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Show The JOURNAL-Ap- hot WATER 8,1958 ril Phone Mi I ay tun aetin Ji TIMES AS FAST , J0f6- - Ruhaid Sal! 1,1 S Ste-Goid- Aenue, f4. I1 to attend a lie-and fashion linchion publican n di m. Attending with Mi was Mis. Ruhaid Cook, Mis LeGrande Simmons and li.s. Geoige Mitchell Mrs. V erda Close is at home aftei being n the hospital with an appen-le- c ,omy opciution Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Simmons, -- J7 cow lev iie, wtie incited to a dinnci m Midvale at the lomo of bishop and Mrs T. Postci (iieenwood Ji. Satui-d- a Itah il Apr 4 1 ' WITH A reeu-pti.um- g quick recovery ELECTRIC WATER HEATER Mr. and Mrs. Marion ask your dealer or plumber now Ace, n. Attending general conference together in Salt Lake Thuis-la- y weie Mrs. Itoyle W. W'eher, Mis. Glen Stewait, Mis. Jack at and Dwayne Bouine. Mrs. Gene OBrien and daughttr Peggy Ann of Stock-ton- , daughter-in-laCalifornia, of Mr. and Mrs. A. L OBnen, 71J Cowley Drive, foi LDS Geneial Confery ence She is on the stake hoard in Stockton. Feld Phillips, daughter of Mr. N ALLOWANCE for Wat- - IS. West Gordon ue in Arizona oil a ten-da- y tg. 011, your old water heater P11-mai- UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. Tastes so Ia!e rich-swallo- ws so smooth L. Phillips, nois. Mrs. Marwn foul child en, Mumford and Mai la Jean, Diew, Melanie and Mary Lue fiom Sunnyvale, California, are heie cisiting with Mi. and Mrs Reed B W hitesides. They are also cisiting cwth Mis Mum-findEach of the 1 Sunset patents, Mr. and Mrs classes in the Sunset School Melyin Wood, Cleai field. were given Easter Lily plants lLiwng a family dinner to- this past week by F'locd Such gether Sunday at the home of eis uth grade class. The class Mi. t nd Mrs Quint's L. Wil- has sponsored money laising son, Tilt Hill Villa Dnve, weie piojects thioughout the school Mis Dan Got don, Mr and Mrs year which hace benefited evRav Goulon. daughter Jul p eryone in the school as well and Mr and Mis Joseph Orgill as then own "ith grade class W il oil's Mi- The class has puuhased 100 biothei, Dale Oigil), photographe, fust class, shade trees to he planted on who las been in the Navy 1! the sc hoed giounds as soon as ceais, is stationed in Washing shipped to the school They s hace also built a baseball backton, D C. He has passtd for ensign and will be stop fot the school giounds and pmmoted in July He and his puuhased a ping pong table wife, the foi mer Jean Burgner, foi the sthool among othei 111 funnel lesidents of piojects In Mac the ti t it class of ,s students will hace the pmi-leg- e lit stin ation of the nacy cl of a caution with wer OLYMPIA is undei wav. she was the Homesttad to Onginally, flagship expenses pud foi (ommodoie Geoige Dewey, Ranch This will he in Heb uid sea hisfoiy was made when an aftei -- ihu'.l ec ent to wind Dcwec dehceied these famous a wunduful year with their woids fiom hei budge, You up may fne when teadv, Gudley. 7th giade acticities Theatre PHONE TA TIIlIlS., Fill., SAT Arm i, mm AMD L 23 9, 10, 11, 12 AlffMOM BREED SHOT srx. & and Hostesses Serve MON.. Ti ns., Al'RIl. Tyroke POWER M A9LEHE DIETRICH Withess PROSECUTION CHARLES LRUGHTOH DISTRIBUTED LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY DISTILLERS PRODUCTS COMPANY-KENTUC- KY PROOF. STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY-- 86 HILL & HILL COMPANY national (elected thru GQ United Artist, Continuous Shows Sat., and Sun., From 3 "00 I. M. No money down. MISS SHERVL TANNER recited wedding cows with ard I). Heninger in home ceremony. Couple will lice in Arizona. Rich- z Layton Miss Sheial Tanner, with stephanotis. daughter of Dr. and Mis. Noall Attendants, Miss Xoleen Finest, vvVG zz vaz1 nationally-advertise- d tones and shades. Completely installed. all the very newest ASALTSHINpLE Per Square ooi-ag- ' $16oo No money down. home Average only $5.50 per month. S' 4s'. , Our finest brand of slate surfaced roll roofing. 90 lb. Roll includes tar weight. and roofing nails. $485 Per Roll hi . Annison from Aieo, Id, ho, and Lli AA aite West Anginia, sister and brothel of Mis. I eonaiil Fddredge are staying at the Flldredge imiie while attending confer-ru- e m Salt Lake. Ilarfi n, on of Mr ind Mis Don hat tun. - -- t with the I S Maune-,- n San Diego, ( alif Suzanne and Jo Anne, twin hughtets of Dr and Mi- -. Joe Fowlu of Salt Lake and then Pam aie spending then at the home puiig f thur giandpaients, Dr. and Air Claience Robinson and 1 atew ell. Arc 11a ac-ti- 55 lb smooth surfaced roll lews... l oof ing S3. 55 per roll M'S,;.