Show old age old age as aa it comes in the orderly process of nature Is a beautiful and majestic thing it stands tor for expert ence knowledge wisdom counsel that is old age as it should be but old age as it often is means poor digestion torpid bowels a sluggish liver and a gen general ertil feeling of ill health despondency and misery this in almost every instance is wholly annec essaiy one ot of chamberlains tablets r taken immediately after supper will improve the digestion tone up the liver and regulate the bowels that feeling of despoil despondency dency will give way wa Y to one of 0 hope and good cheer for sale by the eddy drug store adv 4 WHY PAY FAY RUNT RENT wuen wen lee dunn will build for you and let you buy it on cn small email payments as small as you are now cow paying for or rent tt tf horrible blotches blotcher Blot ches of eczema quickly cured by dr hobsons eczema ointment C P caldwell of new orleans la states my afy doctor advised mo me to try dr hobsons eczema salve I 1 used three boxes of 0 ointment and three cakes of dr hobsons derma zema soap today I 1 have not a spot anywhere on my body and can say I 1 am cured it will do the same tor for you its soothing healing antiseptic action will rid you ot of all skin shin humors blackheads pimples eczema blotches blotcher blot ches red unsightly sores and leaves your saw clean and healthy get a box bos today to day guaranteed all druggists boc or by mall mail pfeiffer Pt eiffer chemical co philadelphia st louis ady adv bm we have h so sold soad ad ecail farms S I 1 in all the bear boye 9 va ZOT R river iver bank tract to some sol of the most successful farmers f cammers in fil 1 l this I 1 i valley V hey j and they KNOW V T what IF V G GOOD 0 0 D farms are worth our auw lands av lare are priced from 50 tue 2 an W a acre we would be glad abad to take you td U out over our ur properties earties at any amny time and without aitho cost to yu you R L 1 w ona 0 ND IL ILE C 0 iniga X T A T g 0 t one door south hotel boothe WV W V CALL salesman saleam an BRIGHAM CITY c UTAH I 1 the king of all laxatives for constipation use dr knags new life pills paul machulka Mat hulka of buffalo N Y says they are the king of all al laxatives they are a blessing blessin bles 3 to all my family and I 1 always keep A box at home get a box and get well again price at druggists or by mail 11 II E bucklen co philadelphia or st louis ady CAN BE HAD TO 70 BEST ADVANTAGE THROUGH LEE Br bolato O laTO Q city utah do you want to know I 1 I 1 YOU ARE SICK or a W aa Y ap YOU ARE WELL n 5 R READ E A D TIIE mim A monthly magazine devoted to the fic ienco of health and its application to everyday every day life L LEARN S A R N THE WHYS or OP HEALTH AND DISEASE how disease may bo be cured now how health may ne ba maintained wo no fads or fancies just common sense edited by DR R R loc 0 copy a 16 year 7 at your news dealers or write THE HYGIENIST publishing CO Ida majestic lestic building denver colo mention the particular subject in L which you are interested J IN YOU SHOULD WORRY 12 C U ga L 0 IS H I 1 RL U ZA Z A aa X Z k L c 1 tl test s t I 1 M ra V 1 ae D d x home a 1 yome laundr y Mac machine hinLLe fret FREE TRIAL it will wash and wring at the same time run your separator churn and other household utilities Zan oft afe ample C H 1 n PER ra fy n AO 2 itar V company 0 arni 0 anu I 1 edw asnas a I 1 M |