Show IS IT consistent when officers go out and do their duty Is it consistent for the citizens to heap criticism upon them when aman employed emp loyes another man and because ot of his faithfulness in discharging his duty would it be the logical thing for the employer to upbraid and criticize the employee and yet just such a condition exists in this community today the officers leers off elected and employed by the people are doing their best to run down law breakers and because they have been successful in a few instances there ts is a class that rises up in indignation and heaps censure upon them even to the extent to condemnation entirely tor for getting that when those officers assumed the responsibility they now hold bold they were required by law which is the people to uphold and sustain the law run down the law breakers and protect the freedom and peace of the community now this community meaning the entire county has said that it Is unlawful tor for anyone to sell intoxicating liquor the people themselves have said bald that at the same time the law imposes upon the officers the duty of ferreting out all who engage in that unlawful traffic and the people demand that and yet when the of fibers acers get busy and bring in a batch of such lawbreakers sentiment springs up in certain quarters and the officers get the general dickens every time they go out on the street there Is perhaps no form of law la breaking in except the capital crimes ithac that is so reprehensible as that of selling death dealing whiskey to your boy and your neighbors boy by some unscrupulous individual who has only althe the object ot of getting a dollar no matter I 1 what the results are to the other fellow low and we tancy fancy that the individuals who berate the officers for running down the bootleggers would the be first to demand protection from I 1 those very officers if their own rights I 1 were trespassed upon there thare is is only one sate safe course to follow and that is to stand at the backs of the officers no matter what the circumstances Ot Of coarse they can make mistakes like other mortals but when they perform their plain duty and are succeeding in running down lawbreakers it Ss is certainly bad form to criticize and the parties who do I 1 that lay themselves open to suspicion as being in sympathy with the lawbreaker stand for law and order and back up the officers in the performance ot of their duty by so doing we insure the guarantee of that freedom which we all demand it would be infinitely better to offer words of commendation instead of words nords of condemnation |