Show TOWN NOTES do vill il stroy tho amut germ in ardi i and the scab ceru geru in po ta it is better and cheaper than blue vitriol air and mrs joaeph hinsen 0 liw rence are the arents of a ne v baby bo born Thurs di night couple of weeks ago a b 1 ivas born to mr aad mrs win arnold arlie day of ledale has purchased the john jorgensen house and lot north of the schoolhouse house at the county seat cons aeration de ration jisoo mr jorgensen and have moved onto their ranch southeast of jovn carl berg who has bean papering and painting at the bithis house price tor a compla of eel s will return to dale next eek he has received a large stock of late astle wall paper to suit any taste or purse county wig treated to another mis ty good soaking this atteck it d rained alternate monday night and morning and repeated the momma G aery county is longer in the and belt think iou trustees unsupplied with pro motion certificates would do to ap ply at the progress boffl e nt once mra pearson and son who have beeb vis ti g here for sevorid weeks left for their home in mccabe arizona on thursday accompanied by mrs u sis er mrs S P sno v jr aho boes for a visit of t vo months at the castled ie school election tuesday to vote a special tax to baiso funds to ur chase the schoolhouse school bouse site on the bench the propos tion carried by 17 for to 4 against ahe day was storma and streets clopp hence the attle interest manifested some of emery counts s citizens who have a little extra real estate to d spose of should list same with mccar ti the utah real estate man E counti property looks pretty good to sevier count folks and benior county folks look goo 1 when settled in erner county while mrs ansin of salt lake w s on a R grande tn on the div to mt t on a Us t to her pa ants her mother mrs A J S compan g her she became the her of a 1 atle daughter the s boking cir having been cleared oi its occupants foi her act we were naib informed last week con u the purchase pur chise of land bv D H leonard of his eon J V leonard elder mr leonard purchased the old peirson pi it on the huntington Hunti cleveland road of peter jensen this IACO about 10 acres with bruell improvements the consideration as in colorato Col oralo the weld county farmers got together recently recen tl on ahe labor and adopted the folio v ng silo of w ages iges for the season ork moi thiv wages for march 10 april 1 lo 10 october 1 30 for october day wages sl 20 for cutting 81 50 for thoth cleaning and having and 7 for potato d gi g jessa laumaster Laa master formerly of castle dale is now county fruit tree inspector of grand county district attorney wools who has been attending boint in grand county is expected home to d baduel miller and family and rate feltey and wife have returned to emery from side where they hid livid fora ear or moie ahe infant ch id of mr and mrs A E wall that died at birth on was buried n the wall burial lot in the cemetery on goodly mr and mrs peter and family hive moved back Cist ledale from Sunn iside mr is to go to emery to mike brick for the house amos peterson formerly of hunting ton antes us fro spring coulee alber ta canada to een 1 the progress up that that he mv keep thoroughly post ed on v happas in enery E nery coun t dr eill was callad to glenwood on wednesday of last to atton I 1 john reid of orangey ille aho had beel seized attack of bleur lav dr beill hid his p t eft all right in a few da g and he has returned to his home in emery ity R cheeld sun A small gang of men adith a construe tion train are putting the grade and track on the salina can on section of railroad rail roid in shape to withstand the spring nd summer high water what other purposes it an the grande company bis in vie v in boint this work is left for our readers to guess A man wanted a ticket to kansas ti and only had a 82 1 it required 83 to get the ticket he took the 12 bill to a pi shop and pawned it tor sl 50 on hia ft a back to the depot he met a friend to whom he sold his pa ticket for that gave him 53 now who s out that doehr lis birsen faill return to castle dale to day from silt liap accompanied h hig wife ind mother in la v kathinka Kd thinka andersen while at tha state capital he hid his left removed b dr L V sno ass sted by dr R ch ards Jhee ewas injured while chop ping wood early in the winter the sue cess of the operation is not determined fully as et it be ng done tor the pur pose of saving the in the r ht e e bad ia like a nail driem into i post chich after the lira or second blow cai be briwn out vilh little d m cult but being once driven in up to the held the pincers cannot take h lid to dra v it out which cao only be done iv the destruction of the wood you may I 1 6 ever so pure but ou cai not aa with bad without falling into bad odor from impe e air wo take diseases from bad vice aad imperfection io ex baite bupt supt of schools nelson h is ap portions 1 the li gladce in the elate ds brict school u id of and the school land interest fund amount ng to among the various courties aid lifs of the ine total I 1 opu lalion ia 91 and the rate per cap ita of cents and the per capita of the other tuni 37 cents leaving a balance of got tp portio ed eu ry county si hool population and the 4 raid vi 1 11 and from tha nd interest fund will receive ca james nelson of the live stok firm of nelson bros of grand junction lolo 1010 has the present week in the coun tv purchasing ng one and old ethers up to list even ng he had in the neighborhood of purchased sad se curing good b inches it E ner of george wnm man and J L birsen some vere secured at of J D killpack H and A G conover some t 1 e of J craword Cra tord and G orge 1 OY and ft good bunch at huntington of jack mur cine and others A sh ament vill be made from price to grand junction about monda and i later shipment will ba made about MB 1 from green R ver mr nelson also purchased a number of horses exchanges have bea tall ing of the aho vho is so bashful that she cannot see i sleeping car without blush ing of an who faints at the sight of andres ed blumoer the national girl who loc ss herself in her ahen bhe lacta to change hor mind the wet dumka girl who never thinks ot retiring with a copy of the chretian Chri tian observer in her room the shawnee girl who is so shy she faill not wear undressed kid gloves all of pale into ins agn f bance beside the hugo girl who chiea at he bear truth of naked facts and ahra sl from her vocabulary garden lose and dog pints and alvas turns ler head abea sho sees tho saiad dress ng this damsel refuses to re nain ins as the boffl e ahon the bonns I 1 jews |