch on tha Plane, and it wu then late In the afternoon. 1 had had two and a halt hours of steady Pears, Bnt NO Peara. Jnat One lone pear distributed In the right spot could bate don the Medford Pear Industry more good than Up Service from the total population. Bnt not a Seal dug p a Pear. Some School Boys and Girls that knew me from tbe Movie coma to the train to tell me of Peart, hut brought no evidence. tertained at five ublet of cards and a "How old did you say you wtref" Its n beautiful little CUy, fine folks, midnight luncheon at their borne in - I never mention my age but as a but I dont think there la n Pear In the Country. Hunter Saturday, evening. A very mjitter of fact Ive just reached twenty-one." (9. 11. UcXu;ht S radical!, lac.) enjoyable time wae had by all. Indeed! What detained you?"' Di-tr- kt Now 1 crltl-eliln- ". -- The Times is fortunate in having been able to foster community development along many lines, social, civic and commercial. We want to continue to serve all the desireable aims of the community, to' promote the Welfare of all, Our columns have always been and always will be open to any suggestion whereby Hagna and its neighbors may be Our only purpose is to serve. We nave endeavored to news without prejudice, without favor, without disthe give crimination, and we believe we have realized that aim. By giving our readers this sort of a paper we have given our advertiser medium for their wares that is read thoroughly from start to finish in 1200 homes in and about Magna. It has been a good year for us, and heres hoping that 1932 will be a mighty good year for all of you. We cordially extend to you,. the Seasons Greetings.. It is our sincere hope ahd desire that the Newt Year will bring forth all that you eould wish for in Health, Happiness and Prosperity. ft - ELECT OFFICERS at- " V this-week- .- - The Magna Ward entertained at a Carter, Mrs, Bud Matthews, Mrs. MeU Holiday season dance Monday evenA very good Nielson and Mrs. Jerry Jones entering at the Wardhoust. tained at a bridal shower at the Huish crowd, was in attendance. Am I going to hang my stocking ap home Friday in honor of Mrs. GifApparently, depressions heavy manThis year as in the past? Little Ethel: Mother are ford Jones, a November bride. yu the on tested have acles date to lightly the nearest relative Ive got?" Why I will fasten ap that sock Uub-ldab- o ions garnet and light - refreshments ts rkey industry for pricEach Christmas till my last, Her mother: "Yes, dear, and your n the es to be paid by were enjoyed by 40 guest. And the kids am going to realize father is the closest." Turkey Growers Association to memThat it is Christmas time bers in these suite on Thanksgiving a For theyre going to get present buds will abont equal last ytars. If it only costs a dime. , M V W-- f r t Herbert Beyers. - assistant gen- W Wt Ive lost confidence in farm relief. , eral manager. Tariff and other laws. Mr. Beyers reports his organizaHave no more faith in stocks and out ' tion has jnat finished mailing bonds, checks aggregating nearly $150,000 Bat I st in believe ia Santa Claus. rv. ' y Vi1 which represents final payment foe the Thanksgiving gobblet" crop. The funds' will he distributed to the inIt atfords the Magna Times much pleasure to extend the AUTO CAMPAIGN dividual member producers by unit associations ia Utah, Idaho, greetings of the season to its readers and its advertisers and state Turkey Eating lht thUKbrt merry-makin- Mrs. No Depression Ia A P. T. A. MEETING DnecsAicunccd tii tl0llt nounced their Yule-Tid- e programs land festivities. The Magna, Pleasant Garfield L. D. S. Waid A series of demonstrations of the arra tged program and festivitaccomplishments of the M. I. A. act- have ivities of the Pleasant Green Ward be- ies and Christmas tree celebration in the Sunday School morning worship, gan Tuesday evening at Mutual Meet- December 20. Treau will be given A on demonstration unique ing. drama wav very ably- - given by Mrs. to tbe kiddie. - Novel and snttrtaia- Emma Elmer. A record attendance ing programs will be given, the participants being the email children, who was present. will join in joyful tribute to the birthTuesday, December 22. musk and day of the Savior. Tbe Magna Bapspeech demonstrations will be given. tist Church and Out Lady of Loutdet Mr. and Mrs. Van