Show A STATE BANK OF BRIGHAM CITY brigham city utah V S depository for postal saving capital and surplus resources OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS M S BROWNING president R L FISHBURN arvice president JOHN WATSON vice president W T DAVIS DA VIS cashier GEO A ANDERSON ASSI cashier NELS JENSON J C KNUDSON THOMAS WHEATLEY C W HALL jr II 11 P A commercial and savings gs business invited of rw INTE INTEREST REST PAID on TIME DEPOSITS DEPOSIT S 5 9 Q ki allu we solicit accounts of corporations firms and individuals B gm you can now buy original i aal luther luthen burbank seeds in fil brigham city WE E HAVE SECURED THE EXCLUSIVE SELLING rights of luther burbanks original seeds for brigham having been appointed the special representatives of the luther burbank company san francisco sole distributor of luther burbanks Burbank ys original productions to tell you of the seeming miracles you and your friends will ad admire mire constantly wrought by the hand and brain of luther st y burbank and their history would require no into other store in brigham can oell i ell you many large sized books original burbank seeds the prices are you now have the opportunity of bringing moderate no more than you would have the great burbank genius right into to pay for seeds of good quality your own garden it has always been the securing of this exclusive right to his desire to share with the world the sell luther burbank original seeds is but results of his years of creative effort and another indication of the progressive policies the opportunity is now offered you to of this store to give the unusual at enjoy the fruits of his la borto grow the all times look for the burbank seal on extraordinary flowers that he has been every package of seeds you buy it is years in creating to have a garden that your protection with every purchase we will give you a copy of the culture of flowers fruits and vegetables t written by luther burbank himself himsel this seal guarantees A n original burbank production X the brigham city pharmacy y J I 1 A CENTURY DRUG STORE BRIGHAM CITY UTAH BUY FRESH CUT FLOWERS FUNERAL DESIGNS in our moral floral dept Me merchant john standing was down from Co Col lUnston linston yesterday on bustness business FOUND parcel containing pattern call at this office identify articles and pay for ad it pairs ot of shoes going at 1 1 a pair and hundreds fit bf other bargains at hoists it great bargains in shoes hats hose and shirts and hundreds of other articles at hoists it WANTED BEEF VEAL HOGS AND CHICKENS call up CASH GROCERY MEAT CO we vc pay highest cash prices bring veal or chickens any time tt if misses marjorie knudson betha buffington BuC ington and irma irina knudson went over to logan monday evening to attend the AC military ball several weeks ago a boys coaster sled was taken from the side sidewalk walli abutting my premises it the party having the sled will please return it we will appreciate the favor S C wixom itla 26 1 1 0 e I 1 1 4 1 house cleaning is the word now days aft our stock is larger than ever this year so we can serve you I 1 better and tor for less money no second hand goods in our stock everything new and up to date 1 I 1 4 we have about two hundred rugs in stock for you to select from axminster rug tor for 1125 up can you beat it ltv carpets from per yard and up lace curtains from per pair and up it yard goods at different prices for the latest style window I 1 I 1 drapes is 4 wall paper the kind for 10 and 15 cents t GJ aulne bargains on all other lines see our stock and you will buy no other it STOHL FURNITURE CO oleen N stohl manager the reliable furniture house jg et II 11 SS special saturday sales beginning saturday february we will have our wib dows full of 0 jewelry to be sold at prices from 20 to 35 per cent less than the regular prices nothing Is reserved except goods that have maintained prices elgin waltham illinois and rockford watches ot of which we have over 90 patterns of 0 20 and 25 year stock rings in over patterns ot of N J solid gold ladies and gents J fobs and chains bracelets lock ets and chains cuff pins cuff buttons bar pins pendants pennants pend ants tie clasps broches scarf pins vanity and mesh bags clocks and silverware are all subject to saturday prices we have lave the tar largest gest cleanest complete and most up to date stock in box elder county we have just received our spring line of 1914 goods fresh from the factory so you have nothing but staple first class goods to select from saturday will be the time to buy your jewelry etc it will pay you to get it then remember every saturday A fine line of high grade watches 0 oc C jacka y sell n L jeweler eweler I 1 fv CK ss V 1 1 4 1 E 5 t 4 V aft 10 relief society 99 ANNUAL BALL H X tf t f nl opera house tuesday evening I 1 P MARCH 3 1914 oz V k i prizes for best heel a and nd too toe polka and anna to both lady and aa IN 1 ap 5 gent gentleman lemarl dancers sfa tickets extra lady loc aanie AAA 0 0 5 Ew 1 shoo N V 0 repairing pairing le factory R mens halt half soles sewed ladles ladies half soles sewed boys half soles sewed rubber heels ALL WORK guaranteed FIRST DOOR SOUTH OF THE SECURITY SAVINGS BANK BRIGHAM 4 |