- hen aunt, Mrs Ruth Browr The Fowltis aie xacatumuig in Mexu o The birthclav club met Sat uida' mght at the home ol !r and Mrs Ray Evans to t i ik- W .liter Joining, and W oods hnthilavs which Alibi Let . . the "Building Bug" bite you . you'll be glad you did. - .n Vlatch 7 Guc ts were wt, Ecu - and Dick Wuikman, Gib and tluiv- - Rohm- - n. Aloha end alph Stitd. kathiyn Jen Ammd.i and Robert ning-- , Gutfith and the gut ts ol hon 1 G0OOOO GOo -- or. Diana and I ie Turner and family went to (inline Sunday night to attend a missionary at the home of Wanda and New- - L A Y T O X, UTAH iRyw3roiytfdnavi.' ikrmSZT muiu FRESH GRADE PIERCE'S A LARGE DOZ 45cZS PORK & BEANS - 23c A SELECTION OF FINE FOODS AT A SAVING FOR SMART. THRIFTY SHOPPERS Purity Town House Crackers ub 33c fsBsssa f ASPHALT THICK TAB SHINGLES. 215 lb. weight. Heavy crushed ceramic surface. In Tannei, Layton, bucie of Ruhaid -- iv 'cv'-- Tan-ne- i, Mis. N. Stevan Tanner, and ilowei girls, Caiol Hernng-J- i and Conme Heninger, woie ciystallette dresses puiple tyled to match the bndal gown Thee earned puiple filled with yellow loses and ccKite cai nations and woie of Johanna Hill roses mil carnations at then waists Gei dd Henmgu solved as be t man for h,s hi othei and ushers weie X. Stevan Tan-ne- i, Bob Williamsi i,, Don kap and Leland Smith Mis Gerald H. Heningei was in chaige of the luidgs hook n gui sts foi the widdi g weie Mis Edmond Me ci San and son, Fdmon foe, (ahferia, M.s R Mi-- H s Rugg u. Miub, Utah; Doiotiy Lee Tanner, and Dr petal tieek-in- e and Mis Josejh B. Tanner, and a cathedtal tiain. A Palo Alt '. California. hi rt ceil was caught to a Aftei a loneymoon the Initial stquined petal hat and she ear- pair will make a home in bated in chid ned a pui pie-t- became the D Heninger n utes peifoimed F'riday evening at the home of the budes parents. Otticiating in the ceiemony was the grandfather if the bride, Eldei Jabtz da ms The benedict is the son of Mi. and Mis. Lorenzo Geiald Heninger. Ogden. The new weds cceie honoted it a leieption the same evening at the Oakudge Gountiy Club and gieeted guests hefoit puiple net umbulias holding Johanna ill,! roses anil cchite We can include the installing laboi on a monthly pay plan V Sheral Tatmer becomes Mrs. Richard Heninger -- fu'-T- EGGS 13, 14, 13 $1250 Per Square Mr-- WWt BAKC80FT service trouble-fre- e arniington P THE RESTLESS ! Ji X.' Traditionally RED CEDAR is the finest roof you can buy. Certigrade quality, when expertly applied In professional roofers, vou can count on many years of Gives lilies 's (V TwtUtu'hii KENTUCKY BOURBON AT ITS BEST TE for all your Sunset class SOT BY TRI-STA- ei URBON 'ixD rains cause added damage lr-g- exam-nation- and new before Spring ef t. ED., The Finest Hosts sifs: al CLEARFIELD ' Re-re- ei ADMIRAL EtRaicht Bag"' m 1 " He "Building dl7 Sunset Van E. Heninger of (leu Place, entei tamed ten Sunset who teaches science at on her fourth friends birthday, the Mound Foit Ji. High School April 1. in Ogden has lecently beer I red It. It i Kgs, 3(k Glen Ave., accoided a unique horor. Out ittended the funeral of his aunt, of t h i applicants he was ont M Hankhead, in Wells- - of In tcacheis across the na Cllle last week. Ml- - Riggs tion seltcted to take a special stayed at the Dee Hospital with Gaining couise at the Institute her ill giandson. Berne Weber, of Nudtai studies at Oakridge son of Mr. and Mrs. Maik We-o- Tenn between July 14 and Aug of Layton. Mr. and Mrs. Dent A. White-side- s IIill The couise is designed ti and family, on Field Road, wete in Farming-to- n bung teacheis up to date rt latest developments Sunday t have dinner w ith the phy-icsciences. , Mi Mis Whitesides paient-and Mis Albeit Moon Following this training coui-- e and Mrs. Charles K Mi. Heninger will be one among Arnold are parents of a baby the in tcacheis who will make up a lectuie team which will hoy Loin A pul 4 Thye aie 01 fiom Layton and are now piesent the story of physical uni-vstationed at Fan banks, Alaska sciences to colleges and situs ocer the US and its Mis Arnold is the foimei for a years tour. Whitesides. Giandpaients terutones these teacheis will Seven of and of the new airical aie Mr. Mrs Myron Whitesides, and Mr then he offered peimanent jobs and Mis. Chailes Arnold, Illi- with the AEC. ami Mrs ila Hales Melun and Clyde Smith cceie dinnei guests of Salt Lake, Merrill at the home of the W oods. Barbara F.cans attended a and F.dna Wood and family, Dinner guests Saturday night Chi Omega fashion show and Millie luncheon Satuiday' at the New and Mis. Kayscille, Sunday, Mr. and Mis ilnun Building in Salt Lake el Woods were Teacher will Attend Nuclear course Golden Acres -- Hill Villa Subdivision Hews By Tw WHALE ofoTRADE-I- page 4 F1eat Variety Soup 2 for 33 |