Show HIGH SCHOOL ri B by winning the second time from the weber stake academy five last evening the dox box elder high school basket ball team enters the championship pion plon ship division with excellent chances of going right thru and winning the state slate championship the game played at the local gym last evening was full of thrills the weber stake players were accompanied to this city by a big delegation of students all filled with the one purpose of winning the game at the end of the first half weber was ahead during the last part of the last halt half box elder spurted and carried the visitors off their feet winning the lead by five points and weber finally cut down that lead three points the final score being 2422 2442 24 22 favor of box elder jubilation broke loose with a vim at the finish of the game and the local enthusiasts all but went wild the local team ha has S won every game of the series genes and will now meet the champions champion of the northern and eastern divisions and it if successful in those games will af s to salt lake city tor for the state tournament on friday evening last the local team swept the ogden high school players off their feet on an their own floor at ogden winning by 39 to 20 this morning class work was suspended during the last two hours bt bf the forenoon at the high school and a program was tarried out in the assembly the boys were presen presented tod their sweaters amid tumultuous cheers and then the students listened to an address by hon wynn L eddy which put some more enthusiasm easm into them and the cheering broke out again the sensation ol of being on top instead of at the bottom is most pleasing to the big school and the team this year has been been the best yet developed in the 1 a abool the championship gamey games ba tween the division leaders will be played off at an early date so the suspense will soon be over |