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Show Phone FORD PTO 7 fin Farmington council Sots clean up week and Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Dan Norma Mission showtd films drinington Mr. and Phone Mrs. J. William Swan and Gordell Blown wee l espoiisible'atui presented some missionary diiuni toi the .Sac ament Sc lee foi plans used in tin fields, -Kay.ville Olene King, Phoe- (hildienin were I Ealcot ake her Salt waul. a! nnngtoii pai the fust week ago on Saturday night nix, Arizona, was a ihnnei guestsMr. and Mis. P. H. Hutch Mr. Bi i w n was the speaker of Mr. and Mrs. Peon cuts, gue-- t The Farming-to- n thing will he hauled away duryj, . ami Viis. Wallace Hight Fainungton II SI' II. Mis. I how n sang tw o solos iidau-it- ho-t- s IMuart, Thursday eunintf. at a supper honor- has proclaimed ing these days. Council , City 'I Perkin-will honias J. leaw Mr. and Mrx Eugene Betty Bioschinsky played Tinge) their daughter, Dawn and garbage days will vveek of the land thiee ihildien, Cheyenne, Finlay with a toui group f. piano sulus. April 14 through be Regular her fiance, Walter Bain. The of each week. From Monday Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bond and tallowing close fiuods and lela-tive- s Is as Clean Up Week. (Wyoming; .Mr. and Mrs. Dean New Zealand to attend the D this time on, the garbage will Pei kins and two children, Provo, Temple dedication. five ihildien iimn weie guests- Mi. and Mrs. Every morning of the week be hauled to the Davis County Shiprock, of weekend New Easier Mrs. weie Mexico, visited Saturday Finest Paitiulge, Mr. and guests of any kind will be garbage dump in West BounBishop and Mrs. Clarence Wa Mi. and Mrs. William Pei kins. t e i fall weie dinner guests ot and Sunday with Mis. Bonds Noal Cook, Salt Iaike; Mr. and gaihage All that is asked is tiful. Vo burnable garbage will picked up. is Mrs. lavlnda Mr Mis. Newell Larkins , Jensen, Mr. and Mis. Gerald W atei sister and hi othei Logan; tlmt anything that will fit he he picked up on the regular landing the Meek in Munnv at fall Sutuiday eceni'lg ii Og- and Mis A Km Chandtei lain. Mr and Mis. Flank McNeil, put m euntameis not to exceed hauling dry, Monday of each me home of her naughlei, Mr. den. la ilani Jtffenes, To pounds. Tree limits, any- - week. Amy l.uhmski and Martha liountbul; and Mrs. Ralph Gillespie. mi Fowles, Mini Bolt Aithm, Can- Paul Tnpp, Lou Mrs. Mice returnedUyn,Iii Mr. and Mrs. Jack Miller and to her home Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth at the Bob Barnaul Biovo; Mr. and a pleasant sui prise Thursday Friday fiom the St ada, spent the week-en- d foi then i hildren left Sunday Mrs. Fra k Pntchett, Salt I.ake; evening when their son, I.t. Joy Burnett, their son, Byron, and in Ogden home of Mi. and Mis. Wesley Binediet's Hospital home m Taft. California, alt- wheie she was confined Iasi Williams Mi. and Mis. W. II. Brown, Hess, flew in accompanied by daughtei, Mrs. Louise Greco, I Mi- -. James Raser visiting at the home of his w c ek. her son, John, of Balt Lake, Mrs. Lydia Brown and Mr. and win; Mr. and ( lowaid born Kinross and Mr. and Colonel Kay sv die; patents, Mr. and Mis. Daivel and Joyce and Glen Lambson, Mis. Dale Schulthies ami fam- mussen, G. Gibbs Mrs. a Smith was An hei ami Base Force Mr. with to and in M.ller Mis. Rex 1'iier and Michigan of Provo. Jay has returned to patents. guest at a luncheon Monday in ily spentT the evening a week Walt r Elliott, Farmington. Ml. and airs, llaiold Dennett. attend conference. Sunday the his trnse. His wife and two i nla.v on in ('enteiville at ago at Lake Aviation Full the Club Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLean, Mrs. Latina Turner, of Sioux Newell Hesses were hosts at a children, Cameron and Heather, the home of Mi. and Mi' Hal Detroit, Michigan; Mis. flank loi committee membeis of the Blown. They saw home movies City, Iowa, visited Fiiday and bieakfast to their son, Jay, will he heie in about ten days Utah State Dental auxiliaiy. Colonel Slowaid, Jays paients to visit two months. Bishop, Bountiful, weie Thuis-da- y Joan, and hei SuUirdav with her mother-in-law- , Mrs. Harry Piper, Salt Lake, of Hals sistei, musts of Mr. and Mi Mis. hfrie Apple. Dan little Bentons husband, is visiting toi a few days at H, rold Galley. Ralph W ilcox, l.DS Seminlaughtei, Brooke. The Bentons .Mrs. Don Edwards entertained the home of her daughter, Mi uve al y student at Davis High, has m Alaska. ten