Show FOR SALE choice building spot 4 acre planted to beatly frat uh ath west south ti ii 3 tf rouse house bior rent lewis n 79 WANTED hogs and beef to dross dress apply corner 1st ast south and 2nd and west vest G T darnett n 16 d 7 l p WANTED A few acres of hay land in mantua leroy C nelsen tt if ai y vav OU v xa G g X aa X SPECIAL DINER SET SALE aw 14 4 bl X sg for a short time we will w ess 69 g RK X make some wonderful Wonder fu 1 low X A V IX prices on dinner sets 0 g S see them in our wind window ow I 1 I 1 KNUDSON t 8 85 aj 01 tSi itiS xiv holt jew jewelry r y co C 0 J brimming over with good things the products of the mills factories and workshops in in a co comprehensive array of h high 19 h grade merchandise mei chandise suited to the needs of all people are shown at our stores if at any ang tine time godare you are in in need of reliable goods at the low j r r test est possible prices our stores stive s will w ill command pour our attention clothing tho the art of malting wear clothing Co thing has progressed to a point f r where here wo we aro are able to offer our patrons better tit fit finer fabrics more shape retaining qualities and real serviceability 11 1 vice ability in tho the PRINCETON PRINCE TON Clo clothing LhIng than aou ou can got get in any other ober make come in aria and let us show chow you the NEW STYLES arid and at prices within the reach of the average purse I 1 12 to 25 r ti a suit or 01 wescoat coat I 1 i the pick of the markets up to date hats the Nob biest hats for young men more con blocks for elderly raea men every ons has all the favorite avo stiles in ladies stylo style and character fast coor color prices range suits coats dresses and skirts shirts from excellent duality jua lity of 0 material selected oc to 3 for serviceability and appearance carefully made in every detail shoes quality style service are always in the sheek wo we are arc selling them it at extremely we sel once you are a wearer of our shoes you moderate prices will always be a satisfied patron we have them in all prices styles lasts leathers 4 to 25 to 6 a pair RM 7 ass if ONT if F T I 1 ewt A T WITH US fa rl US wf BOTH LOSE ec LOS 10 lo MCH 0 o IS THE ONE STORE THAT IS absolutely RELIABLE y LOST strayed or stolen on night oi 01 october alth lioni my resilience residence in giitl ward brown mare marc lamo in i n avi birc ito cut on front foot edth ith strap on nock return or phone S A als mood v tin shop itce aid 0 19 tf in buying your GROCERIES and M some things you should insist on are cleanliness INESS see th that t your goods are C clean lea I 1 1 fresh and wholesome QUALITY should be con and should be the best for the money we are agents for bata via canned goods also electa tea and coffee give us a trial and dolif 11 be one of our regular customers mathias bros bro se TelO telephone phone 99 real ireal estate aso acres ot of dry tarra larm to trade tor for a home in brigham acres 0 of dry airm good location terms easy A good peach orchard on car line terms reasonable 5 10 15 20 acres of apple orcha ra fo f sale or trade homes in any pirt part ot ol city box elder leafty go room 2 D L edd eddy ir RUil building ding elias morris sons salt lake city utah CALL AND LOOK THROUGH MY catalogues cataloguer CATAL PROMPT DELIVERY satisfaction guaranteed GUARANTEE 0 VIC STEEN HOUSE AGENT BRIGHAM CITY UT AK |