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Show Sun Advocate Wednesday, December 15, 19E32 IDA New store competes with Ma Bell By ECHO ROBERSON Staff Writer When the news came out American Telephone The that and Telegraph was forced to divest its interests, the person who wore the biggest smile in Price was Craig Swett. Business is looking up for men like Swett, who are in the independent telephone industry. If fact, things are looking so good that Swett has opened up a new store in Price. Telephone Communications, located on Main Street, now offers telephone units for the home in addition to businesses. Lumcmj n 7:05 and 9:00 business specializes in setting up businesses with telephone systems. The slickest system they have set up in the area is for a local supply company that has particular marketing needs. At the first of the year, everyone who has a telephone in their home or business will experience some changes as a result of the court decision After the regarding AT&T. first of the year, Mountain Bell will have to sell off all their Swett terminal equipment, said. This means that phone customers will have to purchase the phones that they use in home or office. Swett explained that American Bell will be providing phone equipment after the first of the year, not Mountain Bell. This means that Swett, and other companies like his, will be American with competitors Bell. From now on, Mountain Bell will only be providing the dial tone. Swett is trying to start a mobile telephone paging service for this area. He plans on having the service run from the Soldier Summit area to the border east of Green River. The idea has already been cleared with the state Public Service Commission and he is awaiting word from FCC officials about possible frequency assignments. At this time, Castleview Hospital has a paging system for its doctors, but it is only a short range system. Swetts idea has been in the works for over a year. He has received support from Price City, Carbon County School District, local realtors and local coal officials. BANDAG G3S6R33GQIE Coats & Vests Select Sizes $995 7:10and 9:05 HABD Appliance DINOSAUR TIRE 200 E. Main, Price-6- 37 'iliV 2480 dcaaCBia-cg- ' I tfirVJHffl (TO If the mobile telephone project isnt keeping him busy, Swett also is working on a project, which will allow callers to use WATTS systems to call numbers within the state. Right now, it is illegal to resell any WATTS system within the state, Swett said. After a state Public Service Commission meeting on Jan. 10, we will have a better idea of how far this idea will go, he said. If our idea goes through, we will go ahead with our plans to join with Sprint. After the first of the year, Telephone Communications will be able to install phones, jacks and extensions, competing with the Bell System for customers. Even though he has been long-distan- managing Telephone Com- munications for only four years, Swett, who hails from Vernal, has known about the telephone business almost all of his life. His father has worked for Mountain Bell for 29 years. Swett worked for Mountain Bell himself for enough time to learn the ins and outs of the business, then he decided to break out on his own. After the first of the year, Swett may wear an even bigger smile. Craig Swett, manager of Telephone Communications, takes a phone call at his new store on Main Street. Swett said there will be some significant changes in the phone industry after the first of the year. fta mm aslkedl ymnir tenter dbxort niwmg yw mmirlkeft MDimey CtfiB STARTS FRIDAY 7:00 9:00 Sun. thru Thurs. 7 p.m. QjQ'.li) STARTS FRIDAY 7:05 and 9:05 Sun. thru Thur8 p.m. It's Just Great! 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