Orman Dark will Church will alio have roecial Christgive a musk exhibition and M.ss mas Services, Sunday, Dectmber 20. Myrrh Harvey, dramatk teacher at A diversified program hae been arrangCyprus High School, will render a ed by the Baptist Chntch. . reading. Tuesday, December 29, Flan for extending relief to famin dance and stories will ilies of men Christmas have he given. been formulated by the American Legion and the Amtrkan Legion Auxila Christmas ary. Beside sending card to the men and their famil.ee. with a money enclosure, food and yulctidt present! will he given to the children. Fraternal organizations will also celebrate Christmas by partite and program. Firemen of Department No. From information just received, tlie 2 together with their wives, will bold dare of the Magna Parent Teachers their annul Christmas party, pht exAssociation, announced to be Wed- act date to be announced the latter Th firemen and nesday, December 16,- has been post- part- of The the Ladies Auxilary plan also to enponed until after the holidays. tertain at a tree and g Lte for the meeting will be announcfor the kiddie of the firemen. Tbe ed in the neat future. Eatray Elks have provided supplies for the poor and needy and are planing to distribute, fid, food and clothing At haa been announced before, the Smelter Camp of the American Smeltbv ing Sf Refining .Company will Chancboats to their1 employe! and families,: G. R, Moyrs was ellor Commander of the local K. of Wednesday evening, December 23 at P. Lodge, at their regular meeting 6:30 p. m. at a program and a joyat Coopers ful evenings entertainment. held Monday evening Candy, Mr. Moyet had not filled a nuts, fruit and present will be disHalt. full year as Chancellor Commander, tributed by Old Saint Nkk himself. and was thus to complete The event will be held in the Safety Hall. the fall required time. Die Webster. Cyprus junior and Other offkcrt elected in the fraternal organization were Leo Ockerman. Senior, the Garfield Schoolj Hijr Vk Gia iKriior, Thomas Driffct, ' Thorne, and Bacchus school have of Master Prelate: Wallace Williams, suitable programs and festiMaster of vities during Christmas week before Work: Harvey Grubah. Finance, Joe Sellers, Master of Ex- they go on bek holiday vachange: William Leddingham. Keep- cation. Special Christmas assemblies er of Master and Seals, C. B. Hansen, will be held at Cyprus and Garfield Master, of Arms., Ed -- Turner. . I iner schools. At Yh, etber schoois. each Outer room is planning a short progam and Guard and Arthur Hcllier, Guard. Elections were conducted aft- a Chratma party. A special dance er the regular business of the lodge will be held at Cyprus during Christmas week, the exact date not yet debad been transacted. The traditional Christ Installation of the newly elected cided upon. offkere with fitting and impressive mas tree, with alLjh fixing i also ceremonies, will be carried out Mon- planned at Cyprus, with Sanu CLna there to distribute a treat. day, Jannary 4. - The Utah Copper Club officials announced the first of the week that a huge fir tree has arrived at tbe clubhouse and it now being put up at the clubhouse. School will be dismissed Wednesday afternoon. December 23 in order that the n may attend the Christmas party at the club, GranFifty-thre- e from memberships ite School District in the National Ed- The date of the Christmas celebraucational Association were received by tion at the Gub was previously ana Tuesday. AU children are Mr. T. D Martin, director of the nounced Division of Records and Membership. invited to attend. Quoting from a statement of Mr. Martins, published in the receit Utah Educational Review edition, he says: We appreciate your cordial cooper-Ztip- a gnd are boping that Granite qill soon join the 100 per ceat-rrtA sumptuous turkey dinner Last year, Uub bad sixteen was 100 per cent districts. We are hop- the highlight of tbe meeting Friday of tbe Garfkld Lodge of ing that she wilt exceed that number evening tbe Maaonk held for this year. organization, the Mr. Martin continues by saying: electedpurpose of installing the newly offken for 1932. Tbe turThe need for a united profession was never greater. Tbe economic depres- key dinner wae served by the Ladies of the Eastern Star. , sion ha already made serious inroad, 1 H. A. Link wa insulted