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Show H&gna Times, Manila, Utah Friday, December 18, 1631. SHERIFFS SALE Legal Notices : : IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF SHERIFFS SALE THE THIRD JUDICIAL IN AND FOR SALT In the District Court of the Third LAKE COUNTY. STATE Judicial District in and for the County OF UTAH of Salt Lake, State of Utah. C. STEPHENS. JANET COR FINANCE UNIT ED BOND 8 Plaintiff, PORATION, a corporation formvs. erly known as UNITED STATES BOND 8 FINANCE CORPORA ARTHUR DELL STEPHENS, TION. Defendant. Plaintiff. DIS-TRIC- Vs. also known KOST PAPANICOLAS. as KOST PAPAN1KOLAS. Defendant, to be sold at Sheriff Salt at the West front door of the County Courthouse in the City and County of Salt Lake, State of Utah, on the 30th day of December, 1931. at 12 o'clock noon of said day that certain piece or parcel of real property situate in Salt Lake County. State of Utah, described at follows, Commencing 1292 feet East and South 0 degree 52 minutes East 959.85 feet from the Northwest corner of the Northeast quarter of Section 30. Township 1 South, Range 2 West, and running Salt . Lake Meridian, thence South 0 degree 52 minutes East 50 feet: thence North 88 degrees 53 minutes East 134 feet: thence North 0 "degree -- 52.. minutes . West 50 feet; thence South 88 degrees 53 minutes West 134 feet to the place of beginning. Subject to and together with a right of way over: Commencing 1267 feet East and 12.85 feet South of the Northwest corner of the Quarter Section aforesaid, and running thence South 0 degree 52 minutes East 1848 feet: thence North 88 degrees 53 minutes East 50 feet; thence North 0 deWes' 1848 feet: gree 52 minutes thence South' 88 degrees 5V minutes West 50 feet to the place of beginning, being lots 9 and 10 Block 8, Chambers Park, unrecorded. Together' with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. Purchase price payable in lawful money of the United State. Dated at Salt Lake City. Utah, this 2nd day of December. 1931. S. GRANT YOUNG. Sheriff of Salt Lake County. Utah. By Earl M. Wilson, Deputy. Homer Holmgren. Attorney for Plaintiff. First publication date Last publication date t: SUMMONS THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE SAID DEFENDANT: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this summon upon you, if served in the county in which this action is brought, otherwise within thirty days after service and defend the above entitled action, and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court. This action is brought to recover a judgment dissolving the marriage contract heretofore existing between you and the plaintiff. MARION G. ROMNEY, Attorney P O. Address : - . 1 for Plaintiff. 122. Continental Bank Building Salt Lake City. Utah. First publication date Last publication date SHERIFFS SALE In the District Court of the Third Judicial District in and for the County of Salt Lake, State of Utah, THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF BERKELEY, a corporation . Plaintiff, Vs. MOUSLEY snd DORA F. MOUSLEY. hi wife: HYRUM S. MOUSLEY and JANE DOE JOSEPH S. MOUSLEY. his wife; CONSOL- WAGON AND MACHINE COMPANY, a corpora-tioSALT LAKE CITY, a municipal corporation: EAST JORIDATED DAN CANAL COMPANY, n; a cor- JORDAN VALLEY a BANK, corporation: FIRST DOE, SECOND and THIRD DOE. poration: Defendants, to be told at Sheriff's Sale at the West front door of the County Courthouse in the City and County of Salt Lake, State of Utah, on the 30th day of In the District Court of the Third December. 1931, at 12 o'clock noon Judicial District in and for the County of said day that certain piece or parcel of real property situate in Salt Lake of Salt Lake. State of Utah, ZION S BENEFIT BUILDING SO- County, State of Utah, described at follows, CIETY. a corporation, Plaintiff. Commencing at the Southeast cornvs. er of Section 11, Township 4 South. GEORGE WHARTON as adminisRange 1 West. Salt Lake Base and trator of the estate of Lillian Whar- Meridian, and running thence North ton. deceased, also known as Lillie 60 rods; thence West 45 rods: thence Wharton, and GEORGE WHAR- South 80 rods; thence West 35 rods; TON. her husband, RAYMOND A. thence South 80 rods; thence East 80 PONS and L. T. DAVIS, doing rods to the place of beginning, containbusiness as Pons and Davis. HARing 62.5 acres, more or less. RY J. COLEMAN, doing business as Coleman Painting Co., E. B. Together with 5 