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Show TheJOURNAL page 7 April 8, STARTS Penney D.Schackel Dies at 70 C. & th He was born March in Minnesota, a son of PLENTY OF FREE PARKING IN REAR OF STORE LMi, lsss, Chnstian and Margaretha Schaikel. He married Kathryn Miller Biown, in Coeur dAlene, Idaho, in February P.I50. Formerly lived in Spokane, Washington, where he worked for the U.S. Air Force. to Hill He transferred Base in P.K57. Survivors include his widow; son, Clifford; daughter, Mrs. Norman Allberry, Spokane; stepdaughter, Mrs. Paul Man-ckEuphrata, Washington; eight grandchildren and one ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL $ 1 ANNIVERSARY ihe biggest celebration of history making values Penneys has brought you in all our 56 years! TO, n. H (y) PENNEY'S LAYTON STORE Layton Charles D. Schaikel, died Saturday morning of a heart ailment at the family home, ls'! South Main St., Lay-to- THURSDAY 2for$l ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! 25cyd. Ail-Forc- y' ??yy e, gieat-grandchil- d. Funeral services and burial were in Fairmont Memorial Park, Spokane. Paul tinkler Funeral held j Funeral seivnes Layton were conducted Saturday, Apnlj .T, in the Clearfield Community Church for Paul Verl Minkler, 27, who died Tuesday night in Ogden. Mr. Minkler was bom JanColo-laduary js, r.Ml in Denver, Willie! a son of Lyle and He mairied Davis Minkler. Ellen Reid November 1, l'5n, in Elko, Nevada, who survives him as does three children, Rob-ei- t, Barbara, and Katherine, all of Layton, and his paients, Clearfield. He came to this area in l'.H.'l from Greeley, Colorado, and attended Davis High School and Weber College. He was a Vet-eia- n of the Korean War. Burial was in the Washington Heights Memoiial Park, Ogden. xx . A (JOED STRIPED RAINBOW ). EVERY CANNON TOWEL s ror lasmon, for money you cant beat fine vjualit Cannons. Multi-st- i i ed in carefiee colors accented with 6 glittering gold mxlar tripes. Strong selvages. Deep looped. Face Towels 15 In 25 in. 3 for $! Wash Cloths 12 In 12 in. 6 for $1 ...J OUR TAFFETIZED BOUFFANTS . Penneys camisole top Bouffants have a gieet to fit big swoosh of skirt. Sides are elastic-izeyour daughter perfectly. Hand wash, drip dry. Sizes 4 to 14. Stock up. now! mims m ANNIVERSARY of last week, then spent the lemainder of the week visiting with relatives in that area. DAY auxiliary Floi-enc- . . . Imaginatively stjled Machine need. 50c Special Purchase ANNIVERSARY WOMENS HANDBAGS Choice of Box. Pouch, or agalxind SI vies al a Real Monev saving Price. Some with inside zipper pocket. Plastic I ined C T 777 SPECIAL! -- r i 1 Plus Tax "v SPECIAL PURCHASE JEWELRY Manx, many styles and colors to choose from. Includes earrings, necklaces and bracelets. Just right for spring 50c ru s t V x fit 5 TODDLERS POLO SHIRTS Combed cotton, Hat knit, reinforced 2 button shoulder assortment of stripes and patterns (i4 opening. Sizes , to . 'C f VVW. vvMyv fy POLISHED SHEEN BUCKLE-BACKS- $2.44 ! BOYS COMBED COTTON POLOS! Save like never before on Penneys polished cotton Univer- sities . . . smartly to accent striped those tall, trim lines! Sanforized it,, .mercerized. 3 colors. Sizes 4 to 12 VS" V A.,, BOYS' $1.00 ANNIVERSARY SEAMLESS SEAMED SHEERS TODDLERS BIB PLAYTOG 50c $2.83 Bovs Sizes Men's Sizes ? V 5Qc j Ounce Twill a real full cut low. low price. Sizes 2 to 4 buv quality workmanship iiC 1 s. , Crew neck polos, sensationally pi iced low! Combed cotton tailored with hemmed cults and bottom. In multicolor stripes. Easy to wadi. lons MEN'S . ny- Seamless sheers . 