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Show The JOURNAL-Ap- Wasatch Heights By 8, 1958 n! page 2 New electronic Workload For Hill AFB HIGHLIGHTS Subdivision ere, Airman Twila Hales B Elects at Clearfield Ias Xngtles, California, visited Mrs. Lee Johnson SKYLINE Lions Club Rhone l(KKi-- Mr. and Mrs. Claire and ihildien, ti.34 Adams, were in Logan last weekend, staying with Mr. Fullmers paients, Mr. and Mrs. Claience Fullmer. The Claire Fullmera are moving Apiil 12 to Talbot Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Fre J. Hansen, !L Colonial, have had guests from Fort McCloud, Canada. They aie Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lybbert and children, San-di- a anil Arland. The two families had Plaster dinner at the mime of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Hansen, parents of Mr. Hansen. David llawkes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith H. llawkes, UN Aircraft, is home ill from school. Younger brother Corey has also been ill. Mrs. llawkes and chil-die- n spent Sunday with Mrs. Maxine Sorenson and children Caryn and Sue in West Lay-to- Iwho is stationed Plot ida. Layton Fullmer Richard Funk, at Duke Fleld, Miss Ethel Mott has been staving with her brother Lyle G. Mott, 7. East Adams, while student teaching for five weeks with the sixth giade at White-side- s Elementary School. She m attending the Brigham Young University. Hill Air Force Base A new woikluad that will I electronics La j ton Mr. and Mrs. Oilin maintenance AFBs Hill give n Ford, foi mer residents of Lay-totechnicians much of the Lnow-j- j Cleai field The newly foim-- d and now of Idaho tails, how they need to repair mis-- j' Cleai field Lions Club electwere overnight guests Idaho, lie electronic components will ed William J. (Jack) Dahle its Mis. Mr. and at the home of e phased in at the Ogden ele- - g piesulent at the chattel night J. Noms Meadows, 5U. Knh, pot beginning July 1. ceremonies held recently at city Friday. Tall. The new assignmc nt is over Members of the Wilford Marelectronic-systemsGre control haul.ng on him will honor tinez family Other new officers include These aie devices that Utah. Wednesday, April !, on his Wayne Clark, first vice presr-ien- t; seek out a to a enable moDick Knott pilot Mrs. and Mr. Haiold (Touch, second hnthday with a family dinner ored tj Council Blufts, Iowa, taiget, either day oi night in vice president; Harold B. Steele, Easter Sunday dinner guests last shoot and ioul or fair weather, funeiai to attend the third vice president; and ClifIN DlSTRI XL ARTS CLl 11 projects at North Davis Junat the home of Mr. and Mrs f Mr.week it clown m flames. Kott's gi andfathc r. ford C. Carmony, secretary-tieasuie- r. Wilford Maitmez, ssi Sherwood ior ninth of School include those Orris High Rodriguez, Mr. and Mrs. Kaz Miya and At coi ding to Colonel E. B Drue weie Mr. and Mis. Ruswho a Thomas from is ( Iinton, bookcase; making grader and John, wtie din-n- Gently, dn ec tor of maintensell Quintana, Layton, and son, oils, Raul Baggs, eighth grader from Clearfield, who is making a of the Roy Miyas ance, the lire conti cd system-ai- e Directors are Onie Crouch, guests Mr. Mis. and and Michael, E-newspaper rack; Dick Francis, industrial arts instructor; Wayne Hart, Golden Stephen-o- n b The occasion was and E-- i type Solomon Rodnguez and two in Syiacuse who and from Dennis Clearfield, eighth Sedgwick, grader on of (laig Miya l'hcy ate Used extensively and II. K. Stephenson. Raychildren of Syiacuse The chil ihe vchnthday is making a planter. (Reflex-JournRhoto) so 11 aircraft foi mond N. Andeison was named Scorpion yeais old dren enjoyed an Raster Egg who as tail twister and Richard R. Following the Easter Chinch which the Ogden An Matenel hunt after dinner. has pi ime maintenance Hazen, lion tamer. A birthday party was held eiv ices, the lamily of Mi. and Aiea emoyed and supply responsibilities. Saturday afternoon honui ing Mis. S. Oda, Ogden, at the Oda The sv stems aie manulac.