Show DIGNITY IN COURT because a man inexperienced in the lore of the law many times oc cunys the bench in the justices court the general public many times takes advantage of 0 the circumstance and the dignity of the he court is more or less disgraced it Is wholly within the province of the justice of uie the peace to uphold the dignity of 0 his court and he can legally impose a fine for contempt of court in such a way that offenders would realize the seriousness ol of making light ot of the proceedings for the good ot of the service as well as tor for the preservation ot of that aich which should fill all the hosom bosom ot of every man for a court ot of justice the dignity ot of the court whether it be that ot of a justice of 0 the peace or some higher tribunal should be strictly preserved flippant remarks from witness es questions that are asked by jurors in a jocular way the laugh that spontaneously comes from the spectators whenever a rather sharp answer is given the attorney who is questioning a witness are all out of place in a court of justice the matter ot of sitting in judgment whether the issue be great or small is a mighty solemn proceeding and no one has the right to disturb that solemnity by injecting a joke or a laugh the more that justices ot of the Peace reace permit anything like the above to take place in their courts the greater will be the disrespect for the court and it if we come to lose a proper respect for our courts of 0 justice and can get by with it then we are arc I 1 entering upon dangerous ground citizens should remember when they enter a court room that the time for joking and causing a disturbance has passed the occasion Is one of solemnity and the justice or judge as the case may be will be respected c ted most if he insists on preserving that solemnity |