as Worbut we here at N. E. A. headquarter are doing everything possible to shipful Master, outgoing . Worshipful Master George Deutoa. W. T. prevent S further breakdown Ground Ablquist being wa installed as Senior Warlost now will require yean fot recov- den: J. E, Com ley. Junior Warden; erEddie Nicholson, Treasurer; D. L. "Leader ia politic, business and Underwood. Secretary; George Denindustry have teamed long ago that ton. Trustee for .three years, and Hodge ia tnity there ie strength and that Marshall. Trustee for two years. Tbe organization gives multiplied power. impreseive. customary iaaullatiou proWe teachers and the farmer teem to be cedure of tbe Masonic was Lodge among the laet to diatom the truth. vtry effectively carried out by differWe are fortunate ia the present ent members of the order. Twenty emergency to have strong tut asso- eight member were present. ciation and a national association with with more than 200.000 members. The Magna Womens Gub met If the membership were a million we for their regular business could exercise considerably greater in- Wednesday the Women's Gubroom. at meeting fluence ; Tbe business proctedurt of tbe evenMr. and Mrs. James Newton en- ing was carried out. -- 1 - Christmas week will he a time of gaiety in Magny, Garfield and vicinity from outlined civic, programs of fraternal, social and religious organiz- - p" Bit-bo- Holiday Season I Mutual Activities . . I vruwu Large ff ' BEVERLY HILLS All 1 know la Juat what 1 read la the paper, or what I aea aa 1 hike hither and thither, moatly thither. A few week ago I waa flying from Lot Angela to Seattle, and Incidental, n beautiful trip, eapeclally from W 1 1 e o north, np along the Sacremento River for n long long way. They had jnat had thalr first snow, and the Mountain tops were covered, and the Railroad and Highway was winding along down there like n couple of black snakes. Then we begin to hit bad weather, snow and a drlszllng rain, and elouda l to elos In on os. It looked like we wasent going to get any further than Redding, a little town In thn edge of tbo mountain. But this Pilot had btan on thla rout for five year and he without taking any chances, kept low below the clouds and wound his way right with tbe tig Canyon and Railroad, and we got through as tar aa . Medford, (juat over the line Into Oregon), r Good Held and a beautiful little -CUy of twelve thousand. Well the Radio weather report eald we couldent go, so we decided to take th train In about three hour and arrive In Portland fa the morning. Well 1 was kinder glad. 1 had sever been to tbl Town before, and I dont know 1 kinder like to kit these strange towns, I always run onto a taw old Birds or young Klda that racognlse tha old map from the movies and I never lack lor company. The Pilot took nr Into tows Is hie Car as that was tbe end of hie rus anyhow. We went to the Depot first, and got our Tickets. (I heep saying We, what I mean was another Passenger and L who I had jast met on the Plane his name waa Kennedy, and funny thing he had years ago when be was working tor the Frigid Air Co, and they had a big Convention In Akron, he' had booked me to appear befora tbe Convention. Now ho and some other had started In the same business only they called theirs some kind of Ice Box, and they wu a great big Company, they catered to the people who dldent know what Frigid Air meant but wanted a Ice Box that waa cold all the time). Well he waa on thara, and than they had a Stewardess, thats a vary charming UirL ah la a qualified Nurse, and ahe makes things comfortable for tbttPsaei)gert,enl is a great comfort to Ladles on theray especially If they dont feel welL Well this on could hare been a comfort to a lot of mea that was even feeling well too. 1 dldent know what thla Towa had, bnt the Pilot told me all tbe way la that tt specialised la raising fears, (Not Pair Peara Tfe Depot Agent Informed me that they ever shipped tha .most Pear shipped from one place. The News-P-per Owner told me I should stay and see the Pears, (that meant ia eight months from then).-T- ha Qirla -that worked in the Office there all told me of what wonderful Peara they had. Newsboy coepe la and shook hands and Informed me that Pearr wu right np this Towns alley. Over at the Train In a couple of hours later in come a lot of fine 4 -- g t |