-tuieBrian Mtlaney, son of Mr. and dinner togethei isiting at the home of Mr. by Hughes Anciaft ComMrs. Claude Melaney, .h!5 Sher home. Mi. and Mis. Kaz Miya and Mrs. Ray D. Jorgenson, 77 included Van and and sons attended. wood. Gue-t- s pany, tulvu City, (alitor nia. East Adams, weie Mrs. JorgenX siting at the home of Sgt.7 (uloml Gently said complete Bradley Maughn, Alan Moigan, sons parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'i el haul of the systems Ted Adams, Kevin Le itt, tnd Mis. Nile T. Sawyer, hi Farrell Funk, Steiling, Utah, Chits Rivet a, Tanya Tingey Kingston, from Hatch for the will ne done at Hill AI B. Hoik vlso here visiting was Mrs.i Saw include Mr. vet's ctikend checking, Clearfield A new Industrial weie ueuiieiiunts and Edith Rivet a Games weie The two teachers have 13 Bruce Baiton, Manti. On Satand1 Mr. and and family, adjust- Arts Club has aligning played and refreshments served urday they all had dinner torecently been classes of Industrial Art each Caima ing tne complicated electiomc at the home of Mis. Jor-- j the North Davis day. With so many students at Mr. and Mrs. Claude Melaney .Mis. David Sawyer. organized gether Roland E. Long, gensons brother and wife, Mr. Junior High School. The Club t is impossible to give each Kaysville had Mr. Melaney's sister and Sawyer and sun Ricky and Jean lompoiieits and .Nielsen and daughter Rolan Basically, tne systems aie meets each Wednesday aftei one the full attention he needs Kaysville, principal of the E. and Mis. Allen Funk, Salt Lake family as dinner guests on Sun weie in Salt Lake Maich omposeu of radar sets, sy City Mr. A it. weie school, under the capable lead- - Thu-- , the club was formed to M. Whitesides School in Lay-to- City. Anothei brother was also They clay, pul 11 to spend the day with Mis was named new piesulent lontmls, mdicatois, and Mrs. William Nebeker and hip of Jim Williams and ley clop the skills of the more of the Davis County ElemenSawyer's mother, Mis. Bcitha and firepower launching equip- Dick Fiancis, teac hei s at the apt boys. son, Jeiel, Hairiville, Utah. View tary Piincipals Assn. Mr. and Mrs. lean Metcalf VValkei, who is recupeiating at ment. school. different broken aie home a Many fiom projects emwill hip. function Ihe if pail Mr. Long succeeds Edwin T. and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Land w oiked on, includin were among those attending the Mr. and Mrs. Lee Myrup and ploy 7l people to begin with, The put pose of the club is being Case, Bountiful, principal of DUP model book leathei cases, woik, Elemental y the Adelaide Easter dance Sat ut day night hildien, 505 Kingston, spent these will be transfened from to stimuate more liiteiest in The Mountain View Camp of arts. The fifteen boys, boats, wall brackets, magazine Sc hool. Easter with relatives in Mant it her electiomc woikloads at at Hill Air Force Base. and other inteiestiiig the Daughteis of the Utah who are members, were invited lacks, he base. Mr. and Mrs. Dean letersen. end Gunnison. asthe new officeis ot Other have scheduled their next "Then- is a possibility of to join by their teacher. Each terns. include Henry W. Galfor April 1 at the The two hoys who are serv sociation Youll be delighted with the ,ome out ide hiring to fill va- boy must be an outstanding meeting of braith, Kaysville, pnncipal fiHia cancies as woik progt esses, student in all his classes, and ng as officeis of the club aie Fai mington Elemental y , v ice home ot Daughter Nellie Schow. convenience of a kitchen teleaid Colonel Gently. But it is must maintain a high grade We-to- n Smedley, piesulent, and piesulent; Arnold Lund, Boun- Viola Woffinden and Nita Blau phone. Costs only pennies a will be the hostesses for the aw early to tell. Doug Cook, vice piesulent. point. tiful, of the Tolman Elemenbe of will the day. Easy to order. Just call systems evening. Repair sect tary, The lesson, Wives and Chilmoie difticult than anything our business office. dren of the Moimon Battalion, tackled to date. However, exThe new offices will assume will he presented by Daughter modern homes have Layton Stake Mia a ltd Elizabeth Adams as al- - perience gained in repairing less Layton at duties the their beginning Blair and Daughter Brooks will electronic equipMaids met Thuisday evening, er natt. complicated of next falls school term. !read the history. Dear to ment at Hill AFB plus classApril