100 - needle . WOMENS SPRING COATS Duster tjpe coats in an array of popular spring fabrics j raj on failles plus textured ravons. lined ' and Double-loo- p full-fashion- seamed sheers. (2 threads give double protection against runs.t SPECIAL! aJ U sheer, yet Wispy strong as iron. Stand up to sun, lumes. Wash in a jiffy, need just a smidgen of ironing. 96 by 81 in. long. Won't shrink or stretch. Ivory. IsnxM 75 ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! are raj on All $10'" SI 5 ? $1.44 . k k) a Pair pair new in Todays DUPONT DACRON PRISCILLAS 57c 7 Pick officers The Davis County Disabled auxiliaiy Veterans American met last Tuesday evening at( the home of Florence Darst, Hill Garden Homes to eleit' Included temporary officers. e among the new leaders are MaDarst, commander; riam Lawrence, senior vice commander; Carolyn Comoy, jun-- j Buelah ior vice commander; Fitzpatrick, chaplain; and Rubyl Cat ter, adjutant-treasureA business meeting will be held April s, Wednesday, at s pm. in the Layton National Guard Armory. All peisons eli-- ( gible and intei e.sted in the IJAV auxiliary is invited to attend the meeting. Anyone inteiested in joining the organization may Sanforized V , Mil mM Prints sparkling with colors. piints fur almost every sewing . s n, Mr. Littlefields brother-in-lain Southern Utah on Monday . PERCALES" y SPECIAL! SPECIAL! 80 SQUARE Pen-liey- SVEEP 90 INCHES VIDE! LAYTON NEYS By Mrs. Lee Johnson Phone 853-- J Layton Mrs. Betty OBnen and daughter, Peggy, of Stock-toCalifornia, visited the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mis. Ralph Morgan. Mrs. O'Bnen attended the Pnniaij Conference in Salt Lake while here. Home for the weekend from L'SU at Logan were Beta and Ruby Morgan, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Morgan. Saturday visitors at the Albert Denny home were Bishop HowEdgar Denny, Bountiful; ard Denny, Salt Lake Citj, and Mr. and "Mrs. Ted Thompson, has been Roy. Mr. Denny, ill fur the past week, letuined to woik on Monday of this w eek. Mr. and Mrs. Merland Hen- ne had as guests at their home last week, Mr. Henries sister, Mrs. Helen Squires and her daughter, Lucille Robinson, from Los Gatos, California, and their daughter, Mrs. Vida Kunz, Montpelier, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Malen Littlefield attended the funeral of . $ti.00 14 shirts, pants, fiNNIVERSm SPECIAL! a.svw.v r. i ontact the adjutant-treasuiby telephoning Kaysville "v-- , I jU t'fi i h 1 i . J ' & lss-- Graduate of r; -: ; Artillery Officer course Va. (FHTNC) Graduated March 15 from the Oncn-tatio- n Artillery Officers Basic Marine Course at the Corps Schools, Quantico, a,j was Marine 2nd Lt. Call D Mis. and Mr. Warren, son of Glen Warren of Route 1, Box !7, and husband of the former Miss Laura L. Smith of .'! East Center St., all of Clearfield. During the course the Marine officers are familiarized with the duties of an infantij battalion artillery officer. yv , J y v s y on n ixwhj rf Quantico, 4 .sv ew. . v . v , PRIME SELECTION! MOST WANTED SPORT SHIRTS LOVEST EVER FOR FULL WEIGHT ARMY TWILLS! What stjle! What comfort! What savings! University button - downs! Metallic stripes! Dan River plaids! Neat prints! Drip-dr- y collar models! All Penney cut! All fully washable! Small, medium, large. Sizes 4 to 16. BOYS HEFTY 133A OUNCE WESTERN FIT DENIMS Lowest p ices since your G. I. issue! Its our regular 6 and gUj ounce fabrics, proportion-cu- t over those exclusive Penney patterns. More? Sanforized k, Fabulous savings on Penneys authentic Westcut slim n trim in the strongest ern jeans cotton denim made (131 ounce). Fully Sanforized, ruggedly bartacked. Sizes 6 to 16. New-mitre- no-bi- Bar-tacke- d! ! Vat-dve- d! ... |