shares of the capWICKS COMPANY, a corporation. ital stock of the East Jordan IrrigaH. B. COI.E. FRANK A. CAFF-ALL- . tion Co . said shares being represented also toLESTER BIN S and MIL- by Certificate No. 1713-C- ; LIE DUNSTON. gether with 30 shares of the capital Defendant. stock of the Draper Irrigation Comto be sold at Sheriff's Sale at the west pany, said shares being represented by front door of the County Courthouse Certificate No. 136. in the City and County of Salt Lake, Together with all other rights of State of Utah on the 7th day of Jan. every kind and nature, however eviof water, "ditcher F9-2v at' 1 o'clock norm of aid daf denced. to the-usethat certain piece or parcel of real pro- and canals for gte irrigation ' of said perty Situate in Salt Lake County, premises. Together with all tenements, heredi State of Utah, described as follows, laments and' appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining Purchase price payable in lawful 7 he West half of Lot 48 and all of lot 49, Block 2. HACKETT'S AD-D- 1 money of the United States. Dated at Salt Lake City, Utah, this riON. as platted and of record in Book "D" of plats, page 3, records of 2nd day of December, 1931. S. GRANT-YOUNSalt Lake County. Sheriff of Salt Lake County. Utah. Purchase price payable in lawful By Earl M. Wilson, Deputy. money of the United States. Dated at Salt Lake City. Utah, this Richards 8 Mitchell, 7th day of December, 1931. Attorneys for Plaintiff. First publication date S. GRANT YOUNG. Last publication date Sheriff of Salt Lake County. Utah. By Earl M. Wilson. Deputy. SALE M V. Back man, Attorney for Plaintiff. In the District Court of the Third First publication date '31. Judicial District in and for the County Last publication date '32, of Salt Lake, State of Utah, UNITED STATES BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, a corporation, of In the District Court the Third SHERIFFS SALE t: SHERIFFS SALE Plaintiff Judicial District in and for the County of Salt Lake, State of Utah, THE CONTINENTAL NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST-COMPAOF SALT LAKE CITY, a corporation, Plaintiff, Vs MAUDE L. SCHULDER. ... -- to-w- y Attorneys Tor Plaintiff. First publication date 12-- 1 1 3 1. Last publication date r ''T" i BARGAIN Upright piano for sale. " See V. U. Butters or call residence R-- 2 Phone 54--- -- 4 jl jfor Christmas, fill be it understood. you all that is fine and good; And for the year of thirty-twThe best of everything for you! We wish o, 9 c Anglo-Americ- Loyalty ea Success The Lasting Gift ALBERT BULLOCK The Store With A Thousand and One Gifts n no a k, MAY WE AT THIS TIME EXTEND TO EVERYONE OUR BEST WISHES VOX A MERRY XMAS ADD A HOST PE0SPXE0D3 L NEW YEAR- - Buy Sell i j At Hons ;xi. Mu ' HOTEL NEWH0USE SALT LAKE CITY Cat and Cafeteria Th.e beet In,., Wholesome roods! Private Dining Rooms Luncheon and Dinner Musie by the Hotel Newhouae Harmony Boys. 400 Rooms, each with Bath. 12.00 to $4.00 Single Flrep-oOarage Adjoining W. K. SUTTON, Qenl Mgr. of nn Bornholm For fantastic rock formations on a wild coast, for the most beautiful castle ruins of Denmark, It Is needful to Journey by water to the rocky Isle of Bornholm, south of Sweden, but belonging to Denmark. For centuries the Island belonged to the archbishopric of Lund, and waa the cause of many a battle with Danish kings, but since 1658 It has been part of Denmark. Whether you go to the little fishing village along the coast, or visit Its larger towns, such as Itonne Ro or Nexo, this last being the birthplace of the novelist Nexo, you will find It a delightful place for a holiday. It has fine ethnological and archeological remains, beautiful forests and beath-ercla- d moors which stretch for miles. During the summer the gardens are ablaze with color. YOU1 is siiuijiiKiS M Hit'll WILL FIND OUR SAFE- FILLED STOKE WAY TEMPTING HOLIDAY WITH DELICA- CIES OF THE FINEST QUALITY AND PRICED EXCEPTIONALLY H LOW TOO. -- Christmas CHAUNCEY W. WEST. Asst. OenL Mgr. VS. Romes Downfall The Roman empire originated after the battle of Actlum, B. C. 31, and the decline began with the death of Marcus Aurelius, 180 A. D. Contributing causes through the centuries were the aggressive Influx of large numbers of German peoples; hostile advance of the Persians; Internal dissension; revolt of the provinces; Ingrafting under Hellogabalua of oriental rites and practices, repugnant to the Roman people; a