I!, for their A banquet The program, with all Wauls room and May 0 in thel handy phones-- in wsic-- t My Heart night with Gladys factory Gaining, will of follows. was as Bountiful t.c Igan, West retiring superintendent Elementary ipatmg, make the transition an easy Wight as guest speaker and pal School is being planned by thejthe Davis County schools, will Rrehn.e music, Veil Biggs, one. Mountain States Telephone Auchey Melaney, Stake Mia cl l e y A ov o Richard L. Andeison fy mg fur the Thompson schol-aishi- p piesent officers. u Samuel Mor- - be honored at the event. eet , Il Melaney mg, q the Maid Supervisor in charge of gi fne Overhauling addiwill he an Stake leaden ; Riayei, Brenda control systems receive will enable was awarded one of eight $b,4(Nl the evenings program. 1 heme, Linda Rowtechnicians to giants in scholarship assistance tional $1 ,5oo. Climax of the evening was Reynolds; maintenance He will emit nue advanced the chawing of the name of the ell; vocal solo, Its A Grand make a quick adjustment to to he given in the Western I.u Ann nteded for futuie states by the Danfoith Founda- tuches this fall at Berkeley, Mia Maul to lepiesent the Lay-to- n Night for Singing, techniques Willey, Tribute to Mv Mother, lepnir of complicated missile tion. California, concentrating in anStake in the Ruth Ann Denny, Tnbute ti dectroinc lanand held connecbe in The F-Tie to fne Mi. Anderson is currently as- cient Rose, geai. Maid, Mi'. Anna c untied systems and the black He alieady holds the guages. tion with June Conference. Girls My Mia of at leligion A.B. and M.A degrees in these song, That Wondeiful box on the SNARK, BOMAKU sistant professor had to he eligible to leceive an Denny; M itncr of Mine, Fouith Waid and BULL GOOSE missiles aie Brigham Young Univeisity. He fields from BY U wheie he individual awaid in order to has also been named William tudied after Mia Maid guest speaker similar in many lespects. attending Weber participate in the di awing. The benediction,Class; Dawson Thompson Memorial W hite- Margaret announced as College. by winner new the set to conithe scholar Meanwmle, for up in history An active memnei of the Bulkley, High Council ,d. s. icpair lines, many shop moves ng aeduemic year by the Un- Utah member, was Karen W alkei State Bar, he is a gradat Hill AFB. ue Refreshments weie solved by underway iveisity of California at Ileike uate of Harvard Law School. Ihe Seventh Waid cluiluings in both the east and ley. we.-- t Loan Farm sections of the base will The son of Mi. and Mrs The Danfoith Foundation ie utilized. A. Andeison, Ogden, he Biggest problem to date was giant was one of (ill award' Lloyd s a former employe of the -' acaon based and chaiacter a accomto A Ciazy Ilat modifying building Farmington demic excellence and Printing Company of which nAland Salt Lake City Eligible farm Dante sponsored by the Faim modate an electronics altitude his father is piesulent and genontam loans from families may and Second Waicb chamber, 17 feet long, Id feet stipend for Mr. Anderson of eral Fust ngton manager. the Farmers Home Adminis- will lit held Saturday. Apiil 111, high, and weighing over Id tons, '4,1 (Mi plus tuition. By quali- tration on a modified plan, it at s n p m. m the l ec i cation ihe chamber will he used to n was announced by the hall. Refreshments will be sold test fne conti ol systems unclei office. high altitude conditions. Any fanners who produce Layton From Dallas, Texas, commodities for sale and home conies news of the anival eif use which have a gross value Fai nnngton Something spe-l- their fust child, a son bom to of Sion based on lull puces is the new daughter boin Captain and Mrs. R. L. Kitchis eligible under the above proThe Davi' to Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Covolo ens. The new ai rival weighed gram. Farmington Dan L. Capener, Farmers 'take held an Adult Aaionic of Gaiter, Wyoming, on April even pounds and Ut ounces Home Administration d County hainpi t Thuisday ! Gi andpai cuts of the wee one when he was bom Sunday, San Diego. Calif (FHTNC) Supervisor, with office at Room night in Centei v die. Diplomas aie Mr. and Mr. Cecil Hayward, April f. Ronald A. The mas, son of Mr. 