little fi lends at a Birth- and Mrs. Howard Green. Mis. Mrs. Maxine Schulthies a ndlbcen chosen to lepiesent Davis atteinoon Pipei and Mis. Louise Green family attended the faiewell High with his Seminary talk. day pill ty Monday for her son Donald who was weie Easier visitois with the testimonial Sunday night of It was chosen best talk given I Greens. years old. Call Schulthies in West Bounti- by the young men of the Davis IN THE BREWING INDUSTRY Mr. and Mrs. Irving ChrisMrs. A irg.ma Larkin was ful piior to his depaitme foi High Si miliary. Chiistine Halls of talk was tensen, Mi. and Mis. Rubeit E. gue't at a luncheon at the ihe Noi t live estern states talk chosen best April 7, 1958, marks the 25th anniversary of the Bui ton were guests at Eastei home of Mis. Ann AhjUist m Dale Schulthies attended those given by girls. of beer in the United States. During this period, home the dinnei in Bountiful at Muii ay, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wilcox Sunday school cotifei ence. members of the United States Brewers Foundation, Inc., have ,f Mi. and Mrs. Jack Buiton Mr. and Mrs. Boh Rainpton and family had dinner a week Mi. and Mrs. George Henslt-proven their strong sense of social responsibility by sponsoring and' family, iimd (hildien, Salt Lake; Mr and family have moved hack to ago on Sunday in Midway at a strict .Mr. and Mrs. Owen Collet! program for their industry. anil of their daughter land Mis. Glenn Buhlei and ehil then home ill Bountiful aftei the home This program seeks to impress upon all government agenmil family, Salt LakeRusMrs. Mr. and the for Kanab ( in Mr. past and Mr being enteiville; cies the necessity for rigid enforcement of laws and regulations Mis 'iKu-'cl.sundae visitors of Mi and "eitdien, W. Buhlei and family, year. They weie dmnei guests sell Walpool. l A. T. 'Collett. Paul Mrs. Mr. and Norris, pertaining to the sale of beer and ale, and to impress on licenMis. of home the on at .Ail. an .Mis. eile Buhler and Sunday Mr. and .Mrs. Mien L. Strong two sees the necessity for strict observance of such laws. , son of and and Etna, their daughter Fainung-tonweie Ramptons patents, Bishop Mav-fiel- d In common with the public interest, the nations brewers ntei tamed at a birthday dm-ne- - Eastc--ihldien, Edith Mrs. and were G. Hess as i Mis. Calif., Mr. of and Lloyd day guests seek the goal of moderatidh on a national scale, for they recogvisited on Thursday with Mrs. La Dell Manning, Mis. Kf-- t paity at their home Satur- Mis. Waltei Buhler. Mi's. Maxnize that the American people will not tolerate national excess. day evening in honoi of then Mrs. Richard Bowman and ie Apple and AD. and Mis. Mrs. Morris cousin. son Roheit who was It! years World experience has shown that where the consumption of Veil Buhler. ine Howell. They have visited t mr foi left Mondav ihildien aid. Eight guests attended. with Miss Second over the week-en- d beer the For has been recognized as socially acceptable, moderation Farmington Fall-, o Idaho to spend a waid Saei ament Service, .Miss Clara Earl, Mrs. Mayfields sisMrs. Helen Green, Mrs. Bar-bai- (dal has been the rule. her with Huvv-n- d week mother, visiting Iverson, Mis. Jeiry Dailene Rich of Midvale gave ter. Now the nations fifth largest taxpayer, the brewing indusand Mrs. Marion Wiight Mis. Emma Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Bourne the Lite of Chi mt from the in 1957 contributed in federal, state, and local taxes more try Mrs. Clyde Biggs and infant book ot Luke. It was spent Saturday alternoon howlgiven to Bear River, visited Sunday with than $1 billion. Wages paid to employees amounted to nearly ing at the H A- M Bowling Cen- son aie staying at the home Ed-of music. She was accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fail. The $468 million, and the nations farmers received $240 million hei patents. Mi. and Mis. the with vacationed Miss ter m Bountiful. Bournes by Mi's. Von F. Hoyt. for their products. In all, approximately $38 billion has been A Scout this week. was in win board meeting Aiizona Halliday Richs paients. Mi. and Mis. Earls just recently pumped into the nations economy in the past 25 years by the Mrs. Dorothy Swan attended Rich showed pictuies of the and Mexico. held at the home of Geoige malt beverage industry. of the life of Christ as their daughtei Mrs. Lydia Brown is staying meeting Talbot, Tuesday evening for the hoiim themDuring 1958 the nations brewers are .Maltha Home in