Show figure out to your own satisfaction exactly how MONARCH ARCH malleable range al 1 pays it ays for f b 0 ak r itself b A YOU know hov her much tua iu i you have been using in the past and how much it has cost you per cord or per ton well with intelligent use a monarch rane hane will do hiir bour D w work with just HALF this nac mib mi b fuel t I 1 at all the data you roil neej figure out lour sabius why in the first few months it makes up the difference between tl the ie pi an c e of a monarch and one of thom tha neap 71 WASTEFUL ranges nans s and before vou know it the whole purchase price is refunded YOUR HAS ACTUALLY ALLY P paiit FOR ITSELF WITH intelligent USE A MONARCH RANGE WILL DO YOUR note N ot this ethis WORK WITH HALF THE FUEL REQUIRED BY AN ORDINARY RANGE to understand this thorough lythe why and tie wherefore you should examine ine the construction of the MONARCH and COMPARE it with others you vou wilt will find the MONARCH made of MALLEABLE IRON arid and heavy polished steel RIVETED together like a stearn steam boiler to remain tight forever ordinary cast iron steel ranges cant possibly stay tight in the stams rd joints for they are only balled together and plastered up with STOVE PUTTY tt it is is the AIR LEAKS into the flues fluer and firebox wa when these thes seams open up that cause the extravagant use of fuel common to ALL ordinary steel ranges As experienced and practical stove dealers we KNOW these things to be true we can CONVINCE YOU in ten minutes with a 2 MONARCH range before us we can cam drive home the with the testimony of monarch owners perhaps your neighbors or friends who know by experience that wr our catalog are based on FACTS A cacam cleaner r given free with each cacti monarch range or rug rag pir purchased chased within the lie next ten days hansen furniture co EVERY ARTICLE guaranteed 1 lla atri en hamd ile abd oak beater kat cr holls all fiatt and aid cwi SW buat to know knew ema pa iia saie ua 6 ve alpe bought it 14 leaie j bom fore Is bonal aud im elslie eold by uio the CO t tf I 1 2 L what Is Bs your ambition TO BECOME AN ARCHITECT SHOW CARD WRITER CIVIL ENGINEER automobile cpr EXPERT RT electrical ENGINEER DRAUGHTS draughtsman MAIV mechanical ENGINEER cartoonist bookkeeper BOOK KEEPER PLUMBER stenographer AD WRITER S 1 al correspondence schools Seli r OF THE 13 r R fou feu for these positions M H KANE specula P 0 bc ber A 40 oliden ut UL i a ayAk ay iy s s A f A A 4 NOTICE brigham city utah nov ath 1311 1911 NOTICE IS 19 HEREBY GIVEN that as treasurer ot of hox box elder alder county I 1 am pre prepared to take taho up cp and aad pay all bearing warrants Bar ranta heretofore issued by box bos elder Coi Co toty teaty bald warrants will fill to kar beat interest on and after affet 11 J RICHARDS coilty treasurer does your boy need a new suit for thanksgiving we are going to sell Boys Suits at 13 off regular price this will give you a chance to buy a good suit for your boy for a very extra good suits for boys little money lOnCy IT these suits have all alche the customary character and sturdiness of the suits which have bave revolutionized the suit bi business siness t our buyer overbought in boys suits this season therefore we are going to give you the benefits of his mistake remember this sale starts saturday november 18 and continues until thanksgiving across just the HANSON MERC coo CO street brigham city utah MANY NEW BARGAINS THIS WEEK besides the many new bargains we have laid out this week we have decided to close out our winter stock of ladies misses and children Childr cn S suits and coats at a great sacrifice out of coats bought bough tata at a great loss to the manufacturers we have 25 left which N will vill go as follows childs bear skin coats 1106 10 IO misses ills ses coats 10 oluffa am sd 1400 L lidies ladles idies coats i TIO 10 ind 11 furs 1 1 lot silk and wool L D S G armenas i I 1 lot ladies and ills ses holt mittens and gloves 1 price I 1 lot it c ala mittens and gloves at a great reduction I 1 lot sample hats at prices pricks too ton low to mention meation we are still slaughtering prices on walking skirts shirts silk dressing 4 bacques Sac ques fascinators Fascinato rs baby urca dres or dollies mens dems dross and work shirts ladles and misses night robes and dozens of other seasonable articles artl cea when you want nant real bargains Har flar gains come to 0 o us 19 we wc can an save 3 you tooney money 0 HOLST SON r the iho place lulf 1111 billack boath tabernacle M royal has no substitute e for making delicious home baked foods Bakin e Powder absolutely PURE the only baking powder made from royal grape cream of tartar |