Show OLD AGE IS COMING you will not always bo be strong and able as you are now you will not always be able to earn as you have need it if you have a day of rest in the future it will bo be because you aro are making provision tor for it now mahe alake it a habit to lay aside a certain ascertain sum ev every week in a savings account and then stick to it it is simply a matter ot of using foresight it Is prudence it Is a first stop step toward financial independence pen dence it Is making present prosperity rity contribute toward future comfort our sayings savings department pays 4 per cent interest adding the interest every six months open an account with us and save it a certain portion of your earnings every year STATE BANK BAKK OF TREMONTON N capital tremonton Tre monton utah professional CARDS le roy B young youn ATTORNEY ATTO R N EY AT LAW BRIGHAM CITY UTAH office over rosenbaum clothing store W phillips fl abstractor AND conveyancer first national bank building BRIGHAM CITY UTAH T W WHITAKER contractor and builder budder atty UTAH phone red W C burnham sanitary tary plumbing AND STEAM FITTING all work and material Guaran guarantee teW BRIGHAM CITY UTAH dr E P coburn veterinary SURGEON office at residence north between main lit let west CALLS ANSWERED DAY OR NIGHT wm J LOWE lawyer practices in all ibe courts COUNTY ATTORNEY office court house brigham utah WM E DAVIS LAWYER PRACTICES IN ALL THE COURTS first national bank building BRIGHAM CITY UTAH 0 H bryan DDS ben bell those 11 1 red sown loom 22 first rational sink building BRIGHAM CITY UTAH LEE wo DUNN brigham city utah F C HOUGHTON DEALER IN GENERAL HAY AND GRAIN Sheep mens supplies and Acco nodar mods eions for or travelers Tra velera promontory UTAH HE WILL YOU THE BEST JOB IR IN PLUMBING E ce e fe F plumber SOUTH MAIN STREET BRIGHAM BRIGHA 14 CITY UTAH methodist minister recommends chamberlains cough remedy rev james A lewis milaca minn writes chamberlains cough remedy has been a needed and welcome guest in our home tor for a number ot of years I 1 highly recommend it to my follows fellows as being a medicine worthy of trial in cases of colds coughs and croup give chamberlains cough remedy a trial and we are confident you will find it very effectual and continue to use it as occasion requires for years to come as many others have done for sale by the eddy drug store adv EDWARD B KIR KIRK 1 1 MORTGAGE LOANS OGDEN UTAH UTA H I 1 so 60 if EARS experience TRADE MARKIS DESIGNS V ac armo sending a eket ana 4 way sift our ir ton tro W r WJ u nu Is wu 09 zd 10 kam c eu ea rat son ont frow tr M wt cy f or are sevan 9 panoula tb evv a A uana 4 LU a MUM ca attrie mae ta jhb scle AM ji I 1 im loii A kandi oBdy wistar janst air turi iu ue U ru f ducr 61 alta 11 am YENS V fib COLDS AFFECT THE KIDNEYS many brigham brigha m people have found T athla hs to be true are you ened tn in bad weather does every cold settle on your kidneys does your back ache and become weak are urinary passages irregular and distressing these symptoms are causo cause to suspect susy bidne kidney y weakness weakened kidders klane s need quick help doans kidney alls are espe especially cally prepared for weakened kidneys brigham people recommend them mrs ellza eliza frye fryc north first east st brigham utah says last winter I 1 had a lot of trouble from my kidneys brought on by a cold the kidney secretions were unnatural and and caused annoyance aud ud my back ached terribly making it hard for me to do my housework A neighbor advised me to try doans deans kidney pills and I 1 did so I 1 got prompt relief relict from every symptom for sale by all dealers price oa 00 cents foster milburn co buffalo new york sole agents for the united states remember the name doans and take no other adv K V your check book is a record of 0 all money paid out the returned checks are receipts that cannot be disputed or denied it if you a check book you are behind the age in your business affairs you can get one by opening an account with the cpr I 1 lie first national bank OF BRIGHAM CITY loronzo lorenzo N stohl president john D peters cas cashier bier DO IT TO DAYI S yla for any itching skin trouble piles eczema salt rheum hives itch scald head herpes scabies doans plat pint ment is highly recommended a box at all stores adv gas in the stomach or bowels is a disagreeable symptom of a torpid liver to get rid of it slickly take tahe HERBINE it Is a marvelous liver stimulant and bowel purifier price sold by brigham city pharmacy adv reward the readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that Is 13 catarrh halls catarrh cure Is the only 0 tive curo cure now known to the medical fr fraternity stern ity catarrh being a constitutional I 1 disease requires a constitutional treat ment I halls catarrh cure Is taken internally ter nally acting directly upon the bloda ablord and muc mucous 0 us surfaces of the system thereby destroying the foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work the proprietors have so much faith in iti IN curative powers that they offer one hundred dollars for any caso case that it falls fails to cure send tor for list of testimonials address V F J CHENEY A CO toledo ohio sold bold by all take halls hairs family pills tor for constipation A scald bum or severe cut heals slowly it if neglected the family that keeps a bottle of BALLARDS SNOW LINIMENT on hand is always prepared tor for such accidents price and per bottle sold by the brigham city pharmacy adv dont you believe it some say that chronic constipation cannot be cured dont you believe it chamberlains tablets have cured others why not you give them a trial they cost only a quarter por for sale by the eddy drug store adv feel miserable out of sorts depressed pal pain 1 in the back electric bitters renews your health and strength A guaranteed liver and kidney remedy money back it if not satisfied it completely cured robert madsen of west burlington iowa who suffered buffered from virulent liver trouble tor for eight months after tour four doctors gave him up he took electric bittern bitten and Is now A well man get a lottle bottle today to day it will do the same for you keep in the house tor for all liver and kidney complaints pla ints perfectly safe and dependable its results will surprise you and 1001 11 E bucklen co philadelphia or st louls loula adv ITS rum RM remedy cm n acta ad C c 06 ira W packer is offering his farm for sale located on the county road 4 41 12 1 2 miles west of brig ham city and one mile east of corinne pol ajo 0 address corinne utah bell phone k 6 tf it chamberlains gongli C 1 I emea carrm 0 ochs if t canco sa aa casass LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE OF UNCLAIMED AND REFUSED FREIGHT notice la is hereby given that on Thu thursday raday february 1914 at two 0 clock r in on said date the andor signed will at public auction to the highest bidder at brigham box elder county utah for cash for of realizing sufficient funds funda to pay freight charges and de demurray demur murra raf amounting to storage and other expenses as provided tor for by UK the laws laire of the state of utah relative thereto and cost of advertising and expenses of sale the following described property 31 crates of fruit sorting machanes mach nes shipped by dethman bros broa of hood river ore for the account of Schol longer fruit grading machine company to B C call weighing approximately pounds and shipment being refused for a period of more than sixty days sale to Is ordered OREGON SHORT LINE RAILROAD COMPANY per jr 1 L SCOFIELD ta 26 agent FIRE F I 1 INSURANCE THAT INSURES AT HE LOWEST gobsis POSSIBLE RATES LEE DUNN chhy huttt |