115, Lilli South West Temple, aeie given to the Semen Aaron- Gaiter, with gi While stationed at Hill AFT1, and Mis. Austin 11. Thomas of now has applications available ic members vcho had completed Mi. and Mis. Joseph DanKitchens was attached 7s Knowlton St , I.ayton, giad-uate- d Captain ielson of Evanston, W'yo. The to to any interested farmer. The he schooling. the 2347th Air Reserve Fly-n- g fiom re emit training loan interest is four peicent little one made a Centei. Mrs. Kitchens will March at the Naval Trainon the unpaid balance and can of Mis. Alice Kin-ube scheduled ing Center, St,n Diego, Calif. for repayment About Loo fauns of 40 acre Hughes, Farmington and her be icmembeied as NaDene Miss Hill AFT! of R.t5. over a period of not to exceed each aie washed away every day coming marked five genet a The giaduation exercises, :: yeais. tmnof the year. IT olid giandpaients aie Mi. maiking the end of nine weeks and Mrs. J. L. Kinaiel of Lay-to- n if hoot camp," included a full and Mr. and Mis. J R. dress paiade and review before Kitchens of Tucson, Anzona military' officials and civilian lignitar ies. In nine week' of instruction, the law lecruit is developed DAVIS NEWS mto a Navy Bluejacket, ready for duty with the f'eet. Ihone at the home of Mr. and Mrs. aleria Hr., Ivan Metcalf, 5ol sumlay evening. Mr. and Mrs. W alter Henie ate the proud patents of their lust hoy boi n April 1 in an Three sisters Ogden hospital, ire at home, Diane, Janell and Jill and giandpaients aie Mi end Mis. Edwin Jensen, Cleve-an- 853-- J -- i . d, ei -- E-- 1 E-- al -- want a handier kitchen ? n. Industrial Arts Club Organized at N. Davis d F-s- Roland Long Elementary Principal head n. Mountain Camp meet Pio-nee- is Maids Layton Stake Hold Dear to Heart Night -- Richard etary-treas-uie- Anderson L. r. Awarded S6,40Q grant -- cla-sic- hi-ti- al -- Ai-th- Housing Requirements Crazy hat dance In-c- achnin-lstiatio- Ronald Thomas Kitchens baby Adult Aaronic Priesthood dance Carter baby Graduates From Center -- Riie-thoo- 1 d, SUMMIT BROOK The Great Bourbon of the Old West JOURNAL V weekly newspaper published interests of the residents of Davis County, at Layton, in the Ltah. Entered as second-clas- s matter at Layton, I'tah, under the Act of March 8, 1879. Published by INLAND PRINTING CO. Rhone: Kaysville 10 m Ct g Member : EDITORI AI, ASSOCIATION Natl Adv. Representative Newspaper Advertising Service 333 N. Michigan Avenue Chicago, 111. N ATI ON AI. INCREASE Terms of Subscription Mail $150 Per Year Carrier 50c Per Month (Payable in Advance) your profits i THE STAFF n I OV This great Kentucky straight bourbon NOW 90 PROOF FOR RICHER, HEARTIER FLAVOR! Thousands of smart drinkers are switching to the great bourbon of the Old West, now 90 proof. et a I A F Kavv,!ie KY, DISTRIBUTED BY NATIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS COMPANY FditoT y News F ditor Society Ed Pres-na- time. RF PCJRTF RS USS Ammonium Sulfate (21 Nitrogen) and USS Ammonium Nitrate fertilizers made by United (33.5 Nitrogen) are dry, States Steel. Buy USS Nitrogen Fertilizers now from your fertilizer dealer. For information, write to United States Steel, 919 Kearns Building, Salt Lake City 1, Utah. free-flowi- UTAH CONCRETE !X n Pressman Htndery Nuiwrvisor Hindery Dent. . .Nitrogen. USS Nitrogen Fertilizers will increase your yields and your farm profits. Fertilize early, use plenty of fertilizer and count the added returns at harvest ' . Mv-ini- PA I I. f.ARV KENNFIlY .Of DIF, HAT, I, ROHFNA FNCF 1940 Wall Avenue I h. EX OGDEN AND OFFICES IN SALT LAKE LOGAN PROVO NORMA PRFFCF LORFTTA JOHNSON JFANNF EFVfU MRS VIRC.IMA HFNNFTT sunset JF AN HI l s ON t VarminyU.n KArilmtlNE ROL W. I avion (leartn-S rae use LOUISVILLE, KsO.N' VERNON WOOI.StY Adv s tgv F AIKHANks Ofne Manager .'IAN A HI RRINC.TON Hookkeener VI A R 1 V N KEYFS Offxe Clerk C.r OKC.E F HAltKFR Foreman H F R F C.II.FS Compositor C A W II KIN SON C mp(wiUr I AIK TORI Compositor IACK IMHOLT1 Sterfotv IOHN F HARKFIi JR. linotype KFNNF'IH K1NNFR MARION WHITFMDFS Proof Iinrtvpe Header I CtlFF ncher-tastin- THE OLD SUNNY BROOK COMPANY, AMU Hills How R INC, K VIAKV V' i ' Te. witln. n3E7 VOf profit-producin- g Nitrogen Fertilizers |