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Show ...AND FURNITURE VALUES THAT STRETCH YOUR DOLLARS! H'wT FROM OUR PAINT DEPARTMENT , Convertible At Abort .tvbi the Usual y Price oi Unfinished Bookcases 'WZ- The modern cleaner with automobile styling beats, as it sweeps, as it cleans! PLUS-5more power for attachments - 0 aw PRATT LAMBERT & Satin Use it for woodfurniture. For kitchen, bath, hall, playroom, any- si 675 $19.75 $23.75 30 w,de' 36 In. Wide, Buy several at this low price. Only $395 only nr75 Heavy de luxe Frieze Covers Beautifully Tailored in Lowest Price Ever Offered Every Detail Help Us Clear Our Floors and Well Help You SAVE! Backs on each end piece tilt back to any position for solid comfort or lay down flat to make two beds with the bumper Ottomans. BIG 88 INCH LONG Reg. $!I8.5 UTILITY TABLE STEEL Sectional 5-pi- ece LINOLEUM CLOSEOUT GENERAL ELECTRIC CONTINUES outlet NEW WORKER" SOFA $59.75 REG. $!!()!) 00 Country Modern SOFA and CHAIR SET or 2 IV. SECI OVAL. Finest Quality' Construction I SET EACH with $199.95 WT luxe STL DIO CO I CII and MATCHING CHAIR SET Hea.y Quality Covers. Reg. Price $219.75 CLOSE OCT I)e $139.75 KROEHLER SVE :n7c With Nylon Upholstery One Only. Reg. Price $219.95. MANY CHOICE PATTERNS LEFT BUT STOCKS ARE GOING DOWN FAST 30 OUT THE WINDOW! -- W-- T Supply is limited TAKE ONE OF THESE SETS THIS WEEK AND SAVE $40 TO $170 3U ALL COLORS IN STOCK Mahogany Grained Finish 4 n yvide c. SECTION VI $109.75 ( LOSE OCT to 50 BROWN CORNER SECTIONAL PIECE Heaw Frieze Upholstery. Reg. $ 19.95 $79.75 1 l'" Reg. $219.95 Ivroehler Quality Vqua. I rose hedge, heavy upholstery c. c. "" ' '"SE $199.75 WT THERE IS STILL sturdy shelves. g5 way electrical socket. 15" x 20" H Roils 3-'- m m m WE SERVICE EVERYTHING WE SELL" APPLIANCES - CARPETS - DRAPERIES TRAINED MEN IN THESE FIELDS ARE PART OF THE UNION FURNITURE ORGANIZATION 1 Reg. $29(1.75 Complete LIVING ROOM ENSEMBLE Solid Hardwood Beautiful Upholstery Studio, Matching Chair, Matching Rocker, Coffee Table and Two End Tables. 30" 'high with 3 FOR YOUR PROTECTION SETS $189.75 WT WT ON EVERY ROLL LEFT IN STOCK REGULAR J-- . 24 In. Wide Heres an unusual saving opportunity to deco- rate your home with these smart new bookcases that go so well with modern furnishings. They're all the popular 40-idepth. height and 10-i- -- SO S8000 Week-Sa- ve On Above Res. $129.9.') scrubbings. no special primer. Dries to a satin finish. No objectionable odor, comes in wonderful colois1 Choice Buy This CLEANING ACCESSORIES! need repeated 077 PRICES HAVE BEEN THROWN FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY we can give you FREE a set of where wall 9 W WE MUST CLEAR OUR FLOORS model 3100 walls, work, Brat Ferrules on Feet X? tL V X. Cellu-ton- e N'e C." TIME BUT YOU top. easily on casters. White, MUST HURRY THIS STOCK REDUCING SALE MUST END THIS WEEK ? CHECK EACH SUITE CAREULLY WHICH ONES CAN YOU USE AT THESE PRICES! De luxe Thomasville Walnut Finished Hardwood Set Shadow front styling biond and charcoal. Here is a smart buy for a Young Home Maker. Bookcase Bed, Mirror and Mr. and Mrs. Dresser save $139.75 CLOSE OUT LEES WOOL TWEED luxe De VW K Shangri Reg. $ll.!i: Heavy Wool and Tweed La Qrr Q F Sq. Yd. LEE'S Tweed JO O V1RGINIVN Real Hea , KMIo Wool .Reg. SCUI.PTl RED $13.93 -- QQ VO QT JO. LEE'S HEAVY TEXTURE i G Inch Thick Reg. 81 1.95 Sq. V d. &Q Q F dO.VO MOHAWKS Americana ful Wilton Commercial yir S S f-- r Reg. $19.9.) Sq. Yd. hea iest grade, sq y W Lr - I V ? t$A MA Av ? NOTHING . 1 W II.TON Wool Reg. $12.9:. - cloSe Roll O up y HERE'S A BUY! United Warm Bisque Mahogany (Blond) Suite of Finest Construction Nationally Advertised Value of $299.95. CLOSE OUT $ c. Heavy 45 OTHER SUITES Sq. Vd. Weights. YOU ANY UNION WITH $12.95 IT CAN BUY ITEM AT FURNITURE NO DOWN PAYMENT AND MONTHS AND MONTHS TO PAY! TO 5 YEARS TO PAY! FIRST PAYMENT SEPTEMBER SELECT FROM OVER 100 DIFFERENT ROLLS UNION FURNITURE MILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD ON ANY CARPET $199.95 OUT a beauti- DOWN . c. WM MOH ... Fashion Trend Nationally Advertised, Bedroom Suite hardwood construction, choice of blonde oak, or light sea foam mahogany Bookcase Bed, Mirror and De luxe Mr. and Mrs. Quality ' r? b v K,; XaI a BEDROOM SUITE. d in Construction America, lOOCc choice of blond fawn mahogany, bleach- SOLID IIAUDWOOI) CONSTRUCTION Faw n mahogany finish modern sty ling Bookcase Bed, Mirrors and .Matching Chest. Close Out Finest c. hard-vvoo- ed oak, or cherry $90.00 CLOSE OUT red cordovan mahogany. 7k Q97Q I V. I d NIGHT STANDS Included FREE With This Beautiful Mahogany Bedroom Suite. You Get 5 Pieces, Including the Beautiful Mr. and Mrs. DRESSER TWO MATCHING CLOSE OUT Authentic FRENCH PROVINCIAL SUITES, Built of Cherry wood Choice of Natural Cherry, Pumice, or Antique White. Triple Dressers With Framed Mirrors These Are the Most Beautiful Sets of Their Type CLOSE OUT $314.95 ALL DISCOUNTED USE OUR LIBERAL CREDIT PLAN. EVERYONE SAYS MOST GENEROUS IN THE INDUSTRY! ITS THE wuutmz lE5S33SEiaaE Co. BOUNTIFUL ROY LAYTON ALL STORES AT REAR OF FREE PARKING |