Ogden, Mon-la- narrated. Miss Rub is a student with her sister, Mrs. Eva Me hoard inemheis of the selves of to the standards the Me Mrs. in industry upholding high brewing field. Cleat n of Waid. Pheison f Mrs. Giace Nix Stewart evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lined Benton Salt Lake. riz- Dime King, Phoen.x, Pherson broke her ankle. through its program, and stressing that the Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tippetts. light, bright beverages of moderation are the products of a ona, has been visiting this arid tw daughtei s, Idaho Falls Mary Luc and Grant Lloyd weekend at the home of Mi. Idaln weie weekend gut- t o Sr., Salt Lake, v l. ited Sunday and two of their children, Keith progressive industry which contributes substantially to the Mi. and Mis R. W at the home ot then son and and of virtually the entire adult and Mis. Hugh Evans and oth- nis pait-n's- , Kathleen, left Tuesday economy, pleasure and Benton. Mr. and Mrs. morning for San Francisco and nation. er i datives and friends. daughter-in-laDr. and Mrs. (J. Gibbs Smith Haiold Tippetts, Ji. Oakland to attend a Prudential Mrs. Gerald Eitner enterood p;fe Insurance convention. They Mr. and Mrs. Newell tained twelve little Blends at ind two coddieii. Mis. Ralph moan weie Easter hieak-t.ies- t were hosts on Sunday evening will visit in Oakland with Maty BEER and ALE . . . a nthday pa it) for her daugh , at the Starlite Lues sister. The other childrei to their study gioup. ter Jane who wns seven ear Ctah with Dr. and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Schulthies staved at home with their giand-mothe- i !d Saturday. . Klnvd Hatch and Dr. am drove thill- daughter Pat Gleave Mr. and .Mrs. Cliff Larkin atV. S. Jnidan. The Farmington Jaycew annome to Idaho Falls last SutuiAnionic the tended Senior Cared Collett entertained day. Pat has been visiting her nual Faster egg hunt was a Priesthood banquet at Centerthe stormy succest oesseit budge for eight paients for a vveek. ville Thuisdav evening. despite Dan and Barbara Gregory weather. More (hildren than Col. and Mrs. Wells Collet! guests Wednesday evening at .veie hosts Sunday night to ever beLne gathen d at the ( ity and daughtei Luana visited in .ci home ,n honoi of hei Ted Wil- Paik at lu a. m ast Satuiday M.s. Blis Jones, who is dieir study group. Sa't Lake Saturday evening Bui hank. Call-fo- i iams lecentlv letuined mission-at- v to participate m the hunt. with Di and Mis. I'linh liy-nei- , vis trig f l Central Mr. and Mrs. Newell Hess had from the Noith nia. aDo with Mis, Elbe Jones H 1 Mrs.-Statc- i i - 100 AND 130 BU. MODELS page 5 8, 1958 The JOURNAL-Ap- ril 1 -- in-la- COMPARE, FEATURE BY FEATURE f: Rigid steel box frame with Penta treated wood box Disc type friction overload clutch B Single lever control of 5 apron speeds B throw-ou- Independent beaters or apron GET THE of t LOW-COS- 25-ye- No arch " DETAILS TODAY! T PROUD YEARS 1111s--lo- design for easier loading, less plugging B beater teeth and replaceable paddle widespread B Quick attaching Snap-onPTO coupling Roller chain drives 25 FORD TRACTORS r - son-in-la- a Are Now Available Gasoline . . . LI . . Or Iay Only $393.00 More for the New Diesel Engine lirmrrfrn . Phone Us for a FREE Non-Obligati- - y on n Demonstration 'Call Collect Ogden EX i , well-bein- 90 g Gar-Hot- . FARM SERVICE AVEME 743 WALL sB-tc- OGDEN . rjJJJ r.. GRAPE JUICE STANDBY FANCY 24-o- 3 fr$1 z. SLICED 00 PINK tall can SALMON, Libby's lb. YEARLING Thick-Slice- Sugar-Cure- BACON lbs. $100 JUICE Fresh Pork Legs lb. SUGAR-CURE- Sliced HAM .. Round Steaks GRAIN-FEI- ) Ru FROZEN FOODS CORN-CU- pkgs. - CORN T JUICE ORANGES ' FANCY CARROTS, 2 bags 1 CABBAGE - Pictsweet AVOCADOS 2 pkgs. 33tf 'M' 2 fr 25c FISH STICKS lbs. h0f 2 FLOUR FAMILY FAVORITE, o.. 21 PANCAKE and WAFFLE STRAWBERRY PRESERVES 28-O- 3 MOR-BEE- F for $100 pgs- 57c - 57c LUNCHEON MEAT Chinook SALMON 3 No. 1 cans FLAT CAN GRAPEFRUIT FANCY LARGE PINK or WHITE 12-O- 4 ibs 49c OYSTERS b NEW, SWEET for PEAS- SYRUP I) For Frying - COB Lobster Tails EACH cans ",,1TE sw6Noz'ancy SHORTENING JOWLS 39 c LGE., TEXAS i SMOKED IORK Whole or Shank Half Macaroon Creme Delight Choe. Fudge Eclairs Coconut Crisp can lb 95c 39 "3 LAYTON n n filiii GARDEN FRESH FRUITS and VEG. cans TOMATO COOKIES &SJ d HAM HOCKS PINEAPPLE LUNCHEON MEAT, Tong TOMATO SOUP HANn, SPECIAL! WHOLE or HALF MUTTON No. 2 Can . UTAH Monday Through Thurs. Open Till 8:00 P. M. Friday and Saturday Open Till 9:00 P.M. 9c |