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Show raasnu Junes, THE MAGNA TIMES IliQtd Every Friday at Magas, Utah Eatticd at tb poatoffkc at Magna, Utah at tccond-cla- u mad natter under the act of Congrttt of Match 5, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $2.00 Six Month On Year Payable Advertising Rate la at $1.00 Advance Given on Application. H. A. JARVIS CHILDREN NEED A of the child's menu. fact be known, and there is no better VARITY OF rOOD Different foods must be tattn to method than to use the press. It is supply the various needs of active, the kind of publicity that appeal! to ' Begin early to give the child a careNo on food or the close buyer Advertising is to growing children. fully chosen variety of food at regu-l- tingle type of foods furnishes every- business what a spring tonic is to the mealtimes, advise child specialists thing the child should have to build system, it strengthens and builds it of the Bureau of Home Economics, and repair muscles and bones, teeth, up. You get the best results fron United States Department of Agri- and ted blood cells, to increase resist- newspaper advertising. culture, and lie, will gradually form ance to disease, keep the body in good No doubt there are many rcadc; habits of eating that will influence running order, and provide energy. of this paper that arc your customers his nutrition throughout life. There When some foods art always left out and there would be many more if you art no food prejudices at birth and of the menu, bodily troubles develop would use a little more persuasion n need not be any later if food experiand the child hat a poor physical start tclligg them the advantages of being ences are pleasant. in life. The easiest way to be sure your customer. People generally do Introduce strange foods tactfully, of most of the needed nutrients in the not like to go where they have not one at a time, and serve small portions family diet is to provide a been invited. No business firm ever until the flavor becomes familiar, the succeeded to any great extent who did variety. not take the public into its confidence, Tb food of specialists recommend. a very young child differs from that and the best method yet to be disTIME TO ADVERTISE of the oldtr one mainly in the way covered is by taking th judicious use it is prepared and in the amount serWhen timet are good and business of printer's ink. It is a tonic that will YOUNG Editor and Publisher d BELIEVE IT OR NOT Tb following it reprinted from the Wakefield (Matt.) Daily Item, in its edition of Sept. 30. under the caption ' Believe It or Not". Birds have been killed 4y speeding golf balls on courses in this vicinity this season, but the prize combina tioa and golf story it furnished by the newspaper fraternity and vouched for by three members of it. At the Massachusetts Press Associations Autumn outing in the White Mountains, over the last weekend. Frank J. Gallagher, publisher of the Stone ham Press, topped his drive from the fourth tee on the course at the Hotel Waumbek, Jefferson, and the ball sped like a bullet into a nearby water hazard. Much to the astonishment of Mr. Gallagher and bis companions a fish teemed to snap out of the water as the ball struck the surface. Investigation showed that the ball had killed the trout. It was later exhibited in the hotel lobby and Mr. Gallagher is now living in fear and trembling of 'being summoned back to New Hamsbire to answer to charges of taking trout out of season. ved at various ages. Considerable modification of ideas about feeding children has occurred in recent years. Even babies still on a urved diet have tomato and orange juice, egg. cereals, and pured vegetables besides their milk, and as their capacity for digesting coarser materials increases other foods and dishes art added to their diet. In the past, mistaken ideas, passed along in families and communities. have kept many good foods out is brisk you can get your share with- out any special effort, but when business slacks up and competition is strong and tb buyer is looking for a place to trad where be can spend his money where he can get the most for it. it is time to hustle and increase That is when it your advertising. will do the most good. If you have Something better or just at good that you can save the customer even so small a margin you should let the We Wish All Our Friends uian, Friday, December direct into the home and it read by fiery member of the family and its value as an advertising medium cannot be over estimated. Its the cheapest and best method known to reach trie people that you want to reach your customers. Subjection of Static Technicians are examining many steps that make np the sound process with the object of overcoming that disturbing scratch and static which often accompany voico reproduction. Without laying claim to supernatural