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Show Mtgna Timea, SSagna, Utah, Friday, December 18, 1S3L Mtmoritl Recognised u Eodurkf Work of Art To a member ot the wonderful family of Adame It felt to leave tbe world one of tbe moot beautiful memorials to a woman la oxlateoco anywhere, the masterpiece of Saint Gandena la Hock Creek cemetery la Washington. It was la 1872 that married Marian Henry Adame Hooper of Boat on. For yean they lived la Washington. John Bay ta left the opinion that there never had been each a salon there as that over which aha preaided. Those were tbe yean of the dose Intimacy of Adams, Hay and Clarence King. Henry Adams and hie wife need to read together and ride together and that alternation eon atitnted a large part ot their Uvea. It was In 1885, when Richardson n was building the . adja-cehouses of Hay and Adams, that Mrs. Adams, who had been In 01 'health, died suddenly under peculiarly tragic circumstance" as the event Is described by Allen Johnson, the historian. Adams, heavily stricken, went off to Japan with John Lafarge and In the East came tnte contact with the oriental habit ot contemplation of tbe enigma of life and death. well-know- COMPLIMENTS OF nt That Idea represented la bronse, and mankind Is Salnt-Gaude- American Smelting TMjUj Lj QUA. (AajLc(a4' St (JblXL 'TVUUj Indebted to him and to Adams for an enduring masterpiece. Soames Forsyte seld only what all most nay, that it "la great art" oi. AND Famous French Castle Bunt by English King Refining Co. The Chateau Gal Hard, built by Richard Ooeur da Lion, la eat ef the most picturesque ruins Is ' France today. It la between Rouen and Paris and was built by the English king, who la said ta have been his' own architect It was erected ta one year, with walla 14 feet thick. Richard ciUed It his "Sancy Castle," aa It was built ta deflancs of Philip ? Augustus, king of France. When the French king saw It he vowed, "I wUl take It, were tt made of Iron," to which Richard replied, "And I will hold It were tt nude of butter." Richard died In 1190 and PhlUp took tbs castle by siege, bat tbe garrison surrendered only at tbe point ef starvation. Henry T ef England retook (be castle after s siege of 16 months, when the ropes were worn out with which the besieged drew water from the welt The castle was considered the best specimen of military architecture la Europe. "Sancy Castle remained Intact until 160t nhen King Henry IT of France dismantled It lest a strong er than he make It n stronghold. - ,Ck. Lcf'a 4 (Pmjo-l-a -rr. iWVrK Jr. :'jfi7rr-- B tX.W WJY- f ra r1 VI I h Utah Copper dmpany last iiiflO! (3 Soiluay area LA 3S nosey'hco- 1931. II P-- , I |