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Show Wednesday December awards CEU forensic Permit needed to cut trees crowd trophy display The College of Eastern Utah forensics team has one of the most crowded trophy displays and the autumn quarter helped to further crowd the situation. The team attended four speech tournaments during the 26 quarter and won 48 awards trophies and 22 other awards including two first place sweepstakes trophies and one second place team award. The CEU squad traveled to St. George for the Dixie Sunshine last Tournament Speech weekend. They competed against schools from Utah, California and Idaho. According to Neil Warren, CEU forensics director, the college won the second place sweepstakes trophy behind a strong entry from Palomar College in southern California. The Eagles won both the first and third place trophies in debate. The debate champions for the tournament were Nannette Turcasso and Claire Maxwell. Warren said this was the second first place win for both girls in three starts. Placing third in debate was the d team of Donya newly-forme- Gardiner and Mark casso, fourth place in speech to entertain; Peacock and McCandless took fifth in duet acting; and Miss Gardiner and Hollingshead took sixth in duet acting. CEUs first tournament of the season was at College of Southern Idaho against both two- - and four-yecolleges and universities. CEU won first place sweep-stake- s and the Readers Theatre nabbed third place in the junior division. Big winners in the individual events were Miss Turcasso, first r place in speaking and third place in impromptu Miss Maxwell, speaking; r second place in speaking, third place in expository speaking and a finalist in persuasive speaking; and ar after-dinne- after-dinne- McCandless and Peacock, second place in duo interpretation. CEU hosted its second tournament taking first place Miss Turcasso sweepstakes. and Miss Maxwell took first place in debate and the Readers Theatre team placed first. Miss Maxwell took first in impromptu speaking, second in speaking and third in informative speaking. Miss Turcasso won the first place trophy in speaking and third place in informative speaking. Miss Gardiner placed first in persuasion and Gerrard was third in that event. Hollingshead was the first place winner in after-dinn- Hollingshead. CEUs Readers Theatre team Chandra Chapman, Wylie Gerrard, Wayne McCandless and Alan Peacock placed second in that event. Individual event winners were Hollingshead, third place in poetry interpretation and fourth place in prose; Nannette Tur- of er after-dinn- er Sun Advocate, Price, Utah 3C 15, 1982 This is the time of year when people everywhere will be interested in obtaining a oral interpretation of literature. In the finals of duet acting, Rick Bracken and Danny Keele were named winners. the Making it to the finals but not winning trophies were Gerrard, Miss Chapman and Bob Vuksinick in after-dinnspeaking; Miss Chapman in impromptu; Bill Samson in oral interpretation; Peacock in informative speaking; and Alan and Wayne McCandless in duet acting. At the Trapper Rendezvous Speech Tournament, held at Northwest Community College in Wyoming, CEU was competing in an open division freshman and tournament sophomores were competing against juniors and seniors institutions. from four-yeWarren said the CEU squad performed well. The freshman debate team of Miss Turcasso and Miss Maxwell split with three wins and three losses er Christmas tree. many fortunately, Unin- dividuals are going into areas with trees and cutting them without the proper permits. One such area is the of Division Wildlife Resources land in Gordon Creek west of Price. This property is open to Christmas tree cutting and firewood cutting but a permit must be obtained prior to cutting. A permit can be obtained for cutting a Christmas tree or collecting firewood on the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources land that occurs along the Gordon Creek road west of the railroad tracks above the Beaver Creek Coal loadout station to Coal City. The penalty for removing wood from this area without a permit is a Class misdemeanor the The area also contains many wintering deer so wood collectors and Christmas tree gatherers are urged not to harass any wildlife while B wood Hollingshead duo . MOON BOOTS 20e OFF ALL WINTER BOOTS ON SALE 20 to 50 OFF 'TIL CHRISTMAS REDWING INSULATED STEELTOE Work Boots with and in gathering children's & From in- terpretation. Miss Turcasso was in the finals of impromptu and Gerrard and McCandless were in the semi-fina- Men's Leather Insulated of prose and ls Winter Boots persuasion. CEUs next tournament will be at home on Jan. 14 and 15. Reg. $62 NOW $35 Mine safety MSHA changes program Assistant Secretary of Labor Ford B. Ford said last week that the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) is reorienting its programs to better focus on reducing mining accidents and disease rather than on enforcement activity for its own sake. Ford made the remarks in an address to the National Coal Association in Washington, D.C. The only way that MSHA should gauge its effectiveness, indeed the only way we can be sure that we are doing our job, is if we see concrete results in terms of reductions in the rate of injuries and illnesses in mining, he said. Citations, penalties, and inspections are simply means to an end, just methods of achieving a goal. And that goal, we cant forget, is the con reduction of mining and illnesses. injuries Ford outlined several recent at MSHA as improvements tinuing examples the of agencys approach, results-oriente- d including changes: in the regulations, to allow MSHA and the industry to focus more time and attention on the serious hazards and to deal more expeditiously with minor violations; in the agencys field organization, to give the agency more flexibility to promote safety and health using approaches besides enforcement, such as intensive training assistance; and in the area of communications, to provide for opportunities operators, miners new mine represen-taive- s and MSHA to discuss 14 E. Main, Price safety and health issues, both in mine-sit- e conindividual ferences and in regional meetings of labor, industry, and state and federal agency representalves. In another instance of an MSHA effort that is achieving results in terms of better safety records, Ford explained how a field official in Morgantown, W.Va., targeted five problem mines and developed programs with the mine operators and miners to lower the accident rates with a combination of special inspections and engineering and training assistance. All five agency experienced operations significant improvement, he noted, with one mine achieving reduction in the rate a e of injury. nt LAST MIPJtITE NEEDS Assorted Sizes Gold Chains & Chain Bracelets 5 Roll Gift Wrap $ 27 for lost-tim- Time may be running out, but our delicious Hickory Farms gifts havent. ALL BOXED G.E. $00 50-MIDG- ET LIGHT SET CHRISTMAS CARDS $ TOYS? TOYS? TOYS? GAMES o DOLLS TRUCK o RIDE-EMS MANY AT REDUCED PRICES GLASSWARE GIFT SETS FROM LIBBY List minute shoppers, we Ye still ot plenty of gifts. in & ANCHOR HOCKING PRICED FROM a variety of shapes, prices and sizes, all filled with mouth- watering delights. 'jtui VP Well give you a taste of old-tim- e country goodness. ' Castle Rock Square 91 Main, Helper, Utah East Main, Price (Next to Payless Shoes) 1183 t ;i'V(n n. t il ll"-- t l Hours Mon Thurs 10am. Fri & Sat 10 am 4pm 8pm At partuipdting stores. is 31. petition. Miss Maxwell made it to the finals of persuasion, impromptu and expository speaking. Miss Gardiner was in the finals of persuasion collection Firewood Ladies', Men's com- four-ye- ar is limited to fallen trees or chained areas and may be collected from May 1 to Doc. ar against which punishable by up to $299 fine andor six months in jail. stain Dec. 16th |