powers, tha engineers are sure that such nolaea will soon cease to be troublesome factor. Nothing radical may ba exdo more to revive a failing business pected In sound films five year than any other known. but a small invention here, hence; A lot of money it wasted in ad- an Innovation there, will eo Improve vertising Schemes put over by sink recording and reproduction that the talesmen who have the faculty of makultimate goal of perfection will be ing the buyer believe that the moon is made of green cheese and all he has approached. to do is to put up liberally for some bill board or group advertising and Odd Romca Custom then set back and wat for the cuiom srs to come in by the icons. In ancient Rome It waa the cusThe mall business man as a rule is a small tom, when honoring a victorious advertiser, tf he were not he would general, to ptaco behind tha chariot not be a small business man. With In which ho rode to the capttol a all the schemes offered there hat not slave who kept repeating amidst the yet been any method discovend that shouts of the crowd, Bewar lest will get better results than the newsyou falir paper, the local newspaper that goes V. Planning Christmas Dinner Means 'Less Work Today 18, 1231. Real Purpose Served by Cultivating Hobby It more people had real hobbles would be fewer cases of nervous breakdown, according to Dr. H. F. KJlander, writing In Hygela, the Health Magazines Hobbles keep children out of mischief and they there relievo the monotony of routine life for adults. It Is well to be able to lose oneself for an hour, an evening, or even for a day In something that Is not related to the dally tiu.ks, this author related. A desirable hobby should furnish enjoyment, pleasure and gratification; It should require a minimum of equipment and expense, In Doctor Inlander's opinion. Many e may bo distinctly educational. Literature, music and astronomy are examples of that type. Physical as well as mental health may feg'lm-prove- d by a hobby; sports are of distinct value. Many hobbles are started accidentally without forethought It Is well, however, suggest Doctor that parents and educators should plan Indirectly to guide children In certain desirable Interests in order that their leisure time may hob-bic- r, be w Isely spent Recreation has become a necessity, writes Doctor Kllander. The trends of the times lndlcata that the schools must include more training In the use of leisure time not only for the years that the atudent Is in school but also for the time when he la an adult Old Hand-Wove- n linen of Marvelous Fineness! Twelve dosen of everything that J was the quantity which the proper , continental bride of a century ago received In her trousseau. It sounds cA cMerry Christmas ts AND Happy New Year And we suggest lavish, but It waa actually common sense, because our bad a grand laundering only once every three months 1 A relic of those brave days appears on special occasions now, In a smart New York home. The linen damask doth was woven by hand In tha days when George Washington waa more than a memory, and hand woven so finely that linen exBr JOSEPHINE GIBSON perts of today marvel at it. Nar-roDlracter, H.in, Food In.tltute looma compelled the weavers is a highlight of holiday festivities, rivaling to make their cloth In two atrip, THE Christmas dinner which are sewn together down the importance the tree and gifts. Its a joyful time of family remiddle of the table. unions, when everybody gathers arourd the dinner table! An Interesting feature of this setDecorations of dining room and table must be in keeping, and an idea, always lovely, is to have holly about walls, lights and pictures. ting Is that the andent damask creHave, as a table centerpiece, a bowl of choice fruit with sprigs of holly ates a background of harmony for stuck hero and there; and at each place" i bit of holly- tied with red the latest silver, whose design idenribbon. The menu should not bo overly elaborate but should stress good tically matches the china. dishes, well prepared and attractively served. Women today are fortuipte in that many good tilings can bo prepared Outside the Coffee la 1634 homo, so that while the dinner is as bountiful and delicious as ever, it As the to precise date when cofis much less labor to prepare. Cocktails, soups, relishes, preserves and was Introduced Into England, fee old-tiand bo mincemeat and purfig plum puddings may jellies, chased ready for use, without endless days of preparation, necessary in authorities differ, and very little of real value on tho subject can bo grandmothers time. For the dinner ve suggest one of tha following found, wrote Edward R. Emerson menusi In Beverages, Past and Present Chilled Tomato Jrre cr Orator Cc:Ml Sir Henry Blount visited Turkey In Ripe Mission Olives Celery 1034 and in one of hi letters saya: Mashed Potatoes Roast Turkey or Goose or