pestilence which lasted 15 of the years and carried off one-haInhabitants of the empire; the Invasion of the Goths and lluns, and the final aggression of vandals from Africa. The end of the Roman .empire of the West was practically Crisco 3 69c Str. Deans sv 25c Pounds jjj Chocolates us, 79c Tomatoes 29c I Dates 19c I bulk 2 pounds for Brazils per pound 25c Corn 17c Peas 19c Sego ilk Luna Soap 19c Utah- - 2 for lf NIELS P. LARSEN. INC., a corporation, R. G. ADAMSON, MRS. T. Q. ADAMSON, his wife: J. R. Americas Trust in God WILLIAMS. THE LANGTON LIME AND CEMENT COM Perpetuated on Coin PANYra--corporatioNIELS P. "The religious mutton lu God We LARSEN. J. T. GOUGH, and F. Trust first appeared on the coin H LUCE. of the country In 1S64. It was the defendants. result of the Increased religious to be sold at Sheriffs Sale at the west front door of the County Courthouse fervor brought on by the Civil war. in the City and County of Salt Lake, The then 8ecretary of the treasury, State of Utah, on the 7th day of S. P. Chase,' received many appeals at 12 oclock noon of from people all over the country January, said day that certain piece or parcel of urging that the Deity be recognized real property situate in Salt Lake on the -- A merlcan coins hi-1- 1 ke County. Sute of Utah, described as manner as those of foreign nations. follows, Secretary Chase wrote to the' diLots numbered 27 and 28 of Block rector of the mint at Philadelphia, 14 of Douglas Park Subdivision to Salt Lake City. Utah, together with November 30, 1861, stating that no nation can be strong except In the all the tenements, hereditaments, appurtenances, easements of every kind strength of God, or safe except In and character, all interest in any party his defense. The trusty of our peowall or party walls used in connection ple In God slipuld be declared on with said property or to be used our national coins. 3' on will cause therewith an all interest in and to the a device to be prepared without giound beneath the ume. all water unnecessary delay with a motto exrights, including water rights represented by stock in companies, or asso- pressing In the fewest words possi- -ciations. thereunto belonging or. in ble this national recognition." Several wers forms suggested. anywise appertaining. Purchase price payable in lawful Some of the coins prepared in 1862 bore the motto God Our Trust" money of the United States. Dated at Salt Lake City, Utah, thiiAbd some coined In 1863 were 7th day of December. 1931. marked God fmd OutCounlryJl S. GRANT YOUNGT The familiar form of the motto was Sheriff of Salt Lake County, Utah. decided upon and the two-ceBy Earl; M. Wilton, Deputy. which pieces appeared In 1804 were M. V. Backman, the first to carry It The motto Is Attorney for Plaintiff. not used on all coins. First publication date 12-- 1 Last publication date 32. n. Defendants. -- to be sold at Sheriff's Sale at the West frenr door of the County Courthouse injhe City and County of Salt Lake, State of Utah on the 7th day of January. 1932. at 12 o'clock noon of said day that certain piece or parcel of real property situate in Salt Lake County, State of Utah, described as ; ij follows, . 500 shares of Tintic Standard Mining Company Common stock, repre-- sented by Certificate No. A 5454. 1200 shares of Eureka-LilMining Company Common stock, represented by Certificates Nos. 6535, 6688. 7459, 7543. 6308. 7518, and 4736, and 154 shares of American Founders Corporation Common stock, represented" by Certificates Nos. 99025, 225024 and 20186. Purchase price payable in lawful money of the United States. Dated at Salt Lake Gty, Utah, this 7th thy of December. 1931. S. GRANT YOUNG. Sheriff of Salt Lake County, Utah. By Earl M. Wilson, Deputy. Fabian 8 - Gendenin, .M g SHERIFFS 12-1- D to-wi- 1 G. Interest in Sleepy Little Sulgrave In the District Court of the Third There Is great charm In the little Judicial District id snd for the County town of Sulgrave of not more than of Salt Lake, State of Utah. 400 Inhabitants so far from the ZION'S BENEFIT BUILDING corporation, ways of railroads and modern traffPlaintiff, ic. It U of old houses of the Tudor VS. times, there are of course HUGH HOLDAWAY snd PEARL a few although modem dwellings. Sulgrave wife. his . . H. HOLDAWAY. was mentioned in the Domesday Defendants, to be sold at Sheriff's Sale at the west book, that earliest record of our front door of the County Courthouse 8axon ancestors which William the in the City snd County of Salt Lake, Conqueror bad compiled to show State of Utah, on the 7th day of how rich was the land of his conJanuary, 1932, at 12 o'clock noon quest But the town, although of said day that certain piece or par- greatly to the historian, Interesting in Salt cel of real property situate does not concern os until especially Lake County, State of Utah, describit waa purchased by Lawrence t: ed as follows, feet East of Wasshyngton when he was twice Commencing 78 It has the Northwest corner of Lot 3, Block mayor of Northampton. 10. Plat G'', Salt Lake City Survey, been conclusively proved by recent and running thence East 37 feet: investigation that this Lawrence thence South 6 rods; thence West 37 Wasshyngton was The direct ancesfeet; thence North 6 rods, to the place tor of George Washington and that ' of beginning. Sulgrave manor by right of descent Purchase price payable ia lawful belonged to him. As a gift to ceStates. the of United money ment the hundred years peace beDated at Salt Lake City, Utah, this tween the two great English-speakin7th day of December, 1931. nations it was purchased by the S. GRANT YOUNG. British peace centenary committee Sheriff of Salt Lake County. Utah. By Earl M. Wilson, Deputy. In 1014, along with ten acres of land M. V, Backman. and handed over to the Sulgrave inAttorney for Plaintiff. stitution to bo an active center of First publication date work for the furtherance of Last publication date '32.' friendship. Boston Herald. ... NOTICE TO CREDITORS Esute of Henry Luce, Deceased. " 'Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at 1109 Eskimo Women Put Up Deseret Bank Bldg., Salt Lake City. as Poker Game Stake Utah, on or before the 25 th. day of Eskimos of the Canadian Arctic Ftbruary A. D. 1932. along the Tbelon river while away ANNIE V. LUCE HULL, Executrix of last will of Henry Luce. the long winter days gambling and It is a more or less common event Deceased. for a man to gamble bis wife or Stewart, Alexander 8 Budge, Attorneys for Executrix. daughters, apart from foxes, rifles First publication date snd equipment Last publication date Corp. H. G. Nichols, reporting to Mounted Royal Canadian Police headquarters - at Ottawa, Canada, has this to say: A native, Soody-yalluan had lost by card playing to another native, Ishnootmata of the Kralne-mul- t, GO HAND IN HAND his tent rifle, ammunition, Buy From Thc Guy one dog, deerskins, snow knife all Who Can Buy From You his worldly possessions. Upon making Inquiries Ishnootmata produced a pack of cards and I discovered that the game played was draw poker. I bad these articles returned to the former owner and Informed 'fTOUt all natives that gambling was wrong Homs Town and must therefore cease. It was at this Inquiry that I heard of the more serious gambling Inland. I am unaware whether polygamy or polyandry exists among WHERE YOU any other of the tribes. The exchanging of wives Is a more or less common occurrence. The women apparently have no voice In the matter whatever, hut merely obey 4MmSSS9 the husband." 1 t: Americana I93. t: -- complete by A. D. 470 iValnuts 1 Trwe Story Pop Gorn An excited foreign gentleman was awaiting the arrival of bis first-bor- n tn one of our hospitals. He was so certain It was going to be a boy that he had Invited all six-inc- fr19c Toilet 8 PJleat LAMB ROAST SHOULDER, J ! IEU l Mixed 2 lbs. - Per Pound per pound 45c 8c ' 10c - .- ......13c or Half, per pound per pound 1 Oc Per Pound HAM, MISSION, Whole LAMB CHOPS, 23c Department BEEF ROAST SHOULDER RIB PORK ROAST 10 for Papent-IS- c Tomato Soup2 15c Vanilla Lard 75c Gandy?-pounds banhie frlends to quet that evening and had broadcast the Joyous news all over town. Thus, when the nurse came to tell him that the arrival was a girl, bis rage knew no bounds. Hurriedly, he made several telephone" calls, i canceling the feast ! Then, summoning the nurse, he Into announced : Im going to get j! my automobile and go home. You tell the wife when 8hes ready to come home to take a street car." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Flak Need Protection Because of the fact that tiny fish cannot protect themselves against Ihelr naturaF enemies, fish culfur-Ist- s have found that planting 100,-00- 0 trout, raised in rearing ponds, gives results equal to planting 1,000,000 small trj directly la streams. r.iixed Jufs bs35c So . . . . . . .. . . ............ .15c n- - r |