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Show UNIVERSAL SlICROFILSING COR?. 141 PIERP0I5T AVE. SALT LAKE CITT 10, UTAH gapU DAVIS COUNTYS NEWEST NEWSPAPER Veil 13 10c At TON. I I What's wrong with Verdeland Park? I AH, TUESDAY, VlKII. NO. 21 S. 1'U.S Possibly moie tl,an anything else, Verdeland Park sufpoit of its new owneis, you and I, the Rep. Dawson speaks to of Layton. lacks the tax-pace- rs it housing project, which wa.s lecenth purchased from the government by La.cton Citj, is constantly being criticized by others who lice m the community and it is di icing away the customeis. The 399-un- On the other hand, cce do not behece the pro.,ect is deserving of such comments. Drice. through it and see for yourself. The appearance around most of the units is clean and attractice. There is no trash as cce have heard. The roads do need repaiiing, and the units, some of them could use some paint, but lets look at it this wav, there are seceral hunched eery nice families living in Verdeland Park cvho are potential future home buyers, builders of Laton. In addition, right this minute, thev aie bringing into Lac ton approximately $1,200,000 per vear in payroll. Lets mace them proud of their housing project and ot our community. Our $580,000 investment is going to be in jeopard j if we do not. Money is not taken frAm the taxpayers pocket to make payments on the project. The tenants are pajing their own wav for water and sewer, too. Rent must pay the $73,000 per j eai installments on the project, and the units must be full before rent can be collected from them. Hills future Bright, says Bill Dawson Lay ton - Reclamation pi ejects and road budding piogtam? should offer I tah am le ol Davis County had an estimated population of jpp tumtits for those vvhr want to woik, Rep Wiliam A 51,500 poisons on January 1, 1958 according to a Daw son told memrecent study in the UTAH ECONOMIC AND BUSIbers of the Layton Rotny (luh NESS REVIEW, published by the Bureau of Ecomeeting last Wednesdav Some $sn million w dl be nomic and Business Research, University of Utah. spent in Utah duting the ntxt This is a substantial inciease from a year ago liscal year on the Upper Coloi d a 7i i per cent inciease u rado Rivet Storage Pi eject f the Mt,Mr7 population cf i " Vix which has already place , ,o men in employment at Glen Ti imputation of Utah on Plans lot the Vi Canyon Dam Janua v I, PITs, as neaily as long ovetdae interstate ioa( I a ton - Owneis of some 010 an he determined, was Vrs.ocK). huilduig ) aie also beThis gain A 27,000 persons dur-n- g The city council could possibly assist in making ing pushed rogtain ahead at full speed acics ot land east of Layton 1077 and 100, non persons aie intei ested in annexing tc the units and project more liveable by giving the ten- to provide jobs, he added 1070 lepresents almost a che c ltv, Clarence Bone tolc sp since ants incentive to keep their apartments in best of shape Still in trouble, howtvei, Rep nembei s of the 27 pel tent increase for the city counci eight-yea- r Why not a free months rent to the occupants who do Dawson sa.d, is I tail's mining Monday evening The area n period a rate neari upper ndu'try, particularly bound on the East Is the most to make their homes attractive? Why not a which ly diuhle tnat of the national nth f by is being plague! byi, r Lay ton town on the west by rfe fsNC, total of 17 Davis Coun- nvtiage suggestion system so the tenants can tell us what wot 'u uveisuppK, and the ,mgr,, ( on the south by , i Of Utahs 20 counties, 13 iJ Layton ity - weie counted among tv studentlcad and amount zinc of they do not like about their apartments or the new Fast Gen .the piopo-e- d have a smallei population in students th 7,'iVi , daytime pouting in tiom ioiergnl. alignment and on the east w.ntei quaitei at the 107s than in 1070. Of the renines wheie modern Amencan ,tde v K to the loot ot the mountain. f maining counties, all of which l niv c i ity it L tah quipment and cheap laboi have showed a populatron mdiease, T hr leated tough competition for The mattei was tinned Davis total was the see-n- d counties have incieased to the Layton Planning Boaro eight tah and western mines. highest among counties at a late than the over-la- ll greater 1 ake Mines in oui state must not tot tmn and lepoit outside Salt County Only state and eight at In the business othci before average, clo-e e pel nutted to eliei County was highei, with down, a rate less than the state aver- g water to fill them, tot- con n d , ippiovol was given foi HR turlents 1 mal puuhase ot a tiailei foi tabulation ot the w in-- 1 ting timbers and rendering them the c i iuaitei eniollment, useless should the mmeiah be the city's civil deterise genera leleased The population changes for tm, an John Dawson was le needed in case of enter gem this week by J. A. Noiton, individual counties since 1050 lecieatuir sunimei appointed ranged from a climb of 1H0 per Two new Distnct, one at ii.Vu! South Hill Here to S'av Uimeisity registrai, put com cent Farmington leadei foi this year for Grand County to a 10 piogiam m hoolx being built as well as loned and lesidence of neara day evening pioblem lime, $107, non; and one Speaking He will be employed for a pen IV icsidences swelled the buildat '1,4'M students per cent dettease for Piute at 1M West i70i South, $s3,- - est to the people of Davis t oun-- t riod of 2' months Dawson predicted that moie than MO greatei than the County. O, , Rep. ing pel nuts issued in the Casseily, gnatre, J. K YSII EFTS Cowley asked the city A biief explanation of the wrmler quaitei total a yeai ago areas of Davis Bount ful. vl, 7 lo, shed, Par- - Hi Vu Foice Base is Jure to to Maik rezone in anes of land wvsil been a familiar sight at the post office for twenty years followed in making pioceduie and that although the of Hill Field m was Utah County to a total const! uction 'ey Avebb, Kaysville soon ies- Eveiy county Road and south 10.7s population Throughout his entire service he has been at the post ofestimates lost of SI ,417,100, aceoiding to idence, J. A. 7 !5.7 the Bounti- base ma experience temper at y of Goidon Avenue the among epresented of nal will help evaluate their reliabil(west fice each day at 5. JO a m. to dispatch mail. ( Reflex-Jou- i a leport from Haiold J Tip-l- i ful, $7, garage, Sidney I, reductions in foice, it will con- Golden Acies subdivision) fiom daytime students. Mi Noiton Photo) ity. tts, county surveyor. an Residential 2 A to aid Clawson, Kaysville, lin, resi- tinue to gtow and Agnculture In older to facilitate that Included in the list weie the dence, Skyline role in evei moie important Development Eveiy state in the nation two 2 to peimit constiuction of a billowing vi Jis, tom re- -i the world defense system One indeo Huuntnul, (United States possessions and piepaiation of the January 1, niat-.- l oumls The theie gi Two school-- , 12 Iais School ilciiis, three with tat poits, louith of the defense dollar is foieign lands weie lepie-sente- 107S population estimates, the vas taken under advise-- n Ltah Population Work Comtoo Jualitv Builde Bountiful, onejnow going into missiles, and ent 111 'I 1,221 i, Ml, in, S) 1,4 in and'the people in this aiea aie in Residence woik in the quar- - mittee assigned the Bureau of Economic and Business Rethe middle of the missile field. $11,'! Mi, search and the Utah CommitIn cuibing the recession, Two resiliences with caipoits, Davis tee on Industnal and Employhe said, the biggest pioblem ai es Bountiful. A Kay-vdtotal if to h ment Planning the job of gathn each r t -- idem e and cat poi t, is wheie is tire money coming diseases wa- by v die ne City camel seivue begin .Jan kav May ering and assembling availBuildeis, Quality Bountiful, flOlll to pa fill pultliC Works portable lie Davis Countv Health ( oun-- y k able data concerning changes . etiield ot Kaysville is uaiv 17, I'iVi ibis reason, on ii.uo, seven residence- - with piogianis total The houi credit k la ('1 wll nown in his Dejiaitnient t x leriurtiin a v C innon-Papani Iavton Lack of participa- ar poi ts Receqts fiom stamps and compi ised oo.ltO in lower di n population duung 1077 and gaintheie wee live cluk-- n fro hi- - inteicst in community to lev lew the estimates made have sC luting mal oidci- - in Kavsville te n at a jeep posse organiza- kolas Co, Bountiful, at xspHis, which would In only a mai .he total, nin:2,' .7 in upper division, - measlt-- , pox, a year ago. tup and churcb glow n fiom '7,111,1 lot tht win-t- i vision. tion meeting last week has ss.'Us; iJ,10,S70; Md.TVt, Mri,-77- !, saving to the individual m view ng, ganlen vegetabe eight woik He is also an ntliusias-- 1 l quaitei in Kr'.s to - .2, 77 oL7, is in giaduate woik and Data were gatheied on sev-eiof the amount of nionev whnr ntections, ri e camel made it necessary to schedule and SIRS 7.7. cled-- 1 Jog in evening influenza, on tubei ulo-i- -, am1 k hoo-tmeasures of population must he spent " of his city, countv tic ill the same quaitei in 1077 1, he s.ud a suord meeting for this one l ingw oi in the dp ha7 i l m r sc veil m m and bid ami ii at change in each county, includthe state lai ni ng p.m. Thursday evening Mavnes many eliuieh activiNavy pilots have been test Pi"sident the ltv hall The posse will ing the new automatic (anii which ing such things as natural innnany civic offices including the ties have included positions crease (excess of baths over he used for civil defense and ending System which makes it it ci Dawson said modifies aie ba-e- d on supply Ipresidencv of Kavsville Rotaiy, thioughout his waid oigamza-tioIRp i 'i m d Both those rosslble to land plan s ahoaid it was tlie only and demand an! ligd of Ray sv die Civic deaths), labor force, school othci emeigencies At the piesent time he I uppoi tic hail man-hi- p v ho ciw n jeeps and others who Camels without touching the thing the chief executive could aimmgton The Davis Coun- census, utility connections, new ol is second counseloi in piograins fiee- g pii.es at a VssocMtion, vice of kaysvi'le would be interested in joining ontiols, in weather so had that have done. National Fust Maid He and his wife ty Industnal Buieau will held home construction, etc. On the taimeis ti the Ltah Lhaptei high level tau-in-ms not undei suppoits ovei produce to get the jo ces, and uni thiee childien, Kay, 17, its monthly meeting tornor-io- basis of changes reflected by the posse aie invited to attend a conventional landing would Ire sociation of evening (Wednesday) at these measures, the current oil the boaids of the Vineiican Anne this meeting. impossible aie doing lest Films o ami he concluded 10, and Paul 12, live at s pm m tht couithouse at estimates of county population Red (loss, PT and Kaysville 2 4 West First South. F ai were detei mined. mington Citv Libiatv lie foie becoming a postal M ay ne tol is setved a depot lowing in Wayne kS (outsteps of his fathei, H J countv tuasuier and as a stun Shelfield, as a ptotessmn The cleik in Ills lathei's true He Idcn Sheffield was postmaste! attended Utan State Univet-silin Kavsville loi some twenty at I ogan to) two veais 3K. ia l Upon his deatn in l'l.T, x S s on ken beeaim " postmastei M hr n Admual and then in Pi s, Wavne took latiagut was u the job a . iitmg postmastei wounded dining the Bactl. of tteeiving his peimanent ap- .Mobile Lay, a Quaitei mastei g Three Davis Coun- butions to FFA and agnculKayisville lashed the officer to the i pointment a yeai latei of the ship so that he could ty iesid,ents weie presented ture at the recent FFA conHe leealls that his lust job State Faimeis Ilonoiary vention held at the Hotel Utah ontinue to dnect the naval m the Kaysville post offiee was awards foi outstanding contn- - in Salt Lake City. a hoy with his fathei when he assisted m'h the mail elis-- I Those presented the awards His salaiy was $11 itching wtre John Potter, Faimington, he month and this for pel father of David Potter who was could go to the post offiee State Officer last year; Reuben 14 aeh morning at T Ml to disA. Call, father of Melvin Call, 44 patch mail and would letum Bountiful. Melvin had an hont s' a f the evening to lock up. He orary State Farmers achievet is continued to lie on the job ment degree, the second one in hat tally each morning foi 33 years to receive such a ( leal field Pi evident Joseph maily twenty yeais degree in Davis County. FTclumg Smith, a member of , A? Same Building .it. the Council of Twelve Apostles If Clinton Zollinger, advisor for Although appeaiances may mil F.ldei M altei Datisie, a the Davis Chapter, also releeeive, the piesent post office member of the Church Welfare ceived the award. - in the same building as that Committee, will address the of his old II eonfeienee sessions uai teily by father, the An honorary state farmer has Shellield and Sons Meican-i'- e the Noith Davis Stake of the s to achieve and excel in In those days it was a Church of Jesus Christ of Fattf ship and scholarship in the y stiuetuie and the en day Saints in Clearfield, program. farming Only one I ay ton, Eliza Bacon, Lavina . were canned . 12 (j TOMATOES that CANNED located and was oftiee wheie .satiirdav Nance, Myrtle Ross, Emily EER post Sunday, April name may be submitted for the unGeneva Odd, in the Kaysville Cannery, on west center street in Kaysville. and a i. Ylaylin, Ylargaret Flint, Bessie YTebster, diy cleaning business is now award for every 50 boys m the The public is invited to the known, Ylahle Rushforth, a M'ebster, Scotty Simms, unTomatoes are not canned there any more but are taken operating just south of the post club. known, Irene Bishop, (.race Cottrell, Leafy Nance, Lucy offiee The lemodeling was general sessions at 10 a m and to the plant in Sy racuse. 2 p ni Barker, unknown. May Varney, George Cross, Ed Parry, lompleted December 1, 1MTO At least 50 years ago this picture was taken of the Sunday in the Stake George Kawa Guchi, Layton, won the State Farmer from One of the most attractive House, 'nil South State St., j unknown, G. F. Nance, Huev Love; workers during the tomato run in Kaysville. (.len Robins Last row, left to right, Roy Young, unknown, Roy May-fielDavis. was able to identify all but a few of the people. HO TV millings on Main Street, the ( leal tic Id ( undue MVNY DO YOU RECOGNIZE? ntenoi is spacious, well lightHarry (or Bill) Strong, Bill James, Ira Sw anger, ting the meetings will The Davis Fligh School team Lionel Steed, George Mayfield, Art Acard, Jack Moolsey, ed and well equipped to take ie Stake President Gecnge They are, front row, left to right sitting down: Arch won the Parliamentary contest Cen-te- i, I Bill non F"ast Lawrence 717 Arthur Vustin Smith Jamison, Lott, Roy Odd, of the Horace Billy Haslam, 4, Barber. oxley, ate Ball, Galbraith, unknown, persons in which 52 high schools particClearfield mail Young, Bill Millard, Shirley Barnes, Malt Schofield, unipated. Chairmen of the team Malzie Edith The Simmons. Son ot the late i huie h head, When Wavne became postmystery picture last week was Representative known, Blanche Coles, unknown, cvere Ralph MTlcox, Faimingto United States Congress William . Dawson. More than master in IV.s, he was assisted Joseph F. Smith, Piesident Coles, Myrtle Love, unknown; ton; Robert Hollist, Kaysville; a dozen people correctly identified the picture and several In Bertha Linfotd, cleik, and Smith ei unts among his duties Second row, standing, left to right, Nephi Marren, Ronald Hamblin, Syracuse; Amos Odd, ruial loute earner those of hurch Histonan, pies-id- c guessed wrong about the identification. First to call and Hobby Jamison (with the paddle he used to make the ketPhil Penney, secretary, West nt of the Genealogical So- Joscph FTelding Smith to adMr. Odd is still dehveiing to correctly identify the photo was Mrs. Clarence (Greta) chup), John G. M. Barnes, Edna Rush forth, Maude Jardine, Point; Paul Bambrough, alterBone of Layton. lie one rural route served by net; aid mebei ol the Boaicl dress North Davis Stake ConBermece YVarren, Ada Young, FTda Edmonds, Edith Ross, nate, Syiaiuse. ference. he post offiee. Other present if Ee'uc atic n And, by the way, DO YOU REMEMBER when the good Martha Love, Glen Robins, I thel Odd, Henry Mansell, FlorA Standard Oil scholarship ence Jensen, Clara Barton, Beatrice Barton, Parley AnderCongressman and his friend Harold Ellison had an eating Speakers duung the eonfei--ne- e mployees include Heniy will lepoit on the giowth hci concerning their spmtual, was piesented to Robeit Hollist establishment that was popular among Layton's younger and Slilched Ensie-nson, Tom Perkins, unknown; set. It was known as Bill and Buzz Hot Dog Merchants" Third row, left to right, Ed Ball, AY ill Love, Ruby Philclerks, Carlton Nance and Ed- mil activities of the Church mtellectual, physical and eco- and Ralph MTlcox was given a Sears and Roebuck scholarship. Tess Vnderson, nnie Ellen did eat ever Barker, from there? Nora win M. II illidav, citv cainers in the aiea. and counsel mem- - nomic affans. you anything Simpson, lips, Area grows 76.6 percent since 1950 Area asks (R-Lta- Layton To annex I 353 Davis Students At -- U of U V c tv'! nn-,ri- T , rA County building permits Top million for March ;v -- au-in- -- 1 irgi-tiatio- A ta, Ca-sei- h, r Cali second Diseases 'e, Jeep meeting Wayne Sheffield on the job To dispatch 5:30 a.m. mail le d, -- 1 1 . -- al c ei i 1 i c n Industrial Bureau I pie-idcn- cy -- w rj. -- v - 4 y, Si t " t m ' I . im mm Three Davis residents Receive FFA awards ng-gni- i Joseph Fielding Smith To address conference i Vsiir.U' r. -- tvo-stoi- ET 1 d, Mc-din, ' |