Chicken with Dressing The Turks have a drink called Creamed or Buttered Brussels Sprouts or Cabbage made of a berry aajjlg as cauphe, Relish Cucumber Freh Cranberry Jelly a small bean, dried In a furnace and Malaga Grape and Jfineappla Salad with French Dressing beat to powder of a sooty color, Plum Pudding (ready to serve) with Hard Sauce- In taste a little bitterish, that they Coffee Nuta seethe and drink, hot as may bo endured. It Is good at all hours of of Cream Cream of Tomato or Pea Soup (ready to serve) the,day,but especlall y at mornl b g Spanish .Queen ,QHvca Celery and evening, when to that purpose Baked or Glazed Sweet Potatoes Roust SHlfTed Uttle' Pig they entertain themaelves . two or -- Cold Slaw- Baked Onions three hours In cauphe-housHot Parkerhouse Roll Pure Apple Butter which. In Turkey, abound more Cream Ice or Sauce Fig Pudding (ready to serve) with than inns and alehouses with us. Christinas Candies Coffee (.Indicates teclp. sr tins below.) Cerat Maay Products Allow six oys- Pepper Sauce; ft to 1 teaspoon salt; Cocktail: Oyster much more than half of the Not on Mix half dash of pepper. all Ingredients ters per person. Serve corn crop of the country finds great shells; arranged on cracked ice in thoroughly together. This makes its way to tho dining table. The rewith 1 of or mix about saucs. cupfuls oysters deep plate; mainder goes to tha refineries to be cocktail sauce and serve in stemmed Turkey Stuffing: Crumb one loaf made up Into a large variety of maReason with bread. cocktail sauce as stale glasses. Prepara slightly These Include the parklers follows: 1 cup Tomato Ketchup salt and pepper to suit taste. Add terials.which do Fourth of July duty, tablespoons Chili SaUce; 2 table ft cup melted butter, 1 tesspoc" face cream, soap, artiexplosives, 1 If Pure 2 desired, tablespoon cinnamon,' tablespoons Vinegar; spoons ficial rubber and silk, varnish, tanEvaporated Horseradish, which has Worcestershire Sauce and 1 tablening extracts, radio batteries, texbeen soaked for ten minutes in 2 spoon onion juice. ' Mix thoroughly. tiles, paper carpet, mucilage, salad into fowl. cold few Press drops firmly water; tablespoons dressing, sirup, cooking oil, vinegar and milk adds. Some considerable success has attended the manufacture of paper from the stalks, and J Ir It la probable that at no distant day s profitable use will be found for the piles of corn stalks which accumulate each year on the farms of this country. w that you put Merry Into Christmas for - others with gifts of First Security Savings Accounts. They are the most practical gifts of all. ed ' -- ' miwwwww M?5k?r r System Largest Intermountain Banking Organization -s- ' Stop in New Improved 1931 Latest Improved .fJS tC'' - 6 id r you arestart tires Hm GOODYEAR GOODYEAR PATHFINDER ALL-WEATHE- Supertwist Cord Tires Let os show you the finer quality that you get because Goodyear build MILLIONS more tires , out Famous Dinosaur Skolotoa I The dinosaur on exhibition st --1 battery, oil n everything f your R , Peabody museum of Yale university la nearly 74 feet long, IS feet high, and the skeleton weighs six and a half tons. Its estimated weight when alive was between 37 and 40 tons. The specimen was discovered by William Reed In Wyoming In 1881, and the bones were brought to Yale under the direction of ProL Othnlet C. March, whose research resulted In this types being known as Brontosaurus excelua. At Yales bicentennial Ln 1901 a portion of tha skeleton was mounted and exhibited. Lack of space prevented the erection of the rest, which remained In storage. A few years ago ths mounting was begun anewr the hall of Peabody being especially to house this one animal, , Supertwist Cord Tires The latest greatest reason why more people ride on Goodyear Tires than any other kind 4.49-2- 1 (29x4.49) d $9.63 Otto Siso (29x4.59) e s a e HXS-2- 1 (30x4X9) 9 60x3ft Reg. CL , ' KIbit c per pair to ttsaUy Nothing ft mor bothersome than trouble on a trip. We can help you avoid this. Stop In and let us look your tires over, check up on the air, remove tacks, glass and other things that might causa punctures. You will have a better time if you use our service before . A great deal of what we do-an- d gladly do! costs you start out You. no more a . than iThank you tew Each Fair $549 $19.99 Ml 1L19 UI 6X4 4X9-2- 9 MO-15X5-1- 9 8 Six (29x4X9 (29x5.00 (28x5X5 PAULOS AUTO COMPANY , tZsw Improved Guaranteed Goodyear Speedway I.Iagna, Utah 4.59-2- 1 (39x4X9) i v 1 55-to- . Phone No. Slow Starting Modern machinery often requires a - considerable time to get unde efficient working speed. A new 129-to- n gyrostablllzer, described by Ollier's Weekly, has a n rotating wheel powered by a 200 horse power motor, and requires almost an hour to attain It working speed of 23 revolutions per second. It runs o& Its own momentum for two hors after the current is shut